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Sex, Drugs and Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageApril 5, 2010

Last week we discussed the issue of having a congruent prosperity philosophy.  Judging by the comments, many of you have realized you lacked a philosophy or the one you had was incongruent with manifesting health, happiness and other forms of prosperity.   

A lot of you committed to questioning your beliefs and changing the ones that weren’t congruent with abundance.  Now let’s put it to the test…

I submit that if you have a congruent prosperity philosophy, you support the legalization of all drugs such as heroin, cocaine and crystal meth.   And you support the legalization of all pornography, sex shows and prostitution involving consenting adults.

Do you?  Please check in below and next post I’ll share why I believe this.

The Malaysia program went great.  I’m posting this from Hong Kong on my way back to the States.  I’ll check in on the other side.


59 comments on “Sex, Drugs and Prosperity”

  1. Randy,

    You love pushing people's buttons, don't you...

    I have no problem with the legalisation of all of these products and services. I would not take advantage of them, but I would not object to them being available.


  2. I think that people should be able to do whatever they want to. And if you're prosperous, you'll do whatever you want to too, but without infringing on the rights of other people to do whatever they want. We could'nt possibly know what's in the best interests of another, although people frequently pass judgement about others because they do not approve of their behaviour.

  3. You Done it again, my mind is spinning, I don't have a problem with free choice but those who choose those paths must be prepared to accept the costs. I will add that the free choice part works both ways - I don't like "incongruent" lifestyles being forced on me for what ever reason.

  4. Legalising these would reduce the amount of crime and violence currently connected to them and could probably save a lot of lives as well.

  5. Randy, it's indeed a great topic to discuss,

    On my standpoint,a person living a congruent prosperity philosophy bears in mind the principle of divine dichotomy.

    I believe that drugs and other seemingly nasty stuff is one of the ways material reality manifests itself. Attempts to resist and fight against the legalization of drugs, prostitution and other integral parts of this world would point on person's unacceptance of abundance of forms that the Universe expresses itself in.

    Moreover, widely-spread negativity which is attached to sex, drugs, alike other labels and stereotypes created by the unified opinion of the herd, is merly a matter of subjectivity. Consequently, one must decide for oneself whether to hold the same commonly accepted opinion, or during the process of critical thinking, to generate an independent one.

    I'm neither an advocate, nor protester of the legalization of pornography, heavy drugs etc. For instance, it is likely that legalization of prostitution (like in the Netherlands) will bring rejoice and happiness to individuals who seek such kind of pleasant experience. By the way, I used to be one of them :).
    Others might find it dirty and express objectivism with regards to the egalization of prostituation. Again , a matter of personal standpoint comes into play.

    In general terms, I hold absolutely neutral position with regards to heavy drugs or any other supposedly ''demonic'' manifestations of our world. Nonetheless, I don't choose to attract and, hence, experience these things in my life. They do not serve me and help me in creating and experiencing the life which I see myself living in.

  6. Very interesting...usually by the time I get these posts there are a lot of comments posted. Either the Northern Hemisphere is on holiday or it is more challenging than most.

    As a family therapist working with adults attempting to stop using drugs and working in the sex industry I enjoyed this post
    The legislation of all drugs is a pro-active step that will lessen the burglaries, murders, needless deaths and misery for families, communities and societies as a whole. Of course the critical point of the second part of the statement is 'consenting' adults.

    What we need is non-emotive accurate and effective education about the realities these behavoiurs have on everyone, whether directly involved or not.
    A useful examine our/my beliefs and if
    they match my desire to be wealthy. Clearly I still have some changing to do!

  7. I don't have a problem with either, but it's unlikely to ever happen. In the case of legalizing drugs for example, the knee jerk reaction of an uneducated public and a 'free' press sensing a sensational story means any politician who mention such things soon become the subject of witch hunts and ridicule. His political party will immediately distance themselves so they don't lose voters, and he'll be out of a job in no time!

    Instead of a sensible discussion in the media, family members of people who died from an overdose 10 years ago are dragged from the woodwork and paraded in front of the country, and anyone showing a degree of critical thinking is portrayed as an unfeeling demon. Of course it's tragic that people have died as a result of drugs, but in many cases a clean legal supply of the drug may have prevented the deaths.

    Coincidentally, a few days after your posts about businesses being free to accept or decline any potential customers they wish, a UK politician suggested (in secret) just that in the case of gays. The reaction was just what you'd expect!

  8. I think a lot of people are too ignorant, and therefore, vulnerable, and would easily fall into the traps of addiction. Rules are meant for protection, including those who choose not to get involved in such things but can be effected by those who are. No one lives on an island, hence we have to look out for our own well-being as well as others.

  9. I have no problem with either one of them being legalized. I think it will generate more tax revenues which can be earmarked for those who would willingly commit to cleaning up themselves if they get addicted.


  10. Yes they should be legal. And no tax money or government resources should be spent in any way shape or form to help people who go down those roads and no laws should exist that force private insurance companies or employers or any other person/business to take responsibility or kick in to help people who have gone down those roads.
    In other words the Health Care Reform Act is 100% anti-prosperity as well as 100% immoral.
    The freedom to destroy your life (my opinion based on my values) has to include my freedom to let you without any intervention on my part- positive or negative- no effort to stop you and no mandated effort to help you.

  11. I would not support the complete legalization of the options you highlight in the post. While it SEEMS like it is something you just do yourself with your own personal freedom...even legallization would not prevent victimization of others. As a previous poster said, we are not islands. We are connected to others.

  12. I have some kind of feeling that it would create a great space where something new could be created, that as long as we put all the money in helping people who don´t want to help themselfes things are not getting forward. But what about children of 15 years? And what exactly would it do to the world?Waiting for you to show us...

  13. Since I live in the SF Bay Area there is actually legislation that is being reviewed that will legalize marijuana and I believe the State of CA is reviewing this sort of change as well since the tax revenue from the sale is significant.

    As to my own feelings about legalizing drugs, adult entertainment and sex, I have always felt it should be legal. Life is about choices and in a free society it's best if we can make our own choices. The beauty of life is that we can continually make new choices when those we've made don't serve us!

    Thanks Randy.

  14. In a nutshell, making an action ILLEGAL means giving the government (funded by robbing our hard-earned money by force) the 'right' to do whatever the hell they like to you, if they catch you doing this action.

    I myself, as well as the average human, is intelligent enough to realise that EXCESSIVE drug/alcohol/p@rn use is bad/anti-prosperity - as is selling one's body. Thus, it is in people's best interests to live a balanced life and not overdo drugs/alcohol/p@rn, etc. Also, it in people's best interests to steer clear of areas of society where these things are out of control. I like a drink (single malt if you're paying) and I have perfectly rational friends that smoke a joint now and then. But I'm not going to live or rear my future children in towns littered with vodka bottles and needles, where the street corners are full of ladyboys promising to 'love me long time' for only £25. If I was a stupid idiot without a brain (which I'm sometimes accused of) I probably wouldn't know any better. But the thing with us humans is, well, we sort of know what's good and bad, and we sort of like to make our own choices and not be forced to do stuff against our will.

    But here's the thing: currently, I am forced to hand over my hard-earned money to an organisation (the govt.) - who will do with me as they please if I don't comply - to takeover the responsibility of not only MY life, but complete strangers, whom I'll likely never meet, too.

    There is NOTHING moral about this. NO-ONE has the right to takeover the responsibility of my life - NO-ONE. And NO-ONE has the right to take what's mine - NO-ONE. If and when I have children, it will be because I am ready, and I will make sure I do everything I can do turn these life forms into amazing human beings that will live life to the full, help the disadvantaged, and treat people with the respect they deserve.

    It is NOT my duty to take care of other people's offspring, and if you condone our being forced to support their wayward lives, you are as immoral as those that are bullying us to do so. Helping people is one thing (and believe me, I'd be doing a lot more of this if I wasn't being pilfered) but FORCING me against my will (and fostering the anti-proactive neediness that is 'helped') is quite another. And the sooner the general populace wakes up to this, the sooner immoral stupidity such as Obamacare/welfare/socialism may be replaced by a moral, prosperity-seeking, honourable race.

    But somehow, I don't think this going to happen anytime soon.

    Ho hum.

    To freedom,


  15. if all that you've just mentioned brings you happiness and satisfaction why not? why not kill yourself with pornography anyway, ain't that a very good prosperity mindset?

    I don't think so, but much has to be researched on people's resistence to drugs, hardcore media, agressive music, it depends.

    Luv ya 🙂

  16. Of course I would agree to all of those things being legalized, they are happening everyday all day long illegally anyway. That may stop or greatly hinder many unneccessary killings and abductions of innocent young girls and boys.

  17. Dear Randy,
    I think I would agree to all of the things mentioned being legalized. They are taking place illegally everywhere everyday, and they do not help us in creating the kind of positive life or propsperous life we like to go after. It is sad to realize in our everyday life meeting many different people that some people need to have those things legalized just to stay in safe and protected perhaps due to their ignorance easily being trapped into addictions, while others don't necessarily need to focus on the law to stay out of the troubles. Those additions certainly don't serve us in developing the prosperity mentality. Have a safe trip back home to US, Randy. hugs:: -saachi

  18. Sex being legal would be a great move to prosperity. Industry standards could be improved promoting sexual health and moving away from the diseased back street sex to clean, safe sex for anyone who is happy to pay or charge for it. People would then demand only the best environments and the quality would be greatly improved. Pornography is hardly a problem for society! Someone watching a dvd at home or looking at a magazine is hardly a problem that needs to be illegal.

    The drugs are a different matter as they can infringe upon other peoples rights to not be affected by them. When cannabis was moved down a class in the UK every turd thought it was OK to smoke it in public and intoxicate the people around them saying that it was OK now as there was no punishment apart from confiscation.

    Although it would move the drug trade towards higher standards to produce drugs that are strong but safe which would be much better than the criminals that mix them with whatever is the most addictive and with no regard for customer safety. It would also move it away from the smugglers who kill all in their path to get the drugs through different countries.

    But it would be very dangerous especially for the weak minded and children in High school who can become addicted very easily and turn into criminals to get their fix. While living in Glasgow I watched day after day the junkies stealing fighting to get their fixes. Even got to see a man chopped down with a Sword and left to die on the street over some drugs. That was an experience

    Great post tho. Good for the critical though

  19. Never known of anyone to kill themselves with a Sex Dvd or magazine. Would be quite an achievement tho. LOL

  20. Randy do you know that your site tries to Block someone using the word 'PORNO'. I think that is anti prosperity. LOL

  21. Have been through many things in my life and alcohol and drugs had its parts somehow.I grew up with alcoholists around me.All my friends tested drugs. I NEVER did.I don´t think that had to do with legal or not for me.I could have, but I didn´t want to.I had low self esteem and everything.I don´t think it will change the opportunities.To let it free can open up our eyes in another way.I beleive you Randy-you are one of my favourites-HAPPY BIRTHDAY-wish you the best one ever....

  22. Oh Yes I can imagine a world like this - and to think of it brings me complete peace.

    It takes power and force out of the equation and brings in choice.

    Much freedom.

    And I'm not a prostitute or drug addict... But I can imagine the fears that would not be empty and the threats be wasted. Lovely world.

  23. While I like your teaching on Network Marketing, your really are off on this post. Legalizing these things would be the destruction of this nation. Do you know why the Roman Empire fell?

  24. Maybe it was omitted that legalizing these drugs should be restricted to anyone over the age of 21. Or maybe it should be 25 because, theoretically, that is when the brain is fully developed. One of the problems of young people using drugs is that it really messes up their brain while it is developing. At that age they don't act in the most judicious manner either - and that is without drugs. Once someone's brain is developed, they should have the right to abuse themselves however they wish. Legalizing these drugs, among other things, would put an end to quite a bit of organized crime too. As far as watching adults know each other, people have the right to entertain themselves however they wish. Let them develop their own standards of entertaining. Rather than a night at the theatre, they can pop in a DVD of "moaning tart" .

  25. Thanks Scotty for this great input! I enjoyed reading it also... I would say something like that...
    Viva la liberte!

    That would be the very next logical, wise and prosperous thing to do for all of us. Really, and you know guys I think it will happen. Dunno when, but we will wake up in a world where even a subject like that won't stir the pond anymore... as evolving spices we will have other things in our harts and minds. Really!
    It will happen in a different world on a different level on consciousness that we are creating right now, even by sharpening up our perceptions with our lovely Randy!

  26. Well, ok. Yes I believe people should have freedom to choose for themselves the kind of lifestyle they want to live but I'm not sure the leglization of crystle meth, cocaine and other drugs plus the legalizing of prostitution and other currently illegal sexual conduct is the answer either. I have very mixed feelings. They probably stem from the very strict religious upbringing I had. I look forward to hearing your explanation.


  27. Did repealing alcohol prohibition reduce crime or are there still gang fights and mass murderings in your neighborhood over alcohol? Think about it. 🙂

  28. I definitely support that!

    I live in the Netherlands and we are very liberal on drugs and things work out just fine over here! It is everybody´s right to do whatever they want to do with drugs as long as there is equal respect the other way around. I don´t use drugs, never did. So even if it is available on every corner of the street ( and I am talking not only soft drugs, because the hard drugs are in your face everywhere) it is a fantasy that if you make it accessible for everyone, the whole world would be on it and I am not in prostitution either!

    That is just fear and suppression speaking and the wanted power of politicians to make a world they believe is right, mostly driven by religious stand points, and that is far from prosperious.

    Anyway, people will find their way to drugs and prostitution if they want with or without all these rules.

  29. We could also legalize trade of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction!

    What could possibly go wrong?

  30. Hi Gang,

    And what would you do when evil was staring you in the face and the police weren't there to protect you, how would you feel then?
    Whenever the conversation comes down to finding solutions, we are reminded that evil exits and our fears are helped along by others self serving interests.

    The Republicans accuse the Democrats of building up big government but I feel both sides fail to bring peace and tranquility that would eliminate the need for the huge expense of police enforcement.

    At some schools in Chicago there are tactical police units patrolling with a helicopter flying above the schools at dismissal to protect the students. If you throw in the police salaries and security, it is a huge portion of the educational budget.

    So there is a huge amount of money being spent. I don't think the salaries and budgets for this enforcement falls under your idea of prosperity but for all those people on the salary it is their prosperity. What is even more prosperous for many workers is getting a pension at 55 that can pay you as you retire and then get a second job on top of that.

    Now that I have only one line of space left, let's tackle the military budget issue. Well let's just say it's not a military issue it's a people issue. How many people do you know who would take just about any job if it paid $90,000 dollars and offered a pension and benefits. Have you seen the experiment when people are told to shock others and they do so when told by authority. At about $90,000 a year and benefits, the level of whistle blowers goes down to about .005 percent.

    If you know people that would do just about anything for a guarantee salary and benefits let me hear you say "Dam straight".

    All the best,


  31. I think, legalizations of the small list of the drugs, can take to the people more freedom. And this, can make them cognizes ours life.

  32. I would not venture into using drugs or prostitutes, but I would like to see all of that legalized and have for many years. I actually argued during a debate class about how it could benefit our country!

  33. Of course they should all be legal, monitored, taxed and controlled for quality, quantity and however else the consumer chooses to develop a fancy. Currently only the legal and taxed part is not happening.

    According to government data the world spends approximately $65 Billion a year on Opium and about twice that on Cocaine. The US share is around $10 billion and $35 billion respectively. Microsoft’s total annual sale of products and services worldwide is $35 Billion for comparison. Only 3-5% of the total ends up back in the producing country, another 2-4% go for distribution costs and the rest resides in country as untaxed profits. The ‘official’ number of illicit drug users in the USA is just over 1.1 million. I suspect it is ten times that.

    US prisons hold nearly 2.5 million people and another 5.1 million are on probation and house arrest, the vast majority on drug related charges. The cost to house a prisoner is nearly $70 a day or $25,000 a year or to house, feed and support the US prison population at nearly $63 Billion a year.

    Twice as many people die from prescription drugs every year in the US as from illegal drugs. Alcohol kills five times that and tobacco nearly twenty-six times that. Just in case you missed it everyone is going to die one way or another and counting how is almost redundant.

    The media and government keep attention on the source and the distribution costs. I want to know where you hide the rest? Where do you hide $30+Billion in untaxed income? If you believe in the mafia, you likely believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus too. Who wins under the current setup? Does it really make sense that 1 or every 142 US citizens lives in prison? Does it makes sense that 1 of every 45 adults in the US is on probation? The next time it happens that someone asks to put this on the agenda, to just look at legalizing the sale of drugs (the use of drugs is not illegal just having more than a certain amount that ‘means’ you intend to distribute and sell is). Notice the billionaires that come out of hiding to claim that legalizing drug use would be bad for humanity.

  34. YEAHH.. Miami runs in money laundry from drug business, like this country runs on weapons trading and wars, so Andy are you going to kill the biggest business ever?, hope you have a plan B....

  35. Let's try to keep at least the appearance of logic here. Biological and other weapons of mass destruction cannot be enjoyed in the privacy of private property by consenting adults. They are used to kill others.


  36. Ok seriously, criminal activity related to prohibition had to do with greed. addicts are not alcoholics, they don't drink until they pass out in a gutter. They look for ways & means to get more. When legit options fail they will resort to criminal activity. Will you remove the gang wars maybe-but legalizing drugs other then alcohol, won't lead to a decrease in crime. Addiction is a disease not a personal lifestyle choice.

  37. Have you ever been to a welfare office? Drug addicts are entitled to government disability benefits in recognition of their 'disease'. Where does the money come from? YOUR taxes.

  38. If legislation could make the world safe, it would be safe already. If we want the world to be better, there is only one solution. We need to be better people. That's not accomplished through legislation. Virtue cannot be forced. Yes, all of these things should be legal. Not because we should condone them but because politicians have no business even addressing them.

  39. I really don't see where laws stop bad behavior, Drunk driving laws have not stopped drunk driving, drug laws haven't stopped drug abuse, Laws against prostitution haven't stopped that profession, on and on. Yet those laws do stop good people from doing bad things, if you know what I mean. We think we need laws to stop bad behaviors and to control those who we can't control. Because we know that when faced with a bad situation if there wasn't a law against it. We might just say what the heck and blow away the guy or gal who cuts us off while speeding down the road, while talking on their cell, while at the same time informing us with a brief hand gesture that we are still number one in their books.

    Complete anarchy is what we all believe would happen if there were no laws. Yet there was a study of sorts performed in Europe, that attacked a problem that seemed to have no answer. That is the traffic circles. There always seems to be a traffic jam, no matter what was tried. Someone mentioned just remove the signs and lights. After the laughter stopped, the decision was made to try it and guess what, after a few days traffic flowed better than it ever had..So maybe if we did get rid of laws and rules we would just choose the right path and make life better..

  40. Randy,
    You got more posts than when you threw raw meat to the Christians. Now do I get to pick who is in the sex shows? I think is like the post about green people can only come into the store. It is not right to tell anyone what they can and can't do. I don't have to support it.

    If there were no pornography and drugs maybe some people wouldn't know why they were lonely or miserable. Perhaps in the "knowing" than they can move forward.

    Thanks for your provocative questions.

  41. I absolutely believe that it is a right to use or abuse anything on a personal level but wasn’t the 18th and 19th century a time in the U.S. when drugs and prostitution weren’t illegal? Was it rational or moral reasons that prompted the change? Changing the laws making drugs, prostitution and other victimless crimes legal makes me shudder! Until the 16th amendment is repealed the taxman will want his cut. That means distribution; manufacturing, monitoring and taxation will require creation or expansion of the government bureaucracy.
    While I certainly agree that personal freedom of choice means that drugs, prostitution … any victimless crime shouldn’t be illegal. Personal freedom often seems to migrate into repression then a compulsion to conform. If it’s my right to indulge is it not also my right not to be around your indulgence? Isn’t that what happened with smoking? My right to create a non-smoking area in my business became 22 pages of non-smoking municipalities [found on]. Where is the opportunity to open a “smokers welcome” or “smokers only” business in one of those municipalities?
    When the debate is between “it is my right” and “its societies responsibility to protect”, count on the majority to come down on the side of protection! Whether from force or apathy it is the majority that calls the shots. Ever wonder why Galt’s Gulch from Atlas Shrugged was small, isolated and hidden?
    Instead of framing issues around is it morally or ethically right how about asking, “Will it work as intended?” A look at the latest social debate, universal health care, shows a result other than what’s expected and promised. If you are willing to accept any doctor that happens to be available [not necessarily the closest or best]; willing to accept some misdiagnoses or medical slipups [without running to a lawyer]; willing to wait a year or two for quality of life treatments [knee, hip, shoulder injuries …]; willing to pay more in taxes – then you will be thrilled with universal health care. I don’t remember this info as part of the debate? This is not propaganda but personal observation, living in Calgary for 3.5 years and watching family and friends in Canada. More people getting more access equals less availability; no way around it!

  42. ...and once the benefits have been cashed out it's used to buy more drugs. There are millions of goverment sponsored drug(heroin,crystal meth,crack etc) users and now thanks to Obamas health bill also medical drugs, labrats(that's what I call people using drugs manufactured by the pharmasutical industry). They are all living on your and my taxdollar/taxeuro. Now you'll too be paying for Eddies painkillers for the finger he cut of while drunk on the construction site he use to work on, in addition to the roof on his head and food in his belly. There should be a dummytax, for every stupid thing you do, the tax increases. If you stay smart for a year it's dropped down to a level based on your earlier "accidents". I BELIVE IN NATURAL SELECTION!!! The human race has stopped evolving physicly becouse we trying to cure disease and weaknesses in the geenpool!!!

  43. I'm in the drug addiction treatment space and already we have some 11,000 + treatment centers in North America it would be an interesting test to see if that number increases or decreases with legalization. Marijuana is being legalized more and more and guess who has their cut on that?

  44. I find it amusing that we spend millions of dollars on teaching kids to say no to drugs just to allow them to go home and watch tv full of ads by pharm. cos trying to convince you you need them! Not happy- take a pill.

    How about teaching people to think differently so that they don't "need" drugs or anything to get the high they desire from these things. God Lord there goes the mass control.....

  45. If you believe in taxes at all you should really check your premises. The government taking our money at the point of a gun to give it to someone "who needs it more" is just as unethical as the needy person robbing you themselves. People should be free to destroy themselves if they so choose. Neither making it illegal for them or extorting the rest of us for welfare funds is an ethical or logical action.

  46. Make them legal in a systematized controlled planned way with IMO the goal or result in making Prostitution & other stuff legal = to take these "industries" out of the control of criminals (from large organized global crime syndicates right down to the street corner pretty criminal).

    1. Criminals out of the "industries" re legalizing
    = A) service standards get better for all consenting parties who provide or avail of sex for sale.
    B) Criminals out of biz = massive savings in budgets for police LEO etc
    C) Regulated to standards of high quality
    D) Taxable massive revenue for governments,

    Look at Germany where Prostitution is legal, it is above board, it is clean, regulated to high standards, the working gals even got their own Union with a pension fund and a retired working gal is a full time rep of the industry to the government. High class places, win win all around. minimal STD risk due to high standards. The women are not pimped out... the working women run the industry.

    It seems on my observations to be acceptable in, e.g. a business man going in for a relaxing jacuzzi and a drink on his time he is paying for and perhaps a service at the end of a hard week in the office.

    I think by point A, B, C, D, and the real world example of Germany backs it up.

    In Ireland where I came form originally the "oldest profession" is not legal so criminals are behind the brothels which operate from private condos, mostly a women might run it so the women are consenting to do the job and (aside from immigrants from East Europe & Africa who do run slavery rings in original country - my facts are correct, I used to teach Self Defense to many street cops so I would get the inside info from my police trainees) however behind the clean consenting illegal business - in the shadows are heavy criminal gangs who use the brothel money to fund heavy drug trafficking, commit murders & violent assaults etc and get very rich illegal the easy way and tax free! Not to mention the over worked police who have to waste valuable time which should be devoted to solving serious crimes to bust brothels & usually they tell the women to move on to another condo etc.

    So Germany (legal) Vs. Ireland (illegal) I am sure you feel the sound of what I am showing you here? Yes ok.

    Another good example is guns for personal protection (this does not reflect my opinion either way but it is a good real world true example.

    In Rep of Ireland the only gun a clean citizen can get is a Shotgun or a small .22 single shot rifle. usually its farmers who get them via a police check to shoot pests on farm etc. or hunters into duck shooting. No way can you have a hand gun in Rep of Ireland.
    When the President of the USA come to Ireland the U.S. Secret Service are NOT allowed to carry their guns, & in the rare exception the US Secret Service were allowed once or twice to carry limited firearms but were told if they used them in Ireland they would face the full rigors of serious criminal charges.

    In Ireland if you were caught with say 3 rounds for an M16 I am certain that would carry a Jail term 2 years maybe. A hand gun would be 5+ years in Jail.

    Now who has the guns in Ireland and use them a lot even though they are illegal with ethos of keeping guns out of Irish citizens as a self defense tool will keep the level of crime lower.

    NO - The Heavy Criminal have the guns and use them weekly for gangland "hits" over drug dealing turf etc.

    In Miami most residents I met when I used to go S Beach a lot all told me they had a legal pistol at home and can shoot a house invader it a waring is given or something like that. In Arizona it think it is "open carry" you the good clean citizen can walk about with your Glock 19 openly showing and can use it to protect yourself from the criminals.

    Making guns for self protection in the Republic of Ireland illegal VS the States in USA with legal gun laws - what does the law do in Ireland - ensures the criminals have the guns!!!!

    If a decent clean citizen punched the worst criminal in Dublin FIRST to Pre Emptive Strike the criminal attacker - even if that criminal had a murder rap sheet the good citizen would be charged with assault for hitting (punching etc) first.... the laws protect the criminals who know how to milk the laws & courts to the max....

    The drug issue is not as clear cut as the prostitution issue but again if only to remove the criminals 100% from the drug biz and put it into legal hands under government control. Not for free enterprise...

    Great Debate!

    God Bless

    I m rambling a bit but I am sure you see my points here.

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  • 59 comments on “Sex, Drugs and Prosperity”

    1. Randy,

      You love pushing people's buttons, don't you...

      I have no problem with the legalisation of all of these products and services. I would not take advantage of them, but I would not object to them being available.


    2. I think that people should be able to do whatever they want to. And if you're prosperous, you'll do whatever you want to too, but without infringing on the rights of other people to do whatever they want. We could'nt possibly know what's in the best interests of another, although people frequently pass judgement about others because they do not approve of their behaviour.

    3. You Done it again, my mind is spinning, I don't have a problem with free choice but those who choose those paths must be prepared to accept the costs. I will add that the free choice part works both ways - I don't like "incongruent" lifestyles being forced on me for what ever reason.

    4. Legalising these would reduce the amount of crime and violence currently connected to them and could probably save a lot of lives as well.

    5. Randy, it's indeed a great topic to discuss,

      On my standpoint,a person living a congruent prosperity philosophy bears in mind the principle of divine dichotomy.

      I believe that drugs and other seemingly nasty stuff is one of the ways material reality manifests itself. Attempts to resist and fight against the legalization of drugs, prostitution and other integral parts of this world would point on person's unacceptance of abundance of forms that the Universe expresses itself in.

      Moreover, widely-spread negativity which is attached to sex, drugs, alike other labels and stereotypes created by the unified opinion of the herd, is merly a matter of subjectivity. Consequently, one must decide for oneself whether to hold the same commonly accepted opinion, or during the process of critical thinking, to generate an independent one.

      I'm neither an advocate, nor protester of the legalization of pornography, heavy drugs etc. For instance, it is likely that legalization of prostitution (like in the Netherlands) will bring rejoice and happiness to individuals who seek such kind of pleasant experience. By the way, I used to be one of them :).
      Others might find it dirty and express objectivism with regards to the egalization of prostituation. Again , a matter of personal standpoint comes into play.

      In general terms, I hold absolutely neutral position with regards to heavy drugs or any other supposedly ''demonic'' manifestations of our world. Nonetheless, I don't choose to attract and, hence, experience these things in my life. They do not serve me and help me in creating and experiencing the life which I see myself living in.

    6. Very interesting...usually by the time I get these posts there are a lot of comments posted. Either the Northern Hemisphere is on holiday or it is more challenging than most.

      As a family therapist working with adults attempting to stop using drugs and working in the sex industry I enjoyed this post
      The legislation of all drugs is a pro-active step that will lessen the burglaries, murders, needless deaths and misery for families, communities and societies as a whole. Of course the critical point of the second part of the statement is 'consenting' adults.

      What we need is non-emotive accurate and effective education about the realities these behavoiurs have on everyone, whether directly involved or not.
      A useful examine our/my beliefs and if
      they match my desire to be wealthy. Clearly I still have some changing to do!

    7. I don't have a problem with either, but it's unlikely to ever happen. In the case of legalizing drugs for example, the knee jerk reaction of an uneducated public and a 'free' press sensing a sensational story means any politician who mention such things soon become the subject of witch hunts and ridicule. His political party will immediately distance themselves so they don't lose voters, and he'll be out of a job in no time!

      Instead of a sensible discussion in the media, family members of people who died from an overdose 10 years ago are dragged from the woodwork and paraded in front of the country, and anyone showing a degree of critical thinking is portrayed as an unfeeling demon. Of course it's tragic that people have died as a result of drugs, but in many cases a clean legal supply of the drug may have prevented the deaths.

      Coincidentally, a few days after your posts about businesses being free to accept or decline any potential customers they wish, a UK politician suggested (in secret) just that in the case of gays. The reaction was just what you'd expect!

    8. I think a lot of people are too ignorant, and therefore, vulnerable, and would easily fall into the traps of addiction. Rules are meant for protection, including those who choose not to get involved in such things but can be effected by those who are. No one lives on an island, hence we have to look out for our own well-being as well as others.

    9. I have no problem with either one of them being legalized. I think it will generate more tax revenues which can be earmarked for those who would willingly commit to cleaning up themselves if they get addicted.


    10. Yes they should be legal. And no tax money or government resources should be spent in any way shape or form to help people who go down those roads and no laws should exist that force private insurance companies or employers or any other person/business to take responsibility or kick in to help people who have gone down those roads.
      In other words the Health Care Reform Act is 100% anti-prosperity as well as 100% immoral.
      The freedom to destroy your life (my opinion based on my values) has to include my freedom to let you without any intervention on my part- positive or negative- no effort to stop you and no mandated effort to help you.

    11. I would not support the complete legalization of the options you highlight in the post. While it SEEMS like it is something you just do yourself with your own personal freedom...even legallization would not prevent victimization of others. As a previous poster said, we are not islands. We are connected to others.

    12. I have some kind of feeling that it would create a great space where something new could be created, that as long as we put all the money in helping people who don´t want to help themselfes things are not getting forward. But what about children of 15 years? And what exactly would it do to the world?Waiting for you to show us...

    13. Since I live in the SF Bay Area there is actually legislation that is being reviewed that will legalize marijuana and I believe the State of CA is reviewing this sort of change as well since the tax revenue from the sale is significant.

      As to my own feelings about legalizing drugs, adult entertainment and sex, I have always felt it should be legal. Life is about choices and in a free society it's best if we can make our own choices. The beauty of life is that we can continually make new choices when those we've made don't serve us!

      Thanks Randy.

    14. In a nutshell, making an action ILLEGAL means giving the government (funded by robbing our hard-earned money by force) the 'right' to do whatever the hell they like to you, if they catch you doing this action.

      I myself, as well as the average human, is intelligent enough to realise that EXCESSIVE drug/alcohol/p@rn use is bad/anti-prosperity - as is selling one's body. Thus, it is in people's best interests to live a balanced life and not overdo drugs/alcohol/p@rn, etc. Also, it in people's best interests to steer clear of areas of society where these things are out of control. I like a drink (single malt if you're paying) and I have perfectly rational friends that smoke a joint now and then. But I'm not going to live or rear my future children in towns littered with vodka bottles and needles, where the street corners are full of ladyboys promising to 'love me long time' for only £25. If I was a stupid idiot without a brain (which I'm sometimes accused of) I probably wouldn't know any better. But the thing with us humans is, well, we sort of know what's good and bad, and we sort of like to make our own choices and not be forced to do stuff against our will.

      But here's the thing: currently, I am forced to hand over my hard-earned money to an organisation (the govt.) - who will do with me as they please if I don't comply - to takeover the responsibility of not only MY life, but complete strangers, whom I'll likely never meet, too.

      There is NOTHING moral about this. NO-ONE has the right to takeover the responsibility of my life - NO-ONE. And NO-ONE has the right to take what's mine - NO-ONE. If and when I have children, it will be because I am ready, and I will make sure I do everything I can do turn these life forms into amazing human beings that will live life to the full, help the disadvantaged, and treat people with the respect they deserve.

      It is NOT my duty to take care of other people's offspring, and if you condone our being forced to support their wayward lives, you are as immoral as those that are bullying us to do so. Helping people is one thing (and believe me, I'd be doing a lot more of this if I wasn't being pilfered) but FORCING me against my will (and fostering the anti-proactive neediness that is 'helped') is quite another. And the sooner the general populace wakes up to this, the sooner immoral stupidity such as Obamacare/welfare/socialism may be replaced by a moral, prosperity-seeking, honourable race.

      But somehow, I don't think this going to happen anytime soon.

      Ho hum.

      To freedom,


    15. if all that you've just mentioned brings you happiness and satisfaction why not? why not kill yourself with pornography anyway, ain't that a very good prosperity mindset?

      I don't think so, but much has to be researched on people's resistence to drugs, hardcore media, agressive music, it depends.

      Luv ya 🙂

    16. Of course I would agree to all of those things being legalized, they are happening everyday all day long illegally anyway. That may stop or greatly hinder many unneccessary killings and abductions of innocent young girls and boys.

    17. Dear Randy,
      I think I would agree to all of the things mentioned being legalized. They are taking place illegally everywhere everyday, and they do not help us in creating the kind of positive life or propsperous life we like to go after. It is sad to realize in our everyday life meeting many different people that some people need to have those things legalized just to stay in safe and protected perhaps due to their ignorance easily being trapped into addictions, while others don't necessarily need to focus on the law to stay out of the troubles. Those additions certainly don't serve us in developing the prosperity mentality. Have a safe trip back home to US, Randy. hugs:: -saachi

    18. Sex being legal would be a great move to prosperity. Industry standards could be improved promoting sexual health and moving away from the diseased back street sex to clean, safe sex for anyone who is happy to pay or charge for it. People would then demand only the best environments and the quality would be greatly improved. Pornography is hardly a problem for society! Someone watching a dvd at home or looking at a magazine is hardly a problem that needs to be illegal.

      The drugs are a different matter as they can infringe upon other peoples rights to not be affected by them. When cannabis was moved down a class in the UK every turd thought it was OK to smoke it in public and intoxicate the people around them saying that it was OK now as there was no punishment apart from confiscation.

      Although it would move the drug trade towards higher standards to produce drugs that are strong but safe which would be much better than the criminals that mix them with whatever is the most addictive and with no regard for customer safety. It would also move it away from the smugglers who kill all in their path to get the drugs through different countries.

      But it would be very dangerous especially for the weak minded and children in High school who can become addicted very easily and turn into criminals to get their fix. While living in Glasgow I watched day after day the junkies stealing fighting to get their fixes. Even got to see a man chopped down with a Sword and left to die on the street over some drugs. That was an experience

      Great post tho. Good for the critical though

    19. Never known of anyone to kill themselves with a Sex Dvd or magazine. Would be quite an achievement tho. LOL

    20. Randy do you know that your site tries to Block someone using the word 'PORNO'. I think that is anti prosperity. LOL

    21. Have been through many things in my life and alcohol and drugs had its parts somehow.I grew up with alcoholists around me.All my friends tested drugs. I NEVER did.I don´t think that had to do with legal or not for me.I could have, but I didn´t want to.I had low self esteem and everything.I don´t think it will change the opportunities.To let it free can open up our eyes in another way.I beleive you Randy-you are one of my favourites-HAPPY BIRTHDAY-wish you the best one ever....

    22. Oh Yes I can imagine a world like this - and to think of it brings me complete peace.

      It takes power and force out of the equation and brings in choice.

      Much freedom.

      And I'm not a prostitute or drug addict... But I can imagine the fears that would not be empty and the threats be wasted. Lovely world.

    23. While I like your teaching on Network Marketing, your really are off on this post. Legalizing these things would be the destruction of this nation. Do you know why the Roman Empire fell?

    24. Maybe it was omitted that legalizing these drugs should be restricted to anyone over the age of 21. Or maybe it should be 25 because, theoretically, that is when the brain is fully developed. One of the problems of young people using drugs is that it really messes up their brain while it is developing. At that age they don't act in the most judicious manner either - and that is without drugs. Once someone's brain is developed, they should have the right to abuse themselves however they wish. Legalizing these drugs, among other things, would put an end to quite a bit of organized crime too. As far as watching adults know each other, people have the right to entertain themselves however they wish. Let them develop their own standards of entertaining. Rather than a night at the theatre, they can pop in a DVD of "moaning tart" .

    25. Thanks Scotty for this great input! I enjoyed reading it also... I would say something like that...
      Viva la liberte!

      That would be the very next logical, wise and prosperous thing to do for all of us. Really, and you know guys I think it will happen. Dunno when, but we will wake up in a world where even a subject like that won't stir the pond anymore... as evolving spices we will have other things in our harts and minds. Really!
      It will happen in a different world on a different level on consciousness that we are creating right now, even by sharpening up our perceptions with our lovely Randy!

    26. Well, ok. Yes I believe people should have freedom to choose for themselves the kind of lifestyle they want to live but I'm not sure the leglization of crystle meth, cocaine and other drugs plus the legalizing of prostitution and other currently illegal sexual conduct is the answer either. I have very mixed feelings. They probably stem from the very strict religious upbringing I had. I look forward to hearing your explanation.


    27. Did repealing alcohol prohibition reduce crime or are there still gang fights and mass murderings in your neighborhood over alcohol? Think about it. 🙂

    28. I definitely support that!

      I live in the Netherlands and we are very liberal on drugs and things work out just fine over here! It is everybody´s right to do whatever they want to do with drugs as long as there is equal respect the other way around. I don´t use drugs, never did. So even if it is available on every corner of the street ( and I am talking not only soft drugs, because the hard drugs are in your face everywhere) it is a fantasy that if you make it accessible for everyone, the whole world would be on it and I am not in prostitution either!

      That is just fear and suppression speaking and the wanted power of politicians to make a world they believe is right, mostly driven by religious stand points, and that is far from prosperious.

      Anyway, people will find their way to drugs and prostitution if they want with or without all these rules.

    29. We could also legalize trade of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction!

      What could possibly go wrong?

    30. Hi Gang,

      And what would you do when evil was staring you in the face and the police weren't there to protect you, how would you feel then?
      Whenever the conversation comes down to finding solutions, we are reminded that evil exits and our fears are helped along by others self serving interests.

      The Republicans accuse the Democrats of building up big government but I feel both sides fail to bring peace and tranquility that would eliminate the need for the huge expense of police enforcement.

      At some schools in Chicago there are tactical police units patrolling with a helicopter flying above the schools at dismissal to protect the students. If you throw in the police salaries and security, it is a huge portion of the educational budget.

      So there is a huge amount of money being spent. I don't think the salaries and budgets for this enforcement falls under your idea of prosperity but for all those people on the salary it is their prosperity. What is even more prosperous for many workers is getting a pension at 55 that can pay you as you retire and then get a second job on top of that.

      Now that I have only one line of space left, let's tackle the military budget issue. Well let's just say it's not a military issue it's a people issue. How many people do you know who would take just about any job if it paid $90,000 dollars and offered a pension and benefits. Have you seen the experiment when people are told to shock others and they do so when told by authority. At about $90,000 a year and benefits, the level of whistle blowers goes down to about .005 percent.

      If you know people that would do just about anything for a guarantee salary and benefits let me hear you say "Dam straight".

      All the best,


    31. I think, legalizations of the small list of the drugs, can take to the people more freedom. And this, can make them cognizes ours life.

    32. I would not venture into using drugs or prostitutes, but I would like to see all of that legalized and have for many years. I actually argued during a debate class about how it could benefit our country!

    33. Of course they should all be legal, monitored, taxed and controlled for quality, quantity and however else the consumer chooses to develop a fancy. Currently only the legal and taxed part is not happening.

      According to government data the world spends approximately $65 Billion a year on Opium and about twice that on Cocaine. The US share is around $10 billion and $35 billion respectively. Microsoft’s total annual sale of products and services worldwide is $35 Billion for comparison. Only 3-5% of the total ends up back in the producing country, another 2-4% go for distribution costs and the rest resides in country as untaxed profits. The ‘official’ number of illicit drug users in the USA is just over 1.1 million. I suspect it is ten times that.

      US prisons hold nearly 2.5 million people and another 5.1 million are on probation and house arrest, the vast majority on drug related charges. The cost to house a prisoner is nearly $70 a day or $25,000 a year or to house, feed and support the US prison population at nearly $63 Billion a year.

      Twice as many people die from prescription drugs every year in the US as from illegal drugs. Alcohol kills five times that and tobacco nearly twenty-six times that. Just in case you missed it everyone is going to die one way or another and counting how is almost redundant.

      The media and government keep attention on the source and the distribution costs. I want to know where you hide the rest? Where do you hide $30+Billion in untaxed income? If you believe in the mafia, you likely believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus too. Who wins under the current setup? Does it really make sense that 1 or every 142 US citizens lives in prison? Does it makes sense that 1 of every 45 adults in the US is on probation? The next time it happens that someone asks to put this on the agenda, to just look at legalizing the sale of drugs (the use of drugs is not illegal just having more than a certain amount that ‘means’ you intend to distribute and sell is). Notice the billionaires that come out of hiding to claim that legalizing drug use would be bad for humanity.

    34. YEAHH.. Miami runs in money laundry from drug business, like this country runs on weapons trading and wars, so Andy are you going to kill the biggest business ever?, hope you have a plan B....

    35. Let's try to keep at least the appearance of logic here. Biological and other weapons of mass destruction cannot be enjoyed in the privacy of private property by consenting adults. They are used to kill others.


    36. Ok seriously, criminal activity related to prohibition had to do with greed. addicts are not alcoholics, they don't drink until they pass out in a gutter. They look for ways & means to get more. When legit options fail they will resort to criminal activity. Will you remove the gang wars maybe-but legalizing drugs other then alcohol, won't lead to a decrease in crime. Addiction is a disease not a personal lifestyle choice.

    37. Have you ever been to a welfare office? Drug addicts are entitled to government disability benefits in recognition of their 'disease'. Where does the money come from? YOUR taxes.

    38. If legislation could make the world safe, it would be safe already. If we want the world to be better, there is only one solution. We need to be better people. That's not accomplished through legislation. Virtue cannot be forced. Yes, all of these things should be legal. Not because we should condone them but because politicians have no business even addressing them.

    39. I really don't see where laws stop bad behavior, Drunk driving laws have not stopped drunk driving, drug laws haven't stopped drug abuse, Laws against prostitution haven't stopped that profession, on and on. Yet those laws do stop good people from doing bad things, if you know what I mean. We think we need laws to stop bad behaviors and to control those who we can't control. Because we know that when faced with a bad situation if there wasn't a law against it. We might just say what the heck and blow away the guy or gal who cuts us off while speeding down the road, while talking on their cell, while at the same time informing us with a brief hand gesture that we are still number one in their books.

      Complete anarchy is what we all believe would happen if there were no laws. Yet there was a study of sorts performed in Europe, that attacked a problem that seemed to have no answer. That is the traffic circles. There always seems to be a traffic jam, no matter what was tried. Someone mentioned just remove the signs and lights. After the laughter stopped, the decision was made to try it and guess what, after a few days traffic flowed better than it ever had..So maybe if we did get rid of laws and rules we would just choose the right path and make life better..

    40. Randy,
      You got more posts than when you threw raw meat to the Christians. Now do I get to pick who is in the sex shows? I think is like the post about green people can only come into the store. It is not right to tell anyone what they can and can't do. I don't have to support it.

      If there were no pornography and drugs maybe some people wouldn't know why they were lonely or miserable. Perhaps in the "knowing" than they can move forward.

      Thanks for your provocative questions.

    41. I absolutely believe that it is a right to use or abuse anything on a personal level but wasn’t the 18th and 19th century a time in the U.S. when drugs and prostitution weren’t illegal? Was it rational or moral reasons that prompted the change? Changing the laws making drugs, prostitution and other victimless crimes legal makes me shudder! Until the 16th amendment is repealed the taxman will want his cut. That means distribution; manufacturing, monitoring and taxation will require creation or expansion of the government bureaucracy.
      While I certainly agree that personal freedom of choice means that drugs, prostitution … any victimless crime shouldn’t be illegal. Personal freedom often seems to migrate into repression then a compulsion to conform. If it’s my right to indulge is it not also my right not to be around your indulgence? Isn’t that what happened with smoking? My right to create a non-smoking area in my business became 22 pages of non-smoking municipalities [found on]. Where is the opportunity to open a “smokers welcome” or “smokers only” business in one of those municipalities?
      When the debate is between “it is my right” and “its societies responsibility to protect”, count on the majority to come down on the side of protection! Whether from force or apathy it is the majority that calls the shots. Ever wonder why Galt’s Gulch from Atlas Shrugged was small, isolated and hidden?
      Instead of framing issues around is it morally or ethically right how about asking, “Will it work as intended?” A look at the latest social debate, universal health care, shows a result other than what’s expected and promised. If you are willing to accept any doctor that happens to be available [not necessarily the closest or best]; willing to accept some misdiagnoses or medical slipups [without running to a lawyer]; willing to wait a year or two for quality of life treatments [knee, hip, shoulder injuries …]; willing to pay more in taxes – then you will be thrilled with universal health care. I don’t remember this info as part of the debate? This is not propaganda but personal observation, living in Calgary for 3.5 years and watching family and friends in Canada. More people getting more access equals less availability; no way around it!

    42. ...and once the benefits have been cashed out it's used to buy more drugs. There are millions of goverment sponsored drug(heroin,crystal meth,crack etc) users and now thanks to Obamas health bill also medical drugs, labrats(that's what I call people using drugs manufactured by the pharmasutical industry). They are all living on your and my taxdollar/taxeuro. Now you'll too be paying for Eddies painkillers for the finger he cut of while drunk on the construction site he use to work on, in addition to the roof on his head and food in his belly. There should be a dummytax, for every stupid thing you do, the tax increases. If you stay smart for a year it's dropped down to a level based on your earlier "accidents". I BELIVE IN NATURAL SELECTION!!! The human race has stopped evolving physicly becouse we trying to cure disease and weaknesses in the geenpool!!!

    43. I'm in the drug addiction treatment space and already we have some 11,000 + treatment centers in North America it would be an interesting test to see if that number increases or decreases with legalization. Marijuana is being legalized more and more and guess who has their cut on that?

    44. I find it amusing that we spend millions of dollars on teaching kids to say no to drugs just to allow them to go home and watch tv full of ads by pharm. cos trying to convince you you need them! Not happy- take a pill.

      How about teaching people to think differently so that they don't "need" drugs or anything to get the high they desire from these things. God Lord there goes the mass control.....

    45. If you believe in taxes at all you should really check your premises. The government taking our money at the point of a gun to give it to someone "who needs it more" is just as unethical as the needy person robbing you themselves. People should be free to destroy themselves if they so choose. Neither making it illegal for them or extorting the rest of us for welfare funds is an ethical or logical action.

    46. Make them legal in a systematized controlled planned way with IMO the goal or result in making Prostitution & other stuff legal = to take these "industries" out of the control of criminals (from large organized global crime syndicates right down to the street corner pretty criminal).

      1. Criminals out of the "industries" re legalizing
      = A) service standards get better for all consenting parties who provide or avail of sex for sale.
      B) Criminals out of biz = massive savings in budgets for police LEO etc
      C) Regulated to standards of high quality
      D) Taxable massive revenue for governments,

      Look at Germany where Prostitution is legal, it is above board, it is clean, regulated to high standards, the working gals even got their own Union with a pension fund and a retired working gal is a full time rep of the industry to the government. High class places, win win all around. minimal STD risk due to high standards. The women are not pimped out... the working women run the industry.

      It seems on my observations to be acceptable in, e.g. a business man going in for a relaxing jacuzzi and a drink on his time he is paying for and perhaps a service at the end of a hard week in the office.

      I think by point A, B, C, D, and the real world example of Germany backs it up.

      In Ireland where I came form originally the "oldest profession" is not legal so criminals are behind the brothels which operate from private condos, mostly a women might run it so the women are consenting to do the job and (aside from immigrants from East Europe & Africa who do run slavery rings in original country - my facts are correct, I used to teach Self Defense to many street cops so I would get the inside info from my police trainees) however behind the clean consenting illegal business - in the shadows are heavy criminal gangs who use the brothel money to fund heavy drug trafficking, commit murders & violent assaults etc and get very rich illegal the easy way and tax free! Not to mention the over worked police who have to waste valuable time which should be devoted to solving serious crimes to bust brothels & usually they tell the women to move on to another condo etc.

      So Germany (legal) Vs. Ireland (illegal) I am sure you feel the sound of what I am showing you here? Yes ok.

      Another good example is guns for personal protection (this does not reflect my opinion either way but it is a good real world true example.

      In Rep of Ireland the only gun a clean citizen can get is a Shotgun or a small .22 single shot rifle. usually its farmers who get them via a police check to shoot pests on farm etc. or hunters into duck shooting. No way can you have a hand gun in Rep of Ireland.
      When the President of the USA come to Ireland the U.S. Secret Service are NOT allowed to carry their guns, & in the rare exception the US Secret Service were allowed once or twice to carry limited firearms but were told if they used them in Ireland they would face the full rigors of serious criminal charges.

      In Ireland if you were caught with say 3 rounds for an M16 I am certain that would carry a Jail term 2 years maybe. A hand gun would be 5+ years in Jail.

      Now who has the guns in Ireland and use them a lot even though they are illegal with ethos of keeping guns out of Irish citizens as a self defense tool will keep the level of crime lower.

      NO - The Heavy Criminal have the guns and use them weekly for gangland "hits" over drug dealing turf etc.

      In Miami most residents I met when I used to go S Beach a lot all told me they had a legal pistol at home and can shoot a house invader it a waring is given or something like that. In Arizona it think it is "open carry" you the good clean citizen can walk about with your Glock 19 openly showing and can use it to protect yourself from the criminals.

      Making guns for self protection in the Republic of Ireland illegal VS the States in USA with legal gun laws - what does the law do in Ireland - ensures the criminals have the guns!!!!

      If a decent clean citizen punched the worst criminal in Dublin FIRST to Pre Emptive Strike the criminal attacker - even if that criminal had a murder rap sheet the good citizen would be charged with assault for hitting (punching etc) first.... the laws protect the criminals who know how to milk the laws & courts to the max....

      The drug issue is not as clear cut as the prostitution issue but again if only to remove the criminals 100% from the drug biz and put it into legal hands under government control. Not for free enterprise...

      Great Debate!

      God Bless

      I m rambling a bit but I am sure you see my points here.

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