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Why We Bring Challenges Into Our Life

Posted By: Randy GageApril 13, 2010

If you agree with my beliefs, then you believe that we manifest everything that happens to us.  Even the bad stuff.  

If I look back on my “dark years” (the first 30 years of my life), I realize that I most definitely put myself in situations where I had challenges to overcome.  I relished being on the losing team, having to fight the forces of evil.  And I was certainly not alone…

I think millions of people do a similar thing.  Which takes us to the real issue...

Namely - why would you, or I, or anyone, want (or need) to create challenges for ourselves?

Give that some real thought and share your thoughts below.  Because the answer has the power to turn your life around in the snap of your fingers.  And that’s where we’ll pick up on the next post.


P.S  I’m on another South American tour.  Went to Medellin, Colombia for the first time Monday.  Certainly has to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  Just finished the Cali event, so I’ll check in from Bogota.

41 comments on “Why We Bring Challenges Into Our Life”

  1. Because we need challenges to grow in life, as a person, and as human beings as well. we need them to proof ourselves worthy of dreaming, make our dreams come true and reach happines.

  2. Well, I know you are right about how we manifest everything in our lives. Paying attention to you and others like Dr. Wayne Dyer have put me on a path of conciousness. I just wish everyone else would wake up and stop blaming the world for their situations.
    Have you noticed how other people (friends, family etc.) constantly try to pull you into their dramas? I have had to stop calling people, and cutting conversations short because I don't want to hear it.

    Anyway, I'm doing my best not to create problems for myself. I truly wish others would do the same if only for their own sanity (ok my sanity too, cause I don't want to hear about it. L.O.L.)

    Thanks Randy for all you do.

  3. It seems to me that it's one of two things...

    Either we have a subconscious victim-mentality and by creating challenges for ourselves we are able to live out the part of the martyr (and to some extent the underdog "hero")


    We manifest challenges to force ourselves to grow. This would come from the opposite mindset. We understand that we are worthy, but before we can achieve at a higher level we need to become the person capable of living at that the challenges push us to expand our consciousness, and become the person we know we are capable of becoming.

    Thanks for the post!

  4. It gives our lives meaning and gives us significant. Its harder to create we take the easy option and create problems to give us significance

  5. Life, us, universe (all same things in my opinion) create situations all the time, in every moment - for us to have opportunity to develop, move on, clear something away, remember again... what ever we need at that particular moment.
    If we keep our eyes and ears open all the time and stay right here in this moment, we know what life is telling us and we learn, without struggle - we create in ease and grace and joy.
    Now when we don't learn or mainly - pay attention (because we are not in the moment, we argue for our limitations etc.) the nudges need to get bit more insisting, then more and in the end we might find ourselves in a situation as dis-ease, challenge, disaster - somewhere, so we cannot ignore anymore. That's about it... and actually life has no preference - if we learn something while smelling a flower or in a car accident... we do on the other hand it seems.
    It really doesn't matter what the subject is: getting over childhood abuse, need to exercise more, start a family, get out of a job, finding a job etc. One more thing: all those things are not created from outside and stick to us - they are in us, we have created all that... ahh life's so great, it just makes sure we get it, what ever it is we need that moment!
    For some reason in current world we seem to be learning fastest while there's a challenge - that's why we have so many! I personally have embarked on a mission in my life to learn things in ease and grace and joy - because I prefer so! It takes lot of focus! Got to be here in this moment all the time to keep up with, what life is presenting... it's worth it thou.
    Lot's of sunshine to you all!

  6. In reality, we do not need to do anything or overcome any big challenges to be better person. This is the work of the ego mind... and the wounded soul. We can just be. We can have it easy and be magnificent beings. We need to leave the vibe of self pity that gets us so much mileage from other miserable guts 😉 And embrace easy and joyful living... this is the next phase of evolution.

    Bright blessings to all

    Anges, Soul Awakener

  7. I once read in the book 'Think n Grow Rich' that "what the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve..."this would mean we need to set high and lofty goals to challenge our minds or it would actually draw us in the opposite and downward direction of failures and disappoints etc...that means we can actually "think and grow poor" as well. It's a choice God has given all of us, starting with our ancestor Adam and Eve. Today we still has to make this choice between success and failure,greatness and mediocrity etc. Without challenges in life, we would be just existing from day to day?

  8. I believe we manifest stuff, but I have a different take on it. At times, in order to grow, and become a better person, and learn different lessons, certain things show up in your life. Like lets say I get angry easily....its possible that the same situations might show up over and over again till I learn the lesson...
    So I don't think everything "bad" that happens to us is as a result of being in victimhood...

  9. To those who think that challenges develop anything - all that they develop is a low self-esteem.
    Look, small children never do anything to PROVE that they are worthy, strong, beautiful, smart - they do things because they either want to DO this particular something, or because they expect a certain result.

    The grown-ups look for CHALLENGES to prove that they are NOT ugly, stupid, loosers, chickens, etc, etc, etc., forgetting their real desires.
    Can't you see the difference?

    They say, the humain brain does not understand the word "NOT": that is when someone says "I gonna prove that I am NOT a coward and jump into this river" this means, that he himself is damn sure that he is a coward, but expects the river to be safe - or the others wouldn't make him do a deadly thing, would they?

    Low self-esteem and total reliability on authority of other people - those are the grounds of challenges.

  10. To directly answer the question...we create challenges to prove our worthiness. Whether you mainfest that by "over coming" the challenge and proving yourself the hero, or being completely consumed by the challenge and proving your self a zero - either way, the ego is at work here. Ego needs stroking, affirmation and constant assurance.

    An acronymn for ego - Ease God Out. When we are "with God" or God like, we really don't need ego to help us along. Problem is, the majority of folks walking the planet don't really connect the fact that they are from Source - or one with the Source. The ego tells us we are the "lone wolf" - fighting for truth, justice and the American Way! carried away! lol.

  11. It's so wonderful to be able to come from a place of understanding when faced with a situation that forces you to learn something. Before my path of victim to victor (and now to Vortex) I would have asked, "why me?" Now I ask "Why did I manfest this?" The answer always comes down to some belief needing to be released or redefined.

    Being aware of something you do not want, always allow clarity of what you do want. (Abraham-Hicks) Use the opportunity to release and then allow the contrast ask again for what you do want.

    The hardest part is not getting wrapped up and trapped in the place of negative emotion when in the situation which will only attract more of the same.

    The challenge for me now os to be gentle with the "victims" who only want to gripe about their situation. I try to ask nicely "what are you learning from this?" Not what they want to

    Safe travels Randy!

  12. We create challenged to experience ourselves in different situations, to grow and when we are done it's important to reclaim our wholeness.

    A challenge happens when we split our awareness into right and left sides and see one side as ideal and the other as unwanted.

    Example: I desire happiness, I move away from sadness or distress or whatever the opposite of happiness is. Before we desired happiness we were motionless so desire creates movement. A shot of light emanates out from us in search of happiness. The illusion of movement is created when we split reality into opposites. So now we can feel the difference as we move towards what we already are. (happiness, which is a form of being in motion). This creates the opposite polarity of sadness if we don't reach our goal because we are both sides of this reality. Once we reach our goal then we experience ourselves in a new way, the motion that brought us there to reach what we already are.

    As we desire sometimes we may not reach our goals and forget that our desires are already a part of who we are. Then challenges come to remind us of this. The opposite end of our desires come and hit us over the head to remind us to reclaim our wholeness. "you got a part of your spirit over there in California, either go there and get it or bring it back cuz your not whole with it being away from you too long!".

    Ok, so that's the simple version. But we have people wanting to be heroes then we must have villains. If we have souls wanting to experience intense joy there's a consequence on the opposite end of that.

    I think we consciously choose what we want to experience with each other before we are born and agree to play out different parts for each other. Over ages maybe some of these agreements were forgotten and sometimes souls get lost for a time in the roles they play.

    The resolution is not to get rid of all your desires but to remember that all life originally was created consciously and if there is something out there you are experiencing that you really don't like, it's beneficial for you to remember that somehow this is already a part of you, reclaim it and become whole. See both as being one, reunited and returned to conscious agreement and choose again.

    Or take a break from choosing and rest in the moment, here or between lives.

  13. Oh, and btw, once a desire is brought into completion and both sides reunite, it creates a new reality for other souls to experience it without having to experience the severe polarities of it. This is how we are all working to create a fun place to live here on earth. It's in the process of creation. We create the diversity of experience yet remember our oneness so it all becomes a conscious creation. Like a rollar coaster, you still get the thrill of falling but don't have to worry about dying at the bottom of the hill.

  14. I can totally relate - did the same for the last 10 years of my life.
    I was afraid to succeed & unwilling to take responsibility for my own results. Because that would mean i'd to be honest with myself & others + continuously strive to be better all the time - in the open! And that scared the shit outta me. But it was so stupidly depressing to settle on being mediocre plus creating all that drama just to stay mediocre was just plain tiring. It's much easier to face up, claim my power & just do my best.

  15. lol for me that's easy, my themes are rejection and have to be right so I play them out constantly in everything I do. So I can play the poor me feel sorry for me card which I equate to getting love and sympathy which isn't real and so I can say I was right which is a hollow victory. However I've been present to this for a couple of years, I'm open to change and growing, I know these beliefs don't serve me, I've read tons of personal development books, still do and each day I take steps to correct my old beliefs, I'm present to them when I play out the dramas and I have coaching on a regular basis. What did you do to drop your old beliefs that didn't serve you? It's easier said than done isn't it. As always I look forward to your much valued advice and opinion. x

  16. Some time ago I had a friend in my life. She always had to have a crisis in her life. This is someone who had been shit on a lot in her life, and it was clear she was addicted to crises. Honestly, if life didn't throw crap at her, she went out and found someone who would, or created a losing situation for herself. I affectionately called these her "projects". She spent massive amounts of energy building these schemes, then massive amounts of energy woeing-is-meing. And, wearing out people as she went by the dozens.

    A couple of years ago she started seeing a really nice guy with money, so things were going well for her...too she sued me, literally brought a lawsuit against me--just for the drama of the whole thing.

    Reading the post, I felt the need to have you define what you meant by "challenges," Randy. The way I see it, there are 2 kinds: those challenges life throws at you, and the ones you create for yourself. Some are legitimate, some are smokescreens and costume charades. And every ounce of time and energy spent on a false challenge is a wasted ounce of don't get either back.

  17. I always feel like it's a (Jewish?) guilt thing... If things are feeling too easy, I must be doing something wrong and I must not be living life to its fullest. Life has to be challenging in order for me to fill my potential in this world.

    It is also paranoia - when things are "too" good, I'm worried about when they're going to get bad again. So when things are difficult, it's almost like a comfort, knowing that things are how they "should" be.

    Yeah, totally psycho. 🙂

  18. Excellent question, I used to think that these hardships we create in our lives were a means of learning certain lesson as we journeyed through this physical reality but lately it has become more about awareness.

    The awareness of who we really are, and the power within us to create and experience the duality of experiences, and in doing so becoming aware of our true essence.

    Once we are awakened to who, and what we are the hardships no longer define us, we define our reality as we choose to because we are now in a place where we know we have the power within to create our reality as we desire.


  19. Sorry guys, missed a few posts due to my mother passing away in Georgia last week.

    I believe that we put ourselves in these type of challenges because we feel like we need to be a hero to our spouse, children, etc. I found that I was doing just that and then with Randy's help, I realized that I had to help me and stop the superhero game of saving everyone else first. Thankfully that concept has helped turn my life around.

  20. One of my favorite aphorisms by Werner Erhard is:

    Life is a game.

    In order to have a game
    Something has to be more important
    Than something else.

    If what already is,
    Is more important than what isn’t
    The game is over.

    So, life is a game in which what isn’t
    Is more important than what is.

    Let the good times roll.

    Many of the challenges in this game were invented by us as children. I grew up eating whatever was put in front of me or else. While my siblings argued with this condition I discovered that the women in my life were all proud of their cooking and they all had dishes they were especially proud of. Eating everything on your plate made you a good boy, taking seconds of their favorite dishes made you an angel and being a ‘good eater’ was high praise. My favorite deserts were always on display for me while my siblings were stuck in arguing over having to eat peas.

    Now I have an automatic eat everything in front of me rule burned into me at childhood. It does not serve me like it did as a child. The challenge is to leave people in as good a place as I can without offending them. There are too many great tasting dishes that wreck havoc upon me for days now. They always did perhaps but I didn’t pay attention. Visiting people and eating at their table is a lonely ordeal at times. I am not a vegan but I appreciate their difficulty but do not believe it should be a requirement for anyone who finds it intolerable.

    Perhaps I have to let go of my idea of what is pleasing to others.

  21. I think it all has to do with our feelings around our own "worthiness." For whatever reason, until we feel worthy of the good, we will continue to manifest the negative. At least, this has made the difference in my own world. Accepting the fact that I AM worthy of good and wonderful abundance has made my life abundant 🙂

  22. If we are going to "play the game of life" it has to be in the dynamic realm.The play cannot be without the two "is" and "isn´t".Like If we dont have any pupa and no precious sunshine to weave our being up to, we cannot become that lovely butterfly we wish to be.

  23. In my opinion, the school system is at fault. The buildings could be changed into jails, easily. Even when there aren't uniforms, the rules and the stuff being taught, sitting down for hours... totally unnatural. Then on vacation, if you do not give structure to the kids free time, they look for trouble because they are bored.
    If we were taught to buid things, cook, be useful to family and society early on, we would not need RG to cuddle us into remembering how great we all, children of God, are. Thank you very much.

  24. I think challenges can be good for us...In Sir Richard Branson's Book, 'Business stripped Bare', he says what gets him out of bed in the morning..."It's the challenge. It's the brand."

    So... what if challenges can give us results the results that Sir Richard Branson has achieved?

    If we create challenges that are not good for us or prosperous for us maybe we perceive prosperity, health, wealth or happiness as too difficult...or the road to it as too difficult. This could be based on our core values that we formed when we were young...and those values may not be accurate/based on truth.

  25. You Asked -

    Namely – why would you, or I, or anyone, want (or need) to create challenges for ourselves?

    I think it gives us excuses to not be our best or to not push harder (at least in our own minds). It's our justification to be and stay right where we are - being the victim.

  26. ...When I was just a little girl...I asked my mother, what will I be ...will I be pretty, will I be's what she said to me...Que Sera, Sera.. whatever will be, will be...the future's not ours, to see...Que Sera, Sera ...
    I think this is how I always used to be, and I still feel I tend to be this way.... except that I've found God along the way in my life who is the Creator of the whole universe who knows what is very best for us...on our part... we try our best.. A hug:: -saachi

  27. Hi Randy, As much as I agree that the way we think controls the way we think about a situation, there are always outside influences. In order to change ones thinking, one must be prepared to tolerate a whole load of crap from other people. There's only so much we can take.

  28. I think it's because we all think that what we don't have is too hard to get or reach. For example, most people want to drive an $80,000 dollar vehicle but we subconciously convince ourselves that it's impossible. I think we bring challenges into our lives strictly because of our ways of thinking...our programming

  29. This all sounds good and liberal and forward thinking, but what about the billions of people who have suffer horrible, painful lives (Haiti, Sudan, Darfur). Can you honestly think these poor people bring this on themselves and this all happens for a reason? PLEASE, people....and how about the countless children that endure horrible neglect and abuse? Do they bring this on themselves?

    This is all great thinking for us spoiled people who live a blessed life in a country such as the U.S.....but really, let's be real here.

  30. Challenges are either in our lives because (1) God placed them there for us for us to grow, learn a lesson, or do something for Him; or (2) we have placed them in our lives. If the we have placed the challenges in our lives, they are not necessary. Some may just be fun--something to help us feel alive, like running a marathon. On the other hand, they could be a distraction we place in front of us that prevents or hinders us from achieving what we are meant to achieve. I have noticed that if I start feeling like a victim when "confronted" with a certain challenge, then most likely it is a challenge I have created for myself.

  31. I wanted to respond to the question about why certain challenges exist for children and others who apparently do not seek them. I, too, find this sad. I do realize, however, that God has left the world in the hands of the world (and its master) for the time being, but that those who truly seek Him will find Him and be saved and protected--like Job, Elijah (being fed by the ravens), Joseph, and many others, including myself and my family time and again. I realize this may not sound "open-minded"; it is not meant to. I believe there is an ultimate Truth and hope to be open-minded to that. Do not think, however, that I advocate poverty and misery; God came into this world to make our joy complete.

  32. Challenges can be all-consuming, and it seems the more you think about them, the worse they get. Focus on something or someone else, and you'll give your mind and emotions a needed break. Work on a hobby. Take a child to the park. Go out to a movie. It's okay to escape for a while. .Challenges in life either do or do not have solutions.If there is a solution somewhere, then there is no need to be overwhelmed by the challenge.If there genuinely is no solution, then there is no point being overwhelmed by it.Nice article, thanks for posting it.

  33. Do something for your mind, body, and soul every day. Read, solve a
    puzzle, or learn another language. Get air, light, and space; walk, run,
    dance, stretch. Meditate, listen to soothing music, and laugh with
    friends. Attend to all of yourself on a daily basis.All throughout our lives we have been facing challenges in life
    and struggling hard to overcome them. Difficult life challenges can
    shake our very existence, alter our perception and create havoc to
    future plans. Many people find that some of the greatest challenges are
    centered around; love, relationships with family or friends, careers,
    health, financial planning and where to live.

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  • 41 comments on “Why We Bring Challenges Into Our Life”

    1. Because we need challenges to grow in life, as a person, and as human beings as well. we need them to proof ourselves worthy of dreaming, make our dreams come true and reach happines.

    2. Well, I know you are right about how we manifest everything in our lives. Paying attention to you and others like Dr. Wayne Dyer have put me on a path of conciousness. I just wish everyone else would wake up and stop blaming the world for their situations.
      Have you noticed how other people (friends, family etc.) constantly try to pull you into their dramas? I have had to stop calling people, and cutting conversations short because I don't want to hear it.

      Anyway, I'm doing my best not to create problems for myself. I truly wish others would do the same if only for their own sanity (ok my sanity too, cause I don't want to hear about it. L.O.L.)

      Thanks Randy for all you do.

    3. It seems to me that it's one of two things...

      Either we have a subconscious victim-mentality and by creating challenges for ourselves we are able to live out the part of the martyr (and to some extent the underdog "hero")


      We manifest challenges to force ourselves to grow. This would come from the opposite mindset. We understand that we are worthy, but before we can achieve at a higher level we need to become the person capable of living at that the challenges push us to expand our consciousness, and become the person we know we are capable of becoming.

      Thanks for the post!

    4. It gives our lives meaning and gives us significant. Its harder to create we take the easy option and create problems to give us significance

    5. Life, us, universe (all same things in my opinion) create situations all the time, in every moment - for us to have opportunity to develop, move on, clear something away, remember again... what ever we need at that particular moment.
      If we keep our eyes and ears open all the time and stay right here in this moment, we know what life is telling us and we learn, without struggle - we create in ease and grace and joy.
      Now when we don't learn or mainly - pay attention (because we are not in the moment, we argue for our limitations etc.) the nudges need to get bit more insisting, then more and in the end we might find ourselves in a situation as dis-ease, challenge, disaster - somewhere, so we cannot ignore anymore. That's about it... and actually life has no preference - if we learn something while smelling a flower or in a car accident... we do on the other hand it seems.
      It really doesn't matter what the subject is: getting over childhood abuse, need to exercise more, start a family, get out of a job, finding a job etc. One more thing: all those things are not created from outside and stick to us - they are in us, we have created all that... ahh life's so great, it just makes sure we get it, what ever it is we need that moment!
      For some reason in current world we seem to be learning fastest while there's a challenge - that's why we have so many! I personally have embarked on a mission in my life to learn things in ease and grace and joy - because I prefer so! It takes lot of focus! Got to be here in this moment all the time to keep up with, what life is presenting... it's worth it thou.
      Lot's of sunshine to you all!

    6. In reality, we do not need to do anything or overcome any big challenges to be better person. This is the work of the ego mind... and the wounded soul. We can just be. We can have it easy and be magnificent beings. We need to leave the vibe of self pity that gets us so much mileage from other miserable guts 😉 And embrace easy and joyful living... this is the next phase of evolution.

      Bright blessings to all

      Anges, Soul Awakener

    7. I once read in the book 'Think n Grow Rich' that "what the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve..."this would mean we need to set high and lofty goals to challenge our minds or it would actually draw us in the opposite and downward direction of failures and disappoints etc...that means we can actually "think and grow poor" as well. It's a choice God has given all of us, starting with our ancestor Adam and Eve. Today we still has to make this choice between success and failure,greatness and mediocrity etc. Without challenges in life, we would be just existing from day to day?

    8. I believe we manifest stuff, but I have a different take on it. At times, in order to grow, and become a better person, and learn different lessons, certain things show up in your life. Like lets say I get angry easily....its possible that the same situations might show up over and over again till I learn the lesson...
      So I don't think everything "bad" that happens to us is as a result of being in victimhood...

    9. To those who think that challenges develop anything - all that they develop is a low self-esteem.
      Look, small children never do anything to PROVE that they are worthy, strong, beautiful, smart - they do things because they either want to DO this particular something, or because they expect a certain result.

      The grown-ups look for CHALLENGES to prove that they are NOT ugly, stupid, loosers, chickens, etc, etc, etc., forgetting their real desires.
      Can't you see the difference?

      They say, the humain brain does not understand the word "NOT": that is when someone says "I gonna prove that I am NOT a coward and jump into this river" this means, that he himself is damn sure that he is a coward, but expects the river to be safe - or the others wouldn't make him do a deadly thing, would they?

      Low self-esteem and total reliability on authority of other people - those are the grounds of challenges.

    10. To directly answer the question...we create challenges to prove our worthiness. Whether you mainfest that by "over coming" the challenge and proving yourself the hero, or being completely consumed by the challenge and proving your self a zero - either way, the ego is at work here. Ego needs stroking, affirmation and constant assurance.

      An acronymn for ego - Ease God Out. When we are "with God" or God like, we really don't need ego to help us along. Problem is, the majority of folks walking the planet don't really connect the fact that they are from Source - or one with the Source. The ego tells us we are the "lone wolf" - fighting for truth, justice and the American Way! carried away! lol.

    11. It's so wonderful to be able to come from a place of understanding when faced with a situation that forces you to learn something. Before my path of victim to victor (and now to Vortex) I would have asked, "why me?" Now I ask "Why did I manfest this?" The answer always comes down to some belief needing to be released or redefined.

      Being aware of something you do not want, always allow clarity of what you do want. (Abraham-Hicks) Use the opportunity to release and then allow the contrast ask again for what you do want.

      The hardest part is not getting wrapped up and trapped in the place of negative emotion when in the situation which will only attract more of the same.

      The challenge for me now os to be gentle with the "victims" who only want to gripe about their situation. I try to ask nicely "what are you learning from this?" Not what they want to

      Safe travels Randy!

    12. We create challenged to experience ourselves in different situations, to grow and when we are done it's important to reclaim our wholeness.

      A challenge happens when we split our awareness into right and left sides and see one side as ideal and the other as unwanted.

      Example: I desire happiness, I move away from sadness or distress or whatever the opposite of happiness is. Before we desired happiness we were motionless so desire creates movement. A shot of light emanates out from us in search of happiness. The illusion of movement is created when we split reality into opposites. So now we can feel the difference as we move towards what we already are. (happiness, which is a form of being in motion). This creates the opposite polarity of sadness if we don't reach our goal because we are both sides of this reality. Once we reach our goal then we experience ourselves in a new way, the motion that brought us there to reach what we already are.

      As we desire sometimes we may not reach our goals and forget that our desires are already a part of who we are. Then challenges come to remind us of this. The opposite end of our desires come and hit us over the head to remind us to reclaim our wholeness. "you got a part of your spirit over there in California, either go there and get it or bring it back cuz your not whole with it being away from you too long!".

      Ok, so that's the simple version. But we have people wanting to be heroes then we must have villains. If we have souls wanting to experience intense joy there's a consequence on the opposite end of that.

      I think we consciously choose what we want to experience with each other before we are born and agree to play out different parts for each other. Over ages maybe some of these agreements were forgotten and sometimes souls get lost for a time in the roles they play.

      The resolution is not to get rid of all your desires but to remember that all life originally was created consciously and if there is something out there you are experiencing that you really don't like, it's beneficial for you to remember that somehow this is already a part of you, reclaim it and become whole. See both as being one, reunited and returned to conscious agreement and choose again.

      Or take a break from choosing and rest in the moment, here or between lives.

    13. Oh, and btw, once a desire is brought into completion and both sides reunite, it creates a new reality for other souls to experience it without having to experience the severe polarities of it. This is how we are all working to create a fun place to live here on earth. It's in the process of creation. We create the diversity of experience yet remember our oneness so it all becomes a conscious creation. Like a rollar coaster, you still get the thrill of falling but don't have to worry about dying at the bottom of the hill.

    14. I can totally relate - did the same for the last 10 years of my life.
      I was afraid to succeed & unwilling to take responsibility for my own results. Because that would mean i'd to be honest with myself & others + continuously strive to be better all the time - in the open! And that scared the shit outta me. But it was so stupidly depressing to settle on being mediocre plus creating all that drama just to stay mediocre was just plain tiring. It's much easier to face up, claim my power & just do my best.

    15. lol for me that's easy, my themes are rejection and have to be right so I play them out constantly in everything I do. So I can play the poor me feel sorry for me card which I equate to getting love and sympathy which isn't real and so I can say I was right which is a hollow victory. However I've been present to this for a couple of years, I'm open to change and growing, I know these beliefs don't serve me, I've read tons of personal development books, still do and each day I take steps to correct my old beliefs, I'm present to them when I play out the dramas and I have coaching on a regular basis. What did you do to drop your old beliefs that didn't serve you? It's easier said than done isn't it. As always I look forward to your much valued advice and opinion. x

    16. Some time ago I had a friend in my life. She always had to have a crisis in her life. This is someone who had been shit on a lot in her life, and it was clear she was addicted to crises. Honestly, if life didn't throw crap at her, she went out and found someone who would, or created a losing situation for herself. I affectionately called these her "projects". She spent massive amounts of energy building these schemes, then massive amounts of energy woeing-is-meing. And, wearing out people as she went by the dozens.

      A couple of years ago she started seeing a really nice guy with money, so things were going well for her...too she sued me, literally brought a lawsuit against me--just for the drama of the whole thing.

      Reading the post, I felt the need to have you define what you meant by "challenges," Randy. The way I see it, there are 2 kinds: those challenges life throws at you, and the ones you create for yourself. Some are legitimate, some are smokescreens and costume charades. And every ounce of time and energy spent on a false challenge is a wasted ounce of don't get either back.

    17. I always feel like it's a (Jewish?) guilt thing... If things are feeling too easy, I must be doing something wrong and I must not be living life to its fullest. Life has to be challenging in order for me to fill my potential in this world.

      It is also paranoia - when things are "too" good, I'm worried about when they're going to get bad again. So when things are difficult, it's almost like a comfort, knowing that things are how they "should" be.

      Yeah, totally psycho. 🙂

    18. Excellent question, I used to think that these hardships we create in our lives were a means of learning certain lesson as we journeyed through this physical reality but lately it has become more about awareness.

      The awareness of who we really are, and the power within us to create and experience the duality of experiences, and in doing so becoming aware of our true essence.

      Once we are awakened to who, and what we are the hardships no longer define us, we define our reality as we choose to because we are now in a place where we know we have the power within to create our reality as we desire.


    19. Sorry guys, missed a few posts due to my mother passing away in Georgia last week.

      I believe that we put ourselves in these type of challenges because we feel like we need to be a hero to our spouse, children, etc. I found that I was doing just that and then with Randy's help, I realized that I had to help me and stop the superhero game of saving everyone else first. Thankfully that concept has helped turn my life around.

    20. One of my favorite aphorisms by Werner Erhard is:

      Life is a game.

      In order to have a game
      Something has to be more important
      Than something else.

      If what already is,
      Is more important than what isn’t
      The game is over.

      So, life is a game in which what isn’t
      Is more important than what is.

      Let the good times roll.

      Many of the challenges in this game were invented by us as children. I grew up eating whatever was put in front of me or else. While my siblings argued with this condition I discovered that the women in my life were all proud of their cooking and they all had dishes they were especially proud of. Eating everything on your plate made you a good boy, taking seconds of their favorite dishes made you an angel and being a ‘good eater’ was high praise. My favorite deserts were always on display for me while my siblings were stuck in arguing over having to eat peas.

      Now I have an automatic eat everything in front of me rule burned into me at childhood. It does not serve me like it did as a child. The challenge is to leave people in as good a place as I can without offending them. There are too many great tasting dishes that wreck havoc upon me for days now. They always did perhaps but I didn’t pay attention. Visiting people and eating at their table is a lonely ordeal at times. I am not a vegan but I appreciate their difficulty but do not believe it should be a requirement for anyone who finds it intolerable.

      Perhaps I have to let go of my idea of what is pleasing to others.

    21. I think it all has to do with our feelings around our own "worthiness." For whatever reason, until we feel worthy of the good, we will continue to manifest the negative. At least, this has made the difference in my own world. Accepting the fact that I AM worthy of good and wonderful abundance has made my life abundant 🙂

    22. If we are going to "play the game of life" it has to be in the dynamic realm.The play cannot be without the two "is" and "isn´t".Like If we dont have any pupa and no precious sunshine to weave our being up to, we cannot become that lovely butterfly we wish to be.

    23. In my opinion, the school system is at fault. The buildings could be changed into jails, easily. Even when there aren't uniforms, the rules and the stuff being taught, sitting down for hours... totally unnatural. Then on vacation, if you do not give structure to the kids free time, they look for trouble because they are bored.
      If we were taught to buid things, cook, be useful to family and society early on, we would not need RG to cuddle us into remembering how great we all, children of God, are. Thank you very much.

    24. I think challenges can be good for us...In Sir Richard Branson's Book, 'Business stripped Bare', he says what gets him out of bed in the morning..."It's the challenge. It's the brand."

      So... what if challenges can give us results the results that Sir Richard Branson has achieved?

      If we create challenges that are not good for us or prosperous for us maybe we perceive prosperity, health, wealth or happiness as too difficult...or the road to it as too difficult. This could be based on our core values that we formed when we were young...and those values may not be accurate/based on truth.

    25. You Asked -

      Namely – why would you, or I, or anyone, want (or need) to create challenges for ourselves?

      I think it gives us excuses to not be our best or to not push harder (at least in our own minds). It's our justification to be and stay right where we are - being the victim.

    26. ...When I was just a little girl...I asked my mother, what will I be ...will I be pretty, will I be's what she said to me...Que Sera, Sera.. whatever will be, will be...the future's not ours, to see...Que Sera, Sera ...
      I think this is how I always used to be, and I still feel I tend to be this way.... except that I've found God along the way in my life who is the Creator of the whole universe who knows what is very best for us...on our part... we try our best.. A hug:: -saachi

    27. Hi Randy, As much as I agree that the way we think controls the way we think about a situation, there are always outside influences. In order to change ones thinking, one must be prepared to tolerate a whole load of crap from other people. There's only so much we can take.

    28. I think it's because we all think that what we don't have is too hard to get or reach. For example, most people want to drive an $80,000 dollar vehicle but we subconciously convince ourselves that it's impossible. I think we bring challenges into our lives strictly because of our ways of thinking...our programming

    29. This all sounds good and liberal and forward thinking, but what about the billions of people who have suffer horrible, painful lives (Haiti, Sudan, Darfur). Can you honestly think these poor people bring this on themselves and this all happens for a reason? PLEASE, people....and how about the countless children that endure horrible neglect and abuse? Do they bring this on themselves?

      This is all great thinking for us spoiled people who live a blessed life in a country such as the U.S.....but really, let's be real here.

    30. Challenges are either in our lives because (1) God placed them there for us for us to grow, learn a lesson, or do something for Him; or (2) we have placed them in our lives. If the we have placed the challenges in our lives, they are not necessary. Some may just be fun--something to help us feel alive, like running a marathon. On the other hand, they could be a distraction we place in front of us that prevents or hinders us from achieving what we are meant to achieve. I have noticed that if I start feeling like a victim when "confronted" with a certain challenge, then most likely it is a challenge I have created for myself.

    31. I wanted to respond to the question about why certain challenges exist for children and others who apparently do not seek them. I, too, find this sad. I do realize, however, that God has left the world in the hands of the world (and its master) for the time being, but that those who truly seek Him will find Him and be saved and protected--like Job, Elijah (being fed by the ravens), Joseph, and many others, including myself and my family time and again. I realize this may not sound "open-minded"; it is not meant to. I believe there is an ultimate Truth and hope to be open-minded to that. Do not think, however, that I advocate poverty and misery; God came into this world to make our joy complete.

    32. Challenges can be all-consuming, and it seems the more you think about them, the worse they get. Focus on something or someone else, and you'll give your mind and emotions a needed break. Work on a hobby. Take a child to the park. Go out to a movie. It's okay to escape for a while. .Challenges in life either do or do not have solutions.If there is a solution somewhere, then there is no need to be overwhelmed by the challenge.If there genuinely is no solution, then there is no point being overwhelmed by it.Nice article, thanks for posting it.

    33. Do something for your mind, body, and soul every day. Read, solve a
      puzzle, or learn another language. Get air, light, and space; walk, run,
      dance, stretch. Meditate, listen to soothing music, and laugh with
      friends. Attend to all of yourself on a daily basis.All throughout our lives we have been facing challenges in life
      and struggling hard to overcome them. Difficult life challenges can
      shake our very existence, alter our perception and create havoc to
      future plans. Many people find that some of the greatest challenges are
      centered around; love, relationships with family or friends, careers,
      health, financial planning and where to live.

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