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Wallowing in Gratitude

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 24, 2022

Thoughts held in mind, produce in kind. 

And since we know that what we attract what we most think about, we also know that giving thanks produces yet more to be thankful for.  It creates a vicious cycle of prosperity and abundance.  Here in the United States of America, today is the Thanksgiving holiday.  It’s a day we’ve set aside every year since the Pilgrims came over, to celebrate and give thanks for the blessings in our life.

Yet holidays can be a sad time for many.  If you are one of them, please accept this post as a digital hug from me, with wishes that the day lands gently for you. Personally, the number of family members I have to celebrate with is getting smaller as time unfurls.  I discovered my father is dead, and although I never met him, it was a very weird, melancholy feeling to learn the news.  I no longer have a grandmother or grandfather left to call, and my nieces and nephews aren’t popping out enough babies yet to fill the gap.  I’ve buried too many people dear to me, way too early.  As probably have you.

But Thanksgiving is not a day to focus on what we don’t have.  (No day really is.)  It’s a day to be grateful for what we have. 

We can take a moment and remember those that are no longer with us.  But instead of sadness for the loss, let’s remember the magic of the moments we had with them, and honor them by living today, bold, out loud, and in living color.  I hope you’ll choose to celebrate this holiday (whether it’s Thanksgiving where you live, or simply another amazing Thursday) as the day it and every day was meant to be: wallowing in gratitude.

Right now, I’m wallowing in gratitude for:

  • My family, friends, and other loved ones. Especially my mom, who raised three kids by herself and taught us the importance of unconditional love, values, and hard work.
  • Those who serve my country (and others) fighting tyranny and protecting liberty – who are spending their holiday in harm’s way, away from their loved ones.
  • All of the teachers who molded my life, especially Baxter Richardson, who came into my jail cell when I was 15 years old and told me I was capable of great things.
  • Sunny walks on the beach, watching thunderstorms on the balcony, playing softball, curling up with great books, Sci-Fi, beautiful music, kind people, friendly animals, another day clean and sober, tolerance, and time.
  • People of Courage! The heart, spirit, and bravery of the girls and women in Iran, Afghanistan, and other repressive regimes around the world. The heroic people of Ukraine.  And all my LGBTQ brothers and sisters who face discrimination, hate, and potentially death, because people are threatened by our very existence.
  • The members of this community that meet each day, in my newsletter, blog, YouTube channel, podcast, and Twitter. Having a community of free-thinking people to brainstorm on success and prosperity every day is one of the greatest pleasures in my life.  Almost nothing is more exhilarating than hanging with people who dare to be great.  So please accept my deepest gratitude for who you are, all you do, and all you will become – knowing that iron sharpens iron, as we mastermind together on the path of prosperity.

That’s just a brief taste of what I’m wallowing in gratitude for today.  Which begs the question…

What are you wallowing in gratitude for today?


- RG

Previous Post: IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: FTX, Bitcoin, ETH, and Crypto


8 comments on “Wallowing in Gratitude”

  1. Grateful For Family and Friends. Grateful For my Father Willie Porter and My Mother Mildred porter who are both deceased. Grateful for my Health. Randy Grateful for your prosperity Newsletter. Grateful that I invested in Your Midas mentality program and the 7 Spiritual Laws of prosperity.

  2. Hi Randy,

    Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for your work on prosperity and your inspiration.

    I am grateful for my family and my fiance supporting me not matter how bit a challenge is. I am gratefull for my friends who give me input to see things from other points of view.

    Greetings from Austria


  3. I am grateful for what you posted today; for having met you 20 years or so ago, when you used to teach prosperity classes at Unity on the Bay; for my son, his wife, my grandson, and my cousins; and for all the great friends I have had through the years. I am also grateful for the wonderful architectural career I have had and the many clients that I have thoroughly enjoyed!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving from Sofia, Randy. Grateful for all the you have given to the world and to me. Wishing you all my best, Dimitar

  5. Sending a digital hug back to you from Ireland. Grateful that I found you and your work. Have a great day Randy.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Randy! I am so grateful to God for your existence and for who you are! I always enjoy watching your videos multiple times at times, you have been so helpful in my life, thank you so much. You are a wonderful person. Thank you for your virtual hug. I do hope we will keep reading your articles and watching more videos! Enjoy this day...

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  • 8 comments on “Wallowing in Gratitude”

    1. Grateful For Family and Friends. Grateful For my Father Willie Porter and My Mother Mildred porter who are both deceased. Grateful for my Health. Randy Grateful for your prosperity Newsletter. Grateful that I invested in Your Midas mentality program and the 7 Spiritual Laws of prosperity.

    2. Hi Randy,

      Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for your work on prosperity and your inspiration.

      I am grateful for my family and my fiance supporting me not matter how bit a challenge is. I am gratefull for my friends who give me input to see things from other points of view.

      Greetings from Austria


    3. I am grateful for what you posted today; for having met you 20 years or so ago, when you used to teach prosperity classes at Unity on the Bay; for my son, his wife, my grandson, and my cousins; and for all the great friends I have had through the years. I am also grateful for the wonderful architectural career I have had and the many clients that I have thoroughly enjoyed!

    4. Happy Thanksgiving from Sofia, Randy. Grateful for all the you have given to the world and to me. Wishing you all my best, Dimitar

    5. Sending a digital hug back to you from Ireland. Grateful that I found you and your work. Have a great day Randy.

    6. Happy Thanksgiving Randy! I am so grateful to God for your existence and for who you are! I always enjoy watching your videos multiple times at times, you have been so helpful in my life, thank you so much. You are a wonderful person. Thank you for your virtual hug. I do hope we will keep reading your articles and watching more videos! Enjoy this day...

    Leave a Reply to Rena Romano Cancel reply

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