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There Is No Spoon

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 25, 2010

We had some fascinating discussions in the posts last week about whether your beliefs come from critical analysis or you simply were programmed with memes.

At lunch one day my friend Lisa picked up a glass of water and asked if I didn’t believe that if she threw it in the air, it was an absolute truth that gravity would bring it back down to earth.

Interesting question.  But as the little boy said, there is no spoon…

We used to believe that every thing was made up of atoms, which were the smallest component of the universe.  (Of course atoms are just a meme we created to define things in our mind.)

Then we found out that atoms are actually made up of neutrons, protons and electrons.  Then we got really surprised when we found out that 99.99999% of an atom is actually empty space.

So if we had a brilliant quantum physicist answer Lisa’s question, she might say, “What water, what glass?  All that is there is 99.99999% empty space.  The glass is just a meme you created, just like you created the gravity meme.”

The earth is also a meme man invented, because we like to label the part of the universe we live in and keep it separate from the rest.  Now you could say, “Wait a minute Randy, there really is a distinction for the earth.  It has edges.  The dirt and water end, and the atmosphere starts.”

Is that so?  But what if I told you that dirt, water and the atmosphere are all made of the same stuff, or even non-stuff—and all of those things are memes we created for labeling purposes?

If fact, if we were to shine a neutrino beam through thatglass—the distance between that beam and the nearest solid particle, is proportionally greater, than the distance between the earth and the sun.  Assuming of course that you believe in the earth and sun memes.

The truth is, those distinctions are only made in the mind of man.   And once you label a meme as true, you lose all powers of rational analysis over it.  It is wired into your hard drive (your subconscious mind) and you are programmed.

Memes can only flourish because of your belief that they are true.  When you become programmed with a meme complex (like a religion or political party affiliation), you are no longer capable of rational thought on the subject.

So how do you fight memes and make sure you’re thinking for yourself?  Please share your thoughts below, and we’ll pick up there on the next post.


39 comments on “There Is No Spoon”

  1. Well one thing I do, when I am questioning if my thinking is a meme. (conditional thinking)
    I ask myself "is this something that is true for everyone all the time" A universal Truth?
    Causing critical analysis, I notice at fist I had a tone of meme's I am getting better...

    Definitely following you is helping... Great "MIND FOOD" THANKS!!!

  2. Wow, this post blew my mind! It actually makes me feel good knowing that things may not seem as they are and that there are endless possibilities if we let go of the herd thinking.

  3. It is not true that gravity would bring the glass back to earth because there is no such thing as gravity. We see things fall to the earth so we call it gravity. Actually, it falls to th earth because the space around earth is warped due to its (the earth's) presence there. Einstein proved this in the early 1900's and the theory still holds to date. Now the next genius will come along and offer an even better explanation of this phenomenon. Scientists can only relate to things and create models based on 3 dimensions because that is all they are familiar with. Einstein broke out of that pattern. There actually is a fourth dimension and gravity does not exist! I still believe in the sun and the moon though.

  4. And this is only scratching the surface of what isn't! Randy you didn't even mention Deltrons!

    The truth is we have a totally erroneous understanding of our "reality." I've come to the conclusion that getting people to open their minds to the kinds of things Randy is talking about is a 1000 times more difficult today than the resistance faced by Patanjali, Galileo, Aquinas and so on.

    I've had the honor lately of exploring new possibilities with Dr. William Tiller of "What the Bleep..." fame and former Head of Materials Science at Stanford. He talks about Dimensional Space - where we use our senses to identify things, Lisa's glass in other words - and Reciprocal Space - where we can engage without using our senses, the world of intention and intuitive knowing. Tiller says the two realities aren't connected though through intention the reciprocal can dramatically influence the dimensional. Lisa 'intended' for the glass to come crashing to the ground so it would; but maybe it didn't need to. I'll bet Jesus could have suspended the glass in mid-air because he knew how to bypass dimensional realities, including gravity as demonstrated by walking on water. We are ALL totally capable of doing all of that.

    Generally we have exhausted the DS with its lack and limits and a few are venturing into the RS. Tiller is actually making a bonafide science out of a new understanding of 'intention' for example. if you want your brain to hurt.

    The power is in the spaces. All the wisdom, all the possibilities that are possible, all the energy we'd ever need...are in those spaces. We're literally looking for LOVE in all the wrong spaces!

    1. As I was reading this I was listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer's audio book on "Intention". I sat in wonderment how your post and his chapter collided at the same conclusion - LOVE !!!!

        1. yes, it is very difficult for people to see reality because our we have a linear brain composed of three levels of evolution;

          yes, everything is Love but the mind conceptualizes its experience and tries to bottle it for the future.

    2. Hi, Ian. This is a great conversation, and I thought, as a rocket scientist, I should maybe put in my 2 cents. 🙂

      The challenge with stepping out of DS, and with a lot of this discussion, is that we're not dealing just with our thoughts and our individual memes. There is also a collective consciousness, a universal information field (sometimes called the Akashic Field) that permeates everything, and communal memes are imprinted there. We have to step out of the inertia of those collective memes to really re-create reality. For most people that's a challenge. We don't question that the sun will rise each morning any more than we question gravity.

      Thing is, the challenge is even greater than stepping out of that collective inertia of the Akashic Field. What we're discovering is that there wasn't one 'big bang' that created the universe. Rather, there have been a whole series of bangs and universes - the universe expands, then contracts, then explodes again, and so on. And through each expansion, the same Akashic Field permeates everything. The inertia of the universes that went before are like grooves that are easy for us to follow in successive universes, and each time we follow the same path (and create the same meme), it becomes stronger in the Akashic Field (there's a great intro to this in 'Science and the Akashic Field').

      Does that mean we're trapped to repeat past patterns? Absolutely not. But it does take focus and energy to step away from those patterns and carve a new path. We earn our way to growth. And for most people, it's easier to follow the way that's accepted than to step away and open to possibilities. That takes great courage and self-assurance - and that's why people aren't re-writing reality on a daily basis (yet).

  5. I love how Wade puts it - I ask myself “is this something that is true for everyone all the time” A universal Truth? I find this a great approach!...

    However, there is time called present moment and when living in that a paradox enters into the game - what was true a moment ago, may not be so anymore... and this is a place of no memes.

    I was listening Genpo Roshi couple days ago and he explained so nicely about perception... if we are stuck in one, we feel need to defend it, that goes for memes too in my mind. So perceptions and memes are like monkey rings - you cannot let go, one of your hand needs to be holding on to one and the other hand is reaching out for the next one or both hands are holding on to one ring...

    So we are always stuck in a way, however we need to remind ourselves all the time to keep on moving and grabbing the next ring, for if we don't we really are stuck, and thinking we have best monkey ring aka meme... we we couldn't, because there is no such thing as the best one, there are memes, what can support us in our evolution better than others. All we need to do is take a look at our life - it's telling a story, what ring we are holding on to at the moment... if we like what we see, well lets 'hang' here for a while, but there always will be time to grab for the next one.

    I like this game so much! For we are the 'ringmasters' - hmm, this were the Lord of The Rings comes form I suppose 🙂 this is what we are! Until we grow wings or just decide to play somewhere else... fun!

  6. "The truth is, those distinctions are only made in the mind of man. And once you label a meme as true, you lose all powers of rational analysis over it. It is wired into your hard drive (your subconscious mind) and you are programmed."

    -- accepting a belief without analysis whether it works or not--

    "So how do you fight memes and make sure you’re thinking for yourself? "

    -- Just asking whether it serves me or not? whether it brings me to joy and happiness..---

  7. So how do you fight memes and make sure you’re thinking for yourself?
    ....You rewire the mother ship.

  8. I love this stuff Randy.

    It has caused a few heated debates with my family when I make statements like "there is no disease, only health." Since then I refrain from mentioning the "everything is energy" line in front of them.

    Everything is in essence, neutral. The observer determines its value.

    The first few months I read The Science Of Getting Rich I almost went out of my mind. My rational mind kept rejecting the idea of thinking stuff and my ego attempted to move me into depression rather than face up to the Truth behind all appearances.

    No matter how things appear to be it's all the same energy.

    Ryan Biddulph

  9. The constant manifestation of wonderful realities and appreciation of what we have manifested would help to get over memes.

  10. Is it all the same energy ??? is there a negative or positive? black and white? ying or yang?

    What do you yhink Randy ?

      1. There is no good or bad in the world.

        It is only our perception of an event that makes it good or bad and my perception of the 'world' is my reality.

      2. I would agree with Dave Owen to som extent. As I understand it (today), energy simply is. It's not good or bad - it's what we choose to do with that makes the use good or bad. And choice is the key word here, and the key to human existence.

  11. Well...I'm going with your friend who asked if you believed the tossed glass would come right back down. Unless conditions have changed dramatically, that suckers is going to return to the table or ground in a consistent and predictable way.

  12. There is a phrase that I believe holds true: If everyone at the table is thinking the same thing, there is only one person thinking. We seem to have lost our way as a society in the art of critical thinking. Everything we do, see, touch, and smell has been programmed by what I call, "The Masterful Art of Sheep Herding." Every realm of our life and thought is programmed in some way by means of marketing and advertising via political, economic, religious by means of sociopolitical activism, . . . outlets. If we are going to truly understand the world, how it works, find innovation, appreciate the beauty, we must tap into our own neurocapacity and graze in our own field.

  13. I think that many of us are able to distinguish this but our minds need to process information this way (through labeling). Our whole way of thinking was created from mimicking and picking up memes. The difference is how we choose to perceive this information. We need memes. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to contradict them.

  14. Your mind creates everything. It is the film. The brain is the projector and physical reality is the screen. We know this.

    You can create whatever you want. You don't have to be here. But there are rules. Universal laws that are not hidden anymore but certainly not accepted by the public either.

    You could say that God doesn't care, which is true but of course only within the context of universal law. There is free choice within that context.

    Consciousness degenerates to hyperspace, which degenerates to the astral levels and physical reality.

    Love is an energy. It is the foundational energy of all others. It can be used in many ways, depending on how we apply it as individuals.

    Love does not solve all. It is part of the solution.

    And remember:

    Humans have been coerced to accept some higher authority for thousands of years, but that is finally coming to an end.

    Whoever have created havoc on this and other planets for thousands of years are actually being stopped.

    It ends here and now.

  15. Right on the spot Randy. As East philosophy states, it´s all Maya. We are no able to see the universe, read, reality, bacause of our so-called memes whichs is not but a veil that constantly hinders our perseption of reality or to put it in other words, the non-dual nature of things. And of course, we are traped in it. What a Matrix huh!!

  16. Right on the spot Randy. As East philosophy states, it´s all Maya. We are no able to see the universe, read, reality, bacause of our so-called memes whichs is not but a veil that constantly hinders our perseption of reality or to put it in other words, the non-dual nature of things. And of course, we are traped in it. What a Matrix, huh!!

  17. Sometimes it's not about choosing a different meme, it's about recognizing the meme's that influence your thoughts and behaviors. Use our meme's to our advantage and surround ourselves with influences that reflect what we desire. Desire to be skinny? don't go down fat aisles in the grocery store Desire to be wealthy? don't spend your money in poor places

  18. How do we fight memes and make sure we're thinking for ourself ? That's the $550,000 question!
    I guess we have to recognize them, think about them, think about why we accept them, and replace them with better ones. Then see if these better ones serve us.

  19. I call memes Gravity - the status quo beliefs and legends that guide our thinking and behavior. But the word doesnt matter - what does matter is how these programmed patterns impact our lives and our ability to create and grow - professionally and personally.

    So what about Quantum Theory as it applies to memes/Gravity? If we believe Quantum (or LOA or...) then our Memes/Gravity define the life path we take. They control which of the limitless options in time we see and respond to...because we are pre-programmed to expect that option. Abundance is just as available as lack - but if we're programmed to expect lack - that's the path we see and take.

    My biggest growth spurts come when I latch onto a bit of Personal Gravity/a Meme, take it out into the open and release it - opening myself to a new Quantum path, a new way to see or think, a fresh Zero Gravity perspective!

    Only our Personal Gravity/memes limit us - the universe is here to give us limitless abundance and a life filled with everything we desire.

    When we ditch our Gravity and reprogram those memes - we soar to limitless options for an abundant and giving life!

    After years of struggling and limited beliefs, I'm finally focused on ditching the gravity/memes that held me down - opening to all that life has to offer - and I love every minute of it!

    GREAT post as always RG

  20. Randy, you and Lisa were not the only participants in the lunch encounter. All "things" (whether stars, glasses of water, atoms or whatever) are conscious, and as conscious entities, they have their own beliefs... including their collective beliefs in the phenomenon we call gravity. (I guess you could call this the "physicality meme".)

    You share this belief in gravity, otherwise everyday existence would be difficult. But the belief, like any other, can be changed. If you believed strongly enough that the glass should float, the glass would indeed float.

  21. Randy,

    Why is it that negative/harmful memes are more common?

    I have read about the subject, but you're more experienced. Your thoughts?

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  • 39 comments on “There Is No Spoon”

    1. Well one thing I do, when I am questioning if my thinking is a meme. (conditional thinking)
      I ask myself "is this something that is true for everyone all the time" A universal Truth?
      Causing critical analysis, I notice at fist I had a tone of meme's I am getting better...

      Definitely following you is helping... Great "MIND FOOD" THANKS!!!

    2. Wow, this post blew my mind! It actually makes me feel good knowing that things may not seem as they are and that there are endless possibilities if we let go of the herd thinking.

    3. It is not true that gravity would bring the glass back to earth because there is no such thing as gravity. We see things fall to the earth so we call it gravity. Actually, it falls to th earth because the space around earth is warped due to its (the earth's) presence there. Einstein proved this in the early 1900's and the theory still holds to date. Now the next genius will come along and offer an even better explanation of this phenomenon. Scientists can only relate to things and create models based on 3 dimensions because that is all they are familiar with. Einstein broke out of that pattern. There actually is a fourth dimension and gravity does not exist! I still believe in the sun and the moon though.

    4. And this is only scratching the surface of what isn't! Randy you didn't even mention Deltrons!

      The truth is we have a totally erroneous understanding of our "reality." I've come to the conclusion that getting people to open their minds to the kinds of things Randy is talking about is a 1000 times more difficult today than the resistance faced by Patanjali, Galileo, Aquinas and so on.

      I've had the honor lately of exploring new possibilities with Dr. William Tiller of "What the Bleep..." fame and former Head of Materials Science at Stanford. He talks about Dimensional Space - where we use our senses to identify things, Lisa's glass in other words - and Reciprocal Space - where we can engage without using our senses, the world of intention and intuitive knowing. Tiller says the two realities aren't connected though through intention the reciprocal can dramatically influence the dimensional. Lisa 'intended' for the glass to come crashing to the ground so it would; but maybe it didn't need to. I'll bet Jesus could have suspended the glass in mid-air because he knew how to bypass dimensional realities, including gravity as demonstrated by walking on water. We are ALL totally capable of doing all of that.

      Generally we have exhausted the DS with its lack and limits and a few are venturing into the RS. Tiller is actually making a bonafide science out of a new understanding of 'intention' for example. if you want your brain to hurt.

      The power is in the spaces. All the wisdom, all the possibilities that are possible, all the energy we'd ever need...are in those spaces. We're literally looking for LOVE in all the wrong spaces!

      1. As I was reading this I was listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer's audio book on "Intention". I sat in wonderment how your post and his chapter collided at the same conclusion - LOVE !!!!

          1. yes, it is very difficult for people to see reality because our we have a linear brain composed of three levels of evolution;

            yes, everything is Love but the mind conceptualizes its experience and tries to bottle it for the future.

      2. Hi, Ian. This is a great conversation, and I thought, as a rocket scientist, I should maybe put in my 2 cents. 🙂

        The challenge with stepping out of DS, and with a lot of this discussion, is that we're not dealing just with our thoughts and our individual memes. There is also a collective consciousness, a universal information field (sometimes called the Akashic Field) that permeates everything, and communal memes are imprinted there. We have to step out of the inertia of those collective memes to really re-create reality. For most people that's a challenge. We don't question that the sun will rise each morning any more than we question gravity.

        Thing is, the challenge is even greater than stepping out of that collective inertia of the Akashic Field. What we're discovering is that there wasn't one 'big bang' that created the universe. Rather, there have been a whole series of bangs and universes - the universe expands, then contracts, then explodes again, and so on. And through each expansion, the same Akashic Field permeates everything. The inertia of the universes that went before are like grooves that are easy for us to follow in successive universes, and each time we follow the same path (and create the same meme), it becomes stronger in the Akashic Field (there's a great intro to this in 'Science and the Akashic Field').

        Does that mean we're trapped to repeat past patterns? Absolutely not. But it does take focus and energy to step away from those patterns and carve a new path. We earn our way to growth. And for most people, it's easier to follow the way that's accepted than to step away and open to possibilities. That takes great courage and self-assurance - and that's why people aren't re-writing reality on a daily basis (yet).

    5. I love how Wade puts it - I ask myself “is this something that is true for everyone all the time” A universal Truth? I find this a great approach!...

      However, there is time called present moment and when living in that a paradox enters into the game - what was true a moment ago, may not be so anymore... and this is a place of no memes.

      I was listening Genpo Roshi couple days ago and he explained so nicely about perception... if we are stuck in one, we feel need to defend it, that goes for memes too in my mind. So perceptions and memes are like monkey rings - you cannot let go, one of your hand needs to be holding on to one and the other hand is reaching out for the next one or both hands are holding on to one ring...

      So we are always stuck in a way, however we need to remind ourselves all the time to keep on moving and grabbing the next ring, for if we don't we really are stuck, and thinking we have best monkey ring aka meme... we we couldn't, because there is no such thing as the best one, there are memes, what can support us in our evolution better than others. All we need to do is take a look at our life - it's telling a story, what ring we are holding on to at the moment... if we like what we see, well lets 'hang' here for a while, but there always will be time to grab for the next one.

      I like this game so much! For we are the 'ringmasters' - hmm, this were the Lord of The Rings comes form I suppose 🙂 this is what we are! Until we grow wings or just decide to play somewhere else... fun!

    6. "The truth is, those distinctions are only made in the mind of man. And once you label a meme as true, you lose all powers of rational analysis over it. It is wired into your hard drive (your subconscious mind) and you are programmed."

      -- accepting a belief without analysis whether it works or not--

      "So how do you fight memes and make sure you’re thinking for yourself? "

      -- Just asking whether it serves me or not? whether it brings me to joy and happiness..---

    7. So how do you fight memes and make sure you’re thinking for yourself?
      ....You rewire the mother ship.

    8. I love this stuff Randy.

      It has caused a few heated debates with my family when I make statements like "there is no disease, only health." Since then I refrain from mentioning the "everything is energy" line in front of them.

      Everything is in essence, neutral. The observer determines its value.

      The first few months I read The Science Of Getting Rich I almost went out of my mind. My rational mind kept rejecting the idea of thinking stuff and my ego attempted to move me into depression rather than face up to the Truth behind all appearances.

      No matter how things appear to be it's all the same energy.

      Ryan Biddulph

    9. The constant manifestation of wonderful realities and appreciation of what we have manifested would help to get over memes.

    10. Is it all the same energy ??? is there a negative or positive? black and white? ying or yang?

      What do you yhink Randy ?

        1. There is no good or bad in the world.

          It is only our perception of an event that makes it good or bad and my perception of the 'world' is my reality.

        2. I would agree with Dave Owen to som extent. As I understand it (today), energy simply is. It's not good or bad - it's what we choose to do with that makes the use good or bad. And choice is the key word here, and the key to human existence.

    11. Well...I'm going with your friend who asked if you believed the tossed glass would come right back down. Unless conditions have changed dramatically, that suckers is going to return to the table or ground in a consistent and predictable way.

    12. There is a phrase that I believe holds true: If everyone at the table is thinking the same thing, there is only one person thinking. We seem to have lost our way as a society in the art of critical thinking. Everything we do, see, touch, and smell has been programmed by what I call, "The Masterful Art of Sheep Herding." Every realm of our life and thought is programmed in some way by means of marketing and advertising via political, economic, religious by means of sociopolitical activism, . . . outlets. If we are going to truly understand the world, how it works, find innovation, appreciate the beauty, we must tap into our own neurocapacity and graze in our own field.

    13. I think that many of us are able to distinguish this but our minds need to process information this way (through labeling). Our whole way of thinking was created from mimicking and picking up memes. The difference is how we choose to perceive this information. We need memes. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to contradict them.

    14. Your mind creates everything. It is the film. The brain is the projector and physical reality is the screen. We know this.

      You can create whatever you want. You don't have to be here. But there are rules. Universal laws that are not hidden anymore but certainly not accepted by the public either.

      You could say that God doesn't care, which is true but of course only within the context of universal law. There is free choice within that context.

      Consciousness degenerates to hyperspace, which degenerates to the astral levels and physical reality.

      Love is an energy. It is the foundational energy of all others. It can be used in many ways, depending on how we apply it as individuals.

      Love does not solve all. It is part of the solution.

      And remember:

      Humans have been coerced to accept some higher authority for thousands of years, but that is finally coming to an end.

      Whoever have created havoc on this and other planets for thousands of years are actually being stopped.

      It ends here and now.

    15. Right on the spot Randy. As East philosophy states, it´s all Maya. We are no able to see the universe, read, reality, bacause of our so-called memes whichs is not but a veil that constantly hinders our perseption of reality or to put it in other words, the non-dual nature of things. And of course, we are traped in it. What a Matrix huh!!

    16. Right on the spot Randy. As East philosophy states, it´s all Maya. We are no able to see the universe, read, reality, bacause of our so-called memes whichs is not but a veil that constantly hinders our perseption of reality or to put it in other words, the non-dual nature of things. And of course, we are traped in it. What a Matrix, huh!!

    17. Sometimes it's not about choosing a different meme, it's about recognizing the meme's that influence your thoughts and behaviors. Use our meme's to our advantage and surround ourselves with influences that reflect what we desire. Desire to be skinny? don't go down fat aisles in the grocery store Desire to be wealthy? don't spend your money in poor places

    18. How do we fight memes and make sure we're thinking for ourself ? That's the $550,000 question!
      I guess we have to recognize them, think about them, think about why we accept them, and replace them with better ones. Then see if these better ones serve us.

    19. I call memes Gravity - the status quo beliefs and legends that guide our thinking and behavior. But the word doesnt matter - what does matter is how these programmed patterns impact our lives and our ability to create and grow - professionally and personally.

      So what about Quantum Theory as it applies to memes/Gravity? If we believe Quantum (or LOA or...) then our Memes/Gravity define the life path we take. They control which of the limitless options in time we see and respond to...because we are pre-programmed to expect that option. Abundance is just as available as lack - but if we're programmed to expect lack - that's the path we see and take.

      My biggest growth spurts come when I latch onto a bit of Personal Gravity/a Meme, take it out into the open and release it - opening myself to a new Quantum path, a new way to see or think, a fresh Zero Gravity perspective!

      Only our Personal Gravity/memes limit us - the universe is here to give us limitless abundance and a life filled with everything we desire.

      When we ditch our Gravity and reprogram those memes - we soar to limitless options for an abundant and giving life!

      After years of struggling and limited beliefs, I'm finally focused on ditching the gravity/memes that held me down - opening to all that life has to offer - and I love every minute of it!

      GREAT post as always RG

    20. Randy, you and Lisa were not the only participants in the lunch encounter. All "things" (whether stars, glasses of water, atoms or whatever) are conscious, and as conscious entities, they have their own beliefs... including their collective beliefs in the phenomenon we call gravity. (I guess you could call this the "physicality meme".)

      You share this belief in gravity, otherwise everyday existence would be difficult. But the belief, like any other, can be changed. If you believed strongly enough that the glass should float, the glass would indeed float.

    21. Randy,

      Why is it that negative/harmful memes are more common?

      I have read about the subject, but you're more experienced. Your thoughts?

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