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Resistance is Futile. Or is It?

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 6, 2010

So I’m contemplating another midlife crisis, but I’m torn.  Do I run off and join Cirque du Soleil, or start a career in epigenetics?  

If I go with the circus, I get to follow the sun, travel to interesting places, and wear tights.  If I go with science, I spend a lot of time in dark laboratories peering through microscopes studying the mechanisms how cells control physiology and behavior.

Tough choice.

Remember the Star Trek episodes when Captain Picard meets up with the Borg, a pseudo-race of cybernetic organisms.   The Borg voluntarily submit to cybernetic enhancement as a means of achieving what they believe to be perfection, and travel the universe, looking for other species to grab parts from.  Their mantra:  “Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated.”

They were interconnected in “the collective” and shared thoughts and emotions.  The Borg were some of the most chilling villains ever presented in Sci-Fi and many of the plot lines came from real science.

We all feel like individuals, but we each are a collection of 50 trillion single celled units.  Almost all those cells are amoeba-like individual organisms that have evolved a cooperative strategy for mutual survival.   They’ve all been assimilated into the collective.

For decades science has had the central dogma that that genes control life.  But genes are not self-emergent.  Something in the environment has to trigger gene activity.   So here’s the question that is prompting my midlife crisis and one that is worthy of some critical thinking on your part…

What if cells not only teach us about the mechanisms of life, but actually can serve as a road map for how to live a prosperous life?

If we are all simply the sum of our collective amoebic consciousness, then we need not be victims of our genes, but can be co-creators of our fate.

So what do you think about that!


45 comments on “Resistance is Futile. Or is It?”

  1. Hi Randy,

    The latter, all the way. We are co-creators....actually we are co-creators with the Co-Creator.

    Genes - like everything in the universe - is energy. We mold this energy with our thoughts and feelings. The universe just "is"; we add the labels with our individual perceptions.

    By the way I just saw Cirque yesterday afternoon. It's definitely you 🙂


  2. 'Almost all those cells are amoeba-like individual organisms that have evolved a cooperative strategy for mutual survival. They’ve all been assimilated into the collective'

    I think Obama misread this statement made by you Randy and thought it meant Socialism 😉

    Milton Friedman and Adam Smith understood this perfectly and attempted to share this understanding of the invisible hand that is mutually beneficial to create prosperity for all when we each follow our own self interest.

    The co operative strategy that has always worked best is the free market with a government only there to protect the third party from being harmed against his will.

    It is interesting how in a system like this it is often the most greedy and selfish people who are the ones who do the most good, indirectly. (as long as they cannot use government to manipulate the game)

    At the same time it is the do- gooders who intend to do good by arranging this co operative strategy who actually break down the system that is mutually beneficial. They kill off the strong in order to celebrate the weak.

    I heard on the news today that Poland has increased it's Border controls because Americans are fleeing there in an attempt to experience freedom 😉 LOL

      1. Ah, the Romantics. I love Romantic literature. I never read Les Miserables (saw the musical). I did, however, study Goethe and Schiller. If I remember, the Romantics saw humankind as always reaching out to touch the divine(the hand of God), but having a very difficult time reaching it. When a person loved another human being, is when they were able to truly capture the divine. So maybe Victor Hugo's take on Freedom would be in loving another. Then that person would see the face of God. Of course to love another, you must love yourself first. I don't know if that is the way the Romantics saw it. Love your question. Very thought provoking.

    1. I suppose it benefited the self interest of wealthy land owners to use slave labor. It was self intrest that created a Native American holocost as well. Thank goodness for that do- gooder Abraham Lincoln.

      1. Annie, I think you miss this part of my comment

        "The co operative strategy that has always worked best is the free market with a government only there to protect the third party from being harmed against his will."

        Slave labour does not go consistent with the free market philosophy of Milton or Adam Smith. A third party is being harmed against his will.

        Also think you missed this part

        It is interesting how in a 'system like this' (where the third party is protected from being harmed by other peoples actions) it is often the most greedy and selfish people who are the ones who do the most good, indirectly. (as long as they cannot use government to manipulate the game)

        The Native American holocaust was initiated by government action and nothing to do with the free market. In a free market system for the Natives to be put off their land they would have to be persuaded to leave. Possibly through trade or an offer of something better for them. The government do-gooders just decided that the Natives were a threat to the whites so they deserved to be removed.

        1. Thank you, I did miss that. I will definitely do some more thinking about this topic. I am definitely a social justice advocate.

    2. Exactly which do-gooders are killing off the strong? How are they killing off the strong? Is making wealthier people pay more taxes killing off the strong? In fact, employment taxes are regressive and hurt the weaker. Are those taxes killing you off?

  3. The cells are vital but would make poor masters. Most of biology is about assuring two things: survival & procreation. At the cellular level they consume, reproduce (or divide) and die. That's all they want, and all they are programmed to do. I take that back, they often have the ability to avoid negative stimuli. As humans I believe we are built for more transcendence than that.

    1. you mean u think thats all they do or it seems thats all they do, our mental constructs of how we think things work are just fantasy and an attempt to divide the truth of oneness, even these words do the same....they can only point to the truth of being,

  4. RG,
    What a brilliant thought. I think that we are made of the same substance that made the Universe. My question is the resistance in me in my cells or in my mind. I think it is in my mind.
    I never thought of the cells teaching us how to live a prosperous life. In quantum mechanics thinking differently affects the cells so I guess we could learn the road to our prosperous future.

  5. I think it goes deeper than this actually.

    Since our amoeba like cells are made up of energy, I think the best view would be to look at it from a quantum perspective. In other words, the living cells are energy and we are part of the infinite energy of the Universe. Therefore we're part of the 'thinking stuff' Wattles references in "Science of Getting Rich" and all our cells are then too.

    And since the Infinite Energy of the Universe is One, it's a Oneness of thought that can be so powerful. I'm firmly of the belief that if we ALL had the same thought about something we wished to manifest, we could create it as One Being.. And of course this would include anything from eliminating hunger, disease and poverty to creating an updated version of Mickey Mouse!

  6. This sure must be some midlife crisis - you've gone deeply philosophical on us Randy! I'd pay to see you in tights but I have to say I prefer the tailored suit!

    I also hold the belief that our health is determined more by our environment than our genes, as you pointed out Randy. Genes express themselves according to the environment they are exposed to, and we do have control over our environment. If the expression of our genes does not satisfy us, it is an invitation for us to choose a different environment that would produce more desirable outcomes. So I would say, yes, cells do provide a kind of road map. Saying that you have a health problem because of your genes is a cop out. You may not yet have figured out how to get the results that you desire, but that does not mean that you are not capable to doing so.

    So while I'm thinking of it, Randy how did you go with that book on HIV I recommended some time back?

  7. hi there,

    I like you Randy, witch ever way you go, you will make an impact, and I will still listen and read what you say cause it makes sense.

    I believe that the more you are aware of your surroundings, and make it a slow motion movie, the more you are aware of what you can do.

    Sure seing you in tights would be nice, but that would not last very long. there d be missing something, so I say go with both...

    see not that difficult when you know you can do it.

    take care and good luck.

  8. -RG,

    Cells are not a "road map" but are the road. Your thoughts are the map.

    Cells have receptor sites on them so that other things plug into such as proteins.

    Yet thoughts are also measurable "things" also and can also plug into to cells.

    They both will determine how that cell functions. So all those negative bad thoughts can determine if a cell functions properly or not, and of course visa-verse.

    As far as your career choice.

    May I suggest that you keep doing what you do, you are an expert at it. Just change it up a bit. Once in awhile wear tights and act like a clown.



  9. This whole cell sci fi stuff is a bit too much woo woo for me.. but I do love this one thought that I read recently, I am so grateful and happy that I get to choose my thoughts every day...

  10. I think I am a Borg cos I think the idea of being a part of the collective totally mind-blowing. Why limit ourselves to the sum of our own experiences, feelings & thoughts when we can have access to, and co-create with the entire universe for unlimited possibilities? But it is a scary thought for the individual, which is probably why they are considered villains in the show. I suppose it's like the idea of death - a fear of the unknown as we know it. There is a death of course, it's the death of the ego or being special; totally unnecessary since we already are special so I don't see a need to spend our life resisting our greatness to prove we're different. Transmutation is our magic power, and the answer I think, lies in surrender to the collective. I'd say just be a Borg. In the Cirque. I can't wait, and I want back-stage VIP passes! xoxo

  11. Oh, and mid-life as you referenced it, is misleading. Because you're a rocksta, and to quote my friend Jeff, rockstas are immortal.

  12. What?!? That was a little nebulous for me. I had a hard time following your thoughts, as I don't know much about Star Trek or genetics. However, I did some brief research and have returned with my thoughts. I think you lie, first off. I don't think you are really having a mid-life crisis at all. I think your just trying to make a really inspiring statement. Not to rain on your epigentetic parade, but I don't think all the research is in. Also, it seemed to me on what I read, that only some of the genes had a polymorphous quality and could be transformed by the environment. It is so cool though to learn about epigenetics, if nothing else. I hope they find out which environmental causes create disease in genes that could be influenced in a more positive way. I wonder if it will have anything to do with pollution? I also wonder if they will find that people living in the inner city cores, have more undesirable environmental influences? I would then say, "no wonder poor people are more sick."

    In the 90's when I was a Psychology student, I remember the Twin Studies. The subjects in this study were twins (seems obvious). Some twins were raised by different parents and in different places. The conclusions that were drawn from that study (bear in mind it's social science), is that environment didn't have the greatest impact, that genetic influences had shaped the twins personality more.

    I like your version better though. Despite cruel reality, it is better to believe you have control and not use anything as an excuse. Having said all this, I think it behooves all of us to have empathy for those who have real genetic disorders.

      1. Psychologist study personality as a series of traits. for example: introversion/extraversion, neuroticism/stability, and many others. I love reading about personality traits, I think it is absolutely fascinating. I read and reread "Gifts Differing, Understanding Personality Type", by Isabel Briggs Myers. I think the Twin studies were based on more than whats offered in this book. I am so sorry, but I don't remember. I went hunting for my old Personality Theory text and could not find it. I am guessing though if you are really interested, the Twin Studies in psychology, would not be hard to find on the internet.

        1. We all are unique in our own way. I do think though that some behaviours are learned and there are some behaviours we need to learn.

  13. “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”~ Max Planck

    Therefore, if this intelligent mind exist then it is possible for us to transform ourselves. Otherwise, we will continue to live as we have for thousands of years; the old ideas, and the same old patterns.

    I BELIEVE we do have the POWER to control our own destiny.


  14. I am not old enough for a mid-life crisis, even though I believe that to be a meme, idea, or catch phrase generated by someone for their own notoriety. Lookong at humans objectively though, we are the only species that have moulded our environment around ouselves. We did this to make life easier and to move away from subsistence living. We've all gone and had specializations of labour. So I believe our entire economy is based on our desire for convenience and ease. There is also the desire to get rich which will, in turn, give us convenience and ease. Those that have become wealthy are the ones that are able to provide this convenience and ease most effeciently - i.e. Oil companies, Car companies, Consumer product companies, the Entertainment Industry ( we are too lazy to entertain ouselves - we have the TV do that for us) , Utilities, and the list goes on. This collective desire for convenience and ease is shaping our fate right now. Sadly, we are using unrenewable resources to keep up this standard of living and will, in the next 100 years, revert to renewable energy to serve our lifestyle.

  15. So, since Annie brought up the twin dynamic in support of genetics …

    Checking in as a mom of triplets, two of whom are identical twin girls, I can attest to the fact that genetics have only limited impact on any living thing. At 18 years old, my girls are every bit as different as they are alike, and getting more so as time passes. And what has shaped them so uniquely are the conclusions they have draw from the experiences they have had and what decisions they have made because of those conclusions, aka … their consciousness.

    … Some decisions producing better outcomes, some producing worse! …

    (and remembering the worse ones for a moment, Randy, I think maybe I might be just behind you in the mid-life crisis line – but let’s affectionately reframe is as a mid-life ‘growth spurt’, shall we?) 😉

    So, back to the question … maybe we should consider how any of us could actually prosper not so much ‘individually’, but ‘alone’ – because it’s a subtle, yet powerful distinction. It’s not possible. We are all integral parts of an ever-evolving collective, and without any one of us and our best contributions, the destiny of the entire collective is changed - and so is not only our own prosperity, but the collective prosperity.

    No individual cell could stand alone in the shell of a body and survive without the support of the other cells, but let that one small cell discontinue to perform its cooperative function, or worse – perform a detrimental function - and watch how quickly the entire body begins to suffer. I see humanity the very same way. When one prospers, we all prosper … and such is the wisdom of cells.


    1. KimbraLee, thank you for your comments. You are one of my favorites to read. I think you must be such a kind person. I stand in awe of you as a mother of triplets. I have one boy and I feel exhausted a lot of the time.

      I agree with you. Our consciousness, or souls(I like to think of it that way also) are our very own and definitely malleable. I believe the Twin Studies were refering to personality traits, which are more neutral. It has been a long time since I was studying these things. I am guessing they were looking a traits such as extraversion/introversion, and other traits. I do think we are born with our personalities and those traits are neither good or bad, they just are. How we develop into those traits probably does have a lot to do with nurture or how one was parented. Yet, still our souls are our own, and we all no matter how we were raised, have the ability to fulfill our souls potential. And I do think twins can be different, obviously each person is a unique as a snowflake. I bet your girls are brilliant with a mom like you 🙂

  16. and BTW, nice HUGE swing from Miss Manners to Borgs! We are all just running along, trying to keep up with ya' here ... ay, yay, yay!


  17. Sounds like you need to have a little adventure, away from work and socializing?… something to ruffle the feathers a little bit… maybe a celestial picnic with counsel and go into a transcendental meditation for about a week and dream of all the delicious things you still haven’t accomplished… its fun to get out there sometimes.

  18. Imagine you could choose out of more than two 😉 Seems there is so much more in this world, and I wish you the answer by awakening the other morning with a smile 🙂

  19. Absolutely we are the creators of our very being. Our health, our consciousness, our destiny. The mind is a very powerful force and we, in our thinking and actions expose our bodies to either good things or bad things.

  20. Interesting topic today Randy,

    I have to say that I'm so grateful for the work of such people like Bruce Lipton Author of The Biology of Belief that is bringing awareness to so many of us concerning the ability that each and everyone one of us have to mold our well being.

    That we have control over our genes and not the other way around.

    Thanks for spreading the good news! 🙂

  21. Randy:I like the idea gentlemans on tights enjoying life,and I like to be happy every day no matter which carrer,or job,or problem i have.Be happy.

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  • 45 comments on “Resistance is Futile. Or is It?”

    1. Hi Randy,

      The latter, all the way. We are co-creators....actually we are co-creators with the Co-Creator.

      Genes - like everything in the universe - is energy. We mold this energy with our thoughts and feelings. The universe just "is"; we add the labels with our individual perceptions.

      By the way I just saw Cirque yesterday afternoon. It's definitely you 🙂


    2. 'Almost all those cells are amoeba-like individual organisms that have evolved a cooperative strategy for mutual survival. They’ve all been assimilated into the collective'

      I think Obama misread this statement made by you Randy and thought it meant Socialism 😉

      Milton Friedman and Adam Smith understood this perfectly and attempted to share this understanding of the invisible hand that is mutually beneficial to create prosperity for all when we each follow our own self interest.

      The co operative strategy that has always worked best is the free market with a government only there to protect the third party from being harmed against his will.

      It is interesting how in a system like this it is often the most greedy and selfish people who are the ones who do the most good, indirectly. (as long as they cannot use government to manipulate the game)

      At the same time it is the do- gooders who intend to do good by arranging this co operative strategy who actually break down the system that is mutually beneficial. They kill off the strong in order to celebrate the weak.

      I heard on the news today that Poland has increased it's Border controls because Americans are fleeing there in an attempt to experience freedom 😉 LOL

        1. Ah, the Romantics. I love Romantic literature. I never read Les Miserables (saw the musical). I did, however, study Goethe and Schiller. If I remember, the Romantics saw humankind as always reaching out to touch the divine(the hand of God), but having a very difficult time reaching it. When a person loved another human being, is when they were able to truly capture the divine. So maybe Victor Hugo's take on Freedom would be in loving another. Then that person would see the face of God. Of course to love another, you must love yourself first. I don't know if that is the way the Romantics saw it. Love your question. Very thought provoking.

      1. I suppose it benefited the self interest of wealthy land owners to use slave labor. It was self intrest that created a Native American holocost as well. Thank goodness for that do- gooder Abraham Lincoln.

        1. Annie, I think you miss this part of my comment

          "The co operative strategy that has always worked best is the free market with a government only there to protect the third party from being harmed against his will."

          Slave labour does not go consistent with the free market philosophy of Milton or Adam Smith. A third party is being harmed against his will.

          Also think you missed this part

          It is interesting how in a 'system like this' (where the third party is protected from being harmed by other peoples actions) it is often the most greedy and selfish people who are the ones who do the most good, indirectly. (as long as they cannot use government to manipulate the game)

          The Native American holocaust was initiated by government action and nothing to do with the free market. In a free market system for the Natives to be put off their land they would have to be persuaded to leave. Possibly through trade or an offer of something better for them. The government do-gooders just decided that the Natives were a threat to the whites so they deserved to be removed.

          1. Thank you, I did miss that. I will definitely do some more thinking about this topic. I am definitely a social justice advocate.

      2. Exactly which do-gooders are killing off the strong? How are they killing off the strong? Is making wealthier people pay more taxes killing off the strong? In fact, employment taxes are regressive and hurt the weaker. Are those taxes killing you off?

    3. The cells are vital but would make poor masters. Most of biology is about assuring two things: survival & procreation. At the cellular level they consume, reproduce (or divide) and die. That's all they want, and all they are programmed to do. I take that back, they often have the ability to avoid negative stimuli. As humans I believe we are built for more transcendence than that.

      1. you mean u think thats all they do or it seems thats all they do, our mental constructs of how we think things work are just fantasy and an attempt to divide the truth of oneness, even these words do the same....they can only point to the truth of being,

    4. RG,
      What a brilliant thought. I think that we are made of the same substance that made the Universe. My question is the resistance in me in my cells or in my mind. I think it is in my mind.
      I never thought of the cells teaching us how to live a prosperous life. In quantum mechanics thinking differently affects the cells so I guess we could learn the road to our prosperous future.

    5. I think it goes deeper than this actually.

      Since our amoeba like cells are made up of energy, I think the best view would be to look at it from a quantum perspective. In other words, the living cells are energy and we are part of the infinite energy of the Universe. Therefore we're part of the 'thinking stuff' Wattles references in "Science of Getting Rich" and all our cells are then too.

      And since the Infinite Energy of the Universe is One, it's a Oneness of thought that can be so powerful. I'm firmly of the belief that if we ALL had the same thought about something we wished to manifest, we could create it as One Being.. And of course this would include anything from eliminating hunger, disease and poverty to creating an updated version of Mickey Mouse!

    6. This sure must be some midlife crisis - you've gone deeply philosophical on us Randy! I'd pay to see you in tights but I have to say I prefer the tailored suit!

      I also hold the belief that our health is determined more by our environment than our genes, as you pointed out Randy. Genes express themselves according to the environment they are exposed to, and we do have control over our environment. If the expression of our genes does not satisfy us, it is an invitation for us to choose a different environment that would produce more desirable outcomes. So I would say, yes, cells do provide a kind of road map. Saying that you have a health problem because of your genes is a cop out. You may not yet have figured out how to get the results that you desire, but that does not mean that you are not capable to doing so.

      So while I'm thinking of it, Randy how did you go with that book on HIV I recommended some time back?

    7. hi there,

      I like you Randy, witch ever way you go, you will make an impact, and I will still listen and read what you say cause it makes sense.

      I believe that the more you are aware of your surroundings, and make it a slow motion movie, the more you are aware of what you can do.

      Sure seing you in tights would be nice, but that would not last very long. there d be missing something, so I say go with both...

      see not that difficult when you know you can do it.

      take care and good luck.

    8. -RG,

      Cells are not a "road map" but are the road. Your thoughts are the map.

      Cells have receptor sites on them so that other things plug into such as proteins.

      Yet thoughts are also measurable "things" also and can also plug into to cells.

      They both will determine how that cell functions. So all those negative bad thoughts can determine if a cell functions properly or not, and of course visa-verse.

      As far as your career choice.

      May I suggest that you keep doing what you do, you are an expert at it. Just change it up a bit. Once in awhile wear tights and act like a clown.



    9. This whole cell sci fi stuff is a bit too much woo woo for me.. but I do love this one thought that I read recently, I am so grateful and happy that I get to choose my thoughts every day...

    10. I think I am a Borg cos I think the idea of being a part of the collective totally mind-blowing. Why limit ourselves to the sum of our own experiences, feelings & thoughts when we can have access to, and co-create with the entire universe for unlimited possibilities? But it is a scary thought for the individual, which is probably why they are considered villains in the show. I suppose it's like the idea of death - a fear of the unknown as we know it. There is a death of course, it's the death of the ego or being special; totally unnecessary since we already are special so I don't see a need to spend our life resisting our greatness to prove we're different. Transmutation is our magic power, and the answer I think, lies in surrender to the collective. I'd say just be a Borg. In the Cirque. I can't wait, and I want back-stage VIP passes! xoxo

    11. Oh, and mid-life as you referenced it, is misleading. Because you're a rocksta, and to quote my friend Jeff, rockstas are immortal.

    12. What?!? That was a little nebulous for me. I had a hard time following your thoughts, as I don't know much about Star Trek or genetics. However, I did some brief research and have returned with my thoughts. I think you lie, first off. I don't think you are really having a mid-life crisis at all. I think your just trying to make a really inspiring statement. Not to rain on your epigentetic parade, but I don't think all the research is in. Also, it seemed to me on what I read, that only some of the genes had a polymorphous quality and could be transformed by the environment. It is so cool though to learn about epigenetics, if nothing else. I hope they find out which environmental causes create disease in genes that could be influenced in a more positive way. I wonder if it will have anything to do with pollution? I also wonder if they will find that people living in the inner city cores, have more undesirable environmental influences? I would then say, "no wonder poor people are more sick."

      In the 90's when I was a Psychology student, I remember the Twin Studies. The subjects in this study were twins (seems obvious). Some twins were raised by different parents and in different places. The conclusions that were drawn from that study (bear in mind it's social science), is that environment didn't have the greatest impact, that genetic influences had shaped the twins personality more.

      I like your version better though. Despite cruel reality, it is better to believe you have control and not use anything as an excuse. Having said all this, I think it behooves all of us to have empathy for those who have real genetic disorders.

        1. Psychologist study personality as a series of traits. for example: introversion/extraversion, neuroticism/stability, and many others. I love reading about personality traits, I think it is absolutely fascinating. I read and reread "Gifts Differing, Understanding Personality Type", by Isabel Briggs Myers. I think the Twin studies were based on more than whats offered in this book. I am so sorry, but I don't remember. I went hunting for my old Personality Theory text and could not find it. I am guessing though if you are really interested, the Twin Studies in psychology, would not be hard to find on the internet.

          1. We all are unique in our own way. I do think though that some behaviours are learned and there are some behaviours we need to learn.

    13. “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”~ Max Planck

      Therefore, if this intelligent mind exist then it is possible for us to transform ourselves. Otherwise, we will continue to live as we have for thousands of years; the old ideas, and the same old patterns.

      I BELIEVE we do have the POWER to control our own destiny.


    14. I am not old enough for a mid-life crisis, even though I believe that to be a meme, idea, or catch phrase generated by someone for their own notoriety. Lookong at humans objectively though, we are the only species that have moulded our environment around ouselves. We did this to make life easier and to move away from subsistence living. We've all gone and had specializations of labour. So I believe our entire economy is based on our desire for convenience and ease. There is also the desire to get rich which will, in turn, give us convenience and ease. Those that have become wealthy are the ones that are able to provide this convenience and ease most effeciently - i.e. Oil companies, Car companies, Consumer product companies, the Entertainment Industry ( we are too lazy to entertain ouselves - we have the TV do that for us) , Utilities, and the list goes on. This collective desire for convenience and ease is shaping our fate right now. Sadly, we are using unrenewable resources to keep up this standard of living and will, in the next 100 years, revert to renewable energy to serve our lifestyle.

    15. So, since Annie brought up the twin dynamic in support of genetics …

      Checking in as a mom of triplets, two of whom are identical twin girls, I can attest to the fact that genetics have only limited impact on any living thing. At 18 years old, my girls are every bit as different as they are alike, and getting more so as time passes. And what has shaped them so uniquely are the conclusions they have draw from the experiences they have had and what decisions they have made because of those conclusions, aka … their consciousness.

      … Some decisions producing better outcomes, some producing worse! …

      (and remembering the worse ones for a moment, Randy, I think maybe I might be just behind you in the mid-life crisis line – but let’s affectionately reframe is as a mid-life ‘growth spurt’, shall we?) 😉

      So, back to the question … maybe we should consider how any of us could actually prosper not so much ‘individually’, but ‘alone’ – because it’s a subtle, yet powerful distinction. It’s not possible. We are all integral parts of an ever-evolving collective, and without any one of us and our best contributions, the destiny of the entire collective is changed - and so is not only our own prosperity, but the collective prosperity.

      No individual cell could stand alone in the shell of a body and survive without the support of the other cells, but let that one small cell discontinue to perform its cooperative function, or worse – perform a detrimental function - and watch how quickly the entire body begins to suffer. I see humanity the very same way. When one prospers, we all prosper … and such is the wisdom of cells.


      1. KimbraLee, thank you for your comments. You are one of my favorites to read. I think you must be such a kind person. I stand in awe of you as a mother of triplets. I have one boy and I feel exhausted a lot of the time.

        I agree with you. Our consciousness, or souls(I like to think of it that way also) are our very own and definitely malleable. I believe the Twin Studies were refering to personality traits, which are more neutral. It has been a long time since I was studying these things. I am guessing they were looking a traits such as extraversion/introversion, and other traits. I do think we are born with our personalities and those traits are neither good or bad, they just are. How we develop into those traits probably does have a lot to do with nurture or how one was parented. Yet, still our souls are our own, and we all no matter how we were raised, have the ability to fulfill our souls potential. And I do think twins can be different, obviously each person is a unique as a snowflake. I bet your girls are brilliant with a mom like you 🙂

    16. and BTW, nice HUGE swing from Miss Manners to Borgs! We are all just running along, trying to keep up with ya' here ... ay, yay, yay!


    17. Sounds like you need to have a little adventure, away from work and socializing?… something to ruffle the feathers a little bit… maybe a celestial picnic with counsel and go into a transcendental meditation for about a week and dream of all the delicious things you still haven’t accomplished… its fun to get out there sometimes.

    18. Imagine you could choose out of more than two 😉 Seems there is so much more in this world, and I wish you the answer by awakening the other morning with a smile 🙂

    19. Absolutely we are the creators of our very being. Our health, our consciousness, our destiny. The mind is a very powerful force and we, in our thinking and actions expose our bodies to either good things or bad things.

    20. Interesting topic today Randy,

      I have to say that I'm so grateful for the work of such people like Bruce Lipton Author of The Biology of Belief that is bringing awareness to so many of us concerning the ability that each and everyone one of us have to mold our well being.

      That we have control over our genes and not the other way around.

      Thanks for spreading the good news! 🙂

    21. Randy:I like the idea gentlemans on tights enjoying life,and I like to be happy every day no matter which carrer,or job,or problem i have.Be happy.

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