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The Cosmic Order of Good

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 2, 2011

You may look at the world sometimes and believe that it is given over to bad and evil, but that’s not the case.  Many people think life is chance, disorder and injustice.  But you don’t see things as they are; you see them as you are.

In my church we like to affirm, “God is good, all the time.  And all the time, God is good.”  We see our creator as a benevolent entity that wants only good things for us.  And I find how you view God (or the Universe, or whatever term you use) definitely colors how you view the world.  (And research supports this.)

Yes there is misery and evil in the world, but that is not its natural state.  The universe we live in is a cosmos, not chaos.  And the bad, evil, and immoral do not prosper.  That doesn’t mean people can’t profit from exploitation, cheating, or stealing.  You’ve seen them.  But they certainly don’t live lives of true prosperity.  They don’t enjoy peace, harmony and repose that are integral to true prosperity.

The sorrows in life can be profound.  Ask anyone who has lost a loved one, or is facing a tragedy right now.  But the person who controls their own thoughts can fathom and understand even these things are part of the journey; the yin and yang of this thing called life.  Sufferings are greatly reduced for those that see them as lessons.  When you have faith in the inherent good of the cosmos, this is how you accept them.

I’ve caught a bullet, had my business seized and auctioned off by the tax authorities, failed in many things, fought addictions, experienced negative, dysfunctional relationships and just generally made a lot of bad choices.  Yet I wouldn’t change any of that.  Those challenges were the stepping-stones that helped me learn lessons, develop character, and become who I am.

Creating a life of abundance is about faith.  Faith is the dawn to your day of harmony.  When you have faith you won’t succumb when challenges appear, or despair when faced with apparent tragedy.  However dark the path may appear, you know there is always light at the end.  I've lost more loved ones than I care to think about.  But I choose to celebrate the joy they brought to me, however how briefly.

People who think the universe is inherently bad attract cheats, liars, and exploitation.  People who believe it is inherently good attract goodness and light.

So how are you doing on this?  Do you feel you are attracting people and circumstances of good?  And if not, how could you change your core beliefs to do that?

Please share your thoughts below.  I’m on the way to Hawaii all day Monday on American Airlines and they’re not very wired.  So I’ll check in on the other side.


59 comments on “The Cosmic Order of Good”

  1. It is true that we are the masters of our own universe. We create our own realities. Just try it out some time. Walk into a room with a sour and angry mood. How do people treat you? Then try it while grinning from ear to ear and beaming joy from your heart and soul. People will be attracted to you like iron filings to a magnet. Our thoughts and moods are reflected on the faces of those who are in our lives. It is not the world that needs to change for us to find joy and prosperity we are the ones who must change.

  2. The universe is in fact in perfect order, otherwise the planets would collide :). An earthquake is supposed to happen, not a nice thing but it's there for a reason. A tsunami is supposed to happen, and yes, we humans get in the way of it and it's not nice either but it happens for a reason... to retain the perfect order of the universe.
    Exploitation, cheating, stealing are human constructs. So are fun, love, health, happiness, caring and tolerance. I know which ones I pick.
    Ok, so I'm preaching to the converted but I just got back from a holiday visiting family so I am using your platform Randy to re-program my head. Hope you don't 'mind'... pardon the pun. 🙂
    Enjoy Hawaii . . . and the coconuts. 🙂

  3. I too, have had some very "interesting" things happen to me in my life, and have come to believe that I, in fact DID manifest every single thing in my life. With being said, I would change ALOT, given the chance. Perhaps God planned it this way - that one cannot go back and undo things - so that we can learn and make better choices as we go.

    I feel excited about 2011 - more than I have in the past few years. Probably because I am facing a few "things" that need to be dealt with and a few more "things" that need to be changed. But, if it is true "that with God, all things are possible", then I must ask myself this year "What CAN'T I accomplish".

    Here's to happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all!

    1. You're right in that one cannot go back and undo something. What we can do is change the way we view it, change the meaning we have attached to it. And when we do this, everything changes. As Shakespeare said, "nothing's good or bad, thinking makes it so."

  4. Randy,

    I agree with you on this subject indeed. We get not what we want, but what we are. No matter what class we belong to at any given time in our lives. We still are the same person on the inside. Thank you for you wisdom, always!


  5. This is so timely Randy. I've been working through my own crisis of "faith" - not in the universe or source or spirit or a greater power. My crisis was with God.

    I was raised in a southern Baptist and Methodist home. God was a big guy who sat above us and decided whether we made it in to heaven, or not, based on a set of rules that made no sense to me. At 18 or so - I walked away from God. But, I kept right on believing in the universe and source, in a creative power that flows through me, in the Law of Attraction.

    Thanks to some healing work I've been doing, I've realized that God wasn't my problem. My definition of God was the challenge.

    So - I've been working on my faith - shifting my beliefs from a judging, stern God to a loving, abundance-for-all Creator. God. Universe. Source. Whatever.

    My God is a loving spirit who wants us all to thrive. My God empowers each and every one of us with the gifts and skills to create the lives of our dreams. We are co-Creators in this magical gift from God - our lives.

    It's up to us to use those gifts and skills. And to keep the faith!

    You rock my friend!


    1. Funny watched Joel Osteen for the first time yesterday. His message was about God being a loving father, instead of the stern, judgmental entity that many people think.


  6. RG,
    I Love this post! I too know that "God is Good ALL he time!!!" It doesn't mean that I always "agree" with Him! lol! I kn0ow that even the bad things in my life have to happen and some day I will understand why. Right now, I have to know that it is part of His plan. I happen to choose to LOVE life! Happiness IS A CHOICE!! I wake up and choose it! If I don't feel like it, then I smile, list ten things that I am thankful for and THEN CHOOSE IT!!
    I have been talking to some people about pre-destination. I would like to hear your comments about whether you believe that you are pre-destined by God. I know that it is extremely contraversial so I understand if you prefer not to discuss it. It ias just something that I have been studying lately and find it interesting to see both sides.
    As always, I love and respect you for turning my life around at a time when I didn't see much good in it. You taught me much! Hugs to you on this joyous 2011 beginning. Have a fabulous, relaxing time in Hawaii 🙂

    1. Hey, if anyone knows about this, it is you. Regarding the pre-destined question, look back here about two weeks when we looked at the research into DNA and how it can be changed. I believe we can make changes and course corrections and the final outcome isn't written until we write it.


  7. I believe I'm attracting things of good to my life, however the quick tragedy of my wife's sister passing rocked me mentally and caused me to doubt the goodness of the universe, and if any more tragedy's are on their way. It's a mental battle i face now every day, not believing that something good it's on its way. I'm going to work on this by re-programming my mind every morning through affirmations, some of which i wrote down from your blog regarding the inherent goodness of God and universe. Any other recommendations would be great ;). Thanks for the blog.

  8. Brave New World is an awesome novel for some of these themes... people hooked on the happy drug Soma, no Shakespeare, and everyone so-called happy... how would you ever know you were happy if you were never sad?? Let's rock 2011!!

  9. God concepts are interesting. It is a beautiful thing you have written. How much good we attract is about how we view God/ourselves. So, to believe God is benevolent is a nice perspective.

    I think our God concepts, at least hopefully, change as we change. Becoming more aware of how one thinks of God is always helpful.

    You know though, the universe is different, or maybe not depending on how you think of God. For most people it is probably at least part of the universe. I think our universe or our world, (I'm not sure if we see it the same way) is good and bad, chaotic and ordered.

    It is interesting to, to think about wether or not God is truly omnipotent. To really understand God it is important to think about evil and understand it.

    What I mean to say is I'm not sure if identifying injustice, chaos, chance, and disorder as part of the universe/world is necessarily just a reflection of who we are or how we view ourselves. Although, it certainly could be. I think that it is wise to know that these things exist as part of the universe, and always as a possibility of coming through us.

    I do agree very much if you look at bad things that happen and the bad things we do as lessons, it will take away unhealthy guilt and regret and replace it with a confidence that one can learn from mistakes and become even better for them.

    (I'm really trying, I think I'm doing better.)

  10. For me its been exceptionally simple: I was extremely toxic in my thoughts (far more so than I was even consciously aware of), and the universe responded with a perfect mirrior image of my internal state. I made it my mission to consistently monitor my every thought (and honestly examine and understand where they were emanating from), I was shocked at what was cooking below the surface of what I thought was a kind, friendly, caring person. I then proceeded to replace every toxic thought with one of warmth, care, kindness, and acceptance. And eventually this became my "normal"state, or default mode. And what happened? When I changed how I viewed the universe, the universe changed how it viewed me...and suddenly beauty and abundance were within reach. Amazing business opportunities popped up, money became more abundant than ever, freinds and relationships I could never have hoped for in the past mysteriously appeared! A perfect external expression of my internal state...that predictable ole universe doing it's perfect mirrioring again!

    You don't see things as they are, you see things as you are. Indeed!

    Love it!!


  11. RG,
    I feel like I am on the road to successful living , but I still have a lot of work to do on the inside. I mean changing and letting go of the grudges, I am not worthy etc. thinking. I also realize this is not a one time event but something I have to do over time.

    The benefit of peace of mind is so strong that I keep moving forward. Thanks for your wonderful blog and drawing so many people together who are all searching for a better more enlightened life.
    Happy New Year,

  12. Happy New Year Randy,
    I lost a good friend New Year's Eve. His pregnant wife and small children were not injured in the car accident but a young, brilliant life was ended. Still in shock, I had to call his sister to offer my support and love. The thoughts that come are ones of blessing and relief that his family are unhurt and that events such as these connect people that haven't talked, stir feelings of compassion in everyone. Everyone who knows him will have to make decisions about their faith, causing many conversations with God. The ripple effect is huge. I know the universe to be an ordered and beautiful place, with a loving Creator at the helm. I trust His wisdom and expect blessings from the hard and happy times of life. Tomorrow the sun will shine and good things will come our way.

    1. A local doctor nearby took his own life on new years eve leaving his wife and 3 young children to face 2011 and the future utterly devastated. 2 years ago one of my wife`s friends ran over her 2 year old daughter by accident , when the child had hidden under the car as a prank and mom was leaving in a hurry and reversed in her only daughter after 3 sons and many prayers for a daughter!! Absolutely devastating funeral. The universe is indeed mystifying.

  13. When you have witnessed war and destruction firsthand and seen people lose their loved ones, lose their homes, lose their limbs, cities destroyed, it is a little hard to believe that the universe or god is inherently good. Man is evil then. Maybe that's the belief I created after my experience. I slumped into a deep depression, didn't want to meet or talk to anyone for months. I felt like why wasn't the world helping these people? These people are suffering out there and there are people to continue to cause suffering by the push of a button, or a signature on a piece of paper, have they witnessed with their own eyes what that signature created in the world?

    I've been trying to find the answer to whether the universe is inherently good for years now. If it really is good, then why are thousands people dying everyday because of war or famine? Why are politicians killing innocent lives by starting wars?

    Some of this may be just theory for some of you who live in your perfect homes, townships, cities, who wake up and go to work, have good jobs or businesses, drive nice cars, eat at fine restaurants, and then read or watch the news about some people dying at some war. But I have seen and experienced all this firsthand, on the ground, with my on eyes. People killing people, the more powerful killing thousands of people, destruction everywhere. Can you understand that I have been questioning if the universe is inherently good?

    I guess this is my biggest obstacle to prosperity. And I've been trying to understand how and why the universe is good. I stopped trusting people, because I believe people are only out to get something from others. I believe people are only concerned about their own lives and don't give a damn about those who suffer everyday without food or water or a home. I've been struggling to see that the world is good, that humanity is good, that people are looking out for each other, that humans are united. Instead I've adopted the believe that people are killing each other, killing the planet, and fighting for power to control the masses to their own benefit for profit or monopoly. The human race is destroying itself. That's what I see.

    Now Randy, please help me see the bigger picture.. Because I've been struggling for years.

    1. I understand what you are saying...I think, we all carry a package of negative things, fears, hate, laziness...Only, some of us have a bravery to except those things in our own mind, and then, we have a power over them...And with that, we stop to judge others. Unfortunately, many people dont want to see the bad inside them, so they fight others. I really hope there will be more and more people who have a consciousness highly developed!

    2. There in lies the reason. You have adopted a belief and in doing so are attracting yourself to the bad. If you want something to weaken, as Mother Theresa said, you do not add attention to it. When asked if she would attend a war rally, she replied, no, but if you have a peace rally, I will be there. She understood that just by focusing on bad, we create more of it. Everything is matter and energy. You must, in my opinion, only focus on what is good, bringing more of that energy into the universe and to yourself.

    3. You know truly, no one has all the answers here. The problem of evil is just that, a problem. It exists all around us, but so does good. It is also within us. I think it takes a long time to forgive God for some of the atrocities that occur. Just like it takes a long time to forgive ourselves sometimes.

      I don't think I believe God lets bad things happen. But, it is easy to blame God. I think God gave us free will and the atrocities of war and the like are human made and have nothing to do with God. They have to do with evil that we commit. We humans. We always have within us the power to commit good and evil, it is always about our choices.

      I aggree with the others, the only way to combat evil is to bring more love into the world. But, first you have to forgive God, realize that God had nothing to do with it. Or if you think God did, forgive God (in your own time) for not being omnipotent, or all good as most people assume.

      Anyway you look at it, there will probably always be evil, natural and human evil. In philosophy class we learned to distinguish natural evil as those events that occur in nature, like hurricanes, tsunamis, mudslides, etc., things the mame and harm people. Human evil is the evil we do. For instance, the Jewish and Native American Holocausts.

      I disaggree somewhat with the others for saying, I think that you should not draw attention to it. I think evil should be confronted. I think apathy is also evil, no we should not revere evil or meet evil with more evil, but meet evil with love. All, the different kinds of love. Tough love, tender love, judicious love, and merciful love.

      I know about good and evil, because I have done many good and evil things. Some of them right here on this blog (some may think I am just plain evil, but it is really not true). So, just like humans the universe is good and bad, you are right about all the things you say, but do spend some more time thinking about all the blessings, wonder and love in the world.

      Think about one of my favorite heroes, Martin Luther King Jr. (my son's middle name is Martin, after him). He battled the evil of opression and the evil of the vietnam war with love and peace. That's like what Mary-Ellen was saying.

      In conclusion, if you believe this about the world, know that it is only part true. Someone like you, could add love to a world so in need of it.

      1. Also, I just wanted to say there are so many people around today that do care about others. Even Randy, I think. Teachers, fireman, doctors, nurses, moms, dads, politicians(yes, I believe some really do), and so many others.

        Volunteer, go out and do go deeds, you will find so much love in yourself and others. Spend time with children, you will see then through them the beauty and wonder of the world.

  14. We are what we think... so I chose to think only about good and prosperous things. Even if sometimes I have to fight my old devils, I can say I manage to focus my mind on what I want to.

    Have a nice trip Randy!!

  15. I love this - Many people think life is chance, disorder and injustice. But you don’t see things as they are; you see them as you are. - powerful, thank you bro

  16. I love ZEN!

    There is no good and no bad - it just IS as it IS!

    And I devide what I want to have in my life and how I think about all the things that happen daily AND how I feel about it.

    When I think something bad happens to me then I watch some videos like this one of Nick Vujicic:

    And within few minutes everything is great in my life again!

      1. Yes, this is amazing but I am also a little bit sad after it.

        The short video I posted is more motivational for daily use.

        It has the Wow effect for me that touches my whole body and soul!

  17. Really enjoy your postings. I am in my first year of Science of Mind practitioner training and everything you stated was discussed in SOM 101, the very first class and three months in as an Agel representative. Really awesome to see how the Spiritual teachings of Science of Mind are critical to success, not only in this industry, but in life overall.

  18. Thank you for reminding me the bad things that happen always good will come of it. As my Mom said
    In every adversity is the seed of equal or greater benefit.

  19. Have a great adventure in Maui, Randy.

    I am new to Randy's blog and in addition to the blog itself, I find each of your comments 'delicious' enlightening and amazing in contrast. I'm loving this blog more and more every day. 🙂

    My resolution for 2011 is following the advice of Abraham (and NOT the biblical one):

    "My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source... There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first."
    --- Abraham

  20. I believe that we all have God in mind, everyone has a chance to prove , be better not bitter.Many times I fell to my mouth, but until I have the strength to stand up and go do it again, do it.


  21. Hey all,

    Just switching planes at DFW and got a chance to check in on your comments. Really some amazing insights here. So sorry to hear about some of the tragedies a few of you are going through. I've been thinking about that a lot and will pick up there on the next post.


  22. Randy,

    I recently discovered your blog and have to say you are an very inspirational person.

    I wonder if I could share some thoughts on this topic.

    There is a saying along the lines of if you have faith in nothing you will believe anything.

    My own belief is that all the universe is within ourselves to discover and we can best tune into that through silent mediation.

    Yes, the world is full of tragedy and horrors, and these are what is reported in the daily news media at large, in addition to the personal, private difficulties experienced by people all around the world.

    However, it is also true that there are not enough news outlets on the entire planet to cover each act of goodness performed every single minute of every hour of every day.

    I cannot and do not judge other people, but for myself I value life too much to attempt to block it out or wish it over.

    If I were to be asked for advice, I would simply recommend that people spend a little time in quiet contemplation each day, if at all possible to exercise (yoga is a great compliment to this approach) at to take the time each time to experience the reality of being alive.

    When you are outdoors, feel the fresh air of your face, listen to your heartbeat, listen to nature around you.

    Life is fleeting and precious, at least take the time to have known it fully.

  23. I think it is so apparent, based on many of the comments above, that our faith is such an important factor in how we view the ‘justice’ of the Universe and our concept of God.

    Without faith, it would be almost impossible and crazy-making to wrap your mind around events that appear to be unfair tragedies that happen to those who seem undeserving. This struggle comes up for all of us, I believe, at some point on our journey. How do we justify a child who dies of cancer? A mother or father who dies in a car accident and leaves behind a family? The thousands of seemingly ‘innocent do-gooders’ who lost their lives in the devastation of 9-11? And the truth is, you can’t possibly find the answer to those questions through logic, you must find them through faith.

    One of my biggest challenges as a parent has been in having to try and explain to my children why ‘bad’ things happen to ‘good’ people. And the best way I have been able to offer them some peace is to get them to consider that every one of those souls who experiences tragedy is somehow, in some way, responsible for choosing what happens to them. We are all co-creators of our own experience.

    Now that’s not to be so simplistic as to say that all of the people who died at the World Trade Center, for example, had a conscious death wish. But I do personally believe that on some level, their souls chose that moment in time to make an exit from this place. And if you take it one step further, what a great, powerful, wise and amazing power we must have, orchestrating the ebb and flow of this universe to bring that just the right souls, at just the right time to create the perfect moment, and leave behind the perfect meaning for their exit. It just leaves me in awe when I think of it that way.

    God is good, all the time.

    It is living by this belief that has made it possible for me to know that everything I go through, no matter how trying, is just the forebearer of something great and wonderful – and it also attracts to me evidence, on a daily basis, that our universe, and the people in it, are inherently well-meaning. We are all doing the best that we can at any given moment in time based on our history. As we overcome our insecurities and wounds, we grow into more of the truth of who we can ultimately become. In other words, “When we know better, we do better.” And more and more goodness is created all the time.


    1. It is interesting to think about, I know that some people believe that there is no such thing as chance happenings. I think you are saying that all the things that happen to us we bring to ourselves.

      How about birth? Our parents? I don't know. Maybe.

      What do you think the victims' families of 911 would say about your thoughts? Do you think they would agree? I don't know.

      What about the story of Job? What on earth does that mean?

      Should we prosecute criminals if this is the case? If you became an attorney would you say the victims were responsible for the crimes committed against them and therefore there is no need to punish the perps?

      Should we not have intervened in the Jewish holocaust because those Jewish people were just asking for their souls to be removed from this earth?

      Is God always intervening in human affairs? Or is God a laissez-faire God? How does God appear in human affairs? Does God come down and make things happen? Or does God work through people? So, maybe when good things happen, it is people bringing Love/God into the world. When bad things happen maybe it is people denying God and bringing evil into the world.

      Could there possibly be chance happenings, events we had no hand in at all? Does power come from having faith you control everything in your life? Or does true power come from knowing whatever happens you still have your faith?

      1. You bring up some interesting points for sure, Annie. 🙂 And, if I can respond to your last paragraph first, I do believe there is power in knowing that we co-create our experiences (not necessarily ‘control’ them), and likewise, there is ALSO great power in knowing that one’s faith is sturdy in a storm. This is why growing in consciousness is the key to all - the more we intentionally tend to our thoughts and our beliefs and learn to focus on the positive and the possible, the better and more prosperous our external experiences become. We attract inspired ideas, timely opportunities and helpful people.

        In the situation of the criminal and the victim, I can actually see them BOTH as 'victims' … of their own beliefs; their own inability to fully experience love for themselves. And certainly, just because the victim of the crime unconsciously co-created the events that made them vulnerable to the criminal in the first place, that does not leave the criminal without responsibility for his/her own behavior. Two separate people, two separate experiences. I do think however, that the criminal could be served far greater through Love than punishment as a consequence. Criminals commit the crimes they do because of the amount of punishment they have already experienced (at both the hand of others as well as themselves). And if we, as a society, could figure out how to create an effective way to reach them at their core and heal what is broken in them, to build them back up again and teach them to once again feel, see and believe in their own importance, value and goodness, then we would be on track to ‘rehabilitate’, not just incarcerate. But because of our own need to disassociate and disgrace, we put humans in cages and believe it will teach them to act respectful and civilized. The irony of that is hard to swallow.

        “So, maybe when good things happen, it is people bringing Love/God into the world. When bad things happen maybe it is people denying God and bringing evil into the world.”


        I can certainly see how things could be interpreted that way, but what if … when good things happen, it is people bringing Love/God into the world, and when bad things happen, it is ALSO people bringing Love/God into the world?

        What if the occurrence of ‘bad’ things is just the only frequency some people have open to receive God’s messages at the time? Since, we as humans tend to learn through contrast until we figure out how to learn through joy, maybe tragedies and horrific events like 9-11 and the Holocaust serve a much higher purpose, such as presenting an extremely emotionally impactful experience to get the attention of many souls and show, by example, how ugly and destructive hate and ignorance can be? Maybe they are the harbingers of a lesson of great Love? Of the importance and necessity of each individual? And what if, upon all of us ‘getting’ that lesson, the entire world can finally become truly free and prosperous, one and all?

        If one views things in that way, then it is easier to not only forgive someone like Hitler or Bin Laden for their brutal behaviors, but maybe to even have a certain kind of detached respect for them (at a soul level) for stepping into the roles they have, living lives based on fear and anger, and facing hatred and persecution in order to help bring enlightenment to many.

        I know this may not be a perspective shared by many, but it creates a foundation that allows Love for all. It enables one to recognize the innocence of any ‘enemy’, which instantly takes that relationship out of the darkness and into the light. It creates ‘good’ out of ‘bad’. And the more we can do this, to see the inherent good in everything and everyone – the more we, in turn, attract goodness to ourselves. We embrace the perfection of the way things are, we grow our faith, and we can give birth to our own prosperity.

        1. KimbraLee,

          As always thanks for your thoughtful reply. Sorry to have bombarded you with so many questions. Love, Love your take on criminals, I do think they need more love and rehabilitation, as well as some consequences. Love can heal all, tis true. Those of us who participate in criminal acts or have mental illness do this things from a lack of love somewhere down the line.

          Yes, Yes we should always have empathy for those who commit evil acts. And learn from it.

          Good and Evil as the same thing I don't agree with. Love builds evil destroys. Perhaps in the wake of evil we can learn to be more loving. Hope you had very happy holidays!


          1. Good Morning, Annie! I did have lovely holidays and I hope yours were the same.

            Loved your responsive post! Thanks so much.

            Just want to be sure not to be misunderstood on one point. I do not believe that evil and good are the same thing – far from it. Evil exists where there is a lack of Love, but I only meant to say that I see that it holds the potential to be the precursor to the ultimate creation of a higher order of Good.

            The potential for transforming ‘bad’ events into ‘good’ outcomes, as always, lies in the perception and ultimately, the response of the beholders. We all get to choose in any situation whether we will allow events to open or close our hearts and then act from that place. Painful experiences often offer us the greatest opportunities for growth on our personal journey. And when looked at in that way, even ‘bad’ and ‘evil’ can be valuable, integral parts of the path to a greater ‘Good.’

            And the good news is, the more we evolve, raise our consciousness and our sights, the more we let go of our need to experience our ultimate goodness through the birthing pains of that which feels ‘bad’. Oh, Happy Day!

  24. Faith is the foundation for all prosperity. It's our gift for the taking. Faith without works is wasted though. When people question faith, they lose the power it will manifest to transform us. Just when the seed starts to sprout, it gets cut down by lack of faith and is unable to grow if we allow doubt to creep in. Randy mentioned Joel Olsteen. I like him but get so much clarity on the word from watching Charles Stanley. He has many inspirational sermons free on line that are so clearly stated. I hope I am not being disrespectful to Randy's blog by referencing the website but it's such a great resource for inspiration and understanding on this blog subject. There is also a great chapter on faith development in the book, Think and grow rich. I truly hope everyone has read this. You can purchase it in pdf on line. I have been through some incredible experiences in my life and have always endured them with ease because of faith. It is intended to give us all strength when we see no human means to endure.

  25. Go inside, not outside. Few people go inside because they’re afraid of what's in there. Well, it's not going away because you're not looking, and it affects every second of your life. Every move you make.

    And again, going inside is not about affirmations, positive thinking or subliminal CDs. We've all been there and done that by now. It can still be done, but is only a fraction of what is possible to do.

    You need to know what is really going on, with you and in the world. The true story.

    God is inherently neutral in the sense that it allows all things to occur. There is no good or bad, positive or negative. God wants to experience itself, whatever that means, and it does that through you and all other beings, under Universal Law. You need to know those laws.

    There are many versions of reality, many versions of you, playing out right now. It is all simultaneous and multidimensional. You can know all of it, and actually, you already do.

    God would not hurt or victimize itself in any way, it simply can't, and even if it did, it would all be an illusion. Same with you. And victims and perpetrators are all in the same boat. Stuck in mediocrity.

    You can spread light in a pitch black room with an ever so small candle, but you can’t really do the opposite, other than by illusory tricks. In that sense, God is light, and also infinite love, as the underlying frequency of all.

    You are using a fraction of your true capacity, both physically and mentally. Less than 5%. For how long? God is waiting.

    And remember, not even God is perfect all of the time either. It wants to improve too, and it does that by you and me.

    If you have had an experience you would like to change, do that! Play the scene in a different way. It is all about energy anyway.

  26. Thank you, Randy, for keeping us on the right track of real prosperity and success.
    I totally believe in reprogramming your mind, heart & body for success and good: tuning your attraction to what you really desire.
    I am working on it more than ever in 2011, for business & love!

  27. This post really hit home for me. I recently started looking at things differently and I'm already starting see a difference in who and what I'm attracting into my life.

    I know that changing my core beliefs is a process and it's not going to happen overnight at the snap of my fingers. I'm training my mind in order to overcome the fact that old habits and ways of thinking die hard. I know I'll get there though.

    Thank you for the timely post Randy!

    P.S. This paragraph is an inspiration:

    "I’ve caught a bullet, had my business seized and auctioned off by the tax authorities, failed in many things, fought addictions, experienced negative, dysfunctional relationships and just generally made a lot of bad choices. Yet I wouldn’t change any of that. Those challenges were the stepping-stones that helped me learn lessons, develop character, and become who I am."

  28. Sometimes, the core belief you think you have isn't really the one that's causing the problems. For example, you might think you're a really positive person but in reality what you're saying to yourself and those around you could be quite negative.

  29. As Napoloean Hill said in Think and Gow Rich - " In every adveristy is the equivalent opportunity" IF WE CHOOSE TO FIND IT! Again it brings us back to personal responsability. In 2004 I lost my finacé to cancer. He was a wonderful man and we could have had an amazing future together - at least that is what I thought at the time. 6 years later I am so grateful for his life and the privilege of having shared precious time with him on this magical ride through life. He continues to teach me - that each day is a precious gift that we must make the most of each day for all our days are counted. I truly believe he decided to move on to a better place and I consider myself so fortunate that we crossed paths while he was here.
    The post above about the tragedy of war is powerful. I am sure it was very hard - but remember - in every adversity is the EQUIVALENT opportunity - that means - the bigger the adversity the bigger the opportunity. Either one CHOOSES to see the tragady or one CHOOSES to celebrate each day of freedom since returning from such horror. There are many people in the world today that are living through war and for all those depressed people I would say - stop wallowing in your pain and celebrate the opportunity in your life. If you are reading this blog you are very fortunate - no one is being killed outside your window and you hve access to the internet - how wonderful is that? Everything is relative and it doesn't take long to find someone worse off than yourself. Start a gratitude journal and take note of every little thing you can be grateful for - and as you switch your focus you'll find more and more things to be grateful for. Make this a discipline and watch your life change radically for the better . Life is simple - we tend to make it so complicated and then blame war or whatever other negative circumstance we chose to dwell on. We cannot eradicate war - but as Victor Frankl says in his book - Mans Search For Meaning ( where he recounts his life in the holocaust ) "
    No one can ever take away mans last freedom - to choose his thoughts in any situation -" Gods gift to us is life - our gift to God is what we do with it.
    This is why we love Randy - Christian, Fundamentalist or whatever - he is a great example of doing so much with his life - although what he says is great - what he does is absolutely incredible. He is so profilic and shares so much with so many people and he is so grateful today for ALL his past challenges that made him who he is today.
    Thanks for the blog on The Dream Life Randy - loved it. And also for the below -
    "One of the songs the congregation sang was “How Great is Our God.” It’s a beautiful song, but I feel that many singing it might have been missing the spiritual truth behind it. Namely that God (and it doesn’t matter to me what name you call it, whether God, Allah, Spirit, universe or anything else) is great only because of what He/It can do through YOU.

    It’s not about God being great. It is about you honoring your God by being the greatest you can be. This time of economic meltdown/spectacular opportunity is our chance to accept our divine heritage, spiritual possibilities, and tap into our amazing potential.
    Lets stop wallowing in the drama of our lives but rather write our own movie, play the lead role and start living life to the full!

    PS I wrote this post an hour ago and when I pressed submit I lost it and it didnt get posted. I dont get mad about things any more - there must have been a reason - just hope this version was even better! If you are still reading - make today great. CARPE DIEM

  30. Hi: I have been reading your page and yes we all go through things in life.. but I want to know the direction God wants me to take? I try to be happy and I find happines thruogh spending time with my kids, the dog, walking, being in nature and laughing.. but im with a spouse now and i feel IM at a cross roads.. not sure what to do?
    I feel alone and unhappy could it be I married the wrong person?
    I would like to know other people's thughts on this.. can I have my soul mate out there and not know it?
    and we need a financial blessing... I try and hubby tries but we cant seem to get anywhere our lives are going around in a circle!
    wish I could be in Hawaii.. looking at the ocean and relaxling.. its just what I need! Trish

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  • 59 comments on “The Cosmic Order of Good”

    1. It is true that we are the masters of our own universe. We create our own realities. Just try it out some time. Walk into a room with a sour and angry mood. How do people treat you? Then try it while grinning from ear to ear and beaming joy from your heart and soul. People will be attracted to you like iron filings to a magnet. Our thoughts and moods are reflected on the faces of those who are in our lives. It is not the world that needs to change for us to find joy and prosperity we are the ones who must change.

    2. The universe is in fact in perfect order, otherwise the planets would collide :). An earthquake is supposed to happen, not a nice thing but it's there for a reason. A tsunami is supposed to happen, and yes, we humans get in the way of it and it's not nice either but it happens for a reason... to retain the perfect order of the universe.
      Exploitation, cheating, stealing are human constructs. So are fun, love, health, happiness, caring and tolerance. I know which ones I pick.
      Ok, so I'm preaching to the converted but I just got back from a holiday visiting family so I am using your platform Randy to re-program my head. Hope you don't 'mind'... pardon the pun. 🙂
      Enjoy Hawaii . . . and the coconuts. 🙂

    3. I too, have had some very "interesting" things happen to me in my life, and have come to believe that I, in fact DID manifest every single thing in my life. With being said, I would change ALOT, given the chance. Perhaps God planned it this way - that one cannot go back and undo things - so that we can learn and make better choices as we go.

      I feel excited about 2011 - more than I have in the past few years. Probably because I am facing a few "things" that need to be dealt with and a few more "things" that need to be changed. But, if it is true "that with God, all things are possible", then I must ask myself this year "What CAN'T I accomplish".

      Here's to happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all!

      1. You're right in that one cannot go back and undo something. What we can do is change the way we view it, change the meaning we have attached to it. And when we do this, everything changes. As Shakespeare said, "nothing's good or bad, thinking makes it so."

    4. Randy,

      I agree with you on this subject indeed. We get not what we want, but what we are. No matter what class we belong to at any given time in our lives. We still are the same person on the inside. Thank you for you wisdom, always!


    5. This is so timely Randy. I've been working through my own crisis of "faith" - not in the universe or source or spirit or a greater power. My crisis was with God.

      I was raised in a southern Baptist and Methodist home. God was a big guy who sat above us and decided whether we made it in to heaven, or not, based on a set of rules that made no sense to me. At 18 or so - I walked away from God. But, I kept right on believing in the universe and source, in a creative power that flows through me, in the Law of Attraction.

      Thanks to some healing work I've been doing, I've realized that God wasn't my problem. My definition of God was the challenge.

      So - I've been working on my faith - shifting my beliefs from a judging, stern God to a loving, abundance-for-all Creator. God. Universe. Source. Whatever.

      My God is a loving spirit who wants us all to thrive. My God empowers each and every one of us with the gifts and skills to create the lives of our dreams. We are co-Creators in this magical gift from God - our lives.

      It's up to us to use those gifts and skills. And to keep the faith!

      You rock my friend!


      1. Funny watched Joel Osteen for the first time yesterday. His message was about God being a loving father, instead of the stern, judgmental entity that many people think.


    6. RG,
      I Love this post! I too know that "God is Good ALL he time!!!" It doesn't mean that I always "agree" with Him! lol! I kn0ow that even the bad things in my life have to happen and some day I will understand why. Right now, I have to know that it is part of His plan. I happen to choose to LOVE life! Happiness IS A CHOICE!! I wake up and choose it! If I don't feel like it, then I smile, list ten things that I am thankful for and THEN CHOOSE IT!!
      I have been talking to some people about pre-destination. I would like to hear your comments about whether you believe that you are pre-destined by God. I know that it is extremely contraversial so I understand if you prefer not to discuss it. It ias just something that I have been studying lately and find it interesting to see both sides.
      As always, I love and respect you for turning my life around at a time when I didn't see much good in it. You taught me much! Hugs to you on this joyous 2011 beginning. Have a fabulous, relaxing time in Hawaii 🙂

      1. Hey, if anyone knows about this, it is you. Regarding the pre-destined question, look back here about two weeks when we looked at the research into DNA and how it can be changed. I believe we can make changes and course corrections and the final outcome isn't written until we write it.


    7. I believe I'm attracting things of good to my life, however the quick tragedy of my wife's sister passing rocked me mentally and caused me to doubt the goodness of the universe, and if any more tragedy's are on their way. It's a mental battle i face now every day, not believing that something good it's on its way. I'm going to work on this by re-programming my mind every morning through affirmations, some of which i wrote down from your blog regarding the inherent goodness of God and universe. Any other recommendations would be great ;). Thanks for the blog.

    8. Brave New World is an awesome novel for some of these themes... people hooked on the happy drug Soma, no Shakespeare, and everyone so-called happy... how would you ever know you were happy if you were never sad?? Let's rock 2011!!

    9. God concepts are interesting. It is a beautiful thing you have written. How much good we attract is about how we view God/ourselves. So, to believe God is benevolent is a nice perspective.

      I think our God concepts, at least hopefully, change as we change. Becoming more aware of how one thinks of God is always helpful.

      You know though, the universe is different, or maybe not depending on how you think of God. For most people it is probably at least part of the universe. I think our universe or our world, (I'm not sure if we see it the same way) is good and bad, chaotic and ordered.

      It is interesting to, to think about wether or not God is truly omnipotent. To really understand God it is important to think about evil and understand it.

      What I mean to say is I'm not sure if identifying injustice, chaos, chance, and disorder as part of the universe/world is necessarily just a reflection of who we are or how we view ourselves. Although, it certainly could be. I think that it is wise to know that these things exist as part of the universe, and always as a possibility of coming through us.

      I do agree very much if you look at bad things that happen and the bad things we do as lessons, it will take away unhealthy guilt and regret and replace it with a confidence that one can learn from mistakes and become even better for them.

      (I'm really trying, I think I'm doing better.)

    10. For me its been exceptionally simple: I was extremely toxic in my thoughts (far more so than I was even consciously aware of), and the universe responded with a perfect mirrior image of my internal state. I made it my mission to consistently monitor my every thought (and honestly examine and understand where they were emanating from), I was shocked at what was cooking below the surface of what I thought was a kind, friendly, caring person. I then proceeded to replace every toxic thought with one of warmth, care, kindness, and acceptance. And eventually this became my "normal"state, or default mode. And what happened? When I changed how I viewed the universe, the universe changed how it viewed me...and suddenly beauty and abundance were within reach. Amazing business opportunities popped up, money became more abundant than ever, freinds and relationships I could never have hoped for in the past mysteriously appeared! A perfect external expression of my internal state...that predictable ole universe doing it's perfect mirrioring again!

      You don't see things as they are, you see things as you are. Indeed!

      Love it!!


    11. RG,
      I feel like I am on the road to successful living , but I still have a lot of work to do on the inside. I mean changing and letting go of the grudges, I am not worthy etc. thinking. I also realize this is not a one time event but something I have to do over time.

      The benefit of peace of mind is so strong that I keep moving forward. Thanks for your wonderful blog and drawing so many people together who are all searching for a better more enlightened life.
      Happy New Year,

    12. Happy New Year Randy,
      I lost a good friend New Year's Eve. His pregnant wife and small children were not injured in the car accident but a young, brilliant life was ended. Still in shock, I had to call his sister to offer my support and love. The thoughts that come are ones of blessing and relief that his family are unhurt and that events such as these connect people that haven't talked, stir feelings of compassion in everyone. Everyone who knows him will have to make decisions about their faith, causing many conversations with God. The ripple effect is huge. I know the universe to be an ordered and beautiful place, with a loving Creator at the helm. I trust His wisdom and expect blessings from the hard and happy times of life. Tomorrow the sun will shine and good things will come our way.

      1. A local doctor nearby took his own life on new years eve leaving his wife and 3 young children to face 2011 and the future utterly devastated. 2 years ago one of my wife`s friends ran over her 2 year old daughter by accident , when the child had hidden under the car as a prank and mom was leaving in a hurry and reversed in her only daughter after 3 sons and many prayers for a daughter!! Absolutely devastating funeral. The universe is indeed mystifying.

    13. When you have witnessed war and destruction firsthand and seen people lose their loved ones, lose their homes, lose their limbs, cities destroyed, it is a little hard to believe that the universe or god is inherently good. Man is evil then. Maybe that's the belief I created after my experience. I slumped into a deep depression, didn't want to meet or talk to anyone for months. I felt like why wasn't the world helping these people? These people are suffering out there and there are people to continue to cause suffering by the push of a button, or a signature on a piece of paper, have they witnessed with their own eyes what that signature created in the world?

      I've been trying to find the answer to whether the universe is inherently good for years now. If it really is good, then why are thousands people dying everyday because of war or famine? Why are politicians killing innocent lives by starting wars?

      Some of this may be just theory for some of you who live in your perfect homes, townships, cities, who wake up and go to work, have good jobs or businesses, drive nice cars, eat at fine restaurants, and then read or watch the news about some people dying at some war. But I have seen and experienced all this firsthand, on the ground, with my on eyes. People killing people, the more powerful killing thousands of people, destruction everywhere. Can you understand that I have been questioning if the universe is inherently good?

      I guess this is my biggest obstacle to prosperity. And I've been trying to understand how and why the universe is good. I stopped trusting people, because I believe people are only out to get something from others. I believe people are only concerned about their own lives and don't give a damn about those who suffer everyday without food or water or a home. I've been struggling to see that the world is good, that humanity is good, that people are looking out for each other, that humans are united. Instead I've adopted the believe that people are killing each other, killing the planet, and fighting for power to control the masses to their own benefit for profit or monopoly. The human race is destroying itself. That's what I see.

      Now Randy, please help me see the bigger picture.. Because I've been struggling for years.

      1. I understand what you are saying...I think, we all carry a package of negative things, fears, hate, laziness...Only, some of us have a bravery to except those things in our own mind, and then, we have a power over them...And with that, we stop to judge others. Unfortunately, many people dont want to see the bad inside them, so they fight others. I really hope there will be more and more people who have a consciousness highly developed!

      2. There in lies the reason. You have adopted a belief and in doing so are attracting yourself to the bad. If you want something to weaken, as Mother Theresa said, you do not add attention to it. When asked if she would attend a war rally, she replied, no, but if you have a peace rally, I will be there. She understood that just by focusing on bad, we create more of it. Everything is matter and energy. You must, in my opinion, only focus on what is good, bringing more of that energy into the universe and to yourself.

      3. You know truly, no one has all the answers here. The problem of evil is just that, a problem. It exists all around us, but so does good. It is also within us. I think it takes a long time to forgive God for some of the atrocities that occur. Just like it takes a long time to forgive ourselves sometimes.

        I don't think I believe God lets bad things happen. But, it is easy to blame God. I think God gave us free will and the atrocities of war and the like are human made and have nothing to do with God. They have to do with evil that we commit. We humans. We always have within us the power to commit good and evil, it is always about our choices.

        I aggree with the others, the only way to combat evil is to bring more love into the world. But, first you have to forgive God, realize that God had nothing to do with it. Or if you think God did, forgive God (in your own time) for not being omnipotent, or all good as most people assume.

        Anyway you look at it, there will probably always be evil, natural and human evil. In philosophy class we learned to distinguish natural evil as those events that occur in nature, like hurricanes, tsunamis, mudslides, etc., things the mame and harm people. Human evil is the evil we do. For instance, the Jewish and Native American Holocausts.

        I disaggree somewhat with the others for saying, I think that you should not draw attention to it. I think evil should be confronted. I think apathy is also evil, no we should not revere evil or meet evil with more evil, but meet evil with love. All, the different kinds of love. Tough love, tender love, judicious love, and merciful love.

        I know about good and evil, because I have done many good and evil things. Some of them right here on this blog (some may think I am just plain evil, but it is really not true). So, just like humans the universe is good and bad, you are right about all the things you say, but do spend some more time thinking about all the blessings, wonder and love in the world.

        Think about one of my favorite heroes, Martin Luther King Jr. (my son's middle name is Martin, after him). He battled the evil of opression and the evil of the vietnam war with love and peace. That's like what Mary-Ellen was saying.

        In conclusion, if you believe this about the world, know that it is only part true. Someone like you, could add love to a world so in need of it.

        1. Also, I just wanted to say there are so many people around today that do care about others. Even Randy, I think. Teachers, fireman, doctors, nurses, moms, dads, politicians(yes, I believe some really do), and so many others.

          Volunteer, go out and do go deeds, you will find so much love in yourself and others. Spend time with children, you will see then through them the beauty and wonder of the world.

    14. We are what we think... so I chose to think only about good and prosperous things. Even if sometimes I have to fight my old devils, I can say I manage to focus my mind on what I want to.

      Have a nice trip Randy!!

    15. I love this - Many people think life is chance, disorder and injustice. But you don’t see things as they are; you see them as you are. - powerful, thank you bro

    16. I love ZEN!

      There is no good and no bad - it just IS as it IS!

      And I devide what I want to have in my life and how I think about all the things that happen daily AND how I feel about it.

      When I think something bad happens to me then I watch some videos like this one of Nick Vujicic:

      And within few minutes everything is great in my life again!

        1. Yes, this is amazing but I am also a little bit sad after it.

          The short video I posted is more motivational for daily use.

          It has the Wow effect for me that touches my whole body and soul!

    17. Really enjoy your postings. I am in my first year of Science of Mind practitioner training and everything you stated was discussed in SOM 101, the very first class and three months in as an Agel representative. Really awesome to see how the Spiritual teachings of Science of Mind are critical to success, not only in this industry, but in life overall.

    18. Thank you for reminding me the bad things that happen always good will come of it. As my Mom said
      In every adversity is the seed of equal or greater benefit.

    19. Have a great adventure in Maui, Randy.

      I am new to Randy's blog and in addition to the blog itself, I find each of your comments 'delicious' enlightening and amazing in contrast. I'm loving this blog more and more every day. 🙂

      My resolution for 2011 is following the advice of Abraham (and NOT the biblical one):

      "My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source... There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first."
      --- Abraham

    20. I believe that we all have God in mind, everyone has a chance to prove , be better not bitter.Many times I fell to my mouth, but until I have the strength to stand up and go do it again, do it.


    21. Hey all,

      Just switching planes at DFW and got a chance to check in on your comments. Really some amazing insights here. So sorry to hear about some of the tragedies a few of you are going through. I've been thinking about that a lot and will pick up there on the next post.


    22. Randy,

      I recently discovered your blog and have to say you are an very inspirational person.

      I wonder if I could share some thoughts on this topic.

      There is a saying along the lines of if you have faith in nothing you will believe anything.

      My own belief is that all the universe is within ourselves to discover and we can best tune into that through silent mediation.

      Yes, the world is full of tragedy and horrors, and these are what is reported in the daily news media at large, in addition to the personal, private difficulties experienced by people all around the world.

      However, it is also true that there are not enough news outlets on the entire planet to cover each act of goodness performed every single minute of every hour of every day.

      I cannot and do not judge other people, but for myself I value life too much to attempt to block it out or wish it over.

      If I were to be asked for advice, I would simply recommend that people spend a little time in quiet contemplation each day, if at all possible to exercise (yoga is a great compliment to this approach) at to take the time each time to experience the reality of being alive.

      When you are outdoors, feel the fresh air of your face, listen to your heartbeat, listen to nature around you.

      Life is fleeting and precious, at least take the time to have known it fully.

    23. I think it is so apparent, based on many of the comments above, that our faith is such an important factor in how we view the ‘justice’ of the Universe and our concept of God.

      Without faith, it would be almost impossible and crazy-making to wrap your mind around events that appear to be unfair tragedies that happen to those who seem undeserving. This struggle comes up for all of us, I believe, at some point on our journey. How do we justify a child who dies of cancer? A mother or father who dies in a car accident and leaves behind a family? The thousands of seemingly ‘innocent do-gooders’ who lost their lives in the devastation of 9-11? And the truth is, you can’t possibly find the answer to those questions through logic, you must find them through faith.

      One of my biggest challenges as a parent has been in having to try and explain to my children why ‘bad’ things happen to ‘good’ people. And the best way I have been able to offer them some peace is to get them to consider that every one of those souls who experiences tragedy is somehow, in some way, responsible for choosing what happens to them. We are all co-creators of our own experience.

      Now that’s not to be so simplistic as to say that all of the people who died at the World Trade Center, for example, had a conscious death wish. But I do personally believe that on some level, their souls chose that moment in time to make an exit from this place. And if you take it one step further, what a great, powerful, wise and amazing power we must have, orchestrating the ebb and flow of this universe to bring that just the right souls, at just the right time to create the perfect moment, and leave behind the perfect meaning for their exit. It just leaves me in awe when I think of it that way.

      God is good, all the time.

      It is living by this belief that has made it possible for me to know that everything I go through, no matter how trying, is just the forebearer of something great and wonderful – and it also attracts to me evidence, on a daily basis, that our universe, and the people in it, are inherently well-meaning. We are all doing the best that we can at any given moment in time based on our history. As we overcome our insecurities and wounds, we grow into more of the truth of who we can ultimately become. In other words, “When we know better, we do better.” And more and more goodness is created all the time.


      1. It is interesting to think about, I know that some people believe that there is no such thing as chance happenings. I think you are saying that all the things that happen to us we bring to ourselves.

        How about birth? Our parents? I don't know. Maybe.

        What do you think the victims' families of 911 would say about your thoughts? Do you think they would agree? I don't know.

        What about the story of Job? What on earth does that mean?

        Should we prosecute criminals if this is the case? If you became an attorney would you say the victims were responsible for the crimes committed against them and therefore there is no need to punish the perps?

        Should we not have intervened in the Jewish holocaust because those Jewish people were just asking for their souls to be removed from this earth?

        Is God always intervening in human affairs? Or is God a laissez-faire God? How does God appear in human affairs? Does God come down and make things happen? Or does God work through people? So, maybe when good things happen, it is people bringing Love/God into the world. When bad things happen maybe it is people denying God and bringing evil into the world.

        Could there possibly be chance happenings, events we had no hand in at all? Does power come from having faith you control everything in your life? Or does true power come from knowing whatever happens you still have your faith?

        1. You bring up some interesting points for sure, Annie. 🙂 And, if I can respond to your last paragraph first, I do believe there is power in knowing that we co-create our experiences (not necessarily ‘control’ them), and likewise, there is ALSO great power in knowing that one’s faith is sturdy in a storm. This is why growing in consciousness is the key to all - the more we intentionally tend to our thoughts and our beliefs and learn to focus on the positive and the possible, the better and more prosperous our external experiences become. We attract inspired ideas, timely opportunities and helpful people.

          In the situation of the criminal and the victim, I can actually see them BOTH as 'victims' … of their own beliefs; their own inability to fully experience love for themselves. And certainly, just because the victim of the crime unconsciously co-created the events that made them vulnerable to the criminal in the first place, that does not leave the criminal without responsibility for his/her own behavior. Two separate people, two separate experiences. I do think however, that the criminal could be served far greater through Love than punishment as a consequence. Criminals commit the crimes they do because of the amount of punishment they have already experienced (at both the hand of others as well as themselves). And if we, as a society, could figure out how to create an effective way to reach them at their core and heal what is broken in them, to build them back up again and teach them to once again feel, see and believe in their own importance, value and goodness, then we would be on track to ‘rehabilitate’, not just incarcerate. But because of our own need to disassociate and disgrace, we put humans in cages and believe it will teach them to act respectful and civilized. The irony of that is hard to swallow.

          “So, maybe when good things happen, it is people bringing Love/God into the world. When bad things happen maybe it is people denying God and bringing evil into the world.”


          I can certainly see how things could be interpreted that way, but what if … when good things happen, it is people bringing Love/God into the world, and when bad things happen, it is ALSO people bringing Love/God into the world?

          What if the occurrence of ‘bad’ things is just the only frequency some people have open to receive God’s messages at the time? Since, we as humans tend to learn through contrast until we figure out how to learn through joy, maybe tragedies and horrific events like 9-11 and the Holocaust serve a much higher purpose, such as presenting an extremely emotionally impactful experience to get the attention of many souls and show, by example, how ugly and destructive hate and ignorance can be? Maybe they are the harbingers of a lesson of great Love? Of the importance and necessity of each individual? And what if, upon all of us ‘getting’ that lesson, the entire world can finally become truly free and prosperous, one and all?

          If one views things in that way, then it is easier to not only forgive someone like Hitler or Bin Laden for their brutal behaviors, but maybe to even have a certain kind of detached respect for them (at a soul level) for stepping into the roles they have, living lives based on fear and anger, and facing hatred and persecution in order to help bring enlightenment to many.

          I know this may not be a perspective shared by many, but it creates a foundation that allows Love for all. It enables one to recognize the innocence of any ‘enemy’, which instantly takes that relationship out of the darkness and into the light. It creates ‘good’ out of ‘bad’. And the more we can do this, to see the inherent good in everything and everyone – the more we, in turn, attract goodness to ourselves. We embrace the perfection of the way things are, we grow our faith, and we can give birth to our own prosperity.

          1. KimbraLee,

            As always thanks for your thoughtful reply. Sorry to have bombarded you with so many questions. Love, Love your take on criminals, I do think they need more love and rehabilitation, as well as some consequences. Love can heal all, tis true. Those of us who participate in criminal acts or have mental illness do this things from a lack of love somewhere down the line.

            Yes, Yes we should always have empathy for those who commit evil acts. And learn from it.

            Good and Evil as the same thing I don't agree with. Love builds evil destroys. Perhaps in the wake of evil we can learn to be more loving. Hope you had very happy holidays!


            1. Good Morning, Annie! I did have lovely holidays and I hope yours were the same.

              Loved your responsive post! Thanks so much.

              Just want to be sure not to be misunderstood on one point. I do not believe that evil and good are the same thing – far from it. Evil exists where there is a lack of Love, but I only meant to say that I see that it holds the potential to be the precursor to the ultimate creation of a higher order of Good.

              The potential for transforming ‘bad’ events into ‘good’ outcomes, as always, lies in the perception and ultimately, the response of the beholders. We all get to choose in any situation whether we will allow events to open or close our hearts and then act from that place. Painful experiences often offer us the greatest opportunities for growth on our personal journey. And when looked at in that way, even ‘bad’ and ‘evil’ can be valuable, integral parts of the path to a greater ‘Good.’

              And the good news is, the more we evolve, raise our consciousness and our sights, the more we let go of our need to experience our ultimate goodness through the birthing pains of that which feels ‘bad’. Oh, Happy Day!

    24. Faith is the foundation for all prosperity. It's our gift for the taking. Faith without works is wasted though. When people question faith, they lose the power it will manifest to transform us. Just when the seed starts to sprout, it gets cut down by lack of faith and is unable to grow if we allow doubt to creep in. Randy mentioned Joel Olsteen. I like him but get so much clarity on the word from watching Charles Stanley. He has many inspirational sermons free on line that are so clearly stated. I hope I am not being disrespectful to Randy's blog by referencing the website but it's such a great resource for inspiration and understanding on this blog subject. There is also a great chapter on faith development in the book, Think and grow rich. I truly hope everyone has read this. You can purchase it in pdf on line. I have been through some incredible experiences in my life and have always endured them with ease because of faith. It is intended to give us all strength when we see no human means to endure.

    25. Go inside, not outside. Few people go inside because they’re afraid of what's in there. Well, it's not going away because you're not looking, and it affects every second of your life. Every move you make.

      And again, going inside is not about affirmations, positive thinking or subliminal CDs. We've all been there and done that by now. It can still be done, but is only a fraction of what is possible to do.

      You need to know what is really going on, with you and in the world. The true story.

      God is inherently neutral in the sense that it allows all things to occur. There is no good or bad, positive or negative. God wants to experience itself, whatever that means, and it does that through you and all other beings, under Universal Law. You need to know those laws.

      There are many versions of reality, many versions of you, playing out right now. It is all simultaneous and multidimensional. You can know all of it, and actually, you already do.

      God would not hurt or victimize itself in any way, it simply can't, and even if it did, it would all be an illusion. Same with you. And victims and perpetrators are all in the same boat. Stuck in mediocrity.

      You can spread light in a pitch black room with an ever so small candle, but you can’t really do the opposite, other than by illusory tricks. In that sense, God is light, and also infinite love, as the underlying frequency of all.

      You are using a fraction of your true capacity, both physically and mentally. Less than 5%. For how long? God is waiting.

      And remember, not even God is perfect all of the time either. It wants to improve too, and it does that by you and me.

      If you have had an experience you would like to change, do that! Play the scene in a different way. It is all about energy anyway.

    26. Thank you, Randy, for keeping us on the right track of real prosperity and success.
      I totally believe in reprogramming your mind, heart & body for success and good: tuning your attraction to what you really desire.
      I am working on it more than ever in 2011, for business & love!

    27. This post really hit home for me. I recently started looking at things differently and I'm already starting see a difference in who and what I'm attracting into my life.

      I know that changing my core beliefs is a process and it's not going to happen overnight at the snap of my fingers. I'm training my mind in order to overcome the fact that old habits and ways of thinking die hard. I know I'll get there though.

      Thank you for the timely post Randy!

      P.S. This paragraph is an inspiration:

      "I’ve caught a bullet, had my business seized and auctioned off by the tax authorities, failed in many things, fought addictions, experienced negative, dysfunctional relationships and just generally made a lot of bad choices. Yet I wouldn’t change any of that. Those challenges were the stepping-stones that helped me learn lessons, develop character, and become who I am."

    28. Sometimes, the core belief you think you have isn't really the one that's causing the problems. For example, you might think you're a really positive person but in reality what you're saying to yourself and those around you could be quite negative.

    29. As Napoloean Hill said in Think and Gow Rich - " In every adveristy is the equivalent opportunity" IF WE CHOOSE TO FIND IT! Again it brings us back to personal responsability. In 2004 I lost my finacé to cancer. He was a wonderful man and we could have had an amazing future together - at least that is what I thought at the time. 6 years later I am so grateful for his life and the privilege of having shared precious time with him on this magical ride through life. He continues to teach me - that each day is a precious gift that we must make the most of each day for all our days are counted. I truly believe he decided to move on to a better place and I consider myself so fortunate that we crossed paths while he was here.
      The post above about the tragedy of war is powerful. I am sure it was very hard - but remember - in every adversity is the EQUIVALENT opportunity - that means - the bigger the adversity the bigger the opportunity. Either one CHOOSES to see the tragady or one CHOOSES to celebrate each day of freedom since returning from such horror. There are many people in the world today that are living through war and for all those depressed people I would say - stop wallowing in your pain and celebrate the opportunity in your life. If you are reading this blog you are very fortunate - no one is being killed outside your window and you hve access to the internet - how wonderful is that? Everything is relative and it doesn't take long to find someone worse off than yourself. Start a gratitude journal and take note of every little thing you can be grateful for - and as you switch your focus you'll find more and more things to be grateful for. Make this a discipline and watch your life change radically for the better . Life is simple - we tend to make it so complicated and then blame war or whatever other negative circumstance we chose to dwell on. We cannot eradicate war - but as Victor Frankl says in his book - Mans Search For Meaning ( where he recounts his life in the holocaust ) "
      No one can ever take away mans last freedom - to choose his thoughts in any situation -" Gods gift to us is life - our gift to God is what we do with it.
      This is why we love Randy - Christian, Fundamentalist or whatever - he is a great example of doing so much with his life - although what he says is great - what he does is absolutely incredible. He is so profilic and shares so much with so many people and he is so grateful today for ALL his past challenges that made him who he is today.
      Thanks for the blog on The Dream Life Randy - loved it. And also for the below -
      "One of the songs the congregation sang was “How Great is Our God.” It’s a beautiful song, but I feel that many singing it might have been missing the spiritual truth behind it. Namely that God (and it doesn’t matter to me what name you call it, whether God, Allah, Spirit, universe or anything else) is great only because of what He/It can do through YOU.

      It’s not about God being great. It is about you honoring your God by being the greatest you can be. This time of economic meltdown/spectacular opportunity is our chance to accept our divine heritage, spiritual possibilities, and tap into our amazing potential.
      Lets stop wallowing in the drama of our lives but rather write our own movie, play the lead role and start living life to the full!

      PS I wrote this post an hour ago and when I pressed submit I lost it and it didnt get posted. I dont get mad about things any more - there must have been a reason - just hope this version was even better! If you are still reading - make today great. CARPE DIEM

    30. Hi: I have been reading your page and yes we all go through things in life.. but I want to know the direction God wants me to take? I try to be happy and I find happines thruogh spending time with my kids, the dog, walking, being in nature and laughing.. but im with a spouse now and i feel IM at a cross roads.. not sure what to do?
      I feel alone and unhappy could it be I married the wrong person?
      I would like to know other people's thughts on this.. can I have my soul mate out there and not know it?
      and we need a financial blessing... I try and hubby tries but we cant seem to get anywhere our lives are going around in a circle!
      wish I could be in Hawaii.. looking at the ocean and relaxling.. its just what I need! Trish

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