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Prosperity: Destiny or Self- Determination

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 5, 2010

It sure is funny how people pray.  Some people pray to God for the crops to come in.  Others pray for a new Cadillac.  Yet others pray for bad things to happen to those that have wronged them.

Have you ever been at a table when someone says grace, and they bless the food, then asks for good health, prosperity, healing for Aunt Bertha’s gout, and help with their mid-term exam tomorrow?

I thought about this again when I was at a friend’s house for dinner.  She brought out the book, “The Prayer of Jabaz.”  This was a book that she had given me a few months ago.  I read it about half way through before I threw it away.  I felt it had too much “lack” and limitation programming in it.  (Now it should be noted, that this is a common occurrence for me.  I did the same thing with the book by the Dalai Lama.)

The Jabaz book is centered on the premise that we should pray for more good from God.  And not just more, but A LOT.

The book has caused quite a stir, with many fundamentalist ministers opposing the book, because they feel it promotes materialism.  Many feel that it’s spiritual to be poor, and see wanting things as the work of Satan.

I hated the book, but for an entirely different reason.  I see the book as another lack programming lesson from organized religion, based on the theory that man is a helpless, hapless, hopeless, sorry sinner – needing to pray to God to be “saved.”   And somehow after they are saved, God will reward them with a new car, better job, more money, etc.  This kind of thinking is all based on “original sin,” while I see it as original blessing.

The danger with the fundamentalist viewpoint is it is used by people as an excuse not to achieve the greatness they are capable of.  (“If God wanted me to go to college, he would have given me the money.”)  And many people also use it as an excuse not to admit that they are responsible for the outcomes in their life.  They drink, smoke, take drugs, eat nothing but garbage, and exercise every four years whether they need it or not.  Then when they get sick, they say, “God works in mysterious ways.”  They rob a bank, then when they get caught and sent to prison, it’s, “the will of Allah.”

Bullshit.  I believe that one of the greatest gifts we got from God was our rational mind, and free choice.   And it is the choices we make that determine our outcomes - not God punishing us for being bad, or rewarding us for being good.   We are co-creators in our lives.

Now maybe you don’t believe in God.  I respect your viewpoint.  But can you still see that your choices are what determines what happens to you?  Call it Universal Law if you want, but the principles are the same.

Now the interesting part of all this, is that I do pray myself.  But the funny thing is, I don’t pray for God’s sake, I pray for myself, and that of those I pray for.  I just feel that if God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, he probably doesn’t need me to point out that I want the corn to come in this year.  And it does seem a little presumptuous to ask for a better job, more money, or a ‘A’ in Biology.

When I pray for people, I do so because I believe that the actual act of doing so sends positive energy their way.  And I believe that when five or ten people (or more) pray for someone, a Mastermind energy can occur.  And not only do good things happen to the people you pray for, but good things happen for you.

Even though you are thinking positive thoughts for someone else, you benefit.  Mainly, just because you’re thinking of something positive.  And also because of the Law of Giving and Receiving, you’re sending out a lot of good, which will attract you back a lot of good.

During the course of this week, I want to look deeper at the issue of what happens in your mind, as you pray and affirm positive things.  We’ll look at three-part prayers, and how the way and what you pray about, can program your subconscious mind.  I especially want to explore the issue of how you develop a stronger prosperity consciousness to manifest great things in your life.  And we will definitely look deeper at this issue of how the choices we make determine our outcomes, versus destiny, chance and the will of God.


49 comments on “Prosperity: Destiny or Self- Determination”

  1. Amen! Randy you are an inspiration to all of us "peculiar" folks. Thank you so much for all your caring. I have a couple of you books enroute to me, due to arrive this Friday, can't wait.

    Best Always,

  2. Dear Randy,
    I love your work, it is always refreshing to read your post and I do every single of them.

    This post is the best. I completely agree with you.

    I do pray – all I can say is “God I love you and Thank you”. I know that if something or someone should be in my life – it will be. If not, well God has a right to say “No” to:))

    Keep shining your beautiful light.
    Love you

  3. Instead of reading this BS, people would be FAR better served by reading "The Science of Getting Rich", Walter Wattles or "Think and Grow Rich" by Hill.

    There are SO many great books that communicate the possibility Life holds.

    Thanks Randy.

  4. Randy, thanks for your another excellent post. The power of prayer all together works really well, which I learned from my brother who is doing meditation with Quantum.

    We appreciate you! Keep on rolling Sir.

  5. Hi Randy ...

    Finally I think I found the puzzle piece on the subject of Prayer. I moved in different ways and explore diferent alternatives. I read many books about it of different cultures and even the Bible and I even had questioned whether to continue praying or Not.

    I believe in a God ... and I think that is the same for everyone. What are different, are the religions, that simply are framed in purely cultural aspects. Ultimately, I think God is the same for everybody ... which handles universal laws, and so on.

    I say I found the tab of the puzzle missing because I agree with you in the sense that when we pray we are just positive thoughts and programming our subconscious to push them through the emotions and take action towards our goals.

    I look forward to further comments on how to lead a prayer.

    Let's be in contact.


    Pd: In recent days I understand that the secret is something silly for you and I was confused ... because I have seen first sight it there much relationship between stated and some of your comments on how to manifest prosperity. Could you extend the concept a little bit about that?

  6. Randy - you're relationship with God is about as real as it gets! And that is all that God wants. I was just reading The Power of Gratitude by Gordon Ferguson that we shouldn't focus on ourselves but on God. Basically, we can't work to be saved, we work (with Him) because we are saved.

    Your work on prosperity should reveal to all that we should relish in God's gifts BECAUSE we see His light. (Romans 8:32)

    And that my friend, is AWESOME!!!

  7. Excellent article! Coming from the Bible Belt, I really struggle with this issue. I have witnessed what Randy was talking about in people praying and saying it is the will of God. I am a Christ follower, however, I have always taken a different view than most of my family concerning God. That causes alot of told-you-sos when I fail from my family. I look forward to the following insight into this matter by Randy. I need help with this issue. Thanks for writing about this important part of many of our lives.

  8. Hi Randy.
    I believe that prayer is a powerful tool to make changes in our lives and create success. The problem is we have been taught to ask focusing on what we do not have (absence of something/someone)and feel emotions of concern/fear rather than concentrate on what we really want.
    The Bible says"ask and it is given". All we have to do is learn to ask from a position of power, not from fear, but from love.

  9. yeah.. an Omniscient God already knows what you need / want / desire before you even say so. So why bother with ten hail mary's and ten our father's just to ask for that brand new ford escort?

    maybe ask once, and that's it.

    thanks, Randy, for sharing this blog.

  10. Thank you, Randy.

    I pray mostly with a sense of gratitude for what God has already given me - material as well was dreams for a better future - knowing that with my actions He is moving events for my good. I know I am eager to do more for those who are grateful and believe God does as well.

    In addition, I pray for others in their circumstances and for people which I sometimes feel a sense of resentment. I pray for health, happiness and success for them. This tends to get me out of myself and quickly the resentments disappear.

    Blessings to you.


  11. Oh, thank you for putting into such eloquent words what I have been thinking all my life. Every time I hear someone give up on something because "it's God's will" I could scream. How do you KNOW what God's will is until you TRY, until you give it your best shot, taking action with positive thought? It's a cop-out, an excuse!

    I was raised a Southern Baptist and attended a very strict Christian school. All they ever did was focus on sin and how 'bad' we were. Supposedly I was 'bad' because I wore pants to show horses (what was I supposed to do--ride sidesaddle?), and 'true Christian women' only wore skirts because somehow I was responsible for men's lust---WTH???? That never made any sense to me. We were taught--in school!--that women only had two career options--teacher or mother. And I was always in 'trouble' because I spoke out, wanted to get my Master's Degree in Business, have a career, and was a leader. After I was elected class president my freshman year, they decided from then on only males could be elected president of the student body.

    Needless to say, all this turned me completely away from organized religion, but not from spirituality. It just seems that people deciding HOW to worship and arguing about it all the time is silly. It's all about our personal relationship with God, the Universe, or whatever one believes.

    I can't wait to hear more! Looking forward to your insights.


  12. Right On!! People need to get out of the Religious Box that says God is punishing you. God is total LOVE and Good and he's the same yesterday , today and tomarrow. God does not punish his children. It's not in his nature to do bad to someone. He's God. The church has kept people in this box of being afraid that we aren't good enough or we deserve to be punished . Thankfully it's beginning to change for someone who gets away from that lack idea of God and religion.

  13. Great post, I have thought about the hypocrisy of religious people for most of my life. In college I proclaimed myself as an atheist for several years because I saw people say one thing and do another.
    Most of all I see people say they want money, cars etc, and then their internal beliefs and dialogue are the opposite. They think money is not spiritual, or feel guilty wanting it. Then they spend all their time trying to get it, working hard and being pissed when they don;t.
    We cannot believe one thing, ask for another and expect it to happen. We have to look within, see what we believe, and then alter it to support our true desires. It IS up to us, no matter what you believe, what religion or belief system you hold... you have everything within you.
    thanks, Nan Akasha

  14. I like that. So praying is like an emotional version of tithing. Very cool. It's interesting that even those who say they don't believe in God find themselves praying in times of fear etc.

  15. What you have written is exactly what I believe and have always believed and still do and I have noticed how some people in churches will stop at nothing to stop what I and countless of others such as yourself believe. It is sad because they tend to take advantage of children who don't seem to get it because they are young. I have been on a journey for so long and accepting just anything that is thrown at me is no longer acceptable for me at all that I just will not tolerate it or put up with it at all. I am not hopeless, hapless or pitiful. Randy your words are not just from your heart, your words are from the hearts of many and I have been reading everything that you have been writing and will continue to do so as it is elevating not only my soul but my prosperity consciousness level. There have been some in the church that will do whatever they can to set others up, trap them or even pimp them out and all for what, nothing so that their scheming and conniving is beneficial to them and those that are a part of it all. I really do not care for all of that and I will not turn into what they orginally attempted because I know each of their names and how they went about doing what they have done. I am going on with my life and I am not looking back. Thanks Randy

  16. Randy, I can respect your opinion.
    While God knows our future down to the second, he has given us a free will that even he will not defy. We can/ do determine our destiny and can succeed, but when done without his is futile. He is grieved when we choose our own will over his, just as he is grieved when we elevate ourselves above his wisdom and knowledge. I fight to keep the balance.

    Also while he knows our future, he still wants us to pray & ask of HIM. Even if it is for what to us seems petty. Throughout the Bible, he instructs us to ask Him for things such as sweet water, safety from the enemy, nations as our inheiritance, strength, wisdom, the harvest, forgiveness, blessings....etc. He wants us to ask in an attempt to establish communication. It is also a way of us knowing we shouldn't think we are all-sufficient! He loves us to need him!

    The "mastermind" effect is not just sending positive energy toward someone. Scripture says if one puts a thousand to flight, 2 will put 10 thousand....speaking of angelic beings, ministering spirits assigned to us as heirs of salvation. Remember.....we are surrounded by a heavenly host........

    When you stand in the gap for someone, this is an unselfish way of putting others before yourself and that humility attracts the heart of God. does benefit you to pray for others. It changes your heart of selfishness and you become self-less.

    Since the early '80's I have spent at times, 4-5 hours in prayer on a daily / regular basis. I pray daily now and have an awesome relationship with the one true God. When you are in a relationship, you long to be with that person, know what they feel, how they think, what they like/dislike, etc. Being in a relationship with God is a greater reason to be with him intimately.

    I never actually read the book, prayer of Jabez, but I did read the passage of scripture it relates to. Sometimes there are books, articles, blogs, I will not subject my mind to. While the "Jabez' movement changed the way alot of people are they thinking now that the movement is over? The Bible is my true north. I love the Jabez scripture. He is an abundant God that wishes above all things that I prosper and be in health even as my soul (mind, will, & emotion) prosper.

    While I grew up in the south, I never adapted to poverty or lack mentality. When I read / hear things that suggest it is un-Christian to have wealth.....I choose to ignore it. I just believe the word! I think if he spoke the word and created all we see / don't yet is all I need!

    Blessings and honor.

  17. Oops! I meant to say, I believe THIS post, and prayer can compliment the books quiet nicely. 😉

    Randy, I love this subject. I look forward to your next post.

    by the way, I don't pray asking God, I pray THANKING God. The first way shows lack, the 2nd exhibits gratitude, and abundance. Yay!


  18. Randy... are you confusing the essence of the prayer with one person's interpretation of it? it prosperous to ask for abundant blessings, asking for divine help in expanding one's influence in the world (because the vision is so large), and asking to keep one's actions aligned with causing joy instead of sorrow? I see these as the essence of the Prayer of Jabez. If one likes the prayer, I suggest one can pray it to whomever/whatever one names as the source of universal love.

    For those readers who are not Christians: are you able to take the essence of the prayer and strip away the overcoating of Christian interpretation (man is a sinner by nature, must attempt to convert everyone to Christianity, and the whole idea of being in a "war" with an absolute evil named Satan)? Does doing so remove the "power" of the prayer?

    I see much beauty in the Bible. as long as I dive deeply enough to consider the cultural aspects of when it was written and translated, as well as strip away other people's interpretations of it.

    Randy, I welcome your thoughts.

  19. Thank you Randy for this post. Being brought up a strict Catholic, I've always struggled with prayer as such and am just now, learning new ways in everything and all this thanks to your books!!!!!!
    I really agree with what you've just written and look forward to your continuing posts on this subject, as I'm eager to learn new, better ways of praying.
    It's so powerful to think of ourselves as being co creators with God and that we actually have a huge say in our we live our life!
    Thank you again Randy!

  20. You are a courageous man Randy. This topic can explode in every way possible. Prayer for me has always been about the practice of gratitude. Blaming everything that happened yesterday on the "will of God" may have some basis in theory but the past is not where the action is. Discovering His will for me ongoing into the future is a worthwhile inquiry.

  21. wow! can't wait for the three part prayer. this walking to the other side of practices that I consider normal and not only that, affirmative and seeing a toally different viewpoint! I love it! bring it on!

  22. I do believe in the power of thoughts and I love studying your Law of Prosperity series. Thanks Randy. You're so great! 🙂

  23. I do believe in the power of thought and I also love studying your Law of Prosperity Series. Thanks Randy. You're so great! 🙂

  24. Randy if only more believers actually believed what a different world we would live in. I have always said that it is God's will for us to prosper-as any father would want for any child. BUT as any father He is NOT going to do it for us. We need to get off our asses and move so that He has something to bless and if we are not moving we cannot find the opportunities that He places before us.

    When we are seeking good things-jobs, contracts, people W.H.Y that is what we will find. When we are negative and looking for people to victimize us.. we will also find that..

    Love your candid honesty and I look forward to your posts.

  25. Amen to all you say in this post! Thank you...
    Yes God is this omni.... everything...
    I have not prayed regularly, I'm cautious about it, because I've noticed that whatever I ask for or wander about comes along! I only 'dare' to thank God in my prayers.
    It is funny how wishes come true, they often are so different from how I 'imagined', but they still come true.
    Purity of intention is the key for me, purity of heart - wishes coming from there manifest so graciously... sometimes so funnily too:)
    I just love the way this world is built up - it's perfect!

    Thank you Randy for keeping reminding that to us!

  26. I love the subject you are on here. I myself have never read any religous books (I attempted the bible once). My family is pretty much all Protestant, my mom convreted to Judaism (but no longer practices it). We celebrate Christmas, but never pray before dinner... Neither of my parents ever tried to force religion on me.. Thank God! lol When I was 15 I was out of control and my mom sent me to Christan Camp with her friends daughter. And I will never forget what they said to all of us kids (mind you I was in the older groups there) they said "Those who do not follow the Catholic way will NEVER go to heaven" Now that killed it for me.... I had already had my doubts about any religion just for the simple fact that there are sooooo may. And for them to use scare tactics like that is just ludicrous. Becides I for one believe in the theory of evolution, and the big bang theory. I believe in ghosts... aliens... I have however read a bit up on Wicca, and Paganism which interest me very much... Most of what I have come to understand is it revolves around nature and our universe.. now that I can buy into... Now a burning bowl I believe is what you called it Randy, can be considered a form of witchcraft. Many people would believe that doing that is a bunch of hogwash. I applaud what you do with the burning bowl. You are the first person in over a decade that I have come across that openly admits to such acts.

    I myself am agnostic, I can not hold a belief that one "God" can reign supreme. But I do not totally disreguard the possibillity of an entity that which I can not see with my own two eyes.

    I truely believe that religions are all man made, stories to govern peoples lives. They give hope to many that believe in them. I just don't buy into it.

    In my eyes, religion has brought "hell on earth" (religious wars) and for what? Because someone wrote a book and believes it to be true. But I guess that is the problem. "Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show" - T Harv Eker Because of religion and a supposed "holey land" people have been dying for centuries.

    If there was a god he surely did not create us so he could instantly make us wealthy and give us all we desire. I mean, come on, what would be the fun in that! Have you ever owned an ant farm when you were a kid? He wants to see how you go about 'creating' your own wealth and happiness. If he just gave you all you desired that would be no fun. However you are given available avenues to choose from.

    Anyway.... I could probably go on forever with this subject.

    I admire your way of thinking Randy.

    Jamie 😉

  27. My mistake.... Christian / Catholic same difference to me... but I ment to say Christian.... where it says Catholic 😉

    When I was 15 I was out of control and my mom sent me to Christan Camp with her friends daughter. And I will never forget what they said to all of us kids (mind you I was in the older groups there) they said “Those who do not follow the Catholic way will NEVER go to heaven”

  28. Right but I was referring to the book here, not the Bible passages. It is another example of the dangerous subliminal lack programming people get from the data-sphere.


  29. "The first way shows lack, the 2nd exhibits gratitude, and abundance."

    Absolutely right my dear.
    And also believe that personal ethics, values and character matter.
    Values are what guide our behaviour when no one is watching and we think no one will ever find out - and this is what we should be spending our energy on learning more about ourselves,understanding self and why we do the things we do -
    so we don't have to ask for forgiveness and help constantly but to be grateful for what we have and keep helping ourselves.

    Randy, so nice to have someone like you around.
    Grateful for that.
    Hope you feel the good energy I sent your way.
    Lorena Heletea

  30. Randy excellent point, "I believe that one of the greatest gifts we got from God was our rational mind, and free choice." I am understanding this in recent years and learning to use it.

    I studied Edgar Cayce's work and something that struck me was that Cayce pointed out that "we are creators of our own troublesome circumstances. If we will assume the responsibility for our misfortunes, we can then create our own fortunes."

    He was sharing a gift. Our free will to choose is explored further by Cayce in regards to our attitude. He states that "how we respond to a situation, and whether the situation claims as victims or we claim it to be our opportunity for growth."

    Randy, you have cover the topic about victimhood in previous blogs, etc... and it is important for us to be reminded of our possibilities and retrain our thinking.

    I look forward to how we can further escape this mental bondage.
    Thank you.

  31. I am choosing my focus here. It is easy to get side-tracked onto different topics. Books, TV, chatter and friends' dramas can pull you away from your goals and dreams. You need to listen to your inner voice and remember you. Remember what your purpose is. "True happiness... is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."~ Helen Keller. Choose you.

    We can throw out a book, turn off the TV or decide not to listen to negative things. I have done all of these in the past because I chose to listen to myself and my dreams. I have had to let go of things that affect me negatively. It was my choice.
    You have to listen to yourself to recognize the negativity and how it is affecting your thoughts. We don't have to accept the negativity. It is an excuse not to achieve the greatness we are capable of. Accepting negativity is a choice. We are responsible for the outcomes in our lives.

    Our choices determine what happens to us. "I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude." Judith M. Knowlton

    I believe praying or thinking positive thoughts for someone else helps both both people. Groups of people thinking positive thoughts can create a powerful positive energy. Focus on the positive and not the negative.

    Choose Greatness!

  32. P.S. from Leslie

    Prayer is Powerful with an unseen FORCE!

    I definitely believe we are co-creators with GOD. Prayer is a conversation; it an act of our existence and our connection to it all.
    When we pray for the sake of good we are releasing the force of energy that can move mountains.

    Also, we have to understand the possibility that our mind (the subconscious) can create the ideal life we desire if only we are willing to look at it.

    Wishing you a open & healthy MIND,

  33. Great article, I couldn't agree more with you.
    The only prayer that is acceptable for me (and I am not religious or limited by gods) is a prayer of Gratitude. People want more but they're seldomly grateful for what they already have. Of course most of them are dissapointed when they realize that their prayers did not come true when they should understand that it's all up to them to grow crops and make "A"s in their lifes. And it's up to the Universal law as we could call it to give us the opportunity to make best of what we already are and what we already have.
    However I am happy beacuse I see that the wolrd is changing and I take that as a good thing even if there seems to be even deeper crisis in human mentality. I have simply ruled out what others believe and see in this world and the whole new perspective has oppened up and I "pray" for all those lost lambs to open their eyes and become thankful for their lifes.
    And I thank for people like you are, beacuse you do make this world a better place and I'm happy to join these forces.

    I would like to translate these article and publish it in my language, I ask for your permission and posting the author name and backlink is not a question 🙂

  34. Hi Randy

    There is a good advice from the pope that works on lotto .

    I have a friend here on facebook that blogged about the big jackpot on lottery here in our country. The jackpot was up on 23 miljon dollars and she wrote : Oh I will win that jackpot then I will only do good things for myself.

    I asked her if there isnt any more important things to wish for than a silly multimillion dollar winning.
    - Oh Alf I live a high spiritual life and my soul is feeded all the time but as unemployed I dont have the money I would like to go and live for a while with the monks in a monastir in Tibet and meditate and so. I should also work as a volunteer in Africa with the refugees. But for that I need a lot of money.

    Then I recitate the Pope : Prayers are better than lotto!
    She laughed - hey Alf I am to smart to believe in religious things.
    Thats for weak people ! I have been prospecting her about the NWM biz and she have been in to two webinars but left the opportunity when the investing piece came up.

    Wonder what she was gonna do at the monastir...

    Anyway I do put thrust in prayers and communicating with higher
    forces and in a headcase I name it God. In other cases I beg my heavengone mother in law to fix things from the other side and manytimes it seem to work and sometimes we are connected.

    I do have a special pray theme beside the Serenity Prayer and that is the set aside prayer which I learned in a Twelve Step Program I did some years ago successfully
    After rearrangement it goes like this :

    Oh God , let me set aside all that I think I know about you
    all that I think I know about me,
    all that I think I know about other people
    and all that I think I know about my prosperity and aboundance.

    Just for a new experience with you God,
    a new experience of my self
    a new experience with other people
    and most important a new experience with my prosperity and aboundance.

    Thanx and have a nice day !

    PS. I do ten lines of lotto every week anyway , but I dont pray for mad winnings. TS.

  35. Randy,
    this was an excellent article! We are all given gifts and choice,ie: the story about the man who buried his talents in the ground, vs. the ones who invested them and worked for the master, doubling and tripling their "talents". The Bible writes more about working hard, wise investing and good business practices than almost anything else. I don't find entitlement anywhere in there.

  36. Once you grab the concept of self-determinism through freedom of choice, you realize that only YOU are responsible for what happens in your life. No excuses, no thoughts of 'I just can't catch a break', nada .....

    If you can then handle that responsibilty, you can achieve anything .... if not, you'll ultimately become part of the herd that never reaches their full potential.

    Best as always,

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  • 49 comments on “Prosperity: Destiny or Self- Determination”

    1. Amen! Randy you are an inspiration to all of us "peculiar" folks. Thank you so much for all your caring. I have a couple of you books enroute to me, due to arrive this Friday, can't wait.

      Best Always,

    2. Dear Randy,
      I love your work, it is always refreshing to read your post and I do every single of them.

      This post is the best. I completely agree with you.

      I do pray – all I can say is “God I love you and Thank you”. I know that if something or someone should be in my life – it will be. If not, well God has a right to say “No” to:))

      Keep shining your beautiful light.
      Love you

    3. Instead of reading this BS, people would be FAR better served by reading "The Science of Getting Rich", Walter Wattles or "Think and Grow Rich" by Hill.

      There are SO many great books that communicate the possibility Life holds.

      Thanks Randy.

    4. Randy, thanks for your another excellent post. The power of prayer all together works really well, which I learned from my brother who is doing meditation with Quantum.

      We appreciate you! Keep on rolling Sir.

    5. Hi Randy ...

      Finally I think I found the puzzle piece on the subject of Prayer. I moved in different ways and explore diferent alternatives. I read many books about it of different cultures and even the Bible and I even had questioned whether to continue praying or Not.

      I believe in a God ... and I think that is the same for everyone. What are different, are the religions, that simply are framed in purely cultural aspects. Ultimately, I think God is the same for everybody ... which handles universal laws, and so on.

      I say I found the tab of the puzzle missing because I agree with you in the sense that when we pray we are just positive thoughts and programming our subconscious to push them through the emotions and take action towards our goals.

      I look forward to further comments on how to lead a prayer.

      Let's be in contact.


      Pd: In recent days I understand that the secret is something silly for you and I was confused ... because I have seen first sight it there much relationship between stated and some of your comments on how to manifest prosperity. Could you extend the concept a little bit about that?

    6. Randy - you're relationship with God is about as real as it gets! And that is all that God wants. I was just reading The Power of Gratitude by Gordon Ferguson that we shouldn't focus on ourselves but on God. Basically, we can't work to be saved, we work (with Him) because we are saved.

      Your work on prosperity should reveal to all that we should relish in God's gifts BECAUSE we see His light. (Romans 8:32)

      And that my friend, is AWESOME!!!

    7. Excellent article! Coming from the Bible Belt, I really struggle with this issue. I have witnessed what Randy was talking about in people praying and saying it is the will of God. I am a Christ follower, however, I have always taken a different view than most of my family concerning God. That causes alot of told-you-sos when I fail from my family. I look forward to the following insight into this matter by Randy. I need help with this issue. Thanks for writing about this important part of many of our lives.

    8. Hi Randy.
      I believe that prayer is a powerful tool to make changes in our lives and create success. The problem is we have been taught to ask focusing on what we do not have (absence of something/someone)and feel emotions of concern/fear rather than concentrate on what we really want.
      The Bible says"ask and it is given". All we have to do is learn to ask from a position of power, not from fear, but from love.

    9. yeah.. an Omniscient God already knows what you need / want / desire before you even say so. So why bother with ten hail mary's and ten our father's just to ask for that brand new ford escort?

      maybe ask once, and that's it.

      thanks, Randy, for sharing this blog.

    10. Thank you, Randy.

      I pray mostly with a sense of gratitude for what God has already given me - material as well was dreams for a better future - knowing that with my actions He is moving events for my good. I know I am eager to do more for those who are grateful and believe God does as well.

      In addition, I pray for others in their circumstances and for people which I sometimes feel a sense of resentment. I pray for health, happiness and success for them. This tends to get me out of myself and quickly the resentments disappear.

      Blessings to you.


    11. Oh, thank you for putting into such eloquent words what I have been thinking all my life. Every time I hear someone give up on something because "it's God's will" I could scream. How do you KNOW what God's will is until you TRY, until you give it your best shot, taking action with positive thought? It's a cop-out, an excuse!

      I was raised a Southern Baptist and attended a very strict Christian school. All they ever did was focus on sin and how 'bad' we were. Supposedly I was 'bad' because I wore pants to show horses (what was I supposed to do--ride sidesaddle?), and 'true Christian women' only wore skirts because somehow I was responsible for men's lust---WTH???? That never made any sense to me. We were taught--in school!--that women only had two career options--teacher or mother. And I was always in 'trouble' because I spoke out, wanted to get my Master's Degree in Business, have a career, and was a leader. After I was elected class president my freshman year, they decided from then on only males could be elected president of the student body.

      Needless to say, all this turned me completely away from organized religion, but not from spirituality. It just seems that people deciding HOW to worship and arguing about it all the time is silly. It's all about our personal relationship with God, the Universe, or whatever one believes.

      I can't wait to hear more! Looking forward to your insights.


    12. Right On!! People need to get out of the Religious Box that says God is punishing you. God is total LOVE and Good and he's the same yesterday , today and tomarrow. God does not punish his children. It's not in his nature to do bad to someone. He's God. The church has kept people in this box of being afraid that we aren't good enough or we deserve to be punished . Thankfully it's beginning to change for someone who gets away from that lack idea of God and religion.

    13. Great post, I have thought about the hypocrisy of religious people for most of my life. In college I proclaimed myself as an atheist for several years because I saw people say one thing and do another.
      Most of all I see people say they want money, cars etc, and then their internal beliefs and dialogue are the opposite. They think money is not spiritual, or feel guilty wanting it. Then they spend all their time trying to get it, working hard and being pissed when they don;t.
      We cannot believe one thing, ask for another and expect it to happen. We have to look within, see what we believe, and then alter it to support our true desires. It IS up to us, no matter what you believe, what religion or belief system you hold... you have everything within you.
      thanks, Nan Akasha

    14. I like that. So praying is like an emotional version of tithing. Very cool. It's interesting that even those who say they don't believe in God find themselves praying in times of fear etc.

    15. What you have written is exactly what I believe and have always believed and still do and I have noticed how some people in churches will stop at nothing to stop what I and countless of others such as yourself believe. It is sad because they tend to take advantage of children who don't seem to get it because they are young. I have been on a journey for so long and accepting just anything that is thrown at me is no longer acceptable for me at all that I just will not tolerate it or put up with it at all. I am not hopeless, hapless or pitiful. Randy your words are not just from your heart, your words are from the hearts of many and I have been reading everything that you have been writing and will continue to do so as it is elevating not only my soul but my prosperity consciousness level. There have been some in the church that will do whatever they can to set others up, trap them or even pimp them out and all for what, nothing so that their scheming and conniving is beneficial to them and those that are a part of it all. I really do not care for all of that and I will not turn into what they orginally attempted because I know each of their names and how they went about doing what they have done. I am going on with my life and I am not looking back. Thanks Randy

    16. Randy, I can respect your opinion.
      While God knows our future down to the second, he has given us a free will that even he will not defy. We can/ do determine our destiny and can succeed, but when done without his is futile. He is grieved when we choose our own will over his, just as he is grieved when we elevate ourselves above his wisdom and knowledge. I fight to keep the balance.

      Also while he knows our future, he still wants us to pray & ask of HIM. Even if it is for what to us seems petty. Throughout the Bible, he instructs us to ask Him for things such as sweet water, safety from the enemy, nations as our inheiritance, strength, wisdom, the harvest, forgiveness, blessings....etc. He wants us to ask in an attempt to establish communication. It is also a way of us knowing we shouldn't think we are all-sufficient! He loves us to need him!

      The "mastermind" effect is not just sending positive energy toward someone. Scripture says if one puts a thousand to flight, 2 will put 10 thousand....speaking of angelic beings, ministering spirits assigned to us as heirs of salvation. Remember.....we are surrounded by a heavenly host........

      When you stand in the gap for someone, this is an unselfish way of putting others before yourself and that humility attracts the heart of God. does benefit you to pray for others. It changes your heart of selfishness and you become self-less.

      Since the early '80's I have spent at times, 4-5 hours in prayer on a daily / regular basis. I pray daily now and have an awesome relationship with the one true God. When you are in a relationship, you long to be with that person, know what they feel, how they think, what they like/dislike, etc. Being in a relationship with God is a greater reason to be with him intimately.

      I never actually read the book, prayer of Jabez, but I did read the passage of scripture it relates to. Sometimes there are books, articles, blogs, I will not subject my mind to. While the "Jabez' movement changed the way alot of people are they thinking now that the movement is over? The Bible is my true north. I love the Jabez scripture. He is an abundant God that wishes above all things that I prosper and be in health even as my soul (mind, will, & emotion) prosper.

      While I grew up in the south, I never adapted to poverty or lack mentality. When I read / hear things that suggest it is un-Christian to have wealth.....I choose to ignore it. I just believe the word! I think if he spoke the word and created all we see / don't yet is all I need!

      Blessings and honor.

    17. Oops! I meant to say, I believe THIS post, and prayer can compliment the books quiet nicely. 😉

      Randy, I love this subject. I look forward to your next post.

      by the way, I don't pray asking God, I pray THANKING God. The first way shows lack, the 2nd exhibits gratitude, and abundance. Yay!


    18. Randy... are you confusing the essence of the prayer with one person's interpretation of it? it prosperous to ask for abundant blessings, asking for divine help in expanding one's influence in the world (because the vision is so large), and asking to keep one's actions aligned with causing joy instead of sorrow? I see these as the essence of the Prayer of Jabez. If one likes the prayer, I suggest one can pray it to whomever/whatever one names as the source of universal love.

      For those readers who are not Christians: are you able to take the essence of the prayer and strip away the overcoating of Christian interpretation (man is a sinner by nature, must attempt to convert everyone to Christianity, and the whole idea of being in a "war" with an absolute evil named Satan)? Does doing so remove the "power" of the prayer?

      I see much beauty in the Bible. as long as I dive deeply enough to consider the cultural aspects of when it was written and translated, as well as strip away other people's interpretations of it.

      Randy, I welcome your thoughts.

    19. Thank you Randy for this post. Being brought up a strict Catholic, I've always struggled with prayer as such and am just now, learning new ways in everything and all this thanks to your books!!!!!!
      I really agree with what you've just written and look forward to your continuing posts on this subject, as I'm eager to learn new, better ways of praying.
      It's so powerful to think of ourselves as being co creators with God and that we actually have a huge say in our we live our life!
      Thank you again Randy!

    20. You are a courageous man Randy. This topic can explode in every way possible. Prayer for me has always been about the practice of gratitude. Blaming everything that happened yesterday on the "will of God" may have some basis in theory but the past is not where the action is. Discovering His will for me ongoing into the future is a worthwhile inquiry.

    21. wow! can't wait for the three part prayer. this walking to the other side of practices that I consider normal and not only that, affirmative and seeing a toally different viewpoint! I love it! bring it on!

    22. I do believe in the power of thoughts and I love studying your Law of Prosperity series. Thanks Randy. You're so great! 🙂

    23. I do believe in the power of thought and I also love studying your Law of Prosperity Series. Thanks Randy. You're so great! 🙂

    24. Randy if only more believers actually believed what a different world we would live in. I have always said that it is God's will for us to prosper-as any father would want for any child. BUT as any father He is NOT going to do it for us. We need to get off our asses and move so that He has something to bless and if we are not moving we cannot find the opportunities that He places before us.

      When we are seeking good things-jobs, contracts, people W.H.Y that is what we will find. When we are negative and looking for people to victimize us.. we will also find that..

      Love your candid honesty and I look forward to your posts.

    25. Amen to all you say in this post! Thank you...
      Yes God is this omni.... everything...
      I have not prayed regularly, I'm cautious about it, because I've noticed that whatever I ask for or wander about comes along! I only 'dare' to thank God in my prayers.
      It is funny how wishes come true, they often are so different from how I 'imagined', but they still come true.
      Purity of intention is the key for me, purity of heart - wishes coming from there manifest so graciously... sometimes so funnily too:)
      I just love the way this world is built up - it's perfect!

      Thank you Randy for keeping reminding that to us!

    26. I love the subject you are on here. I myself have never read any religous books (I attempted the bible once). My family is pretty much all Protestant, my mom convreted to Judaism (but no longer practices it). We celebrate Christmas, but never pray before dinner... Neither of my parents ever tried to force religion on me.. Thank God! lol When I was 15 I was out of control and my mom sent me to Christan Camp with her friends daughter. And I will never forget what they said to all of us kids (mind you I was in the older groups there) they said "Those who do not follow the Catholic way will NEVER go to heaven" Now that killed it for me.... I had already had my doubts about any religion just for the simple fact that there are sooooo may. And for them to use scare tactics like that is just ludicrous. Becides I for one believe in the theory of evolution, and the big bang theory. I believe in ghosts... aliens... I have however read a bit up on Wicca, and Paganism which interest me very much... Most of what I have come to understand is it revolves around nature and our universe.. now that I can buy into... Now a burning bowl I believe is what you called it Randy, can be considered a form of witchcraft. Many people would believe that doing that is a bunch of hogwash. I applaud what you do with the burning bowl. You are the first person in over a decade that I have come across that openly admits to such acts.

      I myself am agnostic, I can not hold a belief that one "God" can reign supreme. But I do not totally disreguard the possibillity of an entity that which I can not see with my own two eyes.

      I truely believe that religions are all man made, stories to govern peoples lives. They give hope to many that believe in them. I just don't buy into it.

      In my eyes, religion has brought "hell on earth" (religious wars) and for what? Because someone wrote a book and believes it to be true. But I guess that is the problem. "Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show" - T Harv Eker Because of religion and a supposed "holey land" people have been dying for centuries.

      If there was a god he surely did not create us so he could instantly make us wealthy and give us all we desire. I mean, come on, what would be the fun in that! Have you ever owned an ant farm when you were a kid? He wants to see how you go about 'creating' your own wealth and happiness. If he just gave you all you desired that would be no fun. However you are given available avenues to choose from.

      Anyway.... I could probably go on forever with this subject.

      I admire your way of thinking Randy.

      Jamie 😉

    27. My mistake.... Christian / Catholic same difference to me... but I ment to say Christian.... where it says Catholic 😉

      When I was 15 I was out of control and my mom sent me to Christan Camp with her friends daughter. And I will never forget what they said to all of us kids (mind you I was in the older groups there) they said “Those who do not follow the Catholic way will NEVER go to heaven”

    28. Right but I was referring to the book here, not the Bible passages. It is another example of the dangerous subliminal lack programming people get from the data-sphere.


    29. "The first way shows lack, the 2nd exhibits gratitude, and abundance."

      Absolutely right my dear.
      And also believe that personal ethics, values and character matter.
      Values are what guide our behaviour when no one is watching and we think no one will ever find out - and this is what we should be spending our energy on learning more about ourselves,understanding self and why we do the things we do -
      so we don't have to ask for forgiveness and help constantly but to be grateful for what we have and keep helping ourselves.

      Randy, so nice to have someone like you around.
      Grateful for that.
      Hope you feel the good energy I sent your way.
      Lorena Heletea

    30. Randy excellent point, "I believe that one of the greatest gifts we got from God was our rational mind, and free choice." I am understanding this in recent years and learning to use it.

      I studied Edgar Cayce's work and something that struck me was that Cayce pointed out that "we are creators of our own troublesome circumstances. If we will assume the responsibility for our misfortunes, we can then create our own fortunes."

      He was sharing a gift. Our free will to choose is explored further by Cayce in regards to our attitude. He states that "how we respond to a situation, and whether the situation claims as victims or we claim it to be our opportunity for growth."

      Randy, you have cover the topic about victimhood in previous blogs, etc... and it is important for us to be reminded of our possibilities and retrain our thinking.

      I look forward to how we can further escape this mental bondage.
      Thank you.

    31. I am choosing my focus here. It is easy to get side-tracked onto different topics. Books, TV, chatter and friends' dramas can pull you away from your goals and dreams. You need to listen to your inner voice and remember you. Remember what your purpose is. "True happiness... is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."~ Helen Keller. Choose you.

      We can throw out a book, turn off the TV or decide not to listen to negative things. I have done all of these in the past because I chose to listen to myself and my dreams. I have had to let go of things that affect me negatively. It was my choice.
      You have to listen to yourself to recognize the negativity and how it is affecting your thoughts. We don't have to accept the negativity. It is an excuse not to achieve the greatness we are capable of. Accepting negativity is a choice. We are responsible for the outcomes in our lives.

      Our choices determine what happens to us. "I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude." Judith M. Knowlton

      I believe praying or thinking positive thoughts for someone else helps both both people. Groups of people thinking positive thoughts can create a powerful positive energy. Focus on the positive and not the negative.

      Choose Greatness!

    32. P.S. from Leslie

      Prayer is Powerful with an unseen FORCE!

      I definitely believe we are co-creators with GOD. Prayer is a conversation; it an act of our existence and our connection to it all.
      When we pray for the sake of good we are releasing the force of energy that can move mountains.

      Also, we have to understand the possibility that our mind (the subconscious) can create the ideal life we desire if only we are willing to look at it.

      Wishing you a open & healthy MIND,

    33. Great article, I couldn't agree more with you.
      The only prayer that is acceptable for me (and I am not religious or limited by gods) is a prayer of Gratitude. People want more but they're seldomly grateful for what they already have. Of course most of them are dissapointed when they realize that their prayers did not come true when they should understand that it's all up to them to grow crops and make "A"s in their lifes. And it's up to the Universal law as we could call it to give us the opportunity to make best of what we already are and what we already have.
      However I am happy beacuse I see that the wolrd is changing and I take that as a good thing even if there seems to be even deeper crisis in human mentality. I have simply ruled out what others believe and see in this world and the whole new perspective has oppened up and I "pray" for all those lost lambs to open their eyes and become thankful for their lifes.
      And I thank for people like you are, beacuse you do make this world a better place and I'm happy to join these forces.

      I would like to translate these article and publish it in my language, I ask for your permission and posting the author name and backlink is not a question 🙂

    34. Hi Randy

      There is a good advice from the pope that works on lotto .

      I have a friend here on facebook that blogged about the big jackpot on lottery here in our country. The jackpot was up on 23 miljon dollars and she wrote : Oh I will win that jackpot then I will only do good things for myself.

      I asked her if there isnt any more important things to wish for than a silly multimillion dollar winning.
      - Oh Alf I live a high spiritual life and my soul is feeded all the time but as unemployed I dont have the money I would like to go and live for a while with the monks in a monastir in Tibet and meditate and so. I should also work as a volunteer in Africa with the refugees. But for that I need a lot of money.

      Then I recitate the Pope : Prayers are better than lotto!
      She laughed - hey Alf I am to smart to believe in religious things.
      Thats for weak people ! I have been prospecting her about the NWM biz and she have been in to two webinars but left the opportunity when the investing piece came up.

      Wonder what she was gonna do at the monastir...

      Anyway I do put thrust in prayers and communicating with higher
      forces and in a headcase I name it God. In other cases I beg my heavengone mother in law to fix things from the other side and manytimes it seem to work and sometimes we are connected.

      I do have a special pray theme beside the Serenity Prayer and that is the set aside prayer which I learned in a Twelve Step Program I did some years ago successfully
      After rearrangement it goes like this :

      Oh God , let me set aside all that I think I know about you
      all that I think I know about me,
      all that I think I know about other people
      and all that I think I know about my prosperity and aboundance.

      Just for a new experience with you God,
      a new experience of my self
      a new experience with other people
      and most important a new experience with my prosperity and aboundance.

      Thanx and have a nice day !

      PS. I do ten lines of lotto every week anyway , but I dont pray for mad winnings. TS.

    35. Randy,
      this was an excellent article! We are all given gifts and choice,ie: the story about the man who buried his talents in the ground, vs. the ones who invested them and worked for the master, doubling and tripling their "talents". The Bible writes more about working hard, wise investing and good business practices than almost anything else. I don't find entitlement anywhere in there.

    36. Once you grab the concept of self-determinism through freedom of choice, you realize that only YOU are responsible for what happens in your life. No excuses, no thoughts of 'I just can't catch a break', nada .....

      If you can then handle that responsibilty, you can achieve anything .... if not, you'll ultimately become part of the herd that never reaches their full potential.

      Best as always,

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