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The Fundamentalists Who Want to Keep You Broke

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 9, 2010

Wow yesterday’s post on the worthiness issues created by organized religion certainly got some dialogue going!  As I said, organized religion is not the only guilty party here, but they’re certainly one of the worst.

A perfect example is an introduction to Biblical Christianity that Helen sent me.  It states, “Mankind’s inherently sinful (evil) nature has created a gulf between God and man which is unsurpassable by any human effort whatever…Reconciliation was made possible by the removal of man’s sin by the sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth”

Later in a suggested prayer it says, “Lord God I know that I am a sinner by nature and choice.  I believe that you sent your one and only son Jesus to pay the penalty for my sin.”

Now if you buy into this crazed belief that you are born a sorry sinner, how are you ever going to believe you are worthy of good things?  And of course Christianity doesn’t have a monopoly on these kinds of poverty consciousness mind viruses…

The same thing horrific manipulation of young minds is happening in many temples, mosques and synagogues all over the world.  Millions more children are right now receiving the same negative programming which will relegate them to lives of lack and limitation.

The real problem is the fundamentalists in most organized religions.  They have highjacked the true message and distorted it to reflect their agenda.  So hateful bigots like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and Oral Roberts claim to teach the Bible.  Murderers like Osama bin Laden profess to represent true Islam.

I remember a few years ago.  The press was reporting that the Arab world was outraged because Israel killed Islamic cleric Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas.   What kind of world is it, when you can get a job running an organization that organizes and trains assassination squads and suicide bombers – and still be called a “cleric” or a “spiritual leader.”

Fundamentalism has today evolved into a code word for hate, persecution, and intolerance.  Idiots like Robertson, Falwell and Roberts no more teach the message of Jesus Christ than bin Laden, Yassin, and Saddam Hussein represent the true Muslim message.  They have simply highjacked the message and use it to manipulate their mindless followers.

They assure you that you are meant to suffer here, to demonstrate your worthiness for the afterlife, when the real good stuff comes.

And depending on the religion:  if you prostrate yourself enough, beg for forgiveness enough, say enough “Hail Mary’s,” ambush enough American GI’s, rub enough rosary beads, pray to Mecca enough times each day, blow up enough abortion clinics, kill enough Jews, or send enough money to the televangelist – you will be saved.

Most of the world’s major organized religions are set up as cosmic frequent flier programs.  If you collect enough points, you win the free trip to paradise.

Whether we look at the Christian concept of original sin, the Buddhist 8-fold path, the Hindu doctrine of karma, the Jewish Covenant, or the Muslim Code of Law, they all are set up with the basic presupposition that you are a flawed being who needs salvation.

And if that’s what you are taught beginning at four or five years old, is it any wonder that you would grow up with worthiness issues?  Is it any surprise that today there are millions of people with low self-esteem, fear-based consciousness, and a tendency to self-sabotage their prosperity?

If you went to a private Catholic school and the nuns told you that you were born a sorry sinner, what are the odds you are going to grow up liking yourself?  If you are a Hindu who believes that this time around, you are reincarnated from an Egyptian horse thief to pay penance, what are the chances you’re going let yourself be successful?  If you’re a Buddhist who believes you must go through 129 lifetimes to find enlightenment – and you’re only on lifetime 92 -- what are the odds that you’re going to let yourself become wealthy this time around?  And don't even get me started on the guilt in Judaism!

One of the best steps you can take to become healthy, happy, and prosperous is to do some serious critical thinking about your religious beliefs.  Think about the subliminal programming contained in them, and what you were exposed to as a young child.  There you will find many clues on what has caused you to create the results you have in your life right now.

If you need help on this, read my book, "Why You're DUMB, SICK, & BROKE . . .and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH" I go into great depth on the role that mind viruses play in programming you for lack.

You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small.  Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become.

So how are you doing on that?


133 comments on “The Fundamentalists Who Want to Keep You Broke”

  1. It is unbelievable how unaware most people are of how environment is dictating the way we think, act, believe and our RESULTS in life. As adults we have the ability to reprogram our Mind, create new Beliefs, Attitude, Habits and Results. First place to start is choosing our ENVIRONMENT , people we surround ourselves with - Our Environment is more important to our success than what was built right into our genes at birth.
    Thanks for great post Randy.
    Lorena Heletea

  2. Great post Randy!
    As a rcovering mediocre and worthiness slave, I can concurr that the things we believe have the power of transformation! I am Christian by faith and believe in the complete and full forgiveness of my previous ways of life. That being said, Paul wrote, that anyone who is in Christ is a NEW Creation ~ the old is gone and the New has come! Praise God.

    The true power of transformation comes at the power of the resurrection, not the death. Not worthy thinking comes from thinking we should have been the ones on the cross. Yeah! Get over it and get on with living! He did it so we can live and stop being so dead in our own right! It's time we all Raise to a New Life. He came that we might live and live to the fullest.

    Myfirst book is being published in the next 45 days or so. 20 years ago a High School English teacher told me I wasn't much of a writer. I didn't wite for 20 years. Belief is a powerful force.

    I don't care what religion you claim. If you're not living from the power of what you say you believe, what you believe is living you.

    Blessings to you Randy!

  3. Randy,

    I've heard this rant a couple of dozen times...

    and I never get tired of it! You look good on a high horse (-:


  4. Thank you for this post. I do not subscribe to religion because of all of this bs such as "dying & burning in hell, being a worm in the dust and another favorite money is the root of all evil."

    I am a spiritual person who believes that God loves & wants me to have the best while I am alive! Waiting for a treasure in heaven? No thanks I'll relish in the beauty here on earth.

    I find it interesting that the so-called religions can point fingers at you but they feel they can have carte blanche and do what the hell they want to do and damn you to hell. NO thank you!

    I have learned so much from folks like you and the faith I embrace which says that prosperity is for ALL, not some, ALL.

    Keep writing and be prepared for the onslaught of fanatics who will try and damn you to the deeper depths of hell. While they are at it, tell them that if you go there, that you want them have your cocktail waiting at the front entrance. 🙂

  5. Hey Randy,
    I recommend reading Karen Armstrongs book "The Battle For God". She does an amazing job illuminating "Fundimentalism" in all religions and the fear that creates that kind of thinking. Fundimentalism is actually a very modern phenomenon created when people become afraid of modern thought or progress.

    You already know my thoughts on prosperity thinking and Judaism. Jewish guilt is a cultural thing, (or should I say art form:)) and yes there are Fundimentalist in Judaism, but Judaism as a religion teaches prosperity like none other.

    The lack of "you're a sinner" teaching is exactly why after years of growing up in a Cult, then practicing everything from Buddist meditation, Vision Quests, Native American Sweat Lodges, attenting Episcopalian and Unity churches, choosing nothing at all and then years of study I came to choose Judaism. It's the one relgion that focuses on how to "be human" well and that our humanity is what is divine.
    "The human soul is the Candle of God" Proverbs 20:27

  6. Thanks for your courage in discussing these topics!

    I am practicing identifying the "memes" of poverty, both in my upbringing and current environment... I heard a "meme" in the prayer on Sunday at church and identified several in the movie I watched last night. Your book "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke" helped open my awareness to identifying the subliminal mind viruses.

    Also, Randy, as you asked me to, I am reminding you to talk to us about "what to do when you first get money".

  7. Randy,
    I guess I never bought into the unworthy part of being a sinner saved by grace. I always believed the word was true in that God loved me so much he sent Jesus to die for me. I was a "daddy's" girl and I related to the love of God for me. The Bible teaches there is none worthy, no not one! It immediately states he loved us enough to call us worthy, no longer slaves/servants to sins, but sons of righteousness. He calls me friend.
    I have been involved in the "religious" aspect of Christianity and it sickens me to think I wasted years of my life building the "reign" of man. But...I think a wise man said today......

    "If you have old debts you never paid back—pay them forward."
    I owe myself for wasted time...I owe others for getting so sucked into religion. But....I never look back....I pay it forward!

    I am extremely happy where I am now. I respect, honor & adore my Pastor, church family & mission.

    Religion did not do that for me.....My trust & love in the one that says he loves me does! I have stood on this scripture since I divorced 16 yrs. ago.
    PS: 113:7-9(AMP)
    7[The Lord] raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap and the dung hill,

    8That He may seat them with princes, even with the princes of His people.

    9He makes the barren woman to be a homemaker and a joyful mother of [spiritual] children. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)
    ************************************************* this day, this word is transpiring in my life. I do not take lightly that I can converse with men such as yourself, & other masterminds, on many subject levels. True "Princes" in the nucleus of my world today. I am raising up a team of people that will not feel unworthy! This would have never been possible had I not believed I was worthy!

    "You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become."

    That is my fav paragraph. How am I doing? AMAZING!


  8. well, dear Messiah! You have not read the Bible completely! In mine it says that I am a victor, more than conqueror, that Gods love is with me no matter what, that everything in my life will work for my good.
    You are an angry person, that's all...face that, then stop telling half the truth.

  9. P.S.
    Randy, you state "They have highjacked the true message and distorted it to reflect their agenda.

    It sounds like the current state of our government. Another topic for another time.

    Again, thank you for the space you provide in allowing us to engage in creative conversations.

    You are a Pioneer!!!


  10. Spending most of my life in organized religion, I can say that I believe that it has harmed many people and caused them to perform less than they were created to be. I believe that we are created in the image of God and should act like it and forget all the rest. Our main purpose is to worship our Creator!!!

  11. You've got me crying again..

    I had an interesting epiphany here.. from that last paragraph..

    We're here to save the lost. The lost aren't people who don't know God... damn it.. we've got it all wrong.

    The lost are people who have succumbed to this 'virus'. Especially the 'churched'..

    I'm sorry.. that's Fn' Scary.

  12. Actually I have read the Bible and think it's a wonderful textbook of prosperity. Obviously you didn't read this post. I'm not talking about the true principles or religion, just the way they have been distorted for manipulation and mind control. Like a lot of Fundamentalists you have jumped to knee-jerk attacks without doing the critical thinking required.

    For anyone actually interested in rational thought, here's the original Rant I sent out when Pope John Paul II died:

    It's worth a read again.


  13. "You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become."

    Exactly! Take that and Lead!

  14. Бог един(высшая сила)почему церковь говорит что мы грешники,ведь Иисус искупил грехи наши. Бог(высшия сила) дал нам всю землю ,чтобы мы жили, плодлись, усавершенствовались,добывали себе благо,были успешними.Но род людской опустил себя до обезьян.

  15. Randy,
    Great post. I think the evangelicals are the AMERICAN TALIBAN... They teach this crap and have hijacked the Republican Party to boot. Our church teaches a message that God loves all of us the same. Each person has God within them.

    By the way the official definition of sin is "missing the mark". To us at Unity this means we separated from God and if heaven is communion God than Hell is a place where we lose our spirituality. It is not a physical place that we end up at.

    Our belief is that everyone is both human and divine. It is time we stand up to "white trash America" and let them know that they are not the only game in town.

    Thanks Randy. You struck a nerve.

  16. Well !!!!! I totally agree with this view .... and the truth is that nowadays more and more and more people mentally hijacked by religious beliefs. In my country (Colombia) and in many countries around the world, more and more people are converting to Christianity and the vast majority of the time ... not knowing why ... I have nothing against Christianity ... in fact i follow the leadership of Jesus ... that my view is quite different from what organized religions promote, however, I agree with Randy that the mental programming to which we were subjected at the time could have influenced the results until now.

    The important thing is to realize: THE IMPORTANT THING HERE THAT I DRIVE MY LIFE DESTINY ....

    From Cali, Colombia,


  17. We can summarized the whole teaching of Jesus as "love yourself as you love your neighbor." but because we don't love ourselves,we don't love anyone else.

  18. Sorry I missed some of the comments, which I will read momentarily..I have read, not some of the Bible. I have read it in its entirety. Many times the NT. I know that what Randy says is not congruent with the doctrines and teachings in the Scripture. I am almost certain that some of the people here, (if not all) have only read small passages of it, thus cannot say with certainty: The Bible says this and that. How unfair and narrow minded that is.
    Best to all.

  19. Alex,

    You know - I've worked with many angry people to help them overcome anger...

    ANd I have never ever thought of Randy as angry in the years I have listened to him, read him...

    What makes you think he's angry?

    What half truth does he miss that you'd like him to see?

  20. I don't think babies are born with sin. I think they are innocent. I think we get exposed to negativity from the people around us (who may not be aware they suffer from lack/worthiness issue), from the media (who also may not be aware), and the church (who also may not be aware). And the cycle goes on & on.
    I don't think that is God's will for us. I also think the Bible has sometimes been misinterpreted by men.

    I recommend your book, “Why You’re DUMB, SICK, & BROKE . . .and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH”

    I agree that: "You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become."

    Chip Ingram says God uses people who have been rejected (told they are worthless) to help others..."Tend my lambs". It gets your focus off of you and onto serving others...and you begin to realize you are valuable.

    And to serve others, you have to take care of yourself & love yourself first. Lead by example.

  21. I have a relation with God today. Its different from the one that i learned from young age.
    I confronted with God during a 12 step program I did some years ago and my believe came when some unexpected things really appeared.

    I have the routines about being grateful and pray for skills. Like willingness to take difficult steps although it seems scary.
    To recieve power that really changed some very very bad habits and turned me in to be a fair player insted of a "fixer".

    I am really grateful that the dialog with God works and its fun to see the different areas where "Gods power is flowing through me" and really gave me access to prosperity.

    I will never never give up on my prosperity growth and I will never never give up on being in tune with God.

  22. You're even more than one soul and you exist in many places at the same "time". This is what people experience on the "other side" - "I was everywhere in time simultaneously".

    It's all about reconnecting with kin basically. We consist of archetype, color and tone, even in this physicality. Always remember that!

    You are not your rent-a-wreck, DNA-manipulated body-computer.

    But even the body is made to be eternal, because we can't create and exist in something mortal from the eternity we truly come from. People buy in to the "Death Program". They kill you with their words, and even languages have turned into programming just by the sounds of words and sentences!

    However, your true core can never be manipulated, only masked, and no matter how much they try, about one third of your mind can never be programmed either. There's always a space to which you can retreat and recollect yourself!

    There is always a choice. Accept or Reject!

    Rejection is God's protection!

  23. Thank you for an amazing subject-it is according to me the most important subject we have in this world today.And one thing I have realized:What you know you know and what you dont know you don´t...why can some people wake up after 30 years of "sleep" and suddenly know what they are going to do with their life to give it a sense?And why seam some people to just "be so happy with what they always had"?So I guess that is why we have fundamentalists who run around thinking they got the truth...and when the right time comes we wake up.Or the time when someone else tell us to do so.And we get the point!Because I beleive that is a great part of what real christianity really is:To be at the right place in the right time.And to do the right thing when the right time comes...For example for me right now listen to Randys voice which is a strong voice many people can wake up thanks to.THANK YOU!

  24. Randy,

    I attend a Church with the founder of a VERY, VERY well know restaurant chain that I'm sure you've probably dined at a time or two. He's a devout Christian, and he's worth hundreds of millions.

    Zig Ziglar & Jim Rohn are devout Christians. Ziglar even taught Sunday school. Both of these men believe Christ died for our sins, & both teach/taught prosperity and living lives of high financial achievement.

    There are many millionaires & billionaires who are committed Christians. Believing that Christ died for our sins doesn't automatically = having a poverty mindset or feeling not worthy of prosperity.

    You're painting organized religion with too broad a brush. As with anything, your point is true for some and not true for others committed to their religion.


  25. I don't think being a Christian and being a business leader are mutually exclusive in any way. I don't think the message of the Gospel is intentional poverty but self improvement. Isn't that what MLM leaders tell their followers they need to do (i.e. improve themselves)?

    I think if you achieve success by doing bad things... well that's not good at all. But if you develop your craft and find success, as well as wealth, then that's excellent.

    I do think that there are some spiritually leaders that distort the messages in the Bible, so I do agree with you there. Without learning for yourself what your religion believes, you fall victim to what your leaders tell you.

  26. I agree with you that believing Christ died for our sins doesn't automatically translate into having a poverty mindset. But for many people, it does create feelings of unworthiness that are fueled by some Christian leaders in order to keep their followers needy.


  27. "Without learning for yourself what your religion believes, you fall victim to what your leaders tell you." Exactly! That's where the critical thinking comes into play.


  28. >>>You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become.<<<<

    I am not into so-called religion, and in fact I feel very uncomfortable being around religeous people, telling people what to do and what not to do, without really knowing personally the truly existing God who does interact.

    After I had enountered with God in such a vivid personal way, I 've learned to believe with no doubts that God is infinite and limitless. He is infinite God of love, peace, power, wisdom, abundance, health, and prosperity. There is nothing that can be hidden from Him - small and big. I have not yet arrived at the place in life where I could tell the world that I have achieved all that God had intended for me to achieve. However, as looking back, every piece of work, success, achievement (big or small) attained by faith pushes me further for the bigger things, knowing that God is behind me as before, always keeping His promises. So... the point in response to your post is.. we are able to attain/achieve what we had already been given at the foundation of the universe. What we have to do is to keep our faith steadily without any doubts that the visions that have been imaged in our mind/spirit will come to pass and will become a reality at the set time. Mere religion or institutionalized religion won't get you anywhere unless you have your personal conscious decision to believe. Loved your post as always, Randy. It's a great post that gets us thining a lot about prosperity!! 😉 -Saachi

  29. Randy,
    Great post but I have to say that it's not the doctrine of religion that fails to teach prosperity it's the individuals who wish to control individual's who they feel will stray. Another problem is that we use these teachings to justify where we in life...If money is the root of all evil then I'm Ok being poor...Justification allows us to stay in mediocrity...

  30. Hi Randy and everyone,

    Have you read "Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill?

    It's an amazing book that shows that not all of this programming is a copywriter and marketer I think you will find it very interesting.

    You can also look for a trailer about the documentary on youtube (search for "caesar's messiah promo").

    - SG

  31. Hi Randy,

    I did appreciate reading the article and all the comments. For me, the thing that I took away from all the comments were that my people perish because of lack of knowledge. I do agree that there is much misunderstanding in the world of religion. But Christianity is relationship and not religion. If you have relationship, there is so much more clarity and you are able to look at a Scripture and see it clearly, not as religious hypocrisy being tossed around.

    As for Oral Roberts, I do not think that he had a poverty mindset. He accomplished great things. He built ORU when he had no resources to achieve that goal. In my opinion, he had great vision and when the vision is clear, it can be achieved.

  32. That is a great post Randy. I've explored and practised several religions in my life. I think the essence of what most teach is valid, but for this time in human history, we just don't need those restrictive teachings with all the negative stuff. We have the power simply with our strength of will and inner power to be anything we want.

    After all, most religions say we are all a spark of God, but we can't be that till the next life!

  33. Great post Randy.

    Your insights and thoughts about the concepts of organized religion are spot on. As a "new" Christian I have not had the opportunity to be indoctrinated at a young age with the beliefs of the fundamentalists. I am thankful that I have come to realize that although born a sinner we are redeemed through salvation to live in the fullness of the greatness that God has planned for us. We are created in His image so how can we not be like Him? This is an idea that sticks in my mind: "God Love the SINNER, but Hates the SIN".
    Thanks again for your great posts.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  34. The fervent heat of burning suns creates the elements with millions of degrees of fervent heat which created the gold, and the silver throughout the universe. God created the universe abundant with the elements. God's substance is everlasting wealth.

  35. I'm an ex fundamentalist Christian. Leaving fundamentalism is like leaving an abusive marriage. I don't believe in God, but I believe in a higher power, this higher power is us as mankind doing the greater good by serving other people with love and integrity.

    Randy, you've inspired me to rejoin MLM (and maybe a Unitarian Church 🙂 )

  36. Hey Randy,

    I love your website. I found it a few days ago via your Youtube videos. Thank you for educating myself and others on how to maximize your prosperity. This is life changing information!


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  • 133 comments on “The Fundamentalists Who Want to Keep You Broke”

    1. It is unbelievable how unaware most people are of how environment is dictating the way we think, act, believe and our RESULTS in life. As adults we have the ability to reprogram our Mind, create new Beliefs, Attitude, Habits and Results. First place to start is choosing our ENVIRONMENT , people we surround ourselves with - Our Environment is more important to our success than what was built right into our genes at birth.
      Thanks for great post Randy.
      Lorena Heletea

    2. Great post Randy!
      As a rcovering mediocre and worthiness slave, I can concurr that the things we believe have the power of transformation! I am Christian by faith and believe in the complete and full forgiveness of my previous ways of life. That being said, Paul wrote, that anyone who is in Christ is a NEW Creation ~ the old is gone and the New has come! Praise God.

      The true power of transformation comes at the power of the resurrection, not the death. Not worthy thinking comes from thinking we should have been the ones on the cross. Yeah! Get over it and get on with living! He did it so we can live and stop being so dead in our own right! It's time we all Raise to a New Life. He came that we might live and live to the fullest.

      Myfirst book is being published in the next 45 days or so. 20 years ago a High School English teacher told me I wasn't much of a writer. I didn't wite for 20 years. Belief is a powerful force.

      I don't care what religion you claim. If you're not living from the power of what you say you believe, what you believe is living you.

      Blessings to you Randy!

    3. Randy,

      I've heard this rant a couple of dozen times...

      and I never get tired of it! You look good on a high horse (-:


    4. Thank you for this post. I do not subscribe to religion because of all of this bs such as "dying & burning in hell, being a worm in the dust and another favorite money is the root of all evil."

      I am a spiritual person who believes that God loves & wants me to have the best while I am alive! Waiting for a treasure in heaven? No thanks I'll relish in the beauty here on earth.

      I find it interesting that the so-called religions can point fingers at you but they feel they can have carte blanche and do what the hell they want to do and damn you to hell. NO thank you!

      I have learned so much from folks like you and the faith I embrace which says that prosperity is for ALL, not some, ALL.

      Keep writing and be prepared for the onslaught of fanatics who will try and damn you to the deeper depths of hell. While they are at it, tell them that if you go there, that you want them have your cocktail waiting at the front entrance. 🙂

    5. Hey Randy,
      I recommend reading Karen Armstrongs book "The Battle For God". She does an amazing job illuminating "Fundimentalism" in all religions and the fear that creates that kind of thinking. Fundimentalism is actually a very modern phenomenon created when people become afraid of modern thought or progress.

      You already know my thoughts on prosperity thinking and Judaism. Jewish guilt is a cultural thing, (or should I say art form:)) and yes there are Fundimentalist in Judaism, but Judaism as a religion teaches prosperity like none other.

      The lack of "you're a sinner" teaching is exactly why after years of growing up in a Cult, then practicing everything from Buddist meditation, Vision Quests, Native American Sweat Lodges, attenting Episcopalian and Unity churches, choosing nothing at all and then years of study I came to choose Judaism. It's the one relgion that focuses on how to "be human" well and that our humanity is what is divine.
      "The human soul is the Candle of God" Proverbs 20:27

    6. Thanks for your courage in discussing these topics!

      I am practicing identifying the "memes" of poverty, both in my upbringing and current environment... I heard a "meme" in the prayer on Sunday at church and identified several in the movie I watched last night. Your book "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke" helped open my awareness to identifying the subliminal mind viruses.

      Also, Randy, as you asked me to, I am reminding you to talk to us about "what to do when you first get money".

    7. Randy,
      I guess I never bought into the unworthy part of being a sinner saved by grace. I always believed the word was true in that God loved me so much he sent Jesus to die for me. I was a "daddy's" girl and I related to the love of God for me. The Bible teaches there is none worthy, no not one! It immediately states he loved us enough to call us worthy, no longer slaves/servants to sins, but sons of righteousness. He calls me friend.
      I have been involved in the "religious" aspect of Christianity and it sickens me to think I wasted years of my life building the "reign" of man. But...I think a wise man said today......

      "If you have old debts you never paid back—pay them forward."
      I owe myself for wasted time...I owe others for getting so sucked into religion. But....I never look back....I pay it forward!

      I am extremely happy where I am now. I respect, honor & adore my Pastor, church family & mission.

      Religion did not do that for me.....My trust & love in the one that says he loves me does! I have stood on this scripture since I divorced 16 yrs. ago.
      PS: 113:7-9(AMP)
      7[The Lord] raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap and the dung hill,

      8That He may seat them with princes, even with the princes of His people.

      9He makes the barren woman to be a homemaker and a joyful mother of [spiritual] children. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)
      ************************************************* this day, this word is transpiring in my life. I do not take lightly that I can converse with men such as yourself, & other masterminds, on many subject levels. True "Princes" in the nucleus of my world today. I am raising up a team of people that will not feel unworthy! This would have never been possible had I not believed I was worthy!

      "You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become."

      That is my fav paragraph. How am I doing? AMAZING!


    8. well, dear Messiah! You have not read the Bible completely! In mine it says that I am a victor, more than conqueror, that Gods love is with me no matter what, that everything in my life will work for my good.
      You are an angry person, that's all...face that, then stop telling half the truth.

    9. P.S.
      Randy, you state "They have highjacked the true message and distorted it to reflect their agenda.

      It sounds like the current state of our government. Another topic for another time.

      Again, thank you for the space you provide in allowing us to engage in creative conversations.

      You are a Pioneer!!!


    10. Spending most of my life in organized religion, I can say that I believe that it has harmed many people and caused them to perform less than they were created to be. I believe that we are created in the image of God and should act like it and forget all the rest. Our main purpose is to worship our Creator!!!

    11. You've got me crying again..

      I had an interesting epiphany here.. from that last paragraph..

      We're here to save the lost. The lost aren't people who don't know God... damn it.. we've got it all wrong.

      The lost are people who have succumbed to this 'virus'. Especially the 'churched'..

      I'm sorry.. that's Fn' Scary.

    12. Actually I have read the Bible and think it's a wonderful textbook of prosperity. Obviously you didn't read this post. I'm not talking about the true principles or religion, just the way they have been distorted for manipulation and mind control. Like a lot of Fundamentalists you have jumped to knee-jerk attacks without doing the critical thinking required.

      For anyone actually interested in rational thought, here's the original Rant I sent out when Pope John Paul II died:

      It's worth a read again.


    13. "You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become."

      Exactly! Take that and Lead!

    14. Бог един(высшая сила)почему церковь говорит что мы грешники,ведь Иисус искупил грехи наши. Бог(высшия сила) дал нам всю землю ,чтобы мы жили, плодлись, усавершенствовались,добывали себе благо,были успешними.Но род людской опустил себя до обезьян.

    15. Randy,
      Great post. I think the evangelicals are the AMERICAN TALIBAN... They teach this crap and have hijacked the Republican Party to boot. Our church teaches a message that God loves all of us the same. Each person has God within them.

      By the way the official definition of sin is "missing the mark". To us at Unity this means we separated from God and if heaven is communion God than Hell is a place where we lose our spirituality. It is not a physical place that we end up at.

      Our belief is that everyone is both human and divine. It is time we stand up to "white trash America" and let them know that they are not the only game in town.

      Thanks Randy. You struck a nerve.

    16. Well !!!!! I totally agree with this view .... and the truth is that nowadays more and more and more people mentally hijacked by religious beliefs. In my country (Colombia) and in many countries around the world, more and more people are converting to Christianity and the vast majority of the time ... not knowing why ... I have nothing against Christianity ... in fact i follow the leadership of Jesus ... that my view is quite different from what organized religions promote, however, I agree with Randy that the mental programming to which we were subjected at the time could have influenced the results until now.

      The important thing is to realize: THE IMPORTANT THING HERE THAT I DRIVE MY LIFE DESTINY ....

      From Cali, Colombia,


    17. We can summarized the whole teaching of Jesus as "love yourself as you love your neighbor." but because we don't love ourselves,we don't love anyone else.

    18. Sorry I missed some of the comments, which I will read momentarily..I have read, not some of the Bible. I have read it in its entirety. Many times the NT. I know that what Randy says is not congruent with the doctrines and teachings in the Scripture. I am almost certain that some of the people here, (if not all) have only read small passages of it, thus cannot say with certainty: The Bible says this and that. How unfair and narrow minded that is.
      Best to all.

    19. Alex,

      You know - I've worked with many angry people to help them overcome anger...

      ANd I have never ever thought of Randy as angry in the years I have listened to him, read him...

      What makes you think he's angry?

      What half truth does he miss that you'd like him to see?

    20. I don't think babies are born with sin. I think they are innocent. I think we get exposed to negativity from the people around us (who may not be aware they suffer from lack/worthiness issue), from the media (who also may not be aware), and the church (who also may not be aware). And the cycle goes on & on.
      I don't think that is God's will for us. I also think the Bible has sometimes been misinterpreted by men.

      I recommend your book, “Why You’re DUMB, SICK, & BROKE . . .and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH”

      I agree that: "You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become."

      Chip Ingram says God uses people who have been rejected (told they are worthless) to help others..."Tend my lambs". It gets your focus off of you and onto serving others...and you begin to realize you are valuable.

      And to serve others, you have to take care of yourself & love yourself first. Lead by example.

    21. I have a relation with God today. Its different from the one that i learned from young age.
      I confronted with God during a 12 step program I did some years ago and my believe came when some unexpected things really appeared.

      I have the routines about being grateful and pray for skills. Like willingness to take difficult steps although it seems scary.
      To recieve power that really changed some very very bad habits and turned me in to be a fair player insted of a "fixer".

      I am really grateful that the dialog with God works and its fun to see the different areas where "Gods power is flowing through me" and really gave me access to prosperity.

      I will never never give up on my prosperity growth and I will never never give up on being in tune with God.

    22. You're even more than one soul and you exist in many places at the same "time". This is what people experience on the "other side" - "I was everywhere in time simultaneously".

      It's all about reconnecting with kin basically. We consist of archetype, color and tone, even in this physicality. Always remember that!

      You are not your rent-a-wreck, DNA-manipulated body-computer.

      But even the body is made to be eternal, because we can't create and exist in something mortal from the eternity we truly come from. People buy in to the "Death Program". They kill you with their words, and even languages have turned into programming just by the sounds of words and sentences!

      However, your true core can never be manipulated, only masked, and no matter how much they try, about one third of your mind can never be programmed either. There's always a space to which you can retreat and recollect yourself!

      There is always a choice. Accept or Reject!

      Rejection is God's protection!

    23. Thank you for an amazing subject-it is according to me the most important subject we have in this world today.And one thing I have realized:What you know you know and what you dont know you don´t...why can some people wake up after 30 years of "sleep" and suddenly know what they are going to do with their life to give it a sense?And why seam some people to just "be so happy with what they always had"?So I guess that is why we have fundamentalists who run around thinking they got the truth...and when the right time comes we wake up.Or the time when someone else tell us to do so.And we get the point!Because I beleive that is a great part of what real christianity really is:To be at the right place in the right time.And to do the right thing when the right time comes...For example for me right now listen to Randys voice which is a strong voice many people can wake up thanks to.THANK YOU!

    24. Randy,

      I attend a Church with the founder of a VERY, VERY well know restaurant chain that I'm sure you've probably dined at a time or two. He's a devout Christian, and he's worth hundreds of millions.

      Zig Ziglar & Jim Rohn are devout Christians. Ziglar even taught Sunday school. Both of these men believe Christ died for our sins, & both teach/taught prosperity and living lives of high financial achievement.

      There are many millionaires & billionaires who are committed Christians. Believing that Christ died for our sins doesn't automatically = having a poverty mindset or feeling not worthy of prosperity.

      You're painting organized religion with too broad a brush. As with anything, your point is true for some and not true for others committed to their religion.


    25. I don't think being a Christian and being a business leader are mutually exclusive in any way. I don't think the message of the Gospel is intentional poverty but self improvement. Isn't that what MLM leaders tell their followers they need to do (i.e. improve themselves)?

      I think if you achieve success by doing bad things... well that's not good at all. But if you develop your craft and find success, as well as wealth, then that's excellent.

      I do think that there are some spiritually leaders that distort the messages in the Bible, so I do agree with you there. Without learning for yourself what your religion believes, you fall victim to what your leaders tell you.

    26. I agree with you that believing Christ died for our sins doesn't automatically translate into having a poverty mindset. But for many people, it does create feelings of unworthiness that are fueled by some Christian leaders in order to keep their followers needy.


    27. "Without learning for yourself what your religion believes, you fall victim to what your leaders tell you." Exactly! That's where the critical thinking comes into play.


    28. >>>You are not serving God, the world, or yourself by playing small. Your assignment on this planet is to unfold into the true greatness you are capable of, and model that success to inspire others to escape the mediocrity their lives have become.<<<<

      I am not into so-called religion, and in fact I feel very uncomfortable being around religeous people, telling people what to do and what not to do, without really knowing personally the truly existing God who does interact.

      After I had enountered with God in such a vivid personal way, I 've learned to believe with no doubts that God is infinite and limitless. He is infinite God of love, peace, power, wisdom, abundance, health, and prosperity. There is nothing that can be hidden from Him - small and big. I have not yet arrived at the place in life where I could tell the world that I have achieved all that God had intended for me to achieve. However, as looking back, every piece of work, success, achievement (big or small) attained by faith pushes me further for the bigger things, knowing that God is behind me as before, always keeping His promises. So... the point in response to your post is.. we are able to attain/achieve what we had already been given at the foundation of the universe. What we have to do is to keep our faith steadily without any doubts that the visions that have been imaged in our mind/spirit will come to pass and will become a reality at the set time. Mere religion or institutionalized religion won't get you anywhere unless you have your personal conscious decision to believe. Loved your post as always, Randy. It's a great post that gets us thining a lot about prosperity!! 😉 -Saachi

    29. Randy,
      Great post but I have to say that it's not the doctrine of religion that fails to teach prosperity it's the individuals who wish to control individual's who they feel will stray. Another problem is that we use these teachings to justify where we in life...If money is the root of all evil then I'm Ok being poor...Justification allows us to stay in mediocrity...

    30. Hi Randy and everyone,

      Have you read "Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill?

      It's an amazing book that shows that not all of this programming is a copywriter and marketer I think you will find it very interesting.

      You can also look for a trailer about the documentary on youtube (search for "caesar's messiah promo").

      - SG

    31. Hi Randy,

      I did appreciate reading the article and all the comments. For me, the thing that I took away from all the comments were that my people perish because of lack of knowledge. I do agree that there is much misunderstanding in the world of religion. But Christianity is relationship and not religion. If you have relationship, there is so much more clarity and you are able to look at a Scripture and see it clearly, not as religious hypocrisy being tossed around.

      As for Oral Roberts, I do not think that he had a poverty mindset. He accomplished great things. He built ORU when he had no resources to achieve that goal. In my opinion, he had great vision and when the vision is clear, it can be achieved.

    32. That is a great post Randy. I've explored and practised several religions in my life. I think the essence of what most teach is valid, but for this time in human history, we just don't need those restrictive teachings with all the negative stuff. We have the power simply with our strength of will and inner power to be anything we want.

      After all, most religions say we are all a spark of God, but we can't be that till the next life!

    33. Great post Randy.

      Your insights and thoughts about the concepts of organized religion are spot on. As a "new" Christian I have not had the opportunity to be indoctrinated at a young age with the beliefs of the fundamentalists. I am thankful that I have come to realize that although born a sinner we are redeemed through salvation to live in the fullness of the greatness that God has planned for us. We are created in His image so how can we not be like Him? This is an idea that sticks in my mind: "God Love the SINNER, but Hates the SIN".
      Thanks again for your great posts.
      Make it a great day!
      God Bless,

    34. The fervent heat of burning suns creates the elements with millions of degrees of fervent heat which created the gold, and the silver throughout the universe. God created the universe abundant with the elements. God's substance is everlasting wealth.

    35. I'm an ex fundamentalist Christian. Leaving fundamentalism is like leaving an abusive marriage. I don't believe in God, but I believe in a higher power, this higher power is us as mankind doing the greater good by serving other people with love and integrity.

      Randy, you've inspired me to rejoin MLM (and maybe a Unitarian Church 🙂 )

    36. Hey Randy,

      I love your website. I found it a few days ago via your Youtube videos. Thank you for educating myself and others on how to maximize your prosperity. This is life changing information!


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