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What Would You Do?

Posted By: Randy GageApril 27, 2010

Back when I was doing my coaching program I got a great question from Art Jonak about his friend.  The friend was only 32 years old, but was certain he was going to develop Alzheimer’s.

Because his father has Alzheimer's, this person is manifesting this disease because he thinks it's inevitable that he'll end up "just like his dad one day."

Art wrote on the Forum, “We all know this does NOT have to be so for my friend!!!!  He doesn't yet believe in the power of the sub-conscious (or un-conscious) mind.  So, I'm working with him on this.  Changing his way of thinking.

“Here's where I'd like your insight:  I read an article in ‘Time’ magazine about a product he could take right now that is proven to assist in the prevention of developing Alzheimer’s.  I could recommend this product to him. But I haven't.  Here's why . . .

“By taking the product, would he be programming his sub-conscious mind into believing that, 'Without this product I will develop Alzheimer’s'?  By taking this product every day, is it possible that he could actually reinforce his negative programming rather than break the pattern?  What would you do?”

Now Art got about 15 replies in the comments section about what he should do.  Not one of them was the answer I would give.  Which is...


Because Art ignores a critical issue here.  Which is that you can’t drag people across the finish line.  Which is exactly what this sounded like to me.  I have come to the belief that until people are vibrating at a certain consciousness, they just aren’t open to many things.  So what do you think?

Am I the Grinch who stole Christmas, or is Art the new Mother Theresa who saved it?  What would you do?


40 comments on “What Would You Do?”

  1. Well Art does kinda resemble Mother Teresa.

    And paint a little green on ya and you "could" look like the Grinch.

    Uh, manifesting aside...the guy is 32. Me thinks he doesn't have to worry about Alzheimers for awhile.

    And, this is my personal opinion, but the drug companies do all sorts of crap to get people "hooked" on their drugs (whether they work or not). This smells like one of 'em.

    David Frey

  2. Randy,

    I would share the information I have about the product.

    I agree with you on not dragging anyone across the finish line, but I do want to show them which direction it's in.

    Speaking of the finish line, what is "your" purpose then? It seems to me it's far from dragging, but certainly far from "nothing"


  3. I agree with you, Randy. I have been in situations where I have known about effective products or services that could benefit people in different ways, but they have to be OPEN to the suggestion. Most of the time, as with this young man, they are not in a place where they can even hear you, let alone implement it.

    By asking a few key questions, you can determine very quickly by the responses you receive (positive or negative) as to whether a person is in a place of growth. Once you have determined that key factor, then you will know whether your suggestions will be well received or ignored.

    It works! I have been practicing in my own family dynamic for awhile, and have gained tremendous insight as to when a person is in a place of growth.

    This is only my perspective, and I have a very strong calling to help people understand themselves, so that they can indeed, be open to growth to reach the next level.

    Thanks for all you do!

  4. I think Vytis' comment...

    "I agree with you on not dragging anyone across the finish line, but I do want to show them which direction it’s in"
    ...was right on the mark. In my opinion, while we absolutely cannot force a person to accept help, we can still offer it. It is then up to them to either be receptive to it or not. Perhaps they won't be receptive to our comment but when they hear something similar down the road two or three times it will begin to sink in and their mind will open a bit. As our good friend, the late (and great) Bill Gove used to say, "We are responsible to people...not for people." Which (to me) means we bring them the information yet do not attach ourselves to their embracement of it.

  5. Depends how open the guy is to change I guess. He must be fairly open to be listening...

    and Art is kinda cute. You are too but you were being 'grinchy' on Twitter yesterday!

  6. I've known of Alzheimer's in someone as young as 38. Then again author Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief) gives lots of convincing evidence that twins and other people can bypass disease with upbeat thinking and behavior. We CAN reprogram our genes.

    Time to do some cheerleading every time you do things right, succeed, or laugh at mistakes. Sometimes we goof up. That's not the end of the world. Not even a personal world.

    Exercise, eat organic foods, do fun stuff and laugh. ENJOY life and do your best at enjoying it. Hey, I went from blind to sighted that way!

  7. What the 12 step program taught me....
    ASK first if they want to be helped....only then can I determine what the next step will be....who am I to assume that I know what the other person wants without their permission.

    Nobody can change my way of thinking, only I can do that.

  8. Randy...Ron Howard is ready to cast you in the Grinch sequel! I think "nothing" is not the response of a friend. It's clear that they've had discussions about this man's fear of being like his father. And clearly, growth comes at least partly from insight, and insight comes at least partly from discovering new ways of thinking and being. That is the role of a friend. I utterly concur with the idea (truth) that you can't - or at least shouldn't - make other people's decisions for them. But if they are a friend or relative that you care about, sharing compelling information and new perspectives is part of the journey or discovery and growth. If that friend doesn't respond, it's on him. But taking the effort to share options and endeavor to open minds is an act or love. That love may bear fruit or not, but it is the powerful thing to do, in my opinion.

  9. I'm afraid I was just as guilty as your friend of wanting to be the next Mother Teresa, I just didn't recognize that at the time.

    I learned through my own experience that you can not lead a horse to water, and that as the old cliche says "When the student is ready , the teacher appears"

    No amount of effort on our part is going to alter another person's beliefs and prior programing unless they are ready to do so. I learned that life is much more pleasant when we allow others to be who they are, that does not mean I do not suggest at times but I'm no longer attached to the outcome. 🙂

  10. Alright ya'all, I'm guilty as charged. As I was looking back at this old post I kind of got "that feeling." I think when I wrote the first piece I was overreacting to my previous tendency of trying to "save" everyone I came across. As I looked at it this morning I debated how I would respond now, about four years later. I like to think I've mellowed and would give someone the benefit of the doubt more these days. But I posted it anyway, to get your feedback.

    And I agree that we could at least make the effort to reach out to this guy and see the possibilities of him being open to the message. Thanks for checking in with your thoughts.


  11. No matter how good the research and product, if the belief that you're not going to get better or that you're going to develop a problem (Alzheimers in this case) then that is what will happen.

    I think I'd be a bit more likely to offer some access to information about the power of the mind, and hope that they're open to exploring that avenue.

    Totally agree with David about the drug companies.

  12. One thing I love about you is that when I or anyone reflects you being a cold hearted arsehole - I mean Grinch! - you take it on, and warm up a lot in kindness.

    I like that you grow.

    And change.

    And learn.

    From us all.


  13. Randy,
    You hit the nail on the head. Until the person's mind is open and truly looking for the answer, you are wasting your time. For me, because I am a compulsive helper, LOL, I would make a statement to my friend about positive thinking and the benefits of nutrition and exercise. I would say it once and hope they take the next step.
    I love the saying, "You can help a thousand people but you can't carry three on your back." When we care for others we need to be a good example and hope they follow.

  14. The mind power is unlimited, you can create anything you want even all of what we called “miracles”, just with the power of our mind.
    He’s still so young, so the time and energy that he will be spending putting his faith in some product could be the same time and energy that he could invest in knowing his internal power, his mind power, and in that way he surely will change his life forever. Then, I just will help him to discover that power and work with him to strengthen his mind

  15. I agree with you Randy. People argue for their limitations all the time. I know I do. Buying into any kind of paradigm that limits possibility is one way to stay poor. You can just as easily choose one that opens up prosperity. I would tell him that research has shown that drinking two cups of coffee everyday almost guarantees you will not get Alzheimer’s. It is also a fact that everyone who eats carrots dies sooner or later.

  16. I wouldn't do would either of you did. Not what Art did (worrying what was the right thing to do) nor what you do (is decided if it is the right time). I would just tell him about it if it came up in the converation and not if it didn't. Let the universe decide whether it comes up. Don't worry about anything.

  17. To point your pal toward the finish line...
    People who have demonstrated Alzheimers/Dementia show high levels of mercury & aluminum in their bodies. IV chelation therapy removes these metals from the body. Chelation therapy should only be done after removing metal fillings from the teeth and no longer cooking in aluminum pans.

    Also, Dr. David Snowden is the foremost authority on Alzheimers. He is famous for what is known as the "Nun Study." He followed a monastary of Nuns and followed the progression of those who did and did not show signs of Alzheimers. What he found is... those Nuns that keep their brains active and continued to learn into their old age( ie: teaching nuns), (even though autopsies showed alzheimers plaque in their brains,) didn't show signs of Alzheimers because their brains grew new neuropathways around the plaque lessions. Those nuns that had service jobs(ie: cooks, cleaning the convent, etc.) that didn't require them to exercise their brains were the ones that clearly showed signs of mental decline as they aged.

    So your friend has a choice to be proactive with the ways that he has available to him and assist his consciousness in believing that he can have a life unaffected by a possible hereditary inheritance.

    The new influx of medical understanding is finally comprehending that most diseases are not physically genetic... but mentally genetic, such as learned mental patterns that one follows.

    He does have the power to literally change his chemical structure purely by the thoughts he thinks. There is a reason that medicine uses placebos, because the mind truly is that powerful.

  18. R-
    I can think of plenty of scriptures that assure this guy will develop Alzheimer's, just like his dad. Sad that his words, rather than genetics, could cause it to happen.
    I can also think of our responsibility to challenge their thinking. He speaks disease out of fear, when deep in his heart he truly doesn't want it AT ALL. Just my guess...who would? The root is probably what he has been told by MD's, friends, family, etc.

    It goes with what P.Pilzer says in the book, The Next Trillion, where we have to decide we will not be victims of hereditary, not embrace what the medical community tells us, & dare to prove them wrong. Who are they? I was surrounded by is a BUSINESS...hello!! You know, I refuse it! I don't simply refuse it in thoughts, but in words, and by taking care of myself physically.
    As Bob quoted from Bill....our responsibility is to people. I agree with Art. We have to give the right information.

    I could only hope if I was lost in the fog of fear, someone would throw me a line or even drag me across the finish line--not enabling, but empowering.

  19. I was told the other day that i needed to either continue with the meds the drs gave me or save them JUST IN CASE!! Just in case means that you are expecting the worst. I agree with you! So from 35 years old until he becomes and old man all he is going to think about is "OH CRAP IF I FORGET THIS PILL TODAY, I'LL GET THE DISEASE" No thanks there is enough to be afraid of in the world without us making a fear based reality for ourselves that dose'nt need to be there. How about laying off of the sugar subs and other non natural ingrediants that are suppose to help this dis-ease along. All the while saying to himself that he is working at becoming more healthy not waiting until the inevitable dis-ease to kick in!!!!!! Light and love and abundance. How do i get to yesterdays post. so i can see if you left a reply to my question? Cathy

  20. Hey Randy I would do as you are doing now and break the pattern. If it goes unbroken he will most definitely go on his way and most certainly get what he is focusing on. I only say this as I had an aunt that something similar happened to. So yes the mind is most powerful and can give you exactly what you think about.

    Thank you again Randy for every post that you give, they always inspire me to know myself on a more deeper level than I do now.

    Thank you again.

  21. Nice provoking post Randy.

    I also believe that people sorta earn a positivity about their health and their life (including their relationships) when they forego listening to others that they don't need to take advice from (e.g. doctors sometimes).

    What would I do?

    Ask them what would be the best case scenario if all of a sudden they felt better and confident? Listen closely to the words they use in their response...(you'll most likely have to wade through some negative words and discouraging thought to get to the nuggets that, for them; equate to a higher consciousness).

    Thanks again Randy.

    Zack Covell
    (Astoria, Oregon)

  22. You aren't the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas", Art's friend is. Until his heart grows "two sizes too big" he will never change.

    Maybe suggest to Art to have his friend look at the movie as if HE was the Grinch!

  23. Randy,

    Great question and great scenario.

    I think the saying goes, "A person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still."

    People are going to believe what they are going to believe. We can introduce "new" information to them but it is completely up to them to make the ultimate decision on what they are going to believe.

    The only thing I would interject here is that if someone close to you is doing themselves harm with drugs or getting in a car after drinking too much, I think that you have to interrupt this pattern with a little more forceful intervention.

    But even then the ultimate decision is still the person involved.

    Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

    John Clark

  24. There is one thing that may be missed by many people with regards to a drug company making a claim. It's this - How can it be proven that a pill can prevent the onset of something? Alzheimers is a slowly progressive disease that creeps ups on you. I don't know if they can physically see it ( Alzheimers ) with a CAT Scan or an MRI, but regardless, how can you prove a pill prevented something from happening ? You wouldn't know otherwise anyway. If you took the pill and you did not get alzheimers, how do you know it was from the medication ? There is another problem with the datasphere - it has conditioned many to believe advertizing and press releases without thinking about it. Most advertizing is deceptive.

  25. Always wise to be proactive rather than reactive but in my modest opinion he is immersed in " victimhood" fact that has become his identity and life's fingerprint ... Wow what a deep and profound truth for me to acknowledge...

  26. I enjoyed today's post, Randy. I believe with no doubt that the guy who decides to take the product would be more likely to reinforce his negative programming instead of breaking it and develop the disease. Just as with how the spiritual realm brings forth the negative or positive consequences depending on which way our consciousness or subconsciousness naturally believe, if he truly believes that he is healed and free from his worry (distrust/lack of faith) of developing it as opposed to what happened to his father, then why would he need the product to avoid the manifestation. Taking the product does not seem to set him in alignment with how the spiritual law/faith normally works. Being already preapred for getting one is agreeing with the manifestation of the disease. If one says 'no, no, I do believe I won't get one because I do have faith..but just in case...,' is similar to today's highly advanced technological world in which we live and that we are always able to take advantages of the vast number of options available for everything to choose ... as if killing two birds with one stone is a way to go...however, this step of action negates faith/reality to reach one's promise land of being completely healed of the disease which (growth in faith) seems to be more precious than the disease/the subject of being healed itself. In our physical realm, with this highly advanced technology, things often seem to have been worked out at times from our natural senses/in physical realm, and we think things we deal with are over to our likes ...but only on the surface... God seems to be still at work in many wonderous ways that we're not aware of.... I'm learning to reach my promise land that is not always necessarily materialistic things as we see in this world/life but something that could well be more precious than gold.... It seems what we come to face or want to get are merely the means that God uses for us to grow in faith and this faith which manifests what we see with our physical eyes and sense as a result of making choice to stand in faith seems more precious than gold itself. life is good. Hope my English is improving in terms of the length of my comment. lol Loved your post as always. love and hugs:: -saachi PS I was sort of determined not to add my comment for a while due to my incurable tendency of a long endless wordy comment I always end up with..until I improve my English...Failed! What you discuss in your post is always interesting!!

  27. Ok...I am guilty of trying to help people... And there are some people I can't help. I can tell my story, recommend books, point to a website, etc, but it is up to them to change. And maybe if they don't get it now, they will get it when they are ready.

  28. Take the product anyway. A Product that will "keep you from getting Alzheimers" will indeed Feed the grey matter ANYWAY. Change The perspective. Take the product for the positive aspect of BRAIN SUPPORT.

  29. Great question Randy. Reflecting on your previous posts about working the issue right through to the end result, I agree with you in the sense that no matter which way Art went with this, by his friend's own volition, it would create a chain reaction that would eventually lead his friend getting his perceived sickness.

    There is no way to stop it unless Art's friend chose to re-program.

    Thanks for another great thought provoking post.

  30. I have to agree with you Randy. My experience in the past with family members has led me to believe that people have to vibrate at a different level, find the answer on their own, whatever you call it, in order to be open to new things...hmmmmm...

  31. Randy,

    That is so true. People have to believe before they can achieve. Art Jonak would probably focus on getting the guy to see that just because his father had Alzheimers. Years ago my father told me that he would probably die young because his father and his 2 brothers died of heart attacks and that was in his family. I told him that was because his 2 brothers took after his dad's side of the family. I said you and your sister look your mother and shel lived to be 89. We just celebrated my dad's 83rd birthday.
    I never believed in any of that. That not because I am so conscious it is because I am adopted and none of their medical stuff would apply. Lucky me.

    I think your analogy is like the paramedic. Sooner or later the patient has to breathe back in order to live.

    Thanks for a great post

    Jim Story

  32. Hello Randy, hello everybody,

    As usual, a thought provoking post. Despite a bit of a ruthless streak (which a part of me kinda' likes), I think you're genuine and honest with yourself and others.

    As a nutritionist, herbalist, and energy healer, I have a strong belief in the power of your mind to help or hinder the healing process. I would not recommend that anybody use prescription drugs as a first option for prevention. There a many health promoting foods, herbs, and lifestyle habits (like meditation, deep breathing, and regular joyous exercise) that should be considered first.

    If I did feel driven to assist this gentleman with a fear of developing Alzheimer's disease, I would first let him know that genetics are only one small aspect of our predisposition to imbalance. I'd also tell him that if he is concerned about it, it would be a good idea to take on lifestyle habits that support good brain health.

    That would include, of course, educating him about how thoughts effect our lives. That's a crucial part of helping people become empowered. Taking control of our thoughts and taking full responsibility for our lives is powerful.

    Awesome comments today, as usual. Very thought provoking. Thanks to everybody for sharing your thoughts. Gratitude.

  33. I Love thaT about you-that I always feel like I am TALKING with a REAL 100% alive person with you.Like you know everything because you have LIVED everything through.I haven´t met anyone like that more than you,and I haven´t even met you.

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  • 40 comments on “What Would You Do?”

    1. Well Art does kinda resemble Mother Teresa.

      And paint a little green on ya and you "could" look like the Grinch.

      Uh, manifesting aside...the guy is 32. Me thinks he doesn't have to worry about Alzheimers for awhile.

      And, this is my personal opinion, but the drug companies do all sorts of crap to get people "hooked" on their drugs (whether they work or not). This smells like one of 'em.

      David Frey

    2. Randy,

      I would share the information I have about the product.

      I agree with you on not dragging anyone across the finish line, but I do want to show them which direction it's in.

      Speaking of the finish line, what is "your" purpose then? It seems to me it's far from dragging, but certainly far from "nothing"


    3. I agree with you, Randy. I have been in situations where I have known about effective products or services that could benefit people in different ways, but they have to be OPEN to the suggestion. Most of the time, as with this young man, they are not in a place where they can even hear you, let alone implement it.

      By asking a few key questions, you can determine very quickly by the responses you receive (positive or negative) as to whether a person is in a place of growth. Once you have determined that key factor, then you will know whether your suggestions will be well received or ignored.

      It works! I have been practicing in my own family dynamic for awhile, and have gained tremendous insight as to when a person is in a place of growth.

      This is only my perspective, and I have a very strong calling to help people understand themselves, so that they can indeed, be open to growth to reach the next level.

      Thanks for all you do!

    4. I think Vytis' comment...

      "I agree with you on not dragging anyone across the finish line, but I do want to show them which direction it’s in"
      ...was right on the mark. In my opinion, while we absolutely cannot force a person to accept help, we can still offer it. It is then up to them to either be receptive to it or not. Perhaps they won't be receptive to our comment but when they hear something similar down the road two or three times it will begin to sink in and their mind will open a bit. As our good friend, the late (and great) Bill Gove used to say, "We are responsible to people...not for people." Which (to me) means we bring them the information yet do not attach ourselves to their embracement of it.

    5. Depends how open the guy is to change I guess. He must be fairly open to be listening...

      and Art is kinda cute. You are too but you were being 'grinchy' on Twitter yesterday!

    6. I've known of Alzheimer's in someone as young as 38. Then again author Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief) gives lots of convincing evidence that twins and other people can bypass disease with upbeat thinking and behavior. We CAN reprogram our genes.

      Time to do some cheerleading every time you do things right, succeed, or laugh at mistakes. Sometimes we goof up. That's not the end of the world. Not even a personal world.

      Exercise, eat organic foods, do fun stuff and laugh. ENJOY life and do your best at enjoying it. Hey, I went from blind to sighted that way!

    7. What the 12 step program taught me....
      ASK first if they want to be helped....only then can I determine what the next step will be....who am I to assume that I know what the other person wants without their permission.

      Nobody can change my way of thinking, only I can do that.

    8. Randy...Ron Howard is ready to cast you in the Grinch sequel! I think "nothing" is not the response of a friend. It's clear that they've had discussions about this man's fear of being like his father. And clearly, growth comes at least partly from insight, and insight comes at least partly from discovering new ways of thinking and being. That is the role of a friend. I utterly concur with the idea (truth) that you can't - or at least shouldn't - make other people's decisions for them. But if they are a friend or relative that you care about, sharing compelling information and new perspectives is part of the journey or discovery and growth. If that friend doesn't respond, it's on him. But taking the effort to share options and endeavor to open minds is an act or love. That love may bear fruit or not, but it is the powerful thing to do, in my opinion.

    9. I'm afraid I was just as guilty as your friend of wanting to be the next Mother Teresa, I just didn't recognize that at the time.

      I learned through my own experience that you can not lead a horse to water, and that as the old cliche says "When the student is ready , the teacher appears"

      No amount of effort on our part is going to alter another person's beliefs and prior programing unless they are ready to do so. I learned that life is much more pleasant when we allow others to be who they are, that does not mean I do not suggest at times but I'm no longer attached to the outcome. 🙂

    10. Alright ya'all, I'm guilty as charged. As I was looking back at this old post I kind of got "that feeling." I think when I wrote the first piece I was overreacting to my previous tendency of trying to "save" everyone I came across. As I looked at it this morning I debated how I would respond now, about four years later. I like to think I've mellowed and would give someone the benefit of the doubt more these days. But I posted it anyway, to get your feedback.

      And I agree that we could at least make the effort to reach out to this guy and see the possibilities of him being open to the message. Thanks for checking in with your thoughts.


    11. No matter how good the research and product, if the belief that you're not going to get better or that you're going to develop a problem (Alzheimers in this case) then that is what will happen.

      I think I'd be a bit more likely to offer some access to information about the power of the mind, and hope that they're open to exploring that avenue.

      Totally agree with David about the drug companies.

    12. One thing I love about you is that when I or anyone reflects you being a cold hearted arsehole - I mean Grinch! - you take it on, and warm up a lot in kindness.

      I like that you grow.

      And change.

      And learn.

      From us all.


    13. Randy,
      You hit the nail on the head. Until the person's mind is open and truly looking for the answer, you are wasting your time. For me, because I am a compulsive helper, LOL, I would make a statement to my friend about positive thinking and the benefits of nutrition and exercise. I would say it once and hope they take the next step.
      I love the saying, "You can help a thousand people but you can't carry three on your back." When we care for others we need to be a good example and hope they follow.

    14. The mind power is unlimited, you can create anything you want even all of what we called “miracles”, just with the power of our mind.
      He’s still so young, so the time and energy that he will be spending putting his faith in some product could be the same time and energy that he could invest in knowing his internal power, his mind power, and in that way he surely will change his life forever. Then, I just will help him to discover that power and work with him to strengthen his mind

    15. I agree with you Randy. People argue for their limitations all the time. I know I do. Buying into any kind of paradigm that limits possibility is one way to stay poor. You can just as easily choose one that opens up prosperity. I would tell him that research has shown that drinking two cups of coffee everyday almost guarantees you will not get Alzheimer’s. It is also a fact that everyone who eats carrots dies sooner or later.

    16. I wouldn't do would either of you did. Not what Art did (worrying what was the right thing to do) nor what you do (is decided if it is the right time). I would just tell him about it if it came up in the converation and not if it didn't. Let the universe decide whether it comes up. Don't worry about anything.

    17. To point your pal toward the finish line...
      People who have demonstrated Alzheimers/Dementia show high levels of mercury & aluminum in their bodies. IV chelation therapy removes these metals from the body. Chelation therapy should only be done after removing metal fillings from the teeth and no longer cooking in aluminum pans.

      Also, Dr. David Snowden is the foremost authority on Alzheimers. He is famous for what is known as the "Nun Study." He followed a monastary of Nuns and followed the progression of those who did and did not show signs of Alzheimers. What he found is... those Nuns that keep their brains active and continued to learn into their old age( ie: teaching nuns), (even though autopsies showed alzheimers plaque in their brains,) didn't show signs of Alzheimers because their brains grew new neuropathways around the plaque lessions. Those nuns that had service jobs(ie: cooks, cleaning the convent, etc.) that didn't require them to exercise their brains were the ones that clearly showed signs of mental decline as they aged.

      So your friend has a choice to be proactive with the ways that he has available to him and assist his consciousness in believing that he can have a life unaffected by a possible hereditary inheritance.

      The new influx of medical understanding is finally comprehending that most diseases are not physically genetic... but mentally genetic, such as learned mental patterns that one follows.

      He does have the power to literally change his chemical structure purely by the thoughts he thinks. There is a reason that medicine uses placebos, because the mind truly is that powerful.

    18. R-
      I can think of plenty of scriptures that assure this guy will develop Alzheimer's, just like his dad. Sad that his words, rather than genetics, could cause it to happen.
      I can also think of our responsibility to challenge their thinking. He speaks disease out of fear, when deep in his heart he truly doesn't want it AT ALL. Just my guess...who would? The root is probably what he has been told by MD's, friends, family, etc.

      It goes with what P.Pilzer says in the book, The Next Trillion, where we have to decide we will not be victims of hereditary, not embrace what the medical community tells us, & dare to prove them wrong. Who are they? I was surrounded by is a BUSINESS...hello!! You know, I refuse it! I don't simply refuse it in thoughts, but in words, and by taking care of myself physically.
      As Bob quoted from Bill....our responsibility is to people. I agree with Art. We have to give the right information.

      I could only hope if I was lost in the fog of fear, someone would throw me a line or even drag me across the finish line--not enabling, but empowering.

    19. I was told the other day that i needed to either continue with the meds the drs gave me or save them JUST IN CASE!! Just in case means that you are expecting the worst. I agree with you! So from 35 years old until he becomes and old man all he is going to think about is "OH CRAP IF I FORGET THIS PILL TODAY, I'LL GET THE DISEASE" No thanks there is enough to be afraid of in the world without us making a fear based reality for ourselves that dose'nt need to be there. How about laying off of the sugar subs and other non natural ingrediants that are suppose to help this dis-ease along. All the while saying to himself that he is working at becoming more healthy not waiting until the inevitable dis-ease to kick in!!!!!! Light and love and abundance. How do i get to yesterdays post. so i can see if you left a reply to my question? Cathy

    20. Hey Randy I would do as you are doing now and break the pattern. If it goes unbroken he will most definitely go on his way and most certainly get what he is focusing on. I only say this as I had an aunt that something similar happened to. So yes the mind is most powerful and can give you exactly what you think about.

      Thank you again Randy for every post that you give, they always inspire me to know myself on a more deeper level than I do now.

      Thank you again.

    21. Nice provoking post Randy.

      I also believe that people sorta earn a positivity about their health and their life (including their relationships) when they forego listening to others that they don't need to take advice from (e.g. doctors sometimes).

      What would I do?

      Ask them what would be the best case scenario if all of a sudden they felt better and confident? Listen closely to the words they use in their response...(you'll most likely have to wade through some negative words and discouraging thought to get to the nuggets that, for them; equate to a higher consciousness).

      Thanks again Randy.

      Zack Covell
      (Astoria, Oregon)

    22. You aren't the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas", Art's friend is. Until his heart grows "two sizes too big" he will never change.

      Maybe suggest to Art to have his friend look at the movie as if HE was the Grinch!

    23. Randy,

      Great question and great scenario.

      I think the saying goes, "A person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still."

      People are going to believe what they are going to believe. We can introduce "new" information to them but it is completely up to them to make the ultimate decision on what they are going to believe.

      The only thing I would interject here is that if someone close to you is doing themselves harm with drugs or getting in a car after drinking too much, I think that you have to interrupt this pattern with a little more forceful intervention.

      But even then the ultimate decision is still the person involved.

      Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

      John Clark

    24. There is one thing that may be missed by many people with regards to a drug company making a claim. It's this - How can it be proven that a pill can prevent the onset of something? Alzheimers is a slowly progressive disease that creeps ups on you. I don't know if they can physically see it ( Alzheimers ) with a CAT Scan or an MRI, but regardless, how can you prove a pill prevented something from happening ? You wouldn't know otherwise anyway. If you took the pill and you did not get alzheimers, how do you know it was from the medication ? There is another problem with the datasphere - it has conditioned many to believe advertizing and press releases without thinking about it. Most advertizing is deceptive.

    25. Always wise to be proactive rather than reactive but in my modest opinion he is immersed in " victimhood" fact that has become his identity and life's fingerprint ... Wow what a deep and profound truth for me to acknowledge...

    26. I enjoyed today's post, Randy. I believe with no doubt that the guy who decides to take the product would be more likely to reinforce his negative programming instead of breaking it and develop the disease. Just as with how the spiritual realm brings forth the negative or positive consequences depending on which way our consciousness or subconsciousness naturally believe, if he truly believes that he is healed and free from his worry (distrust/lack of faith) of developing it as opposed to what happened to his father, then why would he need the product to avoid the manifestation. Taking the product does not seem to set him in alignment with how the spiritual law/faith normally works. Being already preapred for getting one is agreeing with the manifestation of the disease. If one says 'no, no, I do believe I won't get one because I do have faith..but just in case...,' is similar to today's highly advanced technological world in which we live and that we are always able to take advantages of the vast number of options available for everything to choose ... as if killing two birds with one stone is a way to go...however, this step of action negates faith/reality to reach one's promise land of being completely healed of the disease which (growth in faith) seems to be more precious than the disease/the subject of being healed itself. In our physical realm, with this highly advanced technology, things often seem to have been worked out at times from our natural senses/in physical realm, and we think things we deal with are over to our likes ...but only on the surface... God seems to be still at work in many wonderous ways that we're not aware of.... I'm learning to reach my promise land that is not always necessarily materialistic things as we see in this world/life but something that could well be more precious than gold.... It seems what we come to face or want to get are merely the means that God uses for us to grow in faith and this faith which manifests what we see with our physical eyes and sense as a result of making choice to stand in faith seems more precious than gold itself. life is good. Hope my English is improving in terms of the length of my comment. lol Loved your post as always. love and hugs:: -saachi PS I was sort of determined not to add my comment for a while due to my incurable tendency of a long endless wordy comment I always end up with..until I improve my English...Failed! What you discuss in your post is always interesting!!

    27. Ok...I am guilty of trying to help people... And there are some people I can't help. I can tell my story, recommend books, point to a website, etc, but it is up to them to change. And maybe if they don't get it now, they will get it when they are ready.

    28. Take the product anyway. A Product that will "keep you from getting Alzheimers" will indeed Feed the grey matter ANYWAY. Change The perspective. Take the product for the positive aspect of BRAIN SUPPORT.

    29. Great question Randy. Reflecting on your previous posts about working the issue right through to the end result, I agree with you in the sense that no matter which way Art went with this, by his friend's own volition, it would create a chain reaction that would eventually lead his friend getting his perceived sickness.

      There is no way to stop it unless Art's friend chose to re-program.

      Thanks for another great thought provoking post.

    30. I have to agree with you Randy. My experience in the past with family members has led me to believe that people have to vibrate at a different level, find the answer on their own, whatever you call it, in order to be open to new things...hmmmmm...

    31. Randy,

      That is so true. People have to believe before they can achieve. Art Jonak would probably focus on getting the guy to see that just because his father had Alzheimers. Years ago my father told me that he would probably die young because his father and his 2 brothers died of heart attacks and that was in his family. I told him that was because his 2 brothers took after his dad's side of the family. I said you and your sister look your mother and shel lived to be 89. We just celebrated my dad's 83rd birthday.
      I never believed in any of that. That not because I am so conscious it is because I am adopted and none of their medical stuff would apply. Lucky me.

      I think your analogy is like the paramedic. Sooner or later the patient has to breathe back in order to live.

      Thanks for a great post

      Jim Story

    32. Hello Randy, hello everybody,

      As usual, a thought provoking post. Despite a bit of a ruthless streak (which a part of me kinda' likes), I think you're genuine and honest with yourself and others.

      As a nutritionist, herbalist, and energy healer, I have a strong belief in the power of your mind to help or hinder the healing process. I would not recommend that anybody use prescription drugs as a first option for prevention. There a many health promoting foods, herbs, and lifestyle habits (like meditation, deep breathing, and regular joyous exercise) that should be considered first.

      If I did feel driven to assist this gentleman with a fear of developing Alzheimer's disease, I would first let him know that genetics are only one small aspect of our predisposition to imbalance. I'd also tell him that if he is concerned about it, it would be a good idea to take on lifestyle habits that support good brain health.

      That would include, of course, educating him about how thoughts effect our lives. That's a crucial part of helping people become empowered. Taking control of our thoughts and taking full responsibility for our lives is powerful.

      Awesome comments today, as usual. Very thought provoking. Thanks to everybody for sharing your thoughts. Gratitude.

    33. I Love thaT about you-that I always feel like I am TALKING with a REAL 100% alive person with you.Like you know everything because you have LIVED everything through.I haven´t met anyone like that more than you,and I haven´t even met you.

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