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Matching Your Car to Your Shoes

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 4, 2010

We’ve been discussing if money is necessary for prosperity. It’s been a fascinating dialogue.  This all reminds me of a discussion I had with a CEO of a company after I spoke at his convention about developing prosperity consciousness.  I showed some slides of my sports cars and explained how important it is that your car matches your shoes every day.  He wasn’t amused.  

He told me, “Randy the world can’t afford for everyone to drive four or five exotic cars.  The rainforests are disappearing and over consumption is destroying the planet.  You’ve got to stop preaching this prosperity stuff.”

So what do you think about that?

When I tell people that they can manifest prosperity – which may include cars, homes, clothes and other beautiful things – is it really anti-earth, and thus anti-prosperity?  And weren’t Mother Theresa, Albert Schweitzer, and Gandhi all poor?

Check in with your thoughts below and we’ll look at it deeper tomorrow.


71 comments on “Matching Your Car to Your Shoes”

  1. Why can't you be ultra wealthy and green? One of my biggest whys is to invest in real estate and renovate everything to be as energy self sufficient as possible. I want to make money, help people and the planet. No conflicts here!!

  2. Pity that poor CEO's company, being held back by his poverty-oriented mindset. Hasn't he heard of the Tesla Roadster? If there is a market for "green" luxury/sports cars, free enterprise will deliver every time, as long as it's allowed to.

    I think Mother Theresa understood the meaning of prosperity. She was definitely "poor in spirit" i.e., living as a very simple nun with no earthly possessions, as was her calling. But she also knew she would not have been able to accomplish "jack" without the millions of dollars her organization received in contributions. She experienced over-abundance because money allowed her to move from helping people one-to-one to many-to-many...

  3. LOL...good point, Ted.

    Margaret, I think this is sort of reiterating your point, but here's what I'd written on it:

    My thinking is that abundance applies to everything, including the processes we use to produce our goods.

    Who's to say that developing technology with an abundance mentality wouldn't be synergistic with the earth and overall well being for people?

    Maybe Dodge shouldn't produce 6 billion Vipers using todays methodologies, but if we all applied abundance thinking, imagine the overall goodness we could manifest in every aspect of living.

    Example: Whole Foods. Sustainable. Beneficial. Hugely successful.

    'Nother Example: Read today (no research on this...) that North America alone has enough land to give every living human 2 acres.

    Seems to me we don't lack energy, land, or any raw material. We lack the magic harvest that comes from being truly abundance oriented ???

  4. We are talking about a CEO making this comment! I'm guessing this person is not poor.

    Randy - This is more of a lower scale comparison of James Cameron directing the movie "Titanic".You mention this movie is based on scarcity thinking ( The poor are noble,enjoy life,etc. ).I've seen the movie and agree with your insight.Here is James Cameron who made millions from this movie basically telling the movie audience it's better to be poor! I'm guessing this CEO is doing pretty well in the money department but still lectures you on not acquiring nice cars;instead donate to the rain forest.Hey CEO - You can do both!

  5. Mother Theresa and Ghandi had fortunes at their finger tips. It took a lot of money and resources to do what they did. So ok maybe Mother Theresa didn't buy a viper..

  6. I think this video is FILLED with lack programming! Corporations depicted with dollar signs, talk about blowing up mountains, wiping out the animals, etc. It's as bad as Titanic. But the issues raised are real and I hope to deal with them on the next posts. BTW, do you know how many resources were used up as she "spent ten years traveling the world" to study this!


  7. Mr Gage,

    I believe that we live in a time in which pure freedom is taking away in a more vicious way.

    Here in Europe politics are chasing the rich people (In their mind the rich people are the cause of the depression, yes the same people who give work to people. Political logic), going as far that the government of some country are buying an illegal list of people's name who has a bank account in Switzerland to prosecute them.

    The rest of the world is witch hunting the people who aren't green minded. This leads to less extravagant super cars, less extravagant houses, electronics and so on. In a certain way the green minders are taking out that little thing that made scientist and creative people help build in the late 70 and 80's this super cars or the Concorde, named free imagination

    I want my fast crazy cars and motorcycles, to travel in private jets, in a sense do whatever I want to do with my money without hearing someone advocating the planet. Earth has been fine since the beginning and will continue to be so without green advocates.

    Best regards to all,


  8. Wow!! I am so amazed that we as a human race think we can destroy this earth. Now I am first in line when it comes to protecting our water and our planet, however, if you believe that this whole thing called a universe was put together by a Creator and that we as humans were so unbelievably formed, how can it be that everything is so fragile. The world, humans, everything in nature is so well engineered. Why would a Creator go to such great lengths if we were not suppose to prosper and use the natural resources available. I am a firm believer that we have everything we need to live on this earth for as long as humans will inhabit it. Yes we can pollute nature, however, we can not destroy it. I am certain the Creator gave us our talents to use to prosper and create even greater things to help man-kind. I think the Creator would be disappointed if we did any less.

  9. I always find comments like this a prime example of lack thinking... Yes, the Earth is finite.... It is also a negligible portion of the universe, just in our solar system alone, there is more than enough raw materials to ensure every person alive today lives at the highest standard.
    I am not rich, yet, but I do believe that everyone can have the standard of living that they desire, even if the route to that may not be obvious at this point... New technologies will result in cars that do not need fossil fuels, and like I said there is more than enough metal in the solar system to actually build them.

  10. For the ones that feel that is anti-prosperous or anti-earth, they can hold back - that's their choice.

    Personally, I say "go for it" manifest as many of those beautiful things as you want - that's also your choice.

  11. Randy,

    Isn't prosperity about the freedom to choose? More money more freedom. Less money, less freedom. No money, no freedom. Since money is a tool that can be used for anything, because you match your shoes to your car does not exclude or exempt you from donating to the causes that are near & dear to you.

    BTW, Mother Teresa came from a very wealthy family, Gandhi's father served as the adviser or prime minister to the local ruler. Not exactly impovished people. They used the power of abundance to manifest the lives they choose to live. And James Cameron is making BILLIONS selling anti-prosperity rhetoric like Titanic & Avatar, kind of ironic? Or just giving the people what they want to see & hear while he "I'm the king of the world" all the way to the bank?

    Thanks for always stretching my mind...

    Peace & Prosperity,

  12. You can own as many cars as you want...but you can only drive one at a time. Driving all five at the same time would clearly be a waste of fuel, but that's mighty hard to do.

  13. Its really cool to own that many cars and as it seems live on Delta Airlines...

    I have a friend who has 52 cars in his posession and he is a normal income earner and not a used car salesman and even dont think they are a investment. He just likes them.

    C U Alf

  14. Haha - I think you should get some purple shoes! You look great in your purple tie!

    It's been said that it took Gandhi a lot of money to keep him in poverty!

    It took a lot of money for Gandhi to come to England to study, and to get to South Africa and back to India. Trips he did frequently...

    There is no way his lifestyle/purpose/intent could have been achieved without money.

    Having a car for each pair of shoes? I've never really been into shoes or cars... I try to pretend... And I love seeing shiny fast cars...

    But an airplane... My only private one. I'd like that a lot!

    I think that if no one bought anything and lived on air, there would be nothing do to, no jobs, no money, and starvation of a greater scale. Buying gorgeous things means employing people, offering opportunity, and sharing wealth - I like it. Spend away! It's generously supporting others economies!

    About that diamond watch.... 😉 I haven't even WORN a watch for over a decade.... But I still think it's a must if it's bought from a sustainable loving happy place... and by people treated well. Whatcha think? 😉

  15. Prosperity is to have a far more officially advanced spiritual, economical and technological society than we have today.

    What the fuck is a Viper against an object coming up from the depths of the ocean flying (more like vibrating) away to the Aldebaran star system for example? It exists, even on Earth today. Don't know if they have matching socks though.

    How the hell can we still be driving cars filled with gasoline? That is as far from prosperity I can imagine.

  16. I would say that by now allready green technology is trend spotted. We saw that on the climate conference in December.

    Play and have fun!

    Pierre Leyssac, Wonderful Copenhagen

  17. R,
    Sad this business man had that attitude. What was his corp like? Were they reaching their goals? What did he drive? Where did he live?

    Not gonna preach, but the Bible says we will have the poor with us always. My son recently did street evangelism in downtown Dallas & met someone that lived on the streets 7-9mos out of the year. This person had a home that was paid for, but stated living on the streets was done so to help the other people. Sometimes you just can't get people out of that mentality.

    Personally, I can help the greater good and fund my "causes" with prosperity mentality. Projects arise every day that require thousands > millions of dollars. Needs occur daily out of no where that a blank check could fix. How can we do this without financial independence?

    Speaking of "GREEN" my observation, this is a costly state of mind. Organic foods cost more than regular foods. Even if your car is "electric" requires both fuel and electricity. Going green is more than recycling your water bottles. I have chosen a builder for my zero energy "dream" home you think that is cheap? NOT!
    Have you re-landscaped your yard lately using xeroscaping technics to save on water? What did that cost you? Yes the initial investment is costly & you reap the benefits over time. I am willing to pay the price. Others will simply whine over their current situation & all it takes is a change in their thinking.
    We need to be adjusting our mentality for abundance / prosperity or just get left behind.

    Personally I am a car girl....I have picked out cars to match each of my personalities and then I need 3 more for the rest of the days of the week. Some may be "green", one will be lime green,(phlegmatic!) then others....RED with envy!(choleric & melancholy)

    Seriously.....I want to live my life as a philanthropist. Giving is my ♥ / soul & without prosperity/abundance.....this will forever just remain a dream.

    As a man thinketh in his ♥, so is he.....I am abundantly blessed.


  18. Well, prosperity doesn't necessarily translate to destroying rainforests, having 5 exotic carts, and destroying the planet... You can prosper and use that prosperity for other "less damaging" activities/things.

    It goes back to the idea that "money is evil" (99.9% of the time... this comes out of the mouths of those who are poor). See, money is not evil, it's those who chooses money in an evil way who are evil.

    Similar concept applies here IMHO.

    Raymond Fong

  19. What's interesting is that the formula to manifest ANYTHING is really simple - 1. Think about what you want
    2. Figure out what you have to GIVE to receive it
    3. DO what you have to do to receive it (see #2)

    Why questions are meaningless. Solution-based decisions take care not only us as humans, but the environment as well.

  20. I pay extra for local or organic produce. I think the more prosperity you have, the more you could invest in green living and you could give back to the environment. If you are aware of the health benefits and love yourself and others, you will want the best for everyone.

    I think people who focus on material things are not prosperous. Some people hoard things.

    Randy has a video on the Circulation Law of Prosperity:

    He says prosperity is infinite. By circulating things I think we are recycling things. This is good for the earth.

    Randy also has a new video about a "Prosperity Point of Reference".
    I believe that people who think prosperity is anti-earth may have some memes(mind viruses) that are affecting their view of prosperity.

  21. I am reading Charles Fillmore's book, "Prosperity", and I just found a chapter on "Laying up Treasures". He says "It is in his wrong conception of his spiritual force that man makes the mistake of falling into the habit of hoarding instead of conserving. He tries to gather things together in the external in a vain effort to avert an imagined shortage in the future and he counts himself rich by the amount of his material possessions."

    Charles Fillmore says "Spiritually awakened people are coming to know that all riches are spiritual and within reach of all as divine ideas. They study the law of conservation as it pertains to the spiritual and seek to build up a large reserve consciousness of substance, life, strength, and power, rather than laying up material treasures..."

  22. Charles Fillmore also says: "The real object of life is not making money or becoming famous but the building of character, the bringing forth of the potentialities that exist in every one of us...We are not studying prosperity to become rich but to bring out those characteristics that are fundamental to prosperity."

  23. I believe in prosperity consciousness -- that each and every person living and breathing on this planet can (is able to) drive 5, 10 or even 20 exotic cars.. have 12 grand mansions, et al...

    However, I also believe that what keeps the earth from getting destroyed from over-consumption is that not everyone would like that.

    Personally, I don't like cars (or atleast, I'm not really a very big fan of big cars). So a toyota would be fine for me. As long as it takes me from point A to point B. However, that doesn't mean I won't go for a ferrari. It's just that at this point in my life, I haven't been given a good enough reason to pursue it.

    I like computers though. And I prefer that my computers are in tip-top shape to serve me well.

    The point is, people want different things. Yes everyone can get 10 ferraris, but not everyone would want to pursue them. They may have other interests.

  24. Another quote from "Prosperity" by Chrles Fillmore:
    "Paul tells us that "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." That means of course that by loving money man has in some way limited it. He has not loved the true source of money but has loved the thing rather than the Spirit that it expresses. He has broken the law by trying to grasp the thing and failing to acknowledge the idea that lies back of it. We must know this law, observing it in the handling of money, and make love the magnet of supply instead of becoming entangled in that selfishness and greed which is causing so much inharmony and suffering in the world today. We should know that there is a universal money substance and that it belongs to all of us in all of its fullness."

  25. The rainforest disappears from mismanagement/greed and lack of education not an over abundance of prosperity. All of our new cars could run on water vapor producing fuels or Solar if ideas were allowed to flourish instead of oil corp. greed. We have light bulbs that will never wear out but the inventors are punished/threatened for adding value to our society. Crack down on greed mongers and government/corporation corruption and graft....not on abundance. More abundance equals better solutions and the time to invent them! OOPS! Maybe that was the plan.....keep the people poor and down trodden, a prisoner of the Corp. world.

  26. In some way, this CEO is right. What if all the people of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China, i.e. 2,5 blns) countries could match the shoes with the cars everyday? The world economy and ecology would collapse. In this case, may be for those who live in the prosperous capitalist Western world it is no good to spread the ideas of prosperity not to ruin their stable and satisfied life?

  27. A so-called poor nation is that way because of it's leadership, or lack thereof. Take a person out of that environment and into an environment of abundance and watch what happens.

  28. Hey Randy,
    I remember you once mentioned that it is the wealthy who are able to buy land or give the most money to agencies that preserve it. So, of course one would have to be prosperous to do that. If your just poor Joe Shmoe picking up litter, that's great but how much more of an impact you can have if you have the resourses to help preserve and endangered forest or whatever else that needs saving.

    Keep up the good work of keeping everyone on their toes and thinking!
    Love ya,
    Lucinda 'The Opera Diva'

  29. I don't think prosperity will destroy the planet. It is contrary. The vivid example we can see clearly is that poor countries are leading on those issues of wasting and destroying. They really don’t understand how to respect the universe. In my opinions, developing prosperity consciousness is very important!

  30. Hi Randy

    You have a fantastic sense of humor, so you may lost a chance to answer that you did not find a device to purchase which would allow you to drive all the cars simultaneously.

    The pollution through car emissions is a result of intended economic powers. I suggest to watch We are paying government debts when filling our cars in the gas station. So, there is no political and economical will to protect the planet. It is all about “let me make my bucks right now”. Since age 14, I produce devices for less emission and right now I am generating zero carbon monoxide in my car.

    I see you in Go Diamond.


  31. "But if the rich are miserable, the poor who greatly desire to be rich are equally so. Poverty and riches are the two poles of a magnet whose pivot is a belief that possession of matter will bring joy to the possessor. This belief is a delusion, and those who are attracted by this belief and allow their minds to be hypnotized by the desire for material possessions are to be pitied whether their desire is realized or not.

    The real possessor of wealth is the one who feels that all things are his to use and enjoy yet does not burden himself with the personal possession of anything." From Charles Fillmore's book "Prosperity".

  32. Randy:

    I read Sam Walton's biograpy. When he died in the 1980's, he was the richest man in the world. Now, that the stock has been split within his silbings, they are worth each $10 billions each.
    The suprirse was that Sam Walton still drove his 1950's Ford pick truck in 1980.
    The same can be said about Warren Buffett who is the richest person in the world. He drives a Cadillac and he drives himself.
    Would you say that both richest men in the world had a "lack mentality."? That would be inconsitent with the money they made.

  33. These guys obviously were not into cars, has nothing to do with lack mentality. If they were excited about awesome cars they would have one, or ten!

  34. I like to use the ancient Greek definition of Prosperity: A sense of well-being! My well-being is enhanced when I get to cruise in my bright yellow Corvette...but my shoes rarely match it. BTW- The Vette get's better gas milage than most cars on the highway and can merge faster than most! It's all about your sense of well-being. TJ

  35. I get it. I've got a pretty nice car (when it's clean) and some days I go out looking kind of ratty. If I am going to project prosperity it should be reflected at all times...and that means driving my nice clean car and looking smart. I get it.

  36. As soon as you think that resources/money/prosperity are limited, you imply you have a lack mentality.

    Even by putting a networth on the earth (number shooting around was 6 quadrillion dollars), one is merely estimating a limit on how much is available.

    This principle is contrary to the substance from which all things were made.

    We should be a good steward of all we govern here on earth (environment, resources and the like)...

    but understand that even if tomorrow we exhaust the natural gas we are harvesting today, another source for heating our homes will be made available to us.

    Economies may even collapse (is this not already a reality??) but those who embrace the mentality of abundance will inherit the next economy - and poor old rich CEOs will find themselves working for us.

  37. Thank you Randy,I always think about it,
    I think all the peole can have exotic cars without destroying the planet,but my question is, in that condition what would be different between Randy and Gandhi?
    There are a lot of various people with a lot of different opinions in the world and I think it should be, because differents make the world,
    if there wasn't dark we couldn't feel light,when we can see the real enjoyment that we have felt painful, and I think Prosperity is full of everything,a deep feeling of life!

  38. It takes a LOT of money to BE green. Don't kid yourself. Hybrid cars are more expensive, outfitting your home with solar panels is expensive, organic produce costs more, eco-friendly cleaners, paints, and fabrics are more expensive.

    If more people had more money, the green movement would be leaps and bounds ahead of where it is now, because people could afford to be green. The quickest way to save the planet is to have everyone be prosperous.

    I'm a huge advocate of preserving our planet. But I am sick to death of the finger pointing by the "holier than thou" greenies. I actually had a friend say to me the other day, "You're not a true environmentalist unless your a vegan."

    I say folks should do what they can to "go green". If that means that all you can do is separate your recyclables from the non-recyclables on garbage day, then fine. Good for you. Hey, anything you do is helpful. But just because someone isn't a vegan or doesn't drive a Flintstones car doesn't give those on their high horses reason to judge.

  39. The CEO simply expressed an unempowering belief. In Economics we are taught the "Law Of Scarcity"; an archaic way of thinking. This kind of BS(belief system) is responsible for wars, a Robbin Hood mentality, Communism, not breaking-up with someone, and more. Here is a fact: Resources are UNLIMITED. The reason I say that is because technology determines what a resource is in the first place and how much of it there is. For example, the invention of the fuel injector doubled the supply of oil. It no longer mattered how much supply there was but how far you could drive with the same amount. Are we going to run out of wind and sun power to generate electricity??? What about cars and shoes made using clean tech. When I go into rich neighborhoods I notice more earth -friendlyness becaue they can afford it. I see more trees, environmental laws enforced, clean air, cleaness, recycling bins, and more. I prefer to see Randy with 5 well-maintained cars than someone with one beatup car that pollutes like crazy.

  40. Have you people really thought about what money really is?

    Makes me think about what Alex Collier said:

    "Why do you need to pay to live on a planet you were born on?"

    Wake up people. Money should not be needed, but you need control of the only thing you will ever have. Your own mind.

  41. That poor CEO. After his feedback to you, he may have begun the long trudge to his mud hut, made all the more difficult because he was wearing second-hand flip-flops a size too small. Perhaps his supper meant choking down the leftovers from the convention lunch.
    Perhaps we could form a foundation to provide funds for a prosperity speaker to help get him on a better path.

    Rainforests disappearing and over-consumption is the result of lack programming, and the desire for instant money, instant gratification.

    This is the opposite of a prosperity mindset, in my humble opinion.

  42. "Jesus did not own a foot of lan. Yet never did He lack for anything he needed. Without laying up treasures on earth He was rich in His Consciousness of the treasures of heaven within Himself, treasures ready to be manifested in the outer whenever He needed them.
    We know perfectly well that sooner or later we shall have to let go our earthly possessions. Does this bring the thought of death and of leaving the world behind? Then it shows what a powerful hold this race belief of worldly wealth has taken in your mind. Men can think only of letting go of their material possessions only in connection with death.
    ...That is why it is hard for a 'rich man' to enter into the kingdom of heaven. He has laid up treasures on earth and not enough in heaven. He has not made it possible for his mind to lay hold of the positive pole of wealth, the true idea of wealth." from Charles Fillmore's book "Prosperity".

    Imagine if everyone circulated stuff instead of hoarding? How would that affect the environment?

  43. Righ, who makes more contamination, the new Viper or the old Pacer? How you feel riding an old car? It's against yourself esteem. When you lack money how can you help the planet?

    Seriously, and old car (or whatever poor stuff) contaminates everything, even the view!

  44. By the way, Randy, can you be so very kind and give us the reasons why it is important that the car matches the shoes.

  45. I am probably not what you would call 'prosperous' i.e. I don't have 5 cars, a helicopter, a mansion etc. but I am very rich - I enjoy my life, I work from home so I can be here when my children finish school, I choose my hours so I can go and meet friends for lunch etc. I may not have a huge bank balance but I have everything I need, I can only drive one car at a time, why would having 5 make me happier? It's about being happy with who you are and no amount of money can do that.

  46. So I have pondered this for a couple days and I have a question. Did anyone ever ask Mother Teresa about her views on material things, and prosperity? Maybe she had her own limited beliefs in that area? Maybe not? Maybe she was loaded and no one knew it.

    Money and prosperity allow you to help your fellow man. If you can not feed your own family, how could you help a neighbor?
    Lets think about the modern day "Mother Teresas'" that we have. What about Bill Gates and his wife? They do amazing work all over the world, have set up great organizations (non and for profit) and are helping people one on one and many on many. And they have a silly amount of money.

    So maybe its not the money, but where your head is at. Do you live your life in abundance in every area or not. Big loving family, lots of great friends, 12 cars to match your very great and expensive shoe collection, (right on Randy btw this is a dream of mine) and money to give to organizations near and dear to your heart and ones across the world. Dare to dream, it is possible. That CEO had no idea what proserity really is. Today I feel I am a little closer to it.

  47. In fact those who inpose the biggest thread to the earth's survival and the environment is the poor people. I think about this everytime I visist the Philippines. The cars are between 10 and 50 years old and polution is least in the where am I going with this? Yes in order to save the earth we need to enable more people to be able to buy energy efficient refigirators, laundry machines, and other electrical stuff that for the sake of the environment should've been switched to a new model ten years ago, or for that matter buy fuel efficient cars instead of their 25 year old Toyota Camry, that might be cheap because now it's so old that it's all paid out, but on the other hand polutes ten times as much as last years Volvo or Mercedes.

    Ladies and Gentlemen - create prosperity, and do a goog deed !


  48. I've only just learnt, through you Randy, what prosperity conciousness is and my only regret is that I didn't hear about and understand it a whole lot sooner.
    For the first time in my life I feel free! And now that I know I deserve only the very best in everything, I'm going for it!
    Thank you!


    Are You Repelling Your Prosperity?

    The above video gives out the right message, I think this CEO completely MISSED THE WHOLE point of what Randy was trying to say.

    Its the CHI that Randy speaks of here, its all material and non material and that is what defines it all.

    Being super wealthy and INDULGING IN WEALTH is not anti nature or wrong.

    Whoever this CEO was / is needs to focus more on HIS OWN Chi which totally seems not in place.

    Thanks for the video and the message Randy.

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  • 71 comments on “Matching Your Car to Your Shoes”

    1. Why can't you be ultra wealthy and green? One of my biggest whys is to invest in real estate and renovate everything to be as energy self sufficient as possible. I want to make money, help people and the planet. No conflicts here!!

    2. Pity that poor CEO's company, being held back by his poverty-oriented mindset. Hasn't he heard of the Tesla Roadster? If there is a market for "green" luxury/sports cars, free enterprise will deliver every time, as long as it's allowed to.

      I think Mother Theresa understood the meaning of prosperity. She was definitely "poor in spirit" i.e., living as a very simple nun with no earthly possessions, as was her calling. But she also knew she would not have been able to accomplish "jack" without the millions of dollars her organization received in contributions. She experienced over-abundance because money allowed her to move from helping people one-to-one to many-to-many...

    3. LOL...good point, Ted.

      Margaret, I think this is sort of reiterating your point, but here's what I'd written on it:

      My thinking is that abundance applies to everything, including the processes we use to produce our goods.

      Who's to say that developing technology with an abundance mentality wouldn't be synergistic with the earth and overall well being for people?

      Maybe Dodge shouldn't produce 6 billion Vipers using todays methodologies, but if we all applied abundance thinking, imagine the overall goodness we could manifest in every aspect of living.

      Example: Whole Foods. Sustainable. Beneficial. Hugely successful.

      'Nother Example: Read today (no research on this...) that North America alone has enough land to give every living human 2 acres.

      Seems to me we don't lack energy, land, or any raw material. We lack the magic harvest that comes from being truly abundance oriented ???

    4. We are talking about a CEO making this comment! I'm guessing this person is not poor.

      Randy - This is more of a lower scale comparison of James Cameron directing the movie "Titanic".You mention this movie is based on scarcity thinking ( The poor are noble,enjoy life,etc. ).I've seen the movie and agree with your insight.Here is James Cameron who made millions from this movie basically telling the movie audience it's better to be poor! I'm guessing this CEO is doing pretty well in the money department but still lectures you on not acquiring nice cars;instead donate to the rain forest.Hey CEO - You can do both!

    5. Mother Theresa and Ghandi had fortunes at their finger tips. It took a lot of money and resources to do what they did. So ok maybe Mother Theresa didn't buy a viper..

    6. I think this video is FILLED with lack programming! Corporations depicted with dollar signs, talk about blowing up mountains, wiping out the animals, etc. It's as bad as Titanic. But the issues raised are real and I hope to deal with them on the next posts. BTW, do you know how many resources were used up as she "spent ten years traveling the world" to study this!


    7. Mr Gage,

      I believe that we live in a time in which pure freedom is taking away in a more vicious way.

      Here in Europe politics are chasing the rich people (In their mind the rich people are the cause of the depression, yes the same people who give work to people. Political logic), going as far that the government of some country are buying an illegal list of people's name who has a bank account in Switzerland to prosecute them.

      The rest of the world is witch hunting the people who aren't green minded. This leads to less extravagant super cars, less extravagant houses, electronics and so on. In a certain way the green minders are taking out that little thing that made scientist and creative people help build in the late 70 and 80's this super cars or the Concorde, named free imagination

      I want my fast crazy cars and motorcycles, to travel in private jets, in a sense do whatever I want to do with my money without hearing someone advocating the planet. Earth has been fine since the beginning and will continue to be so without green advocates.

      Best regards to all,


    8. Wow!! I am so amazed that we as a human race think we can destroy this earth. Now I am first in line when it comes to protecting our water and our planet, however, if you believe that this whole thing called a universe was put together by a Creator and that we as humans were so unbelievably formed, how can it be that everything is so fragile. The world, humans, everything in nature is so well engineered. Why would a Creator go to such great lengths if we were not suppose to prosper and use the natural resources available. I am a firm believer that we have everything we need to live on this earth for as long as humans will inhabit it. Yes we can pollute nature, however, we can not destroy it. I am certain the Creator gave us our talents to use to prosper and create even greater things to help man-kind. I think the Creator would be disappointed if we did any less.

    9. I always find comments like this a prime example of lack thinking... Yes, the Earth is finite.... It is also a negligible portion of the universe, just in our solar system alone, there is more than enough raw materials to ensure every person alive today lives at the highest standard.
      I am not rich, yet, but I do believe that everyone can have the standard of living that they desire, even if the route to that may not be obvious at this point... New technologies will result in cars that do not need fossil fuels, and like I said there is more than enough metal in the solar system to actually build them.

    10. For the ones that feel that is anti-prosperous or anti-earth, they can hold back - that's their choice.

      Personally, I say "go for it" manifest as many of those beautiful things as you want - that's also your choice.

    11. Randy,

      Isn't prosperity about the freedom to choose? More money more freedom. Less money, less freedom. No money, no freedom. Since money is a tool that can be used for anything, because you match your shoes to your car does not exclude or exempt you from donating to the causes that are near & dear to you.

      BTW, Mother Teresa came from a very wealthy family, Gandhi's father served as the adviser or prime minister to the local ruler. Not exactly impovished people. They used the power of abundance to manifest the lives they choose to live. And James Cameron is making BILLIONS selling anti-prosperity rhetoric like Titanic & Avatar, kind of ironic? Or just giving the people what they want to see & hear while he "I'm the king of the world" all the way to the bank?

      Thanks for always stretching my mind...

      Peace & Prosperity,

    12. You can own as many cars as you want...but you can only drive one at a time. Driving all five at the same time would clearly be a waste of fuel, but that's mighty hard to do.

    13. Its really cool to own that many cars and as it seems live on Delta Airlines...

      I have a friend who has 52 cars in his posession and he is a normal income earner and not a used car salesman and even dont think they are a investment. He just likes them.

      C U Alf

    14. Haha - I think you should get some purple shoes! You look great in your purple tie!

      It's been said that it took Gandhi a lot of money to keep him in poverty!

      It took a lot of money for Gandhi to come to England to study, and to get to South Africa and back to India. Trips he did frequently...

      There is no way his lifestyle/purpose/intent could have been achieved without money.

      Having a car for each pair of shoes? I've never really been into shoes or cars... I try to pretend... And I love seeing shiny fast cars...

      But an airplane... My only private one. I'd like that a lot!

      I think that if no one bought anything and lived on air, there would be nothing do to, no jobs, no money, and starvation of a greater scale. Buying gorgeous things means employing people, offering opportunity, and sharing wealth - I like it. Spend away! It's generously supporting others economies!

      About that diamond watch.... 😉 I haven't even WORN a watch for over a decade.... But I still think it's a must if it's bought from a sustainable loving happy place... and by people treated well. Whatcha think? 😉

    15. Prosperity is to have a far more officially advanced spiritual, economical and technological society than we have today.

      What the fuck is a Viper against an object coming up from the depths of the ocean flying (more like vibrating) away to the Aldebaran star system for example? It exists, even on Earth today. Don't know if they have matching socks though.

      How the hell can we still be driving cars filled with gasoline? That is as far from prosperity I can imagine.

    16. I would say that by now allready green technology is trend spotted. We saw that on the climate conference in December.

      Play and have fun!

      Pierre Leyssac, Wonderful Copenhagen

    17. R,
      Sad this business man had that attitude. What was his corp like? Were they reaching their goals? What did he drive? Where did he live?

      Not gonna preach, but the Bible says we will have the poor with us always. My son recently did street evangelism in downtown Dallas & met someone that lived on the streets 7-9mos out of the year. This person had a home that was paid for, but stated living on the streets was done so to help the other people. Sometimes you just can't get people out of that mentality.

      Personally, I can help the greater good and fund my "causes" with prosperity mentality. Projects arise every day that require thousands > millions of dollars. Needs occur daily out of no where that a blank check could fix. How can we do this without financial independence?

      Speaking of "GREEN" my observation, this is a costly state of mind. Organic foods cost more than regular foods. Even if your car is "electric" requires both fuel and electricity. Going green is more than recycling your water bottles. I have chosen a builder for my zero energy "dream" home you think that is cheap? NOT!
      Have you re-landscaped your yard lately using xeroscaping technics to save on water? What did that cost you? Yes the initial investment is costly & you reap the benefits over time. I am willing to pay the price. Others will simply whine over their current situation & all it takes is a change in their thinking.
      We need to be adjusting our mentality for abundance / prosperity or just get left behind.

      Personally I am a car girl....I have picked out cars to match each of my personalities and then I need 3 more for the rest of the days of the week. Some may be "green", one will be lime green,(phlegmatic!) then others....RED with envy!(choleric & melancholy)

      Seriously.....I want to live my life as a philanthropist. Giving is my ♥ / soul & without prosperity/abundance.....this will forever just remain a dream.

      As a man thinketh in his ♥, so is he.....I am abundantly blessed.


    18. Well, prosperity doesn't necessarily translate to destroying rainforests, having 5 exotic carts, and destroying the planet... You can prosper and use that prosperity for other "less damaging" activities/things.

      It goes back to the idea that "money is evil" (99.9% of the time... this comes out of the mouths of those who are poor). See, money is not evil, it's those who chooses money in an evil way who are evil.

      Similar concept applies here IMHO.

      Raymond Fong

    19. What's interesting is that the formula to manifest ANYTHING is really simple - 1. Think about what you want
      2. Figure out what you have to GIVE to receive it
      3. DO what you have to do to receive it (see #2)

      Why questions are meaningless. Solution-based decisions take care not only us as humans, but the environment as well.

    20. I pay extra for local or organic produce. I think the more prosperity you have, the more you could invest in green living and you could give back to the environment. If you are aware of the health benefits and love yourself and others, you will want the best for everyone.

      I think people who focus on material things are not prosperous. Some people hoard things.

      Randy has a video on the Circulation Law of Prosperity:

      He says prosperity is infinite. By circulating things I think we are recycling things. This is good for the earth.

      Randy also has a new video about a "Prosperity Point of Reference".
      I believe that people who think prosperity is anti-earth may have some memes(mind viruses) that are affecting their view of prosperity.

    21. I am reading Charles Fillmore's book, "Prosperity", and I just found a chapter on "Laying up Treasures". He says "It is in his wrong conception of his spiritual force that man makes the mistake of falling into the habit of hoarding instead of conserving. He tries to gather things together in the external in a vain effort to avert an imagined shortage in the future and he counts himself rich by the amount of his material possessions."

      Charles Fillmore says "Spiritually awakened people are coming to know that all riches are spiritual and within reach of all as divine ideas. They study the law of conservation as it pertains to the spiritual and seek to build up a large reserve consciousness of substance, life, strength, and power, rather than laying up material treasures..."

    22. Charles Fillmore also says: "The real object of life is not making money or becoming famous but the building of character, the bringing forth of the potentialities that exist in every one of us...We are not studying prosperity to become rich but to bring out those characteristics that are fundamental to prosperity."

    23. I believe in prosperity consciousness -- that each and every person living and breathing on this planet can (is able to) drive 5, 10 or even 20 exotic cars.. have 12 grand mansions, et al...

      However, I also believe that what keeps the earth from getting destroyed from over-consumption is that not everyone would like that.

      Personally, I don't like cars (or atleast, I'm not really a very big fan of big cars). So a toyota would be fine for me. As long as it takes me from point A to point B. However, that doesn't mean I won't go for a ferrari. It's just that at this point in my life, I haven't been given a good enough reason to pursue it.

      I like computers though. And I prefer that my computers are in tip-top shape to serve me well.

      The point is, people want different things. Yes everyone can get 10 ferraris, but not everyone would want to pursue them. They may have other interests.

    24. Another quote from "Prosperity" by Chrles Fillmore:
      "Paul tells us that "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." That means of course that by loving money man has in some way limited it. He has not loved the true source of money but has loved the thing rather than the Spirit that it expresses. He has broken the law by trying to grasp the thing and failing to acknowledge the idea that lies back of it. We must know this law, observing it in the handling of money, and make love the magnet of supply instead of becoming entangled in that selfishness and greed which is causing so much inharmony and suffering in the world today. We should know that there is a universal money substance and that it belongs to all of us in all of its fullness."

    25. The rainforest disappears from mismanagement/greed and lack of education not an over abundance of prosperity. All of our new cars could run on water vapor producing fuels or Solar if ideas were allowed to flourish instead of oil corp. greed. We have light bulbs that will never wear out but the inventors are punished/threatened for adding value to our society. Crack down on greed mongers and government/corporation corruption and graft....not on abundance. More abundance equals better solutions and the time to invent them! OOPS! Maybe that was the plan.....keep the people poor and down trodden, a prisoner of the Corp. world.

    26. In some way, this CEO is right. What if all the people of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China, i.e. 2,5 blns) countries could match the shoes with the cars everyday? The world economy and ecology would collapse. In this case, may be for those who live in the prosperous capitalist Western world it is no good to spread the ideas of prosperity not to ruin their stable and satisfied life?

    27. A so-called poor nation is that way because of it's leadership, or lack thereof. Take a person out of that environment and into an environment of abundance and watch what happens.

    28. Hey Randy,
      I remember you once mentioned that it is the wealthy who are able to buy land or give the most money to agencies that preserve it. So, of course one would have to be prosperous to do that. If your just poor Joe Shmoe picking up litter, that's great but how much more of an impact you can have if you have the resourses to help preserve and endangered forest or whatever else that needs saving.

      Keep up the good work of keeping everyone on their toes and thinking!
      Love ya,
      Lucinda 'The Opera Diva'

    29. I don't think prosperity will destroy the planet. It is contrary. The vivid example we can see clearly is that poor countries are leading on those issues of wasting and destroying. They really don’t understand how to respect the universe. In my opinions, developing prosperity consciousness is very important!

    30. Hi Randy

      You have a fantastic sense of humor, so you may lost a chance to answer that you did not find a device to purchase which would allow you to drive all the cars simultaneously.

      The pollution through car emissions is a result of intended economic powers. I suggest to watch We are paying government debts when filling our cars in the gas station. So, there is no political and economical will to protect the planet. It is all about “let me make my bucks right now”. Since age 14, I produce devices for less emission and right now I am generating zero carbon monoxide in my car.

      I see you in Go Diamond.


    31. "But if the rich are miserable, the poor who greatly desire to be rich are equally so. Poverty and riches are the two poles of a magnet whose pivot is a belief that possession of matter will bring joy to the possessor. This belief is a delusion, and those who are attracted by this belief and allow their minds to be hypnotized by the desire for material possessions are to be pitied whether their desire is realized or not.

      The real possessor of wealth is the one who feels that all things are his to use and enjoy yet does not burden himself with the personal possession of anything." From Charles Fillmore's book "Prosperity".

    32. Randy:

      I read Sam Walton's biograpy. When he died in the 1980's, he was the richest man in the world. Now, that the stock has been split within his silbings, they are worth each $10 billions each.
      The suprirse was that Sam Walton still drove his 1950's Ford pick truck in 1980.
      The same can be said about Warren Buffett who is the richest person in the world. He drives a Cadillac and he drives himself.
      Would you say that both richest men in the world had a "lack mentality."? That would be inconsitent with the money they made.

    33. These guys obviously were not into cars, has nothing to do with lack mentality. If they were excited about awesome cars they would have one, or ten!

    34. I like to use the ancient Greek definition of Prosperity: A sense of well-being! My well-being is enhanced when I get to cruise in my bright yellow Corvette...but my shoes rarely match it. BTW- The Vette get's better gas milage than most cars on the highway and can merge faster than most! It's all about your sense of well-being. TJ

    35. I get it. I've got a pretty nice car (when it's clean) and some days I go out looking kind of ratty. If I am going to project prosperity it should be reflected at all times...and that means driving my nice clean car and looking smart. I get it.

    36. As soon as you think that resources/money/prosperity are limited, you imply you have a lack mentality.

      Even by putting a networth on the earth (number shooting around was 6 quadrillion dollars), one is merely estimating a limit on how much is available.

      This principle is contrary to the substance from which all things were made.

      We should be a good steward of all we govern here on earth (environment, resources and the like)...

      but understand that even if tomorrow we exhaust the natural gas we are harvesting today, another source for heating our homes will be made available to us.

      Economies may even collapse (is this not already a reality??) but those who embrace the mentality of abundance will inherit the next economy - and poor old rich CEOs will find themselves working for us.

    37. Thank you Randy,I always think about it,
      I think all the peole can have exotic cars without destroying the planet,but my question is, in that condition what would be different between Randy and Gandhi?
      There are a lot of various people with a lot of different opinions in the world and I think it should be, because differents make the world,
      if there wasn't dark we couldn't feel light,when we can see the real enjoyment that we have felt painful, and I think Prosperity is full of everything,a deep feeling of life!

    38. It takes a LOT of money to BE green. Don't kid yourself. Hybrid cars are more expensive, outfitting your home with solar panels is expensive, organic produce costs more, eco-friendly cleaners, paints, and fabrics are more expensive.

      If more people had more money, the green movement would be leaps and bounds ahead of where it is now, because people could afford to be green. The quickest way to save the planet is to have everyone be prosperous.

      I'm a huge advocate of preserving our planet. But I am sick to death of the finger pointing by the "holier than thou" greenies. I actually had a friend say to me the other day, "You're not a true environmentalist unless your a vegan."

      I say folks should do what they can to "go green". If that means that all you can do is separate your recyclables from the non-recyclables on garbage day, then fine. Good for you. Hey, anything you do is helpful. But just because someone isn't a vegan or doesn't drive a Flintstones car doesn't give those on their high horses reason to judge.

    39. The CEO simply expressed an unempowering belief. In Economics we are taught the "Law Of Scarcity"; an archaic way of thinking. This kind of BS(belief system) is responsible for wars, a Robbin Hood mentality, Communism, not breaking-up with someone, and more. Here is a fact: Resources are UNLIMITED. The reason I say that is because technology determines what a resource is in the first place and how much of it there is. For example, the invention of the fuel injector doubled the supply of oil. It no longer mattered how much supply there was but how far you could drive with the same amount. Are we going to run out of wind and sun power to generate electricity??? What about cars and shoes made using clean tech. When I go into rich neighborhoods I notice more earth -friendlyness becaue they can afford it. I see more trees, environmental laws enforced, clean air, cleaness, recycling bins, and more. I prefer to see Randy with 5 well-maintained cars than someone with one beatup car that pollutes like crazy.

    40. Have you people really thought about what money really is?

      Makes me think about what Alex Collier said:

      "Why do you need to pay to live on a planet you were born on?"

      Wake up people. Money should not be needed, but you need control of the only thing you will ever have. Your own mind.

    41. That poor CEO. After his feedback to you, he may have begun the long trudge to his mud hut, made all the more difficult because he was wearing second-hand flip-flops a size too small. Perhaps his supper meant choking down the leftovers from the convention lunch.
      Perhaps we could form a foundation to provide funds for a prosperity speaker to help get him on a better path.

      Rainforests disappearing and over-consumption is the result of lack programming, and the desire for instant money, instant gratification.

      This is the opposite of a prosperity mindset, in my humble opinion.

    42. "Jesus did not own a foot of lan. Yet never did He lack for anything he needed. Without laying up treasures on earth He was rich in His Consciousness of the treasures of heaven within Himself, treasures ready to be manifested in the outer whenever He needed them.
      We know perfectly well that sooner or later we shall have to let go our earthly possessions. Does this bring the thought of death and of leaving the world behind? Then it shows what a powerful hold this race belief of worldly wealth has taken in your mind. Men can think only of letting go of their material possessions only in connection with death.
      ...That is why it is hard for a 'rich man' to enter into the kingdom of heaven. He has laid up treasures on earth and not enough in heaven. He has not made it possible for his mind to lay hold of the positive pole of wealth, the true idea of wealth." from Charles Fillmore's book "Prosperity".

      Imagine if everyone circulated stuff instead of hoarding? How would that affect the environment?

    43. Righ, who makes more contamination, the new Viper or the old Pacer? How you feel riding an old car? It's against yourself esteem. When you lack money how can you help the planet?

      Seriously, and old car (or whatever poor stuff) contaminates everything, even the view!

    44. By the way, Randy, can you be so very kind and give us the reasons why it is important that the car matches the shoes.

    45. I am probably not what you would call 'prosperous' i.e. I don't have 5 cars, a helicopter, a mansion etc. but I am very rich - I enjoy my life, I work from home so I can be here when my children finish school, I choose my hours so I can go and meet friends for lunch etc. I may not have a huge bank balance but I have everything I need, I can only drive one car at a time, why would having 5 make me happier? It's about being happy with who you are and no amount of money can do that.

    46. So I have pondered this for a couple days and I have a question. Did anyone ever ask Mother Teresa about her views on material things, and prosperity? Maybe she had her own limited beliefs in that area? Maybe not? Maybe she was loaded and no one knew it.

      Money and prosperity allow you to help your fellow man. If you can not feed your own family, how could you help a neighbor?
      Lets think about the modern day "Mother Teresas'" that we have. What about Bill Gates and his wife? They do amazing work all over the world, have set up great organizations (non and for profit) and are helping people one on one and many on many. And they have a silly amount of money.

      So maybe its not the money, but where your head is at. Do you live your life in abundance in every area or not. Big loving family, lots of great friends, 12 cars to match your very great and expensive shoe collection, (right on Randy btw this is a dream of mine) and money to give to organizations near and dear to your heart and ones across the world. Dare to dream, it is possible. That CEO had no idea what proserity really is. Today I feel I am a little closer to it.

    47. In fact those who inpose the biggest thread to the earth's survival and the environment is the poor people. I think about this everytime I visist the Philippines. The cars are between 10 and 50 years old and polution is least in the where am I going with this? Yes in order to save the earth we need to enable more people to be able to buy energy efficient refigirators, laundry machines, and other electrical stuff that for the sake of the environment should've been switched to a new model ten years ago, or for that matter buy fuel efficient cars instead of their 25 year old Toyota Camry, that might be cheap because now it's so old that it's all paid out, but on the other hand polutes ten times as much as last years Volvo or Mercedes.

      Ladies and Gentlemen - create prosperity, and do a goog deed !


    48. I've only just learnt, through you Randy, what prosperity conciousness is and my only regret is that I didn't hear about and understand it a whole lot sooner.
      For the first time in my life I feel free! And now that I know I deserve only the very best in everything, I'm going for it!
      Thank you!


      Are You Repelling Your Prosperity?

      The above video gives out the right message, I think this CEO completely MISSED THE WHOLE point of what Randy was trying to say.

      Its the CHI that Randy speaks of here, its all material and non material and that is what defines it all.

      Being super wealthy and INDULGING IN WEALTH is not anti nature or wrong.

      Whoever this CEO was / is needs to focus more on HIS OWN Chi which totally seems not in place.

      Thanks for the video and the message Randy.

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