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How to Know if Your Beliefs Are Keeping You Broke

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 23, 2010

We have a great dialogue going on the last post about having the courage to question your beliefs. The thing people ask me the most is, ‘How do I know whether a belief I have is lack oriented?’  

This is actually quite easy.  Don’t make it complicated.  The question is simply:

“Does this belief serve me?”

And the way to discern that is with your rational mind.  Emotions are good.  They are a vital part of living a full and rich life.  But the truly sane and emotionally balanced person will know – or will make it a point to discover – what is causing those emotions.

When I question a core belief of yours, are you furious with me because I’m “wrong,” or because you are afraid to even ask the question?

When someone tells you that they love you and you are afraid – is it because you don’t love them, or because you do, and you’re afraid you’ll lose them?

Is it really fear of failure that holds you back?  Or is it really fear of success?

So yes, you experience emotions.  But don’t make life-altering decisions based solely on them.  Feel your emotions, then learn what causes them.  Then use your rational mind to decide what is in your highest good.
That means extend the situation to its logical conclusion, and see if the logic holds up.  Suddenly your may find that a lot of things that seem sensible on the surface are actually quite insane.

Think about some of your beliefs on money, and when and where you got them.

Some possible beliefs you might have and want to check out:

Rich people are snobby.
You have to have money to make money.
Rich people lie, cheat and steal to get ahead.
It’s spiritual to be poor.
You were born a sorry sinner.

You have any of these?  Where did you get them?  From who?  And when?

Check in on these questions below.  Then next time we’ll look at the role having a philosophy plays in forming your beliefs.


24 comments on “How to Know if Your Beliefs Are Keeping You Broke”

  1. I sometimes feel as if it's a game of connecting the dots.

    Until the belief comes up to our conscious awareness most of us don't even realize that is the programing that is actually in charge and creating our reality.

    I found that when I was honest enough with myself and wanted to look at those limiting beliefs and then connect them to where they originated I was then at a place where I could rationally say, Okay, is this true? does it serve me?

    It's amazing the stuff be can bring up if we only allowed ourselves to ask the questions.

    Great point
    Thank You

  2. Great subject Randy. A belief I had from when I was younger was that you should never trust anyone but yourself. It was almost a tough guy mentality that was passed on to me, but had me pre-judging and thinking the worst about everyone. And guess what transpired? People around me doing things to validate why I shouldn't trust them. I've worked hard to change that over the years to a belief that the majority of people you meet are inherently good and it's a great world to be in. Just working on that shift has changed things dramatically for me.

  3. Randy,
    I have been exposed to and controlled by all of the above statements in the past. I still have a tendency to believe the "you have to have money to make money" dogma. I've been trying to release my imagination and fears and say, " what would Randy do?"
    "This is the outcome I want, what vehicle can I employ or hole can I fill and who can I network with to make it happen." (Am I close?)
    I remember hearing that there are as a many possible millionaires as there are ideas. I really struggle with the "having all your ducks in a row before you start" syndrome. Only it's like herding cats instead.
    Which comes back to my fear of success. Oh My.

  4. Randy,

    I never disliked rich people because they were rich. If they were rude or arrogant that was different. I also don't like poor people who are like that.

    I love your post about not being afraid of failure but being afraid of success. This resonates with me. I knew what failure meant and I knew what to expect. Success meant I had to be responsible and responsible for other people. That could ruin a great party.

    I know that I am only responsible for me and that my low self esteem and low self worth are what have kept me from my good. Somewhere in the murky self conscious I have those thoughts of not deserving the good.

    I think that is why on some level I always felt sorry for Nixon. He is the only person I know who can become President and still hate himself. Thanks for these posts. The hardest job is changing my opinions.


  5. Critical thinking is not possible inside the set of thoughts you were fed. A fish does not know what water is until you pull it out of the water. How people think is for most people unexamined.
    Whatever people use to limit themselves will not expand their thinking. Read something different, change your location, become a fish out of water.

    Simon Tugwell wrote: “The ideal is not to control our appetites at all, but to allow them full rein in the wake of an uncontrolled appetite for God…. We all too easily speak and think as if righteousness resulted chiefly from the curbing of our appetites, as if our appetites were only for sin…Saint Thomas says desire is the faculty which receives, so that the bigger our desire is, the more we can receive…The more we try to tame and reduce ourselves and our desires and hopes, the more we deceive and distort ourselves. …we must follow our innate appetite for infinity to dislodge us whenever we are inclined to settle down and call it a day.”

    We do ourselves and the people around us a disservice when we look for every new and old reason to play small, to quit, finding agreement in failure and all the ways built to keep us apart. We are designed to have it all. Keep playing small and you are. You cannot ever lose if you won’t quit.

  6. I´m reading your book "Why you are...." After The first chapter I was a bit in a chock, I couldn´t speak for a while. I feel a great respect for you right now and it will one month I have heard more great things than in my whole life before because of all this great people I have started to read about and listen to, it is amazing...well I just say Thank you for not wasting your life with credits, loans and junk food...if you know what I mean! I am going to follow your example 100% from the day today, in my version of course, and it is a great honour to read everything you come up with. I don´t know the words in english so I let the rest be unsaid. But it is in my heart

  7. Religions focus on shame, guilt, sin and control, and that's the trap.

    They don't focus on self responsibility or life or respect.

    They didn't all start out that way (with the exception of the Roman Catholic Church), but the powers that be are masters of holographic infiltration, and by the way, they are not human.

  8. This is a good one, Randy. You're good at drawing points described in the previous comment to what points you're trying to get at. Again, I can see you're touching something in a subtly way but is actually a very core of the subject. People see you as a walking demonstration of your success and why you succeeded. See, Randy, I am being very perceptive as well, but perhaps my natural perception and my belief may have been rooted with my simple baby like faith alone without allowing other critical thinking to mold me or change mine, I am being aware.

    >>>When I question a core belief of yours, are you furious with me because I’m “wrong,” or because you are afraid to even ask the question?<<>>So yes, you experience emotions. But don’t make life-altering decisions based solely on them. Feel your emotions, then learn what causes them. Then use your rational mind to decide what is in your highest good. That means extend the situation to its logical conclusion, and see if the logic holds up. Suddenly your may find that a lot of things that seem sensible on the surface are actually quite insane.<<>>You have to have money to make money.<<>>Rich people lie, cheat and steal to get ahead.<<>>When someone tells you that they love you and you are afraid – is it because you don’t love them, or because you do, and you’re afraid you’ll lose them?<<<
    mmm... perhaps because a person who was told that he/she is loved realizes that he/she doesn't know what love is, and not only that he/she doesn't have enoughh faith to stand on, making him or her feel uncomfortable... and that even when he/she begins to show love in return, he/she is afraid to lose love regardless of the life-altering efforts that was made on his/her part because there is no foundation/faith knowledge to experience love.. in a sense it is similar to our materialistic/wealth goals. It is actually the same thing, I think... "Belief."

    So, in conclusion, we all come to the same place in terms of what our goals, happiness, and hopes should be based on - a genuine belief, not wavering faith, not being influenced by the system of the world and our love for God. I just can't write my comment in the appropriate short form, Randy, but in the conversational form as if you're sitting right next to me, and we're enjoying talking.-cozulvme enoughtosa'asoftenasIwisI know you don't mind how I write.. So, I changed my mind and decided to write another comment, filling up your entire page, as if this were my own!I need some help w/my lengthy'lvahg-saachi
    PS I enjoyed reading your post again..

  9. (Something went wrong with the comment that I added earlier, so I pasted the text here again. Pls ignore the comment previously added with broken quotations.]

    This is a good one, Randy. You're good at drawing points described in the previous comment to what points you're trying to get at. Again, I can see you're touching something in a subtly way but is actually a very core of the subject. People see you as a walking demonstration of your success and why you succeeded. See, Randy, I am being very perceptive as well, but perhaps my natural perception and my belief may have been rooted with my simple baby like faith alone without allowing other critical thinking to mold me or change mine, I am being aware.

    [Randy says]
    When I question a core belief of yours, are you furious with me because I’m “wrong,” or because you are afraid to even ask the question?

    [In response] I wouldn't be furious with you even if you were wrong, and nor am I afraid to ask you any questions ... coz they may serve me better making me think of things that I never ever thought about. In fact, you may be right or may bring a whole new picture of what life may bring... perhaps I may begin to see doors that were closed to me in fact may be the door that shouldn't have been open to me in the first place. Perhaps I was making things too complicated.... You may think.. "oh, this is something that I wasn't expecting or being aware of ... This is being something that would have to do with the spirit, and that I don't have to bring it up in words to make myself clear or understood.

    [Randy says] So yes, you experience emotions. But don’t make life-altering decisions based solely on them. Feel your emotions, then learn what causes them. Then use your rational mind to decide what is in your highest good. That means extend the situation to its logical conclusion, and see if the logic holds up. Suddenly your may find that a lot of things that seem sensible on the surface are actually quite insane.

    [In Response] may not know what it is, but I began to sense something that is related to some issues in my life. This well could be the answer to my prayer. mmm... Perhaps, not in terms of the bigger picture based on what you're trying to get at but in a smaller sense that could well lead to a new life-altering decision as well...who knows..

    [One of the items on the list]
    You have to have money to make money.

    [In Response]
    This is our rational thinking isn't it. What is in the physical realm is in cause-and-effect order, but what is actually going on in the spirit realm is eventually going to be manifested in the form of good and bad things (words - both positive and negative, belief on what is to come play an important role in manifestation, hidden lies, gossips, etc. ) doesn't have to coincide with what is seen in the physical realm, including our senses and emotions, so what we see with our physical eyes is not what's going on in the spirit realm which is not in earthly order in the first place. Amen. I believe it. SO.. can you stand with me in belief that the money will come my way for me to start a great unique business. LOL Seriously, in faith I've been giving money away as much as I can though, when in reality I should save money for the business. This speaks of my unwavering determination - not a half-hearted decision.. lol 🙁

    [Another item on the list]
    Rich people lie, cheat and steal to get ahead.

    [In Response]
    To me, it is quite opposite, although the point here is well understood in terms of the world's false conception on the rich. However, I experienced so many tricks played against me by poor people in the past.. like contractors involved in reforming homes. Don't mean to create disarguments from people who read this but it's true many times.. Many poor people do lie, cheat, and steal just to get by unless they have right beliefs... Like you say, poverty contributes so many bad things - lie, tricks, hunger for moving up selfishly, not considering people who may be involved, hurt or suffer because of the wrong motives. Poverty does that.

    [Randy says]
    When someone tells you that they love you and you are afraid – is it because you don’t love them, or because you do, and you’re afraid you’ll lose them?

    [In Response]
    mmm... perhaps because a person who was told that he/she is loved realizes that he/she doesn't know what love is, and not only that he/she doesn't have enoughh faith to stand on, making him or her feel uncomfortable... and that even when he/she begins to show love in return, he/she is afraid to lose love regardless of the life-altering efforts that was made on his/her part because there is no foundation/faith knowledge to experience love.. in a sense it is similar to our materialistic/wealth goals. It is actually the same thing, I think... "Belief."

    So, in conclusion, we all come to the same place in terms of what our goals, happiness, and hopes should be based on - a genuine belief, not wavering faith, not being influenced by the system of the world and our love for God. I just can't write my comment in the appropriate short form, Randy, but in the conversational form as if you're sitting right next to me, and we're enjoying talking.-cozulvmeenough2sa'asoftenasIwis I know you don't mind how I write.. So, I changed my mind and decided to write another comment, filling up your entire page, as if this were my own blog.Help!I need some help with my'lvahg-saachi

  10. Okay, so what I got out of your blog Randy was that if I'm feeling unhappy, (particularly about something specific), it would be wise for me to ask myself what I would have to believe to feel that way. Great!

    And the belief that I know is holding me back is that I don't believe I'm worthing of receiving the great abundance that I want.

  11. I wish you would say something about racism. I Being a Black American watched The Black Agenda with alot of so-called Black Leaders talking about what Obama is not doing for Black people it was and informative and passionate presentation, But it seems there was alot a victimhood being spoken but yet most of these Leaders are Millionaires. The spoke of Racism, white privilege, obama working for the man, wealth disproportionately more to whites than Blacks, lack of good schools, Prisons being 50% people of color yet we are 12% of population, etc. How can one break free of this so-called plight?

  12. Our beloved emotions! It's for us to use them, not vice verse...
    My friend Randy is here saying that, decisions are better made without wave of emotions flushing over us, steam coming from our ears (my words for it). How true...
    It's been a great period in my life for six months, where I have made the time to really practice my body and mind. Boy what a difference it makes, and in the process I've noticed how aware I have become to things going on inside me... especially emotions. How they are born, how they develop and where they go. It's OK to feel them, I even enjoy sometimes watching an anger growing inside, then I experience it full blast and then it goes... all it takes is one and half minute and then I can go on with what ever I was dealing with. If I'd forbid myself feeling such a 'bad' emotion, it would always be with me, tempering with my decisions.
    And it's important for sure to see - where are they coming from? Ah what a great thing this life is, it's just so helpful, making sure we stay sharp - well at least we have a chance to do that if so choose. Why shouldn't we?

  13. I have tried everything. My life has been a carousel with every kind of lifestyle you can imagine.And my conclusion is; If you are not focused in your mind, you are going to "sell yourself " to different things dependng on where your path goes: Crazy cults, gossiping neighbours, crazy collegues who are using you or friends who are no friends or addiction to the state money or whatever it happens to be. If you ONLY focus your mind totally, read every book you can find alone at home and sort of never live out your desires, you are going to end up in the same way in the end because life is going to try to make you realise that you are not balanced.
    I read everything you can of good litterature, change my habits slowly according to good desires and be open for what wants to come from the future. Eat healthy with moderation and supply vitamins if you can, and throw away your old beliefs little by little over time when replacing them with something better(If it IS better, it is going to be shown quickly in your life as it starts to change)...It is not easy, you have to beleive in the future and many many is going to try to destroy it, but don´t listen to them in your heart, meet them though with respect or you will get another ten who are even worse!

  14. I agree with you that emotions are an excellent way to figure out what is going on inside you at the core. And it can help you identify beliefs you don;t even realize you have!

    When you have a bad feeling, for example, it's important to figure out what thoughts just went through your mind. Those thoughts may represent a belief that does not serve you, or more specifically, a fear that you have because of that belief.
    Time to do some "soul searching"...

    The beliefs we actually live by (exhibit A: the life we have manifest) can often be totally different than what we say we believe in.

    I think it's important to get quiet and still and listen to ourselves, and then test put our fears to the test.

    Hidden beliefs or the ones we won't act on out of fear often do hold us back from achievement and definitely from abundance.

    Keep telling it like it is!

  15. Yes guys like Rev Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make their living being professional victims and keeping people in victim-hood. I wrote a blog about this when Don Imus got fired for his "nappy headed Ho's" comment, but I can't locate it. Maybe another reader knows.


  16. I have two beliefs. Rational and irrational. My rational tells me 'things are tolerable, irrational actions are wrong'. My irrational mind - the one that wins all the time - says 'stub cigarettes out on wrist fascinating results'. 'Cut wrist to see how much it will bleed'. Arthritis and mental health problems prevent me working full time but can't find part time work as mental health problems! I'm in constant 24/7 pain, it NEVER stops. Now have another very painful disease that may prevent my one joy, walking the fells. Can't get hands or feet slightly cold as digits excrutiating.
    Thought one cousin & family loved me, now find out I'm a 'burden' to his wife as she doesn't know how to deal with me! I've yet to get terrets or dash round naked!! Thought had one last refuge in times of distress. Now find not welcome. Cousin insists she's joking but they never talk so he won't have told her how much I'm hurt.
    So, you see, rational mind telling me 'grow up, suck it up, accept lot' Irrational mind - irrational!

  17. Hey RG!

    I have come to the conclusion that no matter what we do to create a better life, there will always be HATERS! We can change them yet we can reframe them (which means observe and not do what they do). You will also have victims, martyrs and old beliefs that will challenge us, so I just work on releasing and making peace then moving and carry on to having the BEST!

    Enough said.

  18. I have the belief that U have to cheat and use people to became rich.
    I discover it when I participate in a workshop about 2 year ago, and I know rationally that it none-sense but probably not release it completely when look at my result since then...

  19. Though they say that the rich are bad, but among the poor is bad and greedy people. All depends on the person, the two categories of people can be good and at the same time bad.

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  • 24 comments on “How to Know if Your Beliefs Are Keeping You Broke”

    1. I sometimes feel as if it's a game of connecting the dots.

      Until the belief comes up to our conscious awareness most of us don't even realize that is the programing that is actually in charge and creating our reality.

      I found that when I was honest enough with myself and wanted to look at those limiting beliefs and then connect them to where they originated I was then at a place where I could rationally say, Okay, is this true? does it serve me?

      It's amazing the stuff be can bring up if we only allowed ourselves to ask the questions.

      Great point
      Thank You

    2. Great subject Randy. A belief I had from when I was younger was that you should never trust anyone but yourself. It was almost a tough guy mentality that was passed on to me, but had me pre-judging and thinking the worst about everyone. And guess what transpired? People around me doing things to validate why I shouldn't trust them. I've worked hard to change that over the years to a belief that the majority of people you meet are inherently good and it's a great world to be in. Just working on that shift has changed things dramatically for me.

    3. Randy,
      I have been exposed to and controlled by all of the above statements in the past. I still have a tendency to believe the "you have to have money to make money" dogma. I've been trying to release my imagination and fears and say, " what would Randy do?"
      "This is the outcome I want, what vehicle can I employ or hole can I fill and who can I network with to make it happen." (Am I close?)
      I remember hearing that there are as a many possible millionaires as there are ideas. I really struggle with the "having all your ducks in a row before you start" syndrome. Only it's like herding cats instead.
      Which comes back to my fear of success. Oh My.

    4. Randy,

      I never disliked rich people because they were rich. If they were rude or arrogant that was different. I also don't like poor people who are like that.

      I love your post about not being afraid of failure but being afraid of success. This resonates with me. I knew what failure meant and I knew what to expect. Success meant I had to be responsible and responsible for other people. That could ruin a great party.

      I know that I am only responsible for me and that my low self esteem and low self worth are what have kept me from my good. Somewhere in the murky self conscious I have those thoughts of not deserving the good.

      I think that is why on some level I always felt sorry for Nixon. He is the only person I know who can become President and still hate himself. Thanks for these posts. The hardest job is changing my opinions.


    5. Critical thinking is not possible inside the set of thoughts you were fed. A fish does not know what water is until you pull it out of the water. How people think is for most people unexamined.
      Whatever people use to limit themselves will not expand their thinking. Read something different, change your location, become a fish out of water.

      Simon Tugwell wrote: “The ideal is not to control our appetites at all, but to allow them full rein in the wake of an uncontrolled appetite for God…. We all too easily speak and think as if righteousness resulted chiefly from the curbing of our appetites, as if our appetites were only for sin…Saint Thomas says desire is the faculty which receives, so that the bigger our desire is, the more we can receive…The more we try to tame and reduce ourselves and our desires and hopes, the more we deceive and distort ourselves. …we must follow our innate appetite for infinity to dislodge us whenever we are inclined to settle down and call it a day.”

      We do ourselves and the people around us a disservice when we look for every new and old reason to play small, to quit, finding agreement in failure and all the ways built to keep us apart. We are designed to have it all. Keep playing small and you are. You cannot ever lose if you won’t quit.

    6. I´m reading your book "Why you are...." After The first chapter I was a bit in a chock, I couldn´t speak for a while. I feel a great respect for you right now and it will one month I have heard more great things than in my whole life before because of all this great people I have started to read about and listen to, it is amazing...well I just say Thank you for not wasting your life with credits, loans and junk food...if you know what I mean! I am going to follow your example 100% from the day today, in my version of course, and it is a great honour to read everything you come up with. I don´t know the words in english so I let the rest be unsaid. But it is in my heart

    7. Religions focus on shame, guilt, sin and control, and that's the trap.

      They don't focus on self responsibility or life or respect.

      They didn't all start out that way (with the exception of the Roman Catholic Church), but the powers that be are masters of holographic infiltration, and by the way, they are not human.

    8. This is a good one, Randy. You're good at drawing points described in the previous comment to what points you're trying to get at. Again, I can see you're touching something in a subtly way but is actually a very core of the subject. People see you as a walking demonstration of your success and why you succeeded. See, Randy, I am being very perceptive as well, but perhaps my natural perception and my belief may have been rooted with my simple baby like faith alone without allowing other critical thinking to mold me or change mine, I am being aware.

      >>>When I question a core belief of yours, are you furious with me because I’m “wrong,” or because you are afraid to even ask the question?<<>>So yes, you experience emotions. But don’t make life-altering decisions based solely on them. Feel your emotions, then learn what causes them. Then use your rational mind to decide what is in your highest good. That means extend the situation to its logical conclusion, and see if the logic holds up. Suddenly your may find that a lot of things that seem sensible on the surface are actually quite insane.<<>>You have to have money to make money.<<>>Rich people lie, cheat and steal to get ahead.<<>>When someone tells you that they love you and you are afraid – is it because you don’t love them, or because you do, and you’re afraid you’ll lose them?<<<
      mmm... perhaps because a person who was told that he/she is loved realizes that he/she doesn't know what love is, and not only that he/she doesn't have enoughh faith to stand on, making him or her feel uncomfortable... and that even when he/she begins to show love in return, he/she is afraid to lose love regardless of the life-altering efforts that was made on his/her part because there is no foundation/faith knowledge to experience love.. in a sense it is similar to our materialistic/wealth goals. It is actually the same thing, I think... "Belief."

      So, in conclusion, we all come to the same place in terms of what our goals, happiness, and hopes should be based on - a genuine belief, not wavering faith, not being influenced by the system of the world and our love for God. I just can't write my comment in the appropriate short form, Randy, but in the conversational form as if you're sitting right next to me, and we're enjoying talking.-cozulvme enoughtosa'asoftenasIwisI know you don't mind how I write.. So, I changed my mind and decided to write another comment, filling up your entire page, as if this were my own!I need some help w/my lengthy'lvahg-saachi
      PS I enjoyed reading your post again..

    9. (Something went wrong with the comment that I added earlier, so I pasted the text here again. Pls ignore the comment previously added with broken quotations.]

      This is a good one, Randy. You're good at drawing points described in the previous comment to what points you're trying to get at. Again, I can see you're touching something in a subtly way but is actually a very core of the subject. People see you as a walking demonstration of your success and why you succeeded. See, Randy, I am being very perceptive as well, but perhaps my natural perception and my belief may have been rooted with my simple baby like faith alone without allowing other critical thinking to mold me or change mine, I am being aware.

      [Randy says]
      When I question a core belief of yours, are you furious with me because I’m “wrong,” or because you are afraid to even ask the question?

      [In response] I wouldn't be furious with you even if you were wrong, and nor am I afraid to ask you any questions ... coz they may serve me better making me think of things that I never ever thought about. In fact, you may be right or may bring a whole new picture of what life may bring... perhaps I may begin to see doors that were closed to me in fact may be the door that shouldn't have been open to me in the first place. Perhaps I was making things too complicated.... You may think.. "oh, this is something that I wasn't expecting or being aware of ... This is being something that would have to do with the spirit, and that I don't have to bring it up in words to make myself clear or understood.

      [Randy says] So yes, you experience emotions. But don’t make life-altering decisions based solely on them. Feel your emotions, then learn what causes them. Then use your rational mind to decide what is in your highest good. That means extend the situation to its logical conclusion, and see if the logic holds up. Suddenly your may find that a lot of things that seem sensible on the surface are actually quite insane.

      [In Response] may not know what it is, but I began to sense something that is related to some issues in my life. This well could be the answer to my prayer. mmm... Perhaps, not in terms of the bigger picture based on what you're trying to get at but in a smaller sense that could well lead to a new life-altering decision as well...who knows..

      [One of the items on the list]
      You have to have money to make money.

      [In Response]
      This is our rational thinking isn't it. What is in the physical realm is in cause-and-effect order, but what is actually going on in the spirit realm is eventually going to be manifested in the form of good and bad things (words - both positive and negative, belief on what is to come play an important role in manifestation, hidden lies, gossips, etc. ) doesn't have to coincide with what is seen in the physical realm, including our senses and emotions, so what we see with our physical eyes is not what's going on in the spirit realm which is not in earthly order in the first place. Amen. I believe it. SO.. can you stand with me in belief that the money will come my way for me to start a great unique business. LOL Seriously, in faith I've been giving money away as much as I can though, when in reality I should save money for the business. This speaks of my unwavering determination - not a half-hearted decision.. lol 🙁

      [Another item on the list]
      Rich people lie, cheat and steal to get ahead.

      [In Response]
      To me, it is quite opposite, although the point here is well understood in terms of the world's false conception on the rich. However, I experienced so many tricks played against me by poor people in the past.. like contractors involved in reforming homes. Don't mean to create disarguments from people who read this but it's true many times.. Many poor people do lie, cheat, and steal just to get by unless they have right beliefs... Like you say, poverty contributes so many bad things - lie, tricks, hunger for moving up selfishly, not considering people who may be involved, hurt or suffer because of the wrong motives. Poverty does that.

      [Randy says]
      When someone tells you that they love you and you are afraid – is it because you don’t love them, or because you do, and you’re afraid you’ll lose them?

      [In Response]
      mmm... perhaps because a person who was told that he/she is loved realizes that he/she doesn't know what love is, and not only that he/she doesn't have enoughh faith to stand on, making him or her feel uncomfortable... and that even when he/she begins to show love in return, he/she is afraid to lose love regardless of the life-altering efforts that was made on his/her part because there is no foundation/faith knowledge to experience love.. in a sense it is similar to our materialistic/wealth goals. It is actually the same thing, I think... "Belief."

      So, in conclusion, we all come to the same place in terms of what our goals, happiness, and hopes should be based on - a genuine belief, not wavering faith, not being influenced by the system of the world and our love for God. I just can't write my comment in the appropriate short form, Randy, but in the conversational form as if you're sitting right next to me, and we're enjoying talking.-cozulvmeenough2sa'asoftenasIwis I know you don't mind how I write.. So, I changed my mind and decided to write another comment, filling up your entire page, as if this were my own blog.Help!I need some help with my'lvahg-saachi

    10. Okay, so what I got out of your blog Randy was that if I'm feeling unhappy, (particularly about something specific), it would be wise for me to ask myself what I would have to believe to feel that way. Great!

      And the belief that I know is holding me back is that I don't believe I'm worthing of receiving the great abundance that I want.

    11. I wish you would say something about racism. I Being a Black American watched The Black Agenda with alot of so-called Black Leaders talking about what Obama is not doing for Black people it was and informative and passionate presentation, But it seems there was alot a victimhood being spoken but yet most of these Leaders are Millionaires. The spoke of Racism, white privilege, obama working for the man, wealth disproportionately more to whites than Blacks, lack of good schools, Prisons being 50% people of color yet we are 12% of population, etc. How can one break free of this so-called plight?

    12. Our beloved emotions! It's for us to use them, not vice verse...
      My friend Randy is here saying that, decisions are better made without wave of emotions flushing over us, steam coming from our ears (my words for it). How true...
      It's been a great period in my life for six months, where I have made the time to really practice my body and mind. Boy what a difference it makes, and in the process I've noticed how aware I have become to things going on inside me... especially emotions. How they are born, how they develop and where they go. It's OK to feel them, I even enjoy sometimes watching an anger growing inside, then I experience it full blast and then it goes... all it takes is one and half minute and then I can go on with what ever I was dealing with. If I'd forbid myself feeling such a 'bad' emotion, it would always be with me, tempering with my decisions.
      And it's important for sure to see - where are they coming from? Ah what a great thing this life is, it's just so helpful, making sure we stay sharp - well at least we have a chance to do that if so choose. Why shouldn't we?

    13. I have tried everything. My life has been a carousel with every kind of lifestyle you can imagine.And my conclusion is; If you are not focused in your mind, you are going to "sell yourself " to different things dependng on where your path goes: Crazy cults, gossiping neighbours, crazy collegues who are using you or friends who are no friends or addiction to the state money or whatever it happens to be. If you ONLY focus your mind totally, read every book you can find alone at home and sort of never live out your desires, you are going to end up in the same way in the end because life is going to try to make you realise that you are not balanced.
      I read everything you can of good litterature, change my habits slowly according to good desires and be open for what wants to come from the future. Eat healthy with moderation and supply vitamins if you can, and throw away your old beliefs little by little over time when replacing them with something better(If it IS better, it is going to be shown quickly in your life as it starts to change)...It is not easy, you have to beleive in the future and many many is going to try to destroy it, but don´t listen to them in your heart, meet them though with respect or you will get another ten who are even worse!

    14. I agree with you that emotions are an excellent way to figure out what is going on inside you at the core. And it can help you identify beliefs you don;t even realize you have!

      When you have a bad feeling, for example, it's important to figure out what thoughts just went through your mind. Those thoughts may represent a belief that does not serve you, or more specifically, a fear that you have because of that belief.
      Time to do some "soul searching"...

      The beliefs we actually live by (exhibit A: the life we have manifest) can often be totally different than what we say we believe in.

      I think it's important to get quiet and still and listen to ourselves, and then test put our fears to the test.

      Hidden beliefs or the ones we won't act on out of fear often do hold us back from achievement and definitely from abundance.

      Keep telling it like it is!

    15. Yes guys like Rev Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make their living being professional victims and keeping people in victim-hood. I wrote a blog about this when Don Imus got fired for his "nappy headed Ho's" comment, but I can't locate it. Maybe another reader knows.


    16. I have two beliefs. Rational and irrational. My rational tells me 'things are tolerable, irrational actions are wrong'. My irrational mind - the one that wins all the time - says 'stub cigarettes out on wrist fascinating results'. 'Cut wrist to see how much it will bleed'. Arthritis and mental health problems prevent me working full time but can't find part time work as mental health problems! I'm in constant 24/7 pain, it NEVER stops. Now have another very painful disease that may prevent my one joy, walking the fells. Can't get hands or feet slightly cold as digits excrutiating.
      Thought one cousin & family loved me, now find out I'm a 'burden' to his wife as she doesn't know how to deal with me! I've yet to get terrets or dash round naked!! Thought had one last refuge in times of distress. Now find not welcome. Cousin insists she's joking but they never talk so he won't have told her how much I'm hurt.
      So, you see, rational mind telling me 'grow up, suck it up, accept lot' Irrational mind - irrational!

    17. Hey RG!

      I have come to the conclusion that no matter what we do to create a better life, there will always be HATERS! We can change them yet we can reframe them (which means observe and not do what they do). You will also have victims, martyrs and old beliefs that will challenge us, so I just work on releasing and making peace then moving and carry on to having the BEST!

      Enough said.

    18. I have the belief that U have to cheat and use people to became rich.
      I discover it when I participate in a workshop about 2 year ago, and I know rationally that it none-sense but probably not release it completely when look at my result since then...

    19. Though they say that the rich are bad, but among the poor is bad and greedy people. All depends on the person, the two categories of people can be good and at the same time bad.

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