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Your Beliefs About Money

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 26, 2011

We are continuing our discussion on the areas that most people are infected with serious underlying programming, and are usually unaware of.  Today, let’s explore your beliefs about money…

The main issue in this area is whether you are fear-based or abundance-based.   The other day I was with a friend and stopped by an ATM for some cash.  The money popped out, I folded it and stuck it in my pocket.  He about jumped out of his shoes, demanding why I didn’t count it.

“Why would I?” I asked.

“What if they shortchanged you $20 or $40?” he asked.

“What is they gave me an extra $20 or $40?” I replied.

I mean why would I assume that if a mistake were made, it would be against me?  Which is the same reason I never bother to get a final bill when I check out of a hotel.

Oh, I’m sure I’ve been charged a few times for something I didn’t take from the mini bar, or a long distance phone call.  But I bet they forgot to add my last breakfast a few times as well.

And what if the bank actually shorted you $20?  Or a hotel charged you $3 for a bag of potato chips from the mini bar that you didn’t eat?  How much time do you spend checking everything and worrying about it?  How much money could you make if you channeled that worry into making more money?

Here are some questions to think about…and they will reveal your core beliefs about money:

How do you perceive wealth?  Some people think earning $80,000 a year is a lot.  Others think $250,000 is a lot.  Ten years ago, I would have thought so.  Now if I made $250,000 a year I would be despondent.  And Richard Branson might be depressed if he only made $250,000 in a week!  So everything is relative.

The difference between making $10,000 a year, versus $100,000 a year, or $1,000,000, is just some extra zeroes.  How do you perceive it?

Most importantly, do you view money as a finite resource, or an infinite one?

Do you wring so much sorrow from losing ten dollars that it overshadows the joy of making $100?  Do you order from the left side of the menu, or the right?

Could you ever see yourself spending $15,000, $50,000 or $250,000 for some art for your living room?  What about $2 million?  Can you even visualize that, or do you think it’s obscene?

Could you spend $250,000 or $500,000 for an automobile if you had the cash?  Or would you feel guilty about the depleted rainforests?

Do you earn more than your parents did?  If so, how did that feel when you started to earn more than them?

Do you believe the amount of money you earn is dictated by your boss, the economy, or other outside factors?

If you really think about these questions, you’ll uncover the real beliefs you have about money.   So what did you come up with?  Please share your thoughts below.



52 comments on “Your Beliefs About Money”

  1. Friend, I am so agree ... but .... Let me tell you wath happend with me.
    I am those who never bother to get a final bill when I check out of a hotel, or in a Restaurante. And I do it for the same reason than you (ider I have not the same money than you ... yet!!) But the people that I know who have mora money than me, and are more succefull, almost always are in the other cuadrant. They chack cents by cents. So, who are right in order to become more succesfull?
    Thanks master yoda!!

    1. Juan,
      Creo que no esta diciendo que si cuentas cada centavo que no vas a tener exito financiero, pero esta diciendo que si tu estas consumado con el hecho que TAL VEZ alguien no me dio lo que merecía ese es una problema. Si estas consumado en que es justo, no recibirás lo que podría!! No hay una problema con chequando tu situacion económicamente, pero es dificil a constantamente checkar que todo en tu vida es justo y todavia ser bien económicamente. Sale?

    2. Check every penny on the bill, rich people they do. Check every penny on the bill, prosperous people they don't.

      The fear of loss is a path to the dark side...

  2. Randy.. Not sure if you're familiar with Alan Cohen, but he wrote a book years ago called "Relax into Wealth". The second chapter focuses on this topic which is Abundance thinking.

    In this chapter he reminds us that if we realize how much abundance we have while reaching out for more, it's far better than complaining about what we don't have. He calls it being 'happy and hungry'. And it's also akin to the 'wanting' many of us have, rather than being grateful.

    The Universe always deliver what we think about. So if we constantly think about what we don't have, we get more of it. On the other hand, if we are GRATEFUL and feel rich with what we have now, we will receive more. Would you agree?

    We have to be good money managers too. If we spend profusely with little income we set ourselves up for lack. But if we realize that money is energy and use it wisely, we receive more.

    As for myself, I'm MORE than happy to spend $300K on a car, $4 million on a home or buy a pair of shoes for $3K. I WILL have the income to enjoy this level of abundance, but until I do, I will appreciate every single thing I have as well as realize how rich my life is with the friends and colleagues I have, where I live and more.. Thanks for the great reminder Randy.. Always inspiring.

    1. The Universe always deliver what we think about. So if we constantly think about what we don’t have, we get more of it. On the other hand, if we are GRATEFUL and feel rich with what we have now, we will receive more.

      Beautifully said ....

  3. I remember my mother wasting a half an hour every week adding up the grocery bill so she didn't get cheated out of30 cents.. plus a slew of other ugly memes about money... but it's what you do with your knowledge today... think rich!!

  4. Here's what happened to me:

    The moment I stopped analyzing hotel bills and restaurant bills, I began to get more and pay less.

    The moment I stopped looking at the right side of the menu and simply saw what sounded great on the left, I never had issues with paying for the food.

    The day I stopped counting every nickel and dime and simply 'lived' and trusted that the money will show up when the need was showed up.

    Five years ago I attended an event in Melbourne for my Network Company and thought it was crazy that so many people could 'imagine' wanting to earn over $20,000 a month. I look at amounts like that today and what runs through my mind is "and if you want MORE, then it IS there for you."

    My name is Faouzi, and I also believe.

  5. Great post. Two great questions to ask yourself: how would I describe my relationship with money? Yes, you have a relationship with it. Is it fear-based or loving and fun? Do you enjoy money? The second thing to look at: if you were money, would you hang out with you (the person)? Happy, fun, enjoyable people are attractive, and this includes money.

  6. Juan,
    Creo que no esta diciendo que si cuentas cada centavo que no vas a tener exito financiero, pero esta diciendo que si tu estas consumado con el hecho que TAL VEZ alguien no me dio lo que merecía ese es una problema. Si estas consumado en que es justo, no recibirás lo que podría!! No hay una problema con chequando tu situacion económicamente, pero es dificil a constantamente checkar que todo en tu vida es justo y todavia ser bien económicamente. Sale?

  7. I had a silly question when reading Jonathan's post. I should know this but am spacing. He states that if you focus on what you dont have, you will get more. So if I focus on not having a Ferrari over and over, will I get one? Looking forward to a reply.

          1. In your reply to Tom, I see what you are saying but still don't quite understand ...cause I'm thinking like Tom, if I think on not having ...then that's what I attract, then why wouldn't me having the car, me thinking on that. Why wouldn't it reproduce the same results as me thinking on not having as I stated earlier? Honestly confused.

    1. What I meant was that if you focus on what you don't have, you get more 'not having'. It's a conscious choice. When we continually say "I want this or that", the Universe delivers exactly that which is more wanting. Being GRATEFUL while KNOWING how rich our lives are now, while reaching out for more from a platform of passion and celebration is far different.

  8. Great stuff! Thanks for the wisdom & 'unselfishness' mr Randy Gage. Do keep it coming sir!! be blessed..

  9. Today I went to a networking event. I paid for lunch in cash (forgot my card at home). I gave the guy $20.00 in cash, which he returned $5.00 to me and I gave it back as a tip. Funny, I never asked for receipts until lately. So today when I got home, I pulled out the receipt, noticed that lunch was only $10.00. My first thought was "that guy took $5.00 from me" Then I immediately said to myself, really you need to start making money again.

    So, I am actually going to answer the questions.
    Just zeroes?: No. I think you have to have a vision, goal and passion to make a million or more a year.

    Money, infinite or finite: Ummm...apparently finite. I have a hard time buying into "my creator will provide", although I know that it has happened on several occasions, but only thru vision and having a set goal.

    Buying art: Between $15,000.00 to $25.000.00 yes. More than that is difficult for me at this time.

    Spending $250,00.00-$500,00.00 on an automobile: Hell yes, I would do it in a minute.

    Earning more than my parents: Been there done that, one of the best questions you can ever ask anyone Randy, but I think asking about siblings helps as well. It actually brought to mind the fact that I felt guilty and like I did not deserve it.

    In regards to the last question, that is a yes and no answer as well. No, the economy does not control how much money I earn, but yes I think that my clients (or lack of clients) does have an effect on how much I earn.

    One of the more important questions that I am now asking myself is : Why is it important for you to have more than enough money in your life?

    Thank you Randy for making me ask questions that I really have to ask myself.

  10. Randy,
    My current state of abundance mindset is all because of little ol' you!
    My chiropractor helped me realize that I was anxious about money when I couldn't get my right hip to stop hurting. He had me put my hand on my stomach and the other on my forehead and think about my perceived money situation. When I removed them, the pain was gone. When I slip into old patterns of worry, I use this technique to bring my focus to abundance.
    The Patriarchs of the Bible were all blessed with material abundance and no one felt guilty about it. In Israel, if you weren't wealthy, you must be doing something wrong... where did western society get it so screwed up??? Why do we have to keep everybody down???
    I would pay $250,000 for a view of nature outside my new million dollar house but not for art.. just my preference. I would buy a $100,000 car but their isn't anything more than that I'm interested in. I have a tendency to dent them 🙁
    Money is infinite, and the more I put my mind to it, the more I create of it. I went from complaining about support from my husband, the tightwad, to creating 5 different income sources all using my many talents. Now he doesn't know how much I make! LOL If I want to take I trip, I go. If I want a date, I tell my husband to get his ass off the couch and get in the car, I'm buying!! Why didn't I do this a long time ago!!

    1. You inspire.

      Guess I can no longer use a lack of support from family as an excuse. It's easy to do, especially when you know people who do get support.

      It can't be an excuse for me anymore.

      You've done something when your significant other was not behind it.

      It's made me realize I have to stop letting other people stand in my way and set an example instead.

    2. Way to go Kathleen! I really needed to hear your reply today, I too have been suffering right hip pain and never associated it with anxiety over money. Now it all falls together...I am now going to accept that abundance, wealth and increase flow easily into my life. =)

  11. I like it that we had a heads-up yesterday about the topic for today. I found myself hyper-aware of my money-attitudes today, and oh my! oops...! there's still some garbage-thinking going on.
    Good to identify it - I wouldn't have done so if you hadn't reminded me to be truely aware of my wealth/money ideas.

    We operate on more than one level, mentally. We have

    -Conscious Thoughts (I think, and am aware of what I'm thinking)


    -Subconscious Thinking (My mind rattles on, but I don't notice)

    Today I moved some of my stinky wealth-ideas from the Subconscious Level to the Conscious Level. I choose to let them go, and replace them with some of these fine new ideas I'm getting from you, Randy. Ta.

    (Reading Dr. Jos. Murphy's The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. It is in part about HOW TO REPROGRAM the Subc. Mind. Fascinating stuff, and fun to apply!)

  12. So - consciously, I know money is infinite; that doesn't stop me from worrying about next month's bills, however. Awfully easy to trick ourselves into thinking that our thinking is a whole lot cleaner than it really is.

    Incidentally, the ATM at the bank once gave me an extra $20 bill. The lil' devil on my shoulder kept shouting, "Keep It! Keep It!"

    I took it to the teller - and the guy at the next teller was so distraught because the machine had shorted him (he'd left the ATM just before I got there). It felt SO GOOD to hand the money over! I smile, now, remembering...and that was several years ago. Still brings up a gooooood feeling. Money is good.

  13. My hubby and I were discussing this topic just today, at length. He is quite capable of manifesting "small" things in a short period of time. So, the question I posed was why did he feel it was "hard" to manifest the "big" things. Small or big, it's all just energy. SO, it's a matter of perception on big vs small. He is seeing it as harder to do, so it becomes harder to do. I also suggested there must be some worthiness issues blocking him. Something deep that says, you can get big as easily as small, but you aren't worthy of big.

    I am loving, loving, loving Oprah's new series of Lifeclasses. I wrote this down in my journal, and it applies to this discussion: wanting is living in the space of what you don't have. I love that! You have to get into the space of visualizing that you already have it.

  14. My mother is totally fear-based and I find myself to be recklessly abundance-based. As a result of this... my parents are worth $50k after owning their own businesses and working for over 60 yrs (each)... and I (alone) am worth closer to $350k after only 24 yrs at my current job and "recklessly" investing in humanitarian real estate adventures!

    If your fist is clenched around what you have already, you can't embrase anymore.

    1. My father is very fear-based, so much so that he thinks if he gives to others unless it's tithing at church or helps someone else, it will ruin him financially.

      People need each other, and I think the government does a very poor job at helping people, but my father honestly believes people succeed in life by themselves or the government, or companies should do it for them.

      Every happy, successful person I have known had supportive friends, family, and colleagues who valued them enough to take a risk when the chips were down. People like my father aren't even willing to take a risk when times are good.

      My father makes over $50k a year at his Union mechanic job, but acts and lives like he is poor as hell, hoarding food and driving beat up cars.

      He believes that the company is evil and exploiting him, and that no one deserves to be happy unless they are suffering working all the time.

      On the contrary, I think the company he works for is quite generous, and does not expect him to work all the time, he just does it. They give him a pension and one of the best insurance packages in his industry. Employees are regularly rewarded for safety and performance with free meals and swag, and occasionally bonuses.

      $50k a year is not a lot, it's about average in a lot of places, but the man acts like next week he is going to run out of money and was and still is afraid to take risks of any kind, even on his own wife and children, yet is eager to spend money on recreational toys and power tools he uses once or twice a year.

      It's been a lot of work to deal with this anti-creativity, anti-prosperity mindset, but I think it's worth it.

      I used to believe that I was entitled to everything because I exist, but then I lost my "good" union telco job probably because I believed what my father told me about the company and the government owing me everything, and began my journey into learning about who I was and what I stood for.

      I stand for using music to move the world, and finding ways to improve its creation, distribution, and use in education.

  15. You are greatly blessed,
    free spirit, rich, happy i doing what you are doing, helping people ajnd jetsetting round the world. Wonderful!
    My parents are not around anymore and my children are doing well.
    Not boasting but I have potential. Am enjoying it

    Thanks and ain't it great!

  16. Steve Jobs may have made mistakes like we all do, but he died with $7 Billion to his name.

    He impacted the world positively in so many ways, I think he deserved every penny. (A few years ago, I would have thought Steve was a bad, evil man for making money due to a highly Socialist upbringing)

    The current anti-creativity and anti-capitalist mindset perpetuated by the well-meaning but misguided Occupy Wall Street protestors and groups such as Unions threatens people like Steve Jobs who wish to create quality products made for people that make the world a better place.

    The belief that movie stars,musicians and authors make too much money from something which brings them joy threatens creative people from pursuing their passions full-time, or outright not sharing them with the world.

    The world needs creators and builders. When creators and builders are prosperous, they can help others.

    All too often, people ridicule the creative and stand in their way, sometimes even in abusive ways, yet are eager to demand the results of their labor if they succeed.

    There would be no music or no iPods to play it on if the Occupy Wall Street people and their kin destroy innovation by pleading for more government to save them from the "greedy rich people".

    Support the creation of art and business.

  17. Isn`t there a difference between checking a bill is correct and stressing whether a bill is correct?

    When checking you may alert them to mistakes in your favour or against but stressing seems totally fear based and negative

  18. Randy,

    So what about doing things to get the money ? What should we do or looking for ? can we make millions with just everything ?


  19. When I don´t have the money to eat at a restaurant I stay at home.

    When I don´t have the money for a five star hotel I stay at a four star or five million star hotel.

    But when I am there I don´t care about the price.

    The decision is made before - and then there is only fun - in the nice restaurant or at home - it doesn´t matter.

    We can be happy everywhere!

  20. This one was awesome, Randy. Only because of how it resonated with me and selfishly I liked it more than others. Regardless, it was a bit more of a coaching feel and probably was my mindset and point of current attraction. It was great how it resonated my subconscious and my habits. Thank you for the prod of where my conscious is. I appreciate how your questions ask me to ask myself the real deep questions. I did and I am now more aware of the response and am feeling an inner gut feeling of change already from the prod and shift. Love you, bro. Take care and may today amaze.

  21. This is another great example of what we think about comes about.
    I have been learning this week especially more than other weeks that there is a process to everything when it comes to being blessed in our wealth health. Everyone starts at 1st grade and only when we have learned the lesson and passed the test do we get to move to 2nd grade and so on. As we learn each process we grow. So if we want to increase the health of our wealth we need to grow. (question, what resources did you use to help you grow your mindset around money?)

  22. Didn´t know I have quite a very well opinion about money, which is positive - except 1 thing is probably holding me back to evne more go for it: since I suffered (not really suffered but people call it this way) from a health issue (genetically imprinted, not mentally) which is not to solve nor to fully repair at all (not yet) I somehow "know" that money wouldn´t cure me inside and this is maybe 1 anchor which still holds me back of changing my view 100%. Interesting topic, as always - Randy!

  23. I live very hard. I'm afraid to spend what I have. Life is difficult. I live in what is substandard. I do not put my ideas into reality because I don't want to spend money. I don't want to spend because my income is low. My brother is rich. He said spend all of it, invest it and generate income. He could change it in 2 months. I couldn't even plan it in 2 months. I said if I spend it all then I will have nothing. I might not get the income. I'm scared of wasting it. Also, I'm busy alot of the time, because life is hard, substandard conditions, means doing things is difficult and takes more time. So, very fear based.

  24. Hi Randy
    Once again, a great post that resonated deeply with me. For me, like many other people, I am working on moving away from a fear-based relationship with money and I am getting better at it every day. That subconscious programming runs so deep, it can take awhile to root out but as I develop conviction in my beliefs about the power of our thoughts and the ability to attract whatever we want into our lives, these negative thoughts are dissipating and the outside world is reflecting that, which is all the proof I need.

  25. In your reply to Tom, I see what you are saying but still don’t quite understand …cause I’m thinking like Tom, if I think on not having …then that’s what I attract, then why wouldn’t me having the car, me thinking on that. Why wouldn’t it reproduce the same results as me thinking on not having as I stated earlier? Honestly confused.

  26. I don't know how I'd feel about spending spending $2M on art work. I've never been a huge fan on art. But I could drop $500,000 on a car in a heartbeat. I've never really contemplated rain forests buying anything!

    Currently I make less than my parents did in their prime, but I am making more than them now. This has created some stress in the past. I felt that my parents had an entitlement mentality - that I was somehow obliged to share it with them. I was outraged. Over some related arguments they called me selfish. I replied by saying that they were so desperate for money that they didn't know how to behave any more. I don't know whether it was what I said, but an enormous change occurred for the better.

    I am noticing in my investing activities that I'm really hitting some resistance levels. I'm pushing through each one and noticing how uncomfortable it is, but once I've gone ahead and done it I actually feel really good about it. I make an effort to keep that forefront in my mind when I'm struggling mentally to commit to the next step.

  27. Sometimes that amount of missing money can make a difference. I am working on straightening out an error from an online purchase right now. The error $294 is miniscule for many people. It can make the difference between whether or not my bills get paid this month.

  28. Randy, this is a mindset shift that, until I learned to help my clients through, would constantly hold them back from taking moves to make them prosperous. It is amazing how the feeling of worry actually holds people back from doing what will help them get rid of that worry. Seems like a strange contrast, but I see it all the time.

  29. What do you guys think about clearing debt from past mistakes, like not demanding bills on time from contractors?

    I think that Randy believes & preaches that we pay it, little by little, as we can do it... And the Universe gets the Prosperity signal...

    I am SUPER PROSPEROUS in Randy´s terms... Soon RICH, too...

    Yet I realize that I need to create ZERO DEBT & BE FREE from past mistakes...

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  • 52 comments on “Your Beliefs About Money”

    1. Friend, I am so agree ... but .... Let me tell you wath happend with me.
      I am those who never bother to get a final bill when I check out of a hotel, or in a Restaurante. And I do it for the same reason than you (ider I have not the same money than you ... yet!!) But the people that I know who have mora money than me, and are more succefull, almost always are in the other cuadrant. They chack cents by cents. So, who are right in order to become more succesfull?
      Thanks master yoda!!

      1. Juan,
        Creo que no esta diciendo que si cuentas cada centavo que no vas a tener exito financiero, pero esta diciendo que si tu estas consumado con el hecho que TAL VEZ alguien no me dio lo que merecía ese es una problema. Si estas consumado en que es justo, no recibirás lo que podría!! No hay una problema con chequando tu situacion económicamente, pero es dificil a constantamente checkar que todo en tu vida es justo y todavia ser bien económicamente. Sale?

      2. Check every penny on the bill, rich people they do. Check every penny on the bill, prosperous people they don't.

        The fear of loss is a path to the dark side...

    2. Randy.. Not sure if you're familiar with Alan Cohen, but he wrote a book years ago called "Relax into Wealth". The second chapter focuses on this topic which is Abundance thinking.

      In this chapter he reminds us that if we realize how much abundance we have while reaching out for more, it's far better than complaining about what we don't have. He calls it being 'happy and hungry'. And it's also akin to the 'wanting' many of us have, rather than being grateful.

      The Universe always deliver what we think about. So if we constantly think about what we don't have, we get more of it. On the other hand, if we are GRATEFUL and feel rich with what we have now, we will receive more. Would you agree?

      We have to be good money managers too. If we spend profusely with little income we set ourselves up for lack. But if we realize that money is energy and use it wisely, we receive more.

      As for myself, I'm MORE than happy to spend $300K on a car, $4 million on a home or buy a pair of shoes for $3K. I WILL have the income to enjoy this level of abundance, but until I do, I will appreciate every single thing I have as well as realize how rich my life is with the friends and colleagues I have, where I live and more.. Thanks for the great reminder Randy.. Always inspiring.

      1. The Universe always deliver what we think about. So if we constantly think about what we don’t have, we get more of it. On the other hand, if we are GRATEFUL and feel rich with what we have now, we will receive more.

        Beautifully said ....

    3. I remember my mother wasting a half an hour every week adding up the grocery bill so she didn't get cheated out of30 cents.. plus a slew of other ugly memes about money... but it's what you do with your knowledge today... think rich!!

    4. Here's what happened to me:

      The moment I stopped analyzing hotel bills and restaurant bills, I began to get more and pay less.

      The moment I stopped looking at the right side of the menu and simply saw what sounded great on the left, I never had issues with paying for the food.

      The day I stopped counting every nickel and dime and simply 'lived' and trusted that the money will show up when the need was showed up.

      Five years ago I attended an event in Melbourne for my Network Company and thought it was crazy that so many people could 'imagine' wanting to earn over $20,000 a month. I look at amounts like that today and what runs through my mind is "and if you want MORE, then it IS there for you."

      My name is Faouzi, and I also believe.

    5. Great post. Two great questions to ask yourself: how would I describe my relationship with money? Yes, you have a relationship with it. Is it fear-based or loving and fun? Do you enjoy money? The second thing to look at: if you were money, would you hang out with you (the person)? Happy, fun, enjoyable people are attractive, and this includes money.

    6. Juan,
      Creo que no esta diciendo que si cuentas cada centavo que no vas a tener exito financiero, pero esta diciendo que si tu estas consumado con el hecho que TAL VEZ alguien no me dio lo que merecía ese es una problema. Si estas consumado en que es justo, no recibirás lo que podría!! No hay una problema con chequando tu situacion económicamente, pero es dificil a constantamente checkar que todo en tu vida es justo y todavia ser bien económicamente. Sale?

    7. I had a silly question when reading Jonathan's post. I should know this but am spacing. He states that if you focus on what you dont have, you will get more. So if I focus on not having a Ferrari over and over, will I get one? Looking forward to a reply.

            1. In your reply to Tom, I see what you are saying but still don't quite understand ...cause I'm thinking like Tom, if I think on not having ...then that's what I attract, then why wouldn't me having the car, me thinking on that. Why wouldn't it reproduce the same results as me thinking on not having as I stated earlier? Honestly confused.

      1. What I meant was that if you focus on what you don't have, you get more 'not having'. It's a conscious choice. When we continually say "I want this or that", the Universe delivers exactly that which is more wanting. Being GRATEFUL while KNOWING how rich our lives are now, while reaching out for more from a platform of passion and celebration is far different.

    8. Great stuff! Thanks for the wisdom & 'unselfishness' mr Randy Gage. Do keep it coming sir!! be blessed..

    9. Today I went to a networking event. I paid for lunch in cash (forgot my card at home). I gave the guy $20.00 in cash, which he returned $5.00 to me and I gave it back as a tip. Funny, I never asked for receipts until lately. So today when I got home, I pulled out the receipt, noticed that lunch was only $10.00. My first thought was "that guy took $5.00 from me" Then I immediately said to myself, really you need to start making money again.

      So, I am actually going to answer the questions.
      Just zeroes?: No. I think you have to have a vision, goal and passion to make a million or more a year.

      Money, infinite or finite: Ummm...apparently finite. I have a hard time buying into "my creator will provide", although I know that it has happened on several occasions, but only thru vision and having a set goal.

      Buying art: Between $15,000.00 to $25.000.00 yes. More than that is difficult for me at this time.

      Spending $250,00.00-$500,00.00 on an automobile: Hell yes, I would do it in a minute.

      Earning more than my parents: Been there done that, one of the best questions you can ever ask anyone Randy, but I think asking about siblings helps as well. It actually brought to mind the fact that I felt guilty and like I did not deserve it.

      In regards to the last question, that is a yes and no answer as well. No, the economy does not control how much money I earn, but yes I think that my clients (or lack of clients) does have an effect on how much I earn.

      One of the more important questions that I am now asking myself is : Why is it important for you to have more than enough money in your life?

      Thank you Randy for making me ask questions that I really have to ask myself.

    10. Randy,
      My current state of abundance mindset is all because of little ol' you!
      My chiropractor helped me realize that I was anxious about money when I couldn't get my right hip to stop hurting. He had me put my hand on my stomach and the other on my forehead and think about my perceived money situation. When I removed them, the pain was gone. When I slip into old patterns of worry, I use this technique to bring my focus to abundance.
      The Patriarchs of the Bible were all blessed with material abundance and no one felt guilty about it. In Israel, if you weren't wealthy, you must be doing something wrong... where did western society get it so screwed up??? Why do we have to keep everybody down???
      I would pay $250,000 for a view of nature outside my new million dollar house but not for art.. just my preference. I would buy a $100,000 car but their isn't anything more than that I'm interested in. I have a tendency to dent them 🙁
      Money is infinite, and the more I put my mind to it, the more I create of it. I went from complaining about support from my husband, the tightwad, to creating 5 different income sources all using my many talents. Now he doesn't know how much I make! LOL If I want to take I trip, I go. If I want a date, I tell my husband to get his ass off the couch and get in the car, I'm buying!! Why didn't I do this a long time ago!!

      1. You inspire.

        Guess I can no longer use a lack of support from family as an excuse. It's easy to do, especially when you know people who do get support.

        It can't be an excuse for me anymore.

        You've done something when your significant other was not behind it.

        It's made me realize I have to stop letting other people stand in my way and set an example instead.

      2. Way to go Kathleen! I really needed to hear your reply today, I too have been suffering right hip pain and never associated it with anxiety over money. Now it all falls together...I am now going to accept that abundance, wealth and increase flow easily into my life. =)

    11. I like it that we had a heads-up yesterday about the topic for today. I found myself hyper-aware of my money-attitudes today, and oh my! oops...! there's still some garbage-thinking going on.
      Good to identify it - I wouldn't have done so if you hadn't reminded me to be truely aware of my wealth/money ideas.

      We operate on more than one level, mentally. We have

      -Conscious Thoughts (I think, and am aware of what I'm thinking)


      -Subconscious Thinking (My mind rattles on, but I don't notice)

      Today I moved some of my stinky wealth-ideas from the Subconscious Level to the Conscious Level. I choose to let them go, and replace them with some of these fine new ideas I'm getting from you, Randy. Ta.

      (Reading Dr. Jos. Murphy's The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. It is in part about HOW TO REPROGRAM the Subc. Mind. Fascinating stuff, and fun to apply!)

    12. So - consciously, I know money is infinite; that doesn't stop me from worrying about next month's bills, however. Awfully easy to trick ourselves into thinking that our thinking is a whole lot cleaner than it really is.

      Incidentally, the ATM at the bank once gave me an extra $20 bill. The lil' devil on my shoulder kept shouting, "Keep It! Keep It!"

      I took it to the teller - and the guy at the next teller was so distraught because the machine had shorted him (he'd left the ATM just before I got there). It felt SO GOOD to hand the money over! I smile, now, remembering...and that was several years ago. Still brings up a gooooood feeling. Money is good.

    13. My hubby and I were discussing this topic just today, at length. He is quite capable of manifesting "small" things in a short period of time. So, the question I posed was why did he feel it was "hard" to manifest the "big" things. Small or big, it's all just energy. SO, it's a matter of perception on big vs small. He is seeing it as harder to do, so it becomes harder to do. I also suggested there must be some worthiness issues blocking him. Something deep that says, you can get big as easily as small, but you aren't worthy of big.

      I am loving, loving, loving Oprah's new series of Lifeclasses. I wrote this down in my journal, and it applies to this discussion: wanting is living in the space of what you don't have. I love that! You have to get into the space of visualizing that you already have it.

    14. My mother is totally fear-based and I find myself to be recklessly abundance-based. As a result of this... my parents are worth $50k after owning their own businesses and working for over 60 yrs (each)... and I (alone) am worth closer to $350k after only 24 yrs at my current job and "recklessly" investing in humanitarian real estate adventures!

      If your fist is clenched around what you have already, you can't embrase anymore.

      1. My father is very fear-based, so much so that he thinks if he gives to others unless it's tithing at church or helps someone else, it will ruin him financially.

        People need each other, and I think the government does a very poor job at helping people, but my father honestly believes people succeed in life by themselves or the government, or companies should do it for them.

        Every happy, successful person I have known had supportive friends, family, and colleagues who valued them enough to take a risk when the chips were down. People like my father aren't even willing to take a risk when times are good.

        My father makes over $50k a year at his Union mechanic job, but acts and lives like he is poor as hell, hoarding food and driving beat up cars.

        He believes that the company is evil and exploiting him, and that no one deserves to be happy unless they are suffering working all the time.

        On the contrary, I think the company he works for is quite generous, and does not expect him to work all the time, he just does it. They give him a pension and one of the best insurance packages in his industry. Employees are regularly rewarded for safety and performance with free meals and swag, and occasionally bonuses.

        $50k a year is not a lot, it's about average in a lot of places, but the man acts like next week he is going to run out of money and was and still is afraid to take risks of any kind, even on his own wife and children, yet is eager to spend money on recreational toys and power tools he uses once or twice a year.

        It's been a lot of work to deal with this anti-creativity, anti-prosperity mindset, but I think it's worth it.

        I used to believe that I was entitled to everything because I exist, but then I lost my "good" union telco job probably because I believed what my father told me about the company and the government owing me everything, and began my journey into learning about who I was and what I stood for.

        I stand for using music to move the world, and finding ways to improve its creation, distribution, and use in education.

    15. You are greatly blessed,
      free spirit, rich, happy i doing what you are doing, helping people ajnd jetsetting round the world. Wonderful!
      My parents are not around anymore and my children are doing well.
      Not boasting but I have potential. Am enjoying it

      Thanks and ain't it great!

    16. Steve Jobs may have made mistakes like we all do, but he died with $7 Billion to his name.

      He impacted the world positively in so many ways, I think he deserved every penny. (A few years ago, I would have thought Steve was a bad, evil man for making money due to a highly Socialist upbringing)

      The current anti-creativity and anti-capitalist mindset perpetuated by the well-meaning but misguided Occupy Wall Street protestors and groups such as Unions threatens people like Steve Jobs who wish to create quality products made for people that make the world a better place.

      The belief that movie stars,musicians and authors make too much money from something which brings them joy threatens creative people from pursuing their passions full-time, or outright not sharing them with the world.

      The world needs creators and builders. When creators and builders are prosperous, they can help others.

      All too often, people ridicule the creative and stand in their way, sometimes even in abusive ways, yet are eager to demand the results of their labor if they succeed.

      There would be no music or no iPods to play it on if the Occupy Wall Street people and their kin destroy innovation by pleading for more government to save them from the "greedy rich people".

      Support the creation of art and business.

    17. Isn`t there a difference between checking a bill is correct and stressing whether a bill is correct?

      When checking you may alert them to mistakes in your favour or against but stressing seems totally fear based and negative

    18. Randy,

      So what about doing things to get the money ? What should we do or looking for ? can we make millions with just everything ?


    19. When I don´t have the money to eat at a restaurant I stay at home.

      When I don´t have the money for a five star hotel I stay at a four star or five million star hotel.

      But when I am there I don´t care about the price.

      The decision is made before - and then there is only fun - in the nice restaurant or at home - it doesn´t matter.

      We can be happy everywhere!

    20. This one was awesome, Randy. Only because of how it resonated with me and selfishly I liked it more than others. Regardless, it was a bit more of a coaching feel and probably was my mindset and point of current attraction. It was great how it resonated my subconscious and my habits. Thank you for the prod of where my conscious is. I appreciate how your questions ask me to ask myself the real deep questions. I did and I am now more aware of the response and am feeling an inner gut feeling of change already from the prod and shift. Love you, bro. Take care and may today amaze.

    21. This is another great example of what we think about comes about.
      I have been learning this week especially more than other weeks that there is a process to everything when it comes to being blessed in our wealth health. Everyone starts at 1st grade and only when we have learned the lesson and passed the test do we get to move to 2nd grade and so on. As we learn each process we grow. So if we want to increase the health of our wealth we need to grow. (question, what resources did you use to help you grow your mindset around money?)

    22. Didn´t know I have quite a very well opinion about money, which is positive - except 1 thing is probably holding me back to evne more go for it: since I suffered (not really suffered but people call it this way) from a health issue (genetically imprinted, not mentally) which is not to solve nor to fully repair at all (not yet) I somehow "know" that money wouldn´t cure me inside and this is maybe 1 anchor which still holds me back of changing my view 100%. Interesting topic, as always - Randy!

    23. I live very hard. I'm afraid to spend what I have. Life is difficult. I live in what is substandard. I do not put my ideas into reality because I don't want to spend money. I don't want to spend because my income is low. My brother is rich. He said spend all of it, invest it and generate income. He could change it in 2 months. I couldn't even plan it in 2 months. I said if I spend it all then I will have nothing. I might not get the income. I'm scared of wasting it. Also, I'm busy alot of the time, because life is hard, substandard conditions, means doing things is difficult and takes more time. So, very fear based.

    24. Hi Randy
      Once again, a great post that resonated deeply with me. For me, like many other people, I am working on moving away from a fear-based relationship with money and I am getting better at it every day. That subconscious programming runs so deep, it can take awhile to root out but as I develop conviction in my beliefs about the power of our thoughts and the ability to attract whatever we want into our lives, these negative thoughts are dissipating and the outside world is reflecting that, which is all the proof I need.

    25. In your reply to Tom, I see what you are saying but still don’t quite understand …cause I’m thinking like Tom, if I think on not having …then that’s what I attract, then why wouldn’t me having the car, me thinking on that. Why wouldn’t it reproduce the same results as me thinking on not having as I stated earlier? Honestly confused.

    26. I don't know how I'd feel about spending spending $2M on art work. I've never been a huge fan on art. But I could drop $500,000 on a car in a heartbeat. I've never really contemplated rain forests buying anything!

      Currently I make less than my parents did in their prime, but I am making more than them now. This has created some stress in the past. I felt that my parents had an entitlement mentality - that I was somehow obliged to share it with them. I was outraged. Over some related arguments they called me selfish. I replied by saying that they were so desperate for money that they didn't know how to behave any more. I don't know whether it was what I said, but an enormous change occurred for the better.

      I am noticing in my investing activities that I'm really hitting some resistance levels. I'm pushing through each one and noticing how uncomfortable it is, but once I've gone ahead and done it I actually feel really good about it. I make an effort to keep that forefront in my mind when I'm struggling mentally to commit to the next step.

    27. Sometimes that amount of missing money can make a difference. I am working on straightening out an error from an online purchase right now. The error $294 is miniscule for many people. It can make the difference between whether or not my bills get paid this month.

    28. Randy, this is a mindset shift that, until I learned to help my clients through, would constantly hold them back from taking moves to make them prosperous. It is amazing how the feeling of worry actually holds people back from doing what will help them get rid of that worry. Seems like a strange contrast, but I see it all the time.

    29. What do you guys think about clearing debt from past mistakes, like not demanding bills on time from contractors?

      I think that Randy believes & preaches that we pay it, little by little, as we can do it... And the Universe gets the Prosperity signal...

      I am SUPER PROSPEROUS in Randy´s terms... Soon RICH, too...

      Yet I realize that I need to create ZERO DEBT & BE FREE from past mistakes...

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