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How to Fly Your Creativity Freak Flag!

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 21, 2011

Okay two days ago, we took your Creativity IQ.  Yesterday we looked at how the education system is programming kids to be poor.  We looked at the link between creativity and success.  Now let’s look at some ways to recapture that creative genius your were born with, and exercise your creative brain cells to grow them even stronger… 

One of the first things you can do is to stop classifying your brain into left/right, or logical/creative sides.  (And stop categorizing yourself in one category or the other.)  These beliefs about the two different sides of brain function come from research done with accident or stroke victims who have lost use of parts of their brain.

The optimum state for you is what scientists call “whole-brain functioning,” where you have thoughts going back and forth, creating neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain.

This synchronicity between the two halves of your brain dramatically improves your creative powers, not to mention your learning ability, memory and intuition.  It is believed this increased communication between the two hemispheres of the brain is what separates geniuses like Einstein, Edison and Mozart from the average person.

Personally I believe that this opens the seven key energy centers in your body (Chakras)—giving you more energy, mental agility and creativity.  Once you pry open this rusted gate between the two halves of your brain, you start to experience:

•   Increased mental clarity;

•   Greater creativity;

•   Improved learning ability; and,

•   Gains in intelligence.

Three things are necessary to foster creative genius.  Experience, some form of a capturing system, and taking action.  Let’s look at them.

The experiences you go through are the stimulation that jump starts your creativity.  Think why most people aren’t creative.  They do the same thing, day after day.  They work in the same dead-end job for years, eat at the same restaurants, order the same entrée, and often even vacation at the same place every year.  They have a standardized, limited spectrum of experiences.

Creative people travel, learn new languages, study other cultures, and meet many different people.  Their lives are a kaleidoscope of many interesting and different experiences.  Because each day offers new experiences, they don’t have neural pathway ruts form in their brain. They aren’t so susceptible to fall into “existence mode” and are much more likely to attain a self-actualized state.

The other thing that creative people do is to capture their experiences and internalize them.  That’s why so many creative people are speakers, writers, musicians, or actors.

I’ve been playing the Purple Rain album by Prince a lot lately.  Every time I listen, I marvel at his musical genius.  He simply makes music unlike anyone else in the world. He writes intriguing lyrics, and attacks the music with a sensual, kinetic energy like no one before or since.

Actors like Pacino, Nicholson and Denzel Washington lose themselves in a role.  They are subconsciously capturing the emotion of the situation they are acting out.  Only they aren’t acting anymore, they are living in the role.  A creative writing genius like Hemingway captured the ethos, emotion and physical context of the situations he wrote about.

It’s important that you too, also have a way for capturing things, in order to foster your own creative genius.  That’s where taking action comes into play.  Imagination by itself is not creativity.  Creativity requires that you actually do something with what you’re daydreaming about – writing that novel, composing that opera or writing that song.

The human brain is one of the finest computers ever designed.  A true super computer, its speed, ability to sort information, and the size of its hard drive are beyond our understanding. Yet most people only use a fraction of their potential.

Here are a few techniques you can use now to solve problems more creatively, and then in the next post we’ll explore some simple exercises designed to take you out of the comfort of your routines, thereby forcing your brain to make new neural pathways.  Once stretched, you will grow in your capacity and willingness to think creatively.  (I’d like to acknowledge my friend Ford Saeks, who helped me with many suggestions for this post.)

Mind Mapping…

One of the all-time greatest techniques for getting creative juices flowing and really thinking off the chain is mind mapping.  This is a process that is inherently creative by its nature.  Instead of thinking laterally, which is the way most people approach an idea—you are exploring the idea and expanding it in many different directions without a logical pattern.  This allows you to come up with new and fresh perspectives that you couldn’t otherwise.  Here are some suggestions for mind mapping:

Use Association—Use lines, arrows, colors, and codes to indicate relationships and connections between ideas.

Use Emphasis—Start with a central image or word to focus the eye and brain, and trigger associations.  Use images, colors, dimension, and size to reflect relative importance.

Be Clear—Print key words, with only one word on a line.

Create Your Own Style—These are guidelines not rules. Discover what works best for you.

The SCAMPER technique...

This was first developed by Bob Eberle and Alex Osborne to develop more creativity in the workplace.  It’s a helpful technique for viewing solutions to a challenge.  SCAMPER is an acronym for the seven different ways you can view an idea.  This process may seem silly or crazy, but it’s the kind of technique that lets bold, daring and imaginative ideas come forth.

Remember, creativity is like a muscle; it can be strengthened with exercise.

S – Substitute

C – Combine

A – Adapt

M – Modify

P – Put to Other Uses

E – Eliminate

R – Reverse/Rearrange

An example of SCAMPER using an umbrella:

Substitute: Use a plastic bag stretched over a wire coat hangar.

Combine: Add a radio and digital clock to the handle.

Adapt: Make it useful for joggers by attaching it to the body.

Modify: Make it big enough to cover several people at once.

Put to Other Uses: Use the tip for making holes or picking up scrap paper.

Eliminate: Take away the metal spokes that are always bending.

Reverse: Have the umbrella fold up instead of down to catch the water.

I’ve mentioned already that all creative geniuses have some method for capturing and internalizing experiences.  Just having varied experiences is not enough. You must capture them, so you can receive nourishment from them.

Practice Idea Capturing...

•   Brilliant Idea Journal

•   Project Journal

•   Life Journal

•   Record your ideas on audio or video

•   Idea Capture File


A great question to stimulate creative thinking is asking questions.  The kinds of questions you want to ask are “what if/possibility” questions like:

  • But if it was possible, how could it be done?
  • In what ways might I (we) attract new customers?
  • In what ways might I become more creative?
  • What if we started over from ground zero and did it another way?

Another useful technique is to use analogy thinking...

That is where you take an existing situation and apply it in a totally different context.  For example, I once took the concept of a radio commercial promoting a radio station, and applied it in a display ad for a beauty salon.  Often times you can take a practice that is used in the oil exploration business and apply it in the healthcare industry.  Or vice versa.

Looking at what happens in totally unrelated situations can often provide brilliant insight and inspiration into the situation you are working on.  Make an analogy to another business or situation, look at their solutions, and then discover new ideas about your own situation.

Child-like Perspective…

One of the best and most creative ways to approach any situation needing innovation or creative thinking is to think like a five-year-old.  That is the point in most people’s lives when they were at their peak creative state, before it was drummed out of them.  A child at that age doesn’t concern himself with government regulations, social etiquette, or accepted practices.   He just focuses on what he wants to accomplish, and how that can be done.  They have a sense of wonder about the entire world.  Elevators are magic.  Escalators are simply amazing.  And airplanes are a thing of beauty.

An Attitude of Wonder...

Tap into your Wonder Quotient.  When was the last time you spent a day being truly amazed by most of the things you encountered?  Yes the Panama Canal, Great Wall of China and the Pyramids are breathtaking.  But do you have a clue how astounding a can opener is?  Do you have any idea how amazing it is that a 747 can fly in the air?  Do you realize how astonishing elevators are?  Visit a museum, library or theme park.  Look for the wonder everywhere.


Propose the wildest, most outrageous and preposterous things you can imagine.  They do not have to be practical, possible or even sensible. You use true escapism where there are no morals, rules, etiquette, laws or standards. You escape the physical limitations of the world to see what your ultimate solution would be.

Once you have done this, and only when you have finished, should you look back at the ideas you have generated. Then you should look for ways in which all or part of these ideas could be made practical. Think of the benefits you could gain by using the idea and work out how you can achieve the same thing in reality. How could you modify the suggested solution to make it work? What changes in the world would you need to make the idea possible and how can you make those changes happen?

Let’s summarize some important creativity concepts…

•   Everyone, you included, is naturally creative and are not subject to any required personality or intelligence limitations;

•   Your creative spirit grows by using your curiosity;

•   You can tap into your creativity by expanding your comfort zone;

•   Make creative thinking and idea generation a separate process from evaluation;

•   Identify and check your premises about a problem or situation;

•   Break away from your customary ways thinking about a problem or issue;

•   Adopt new, unique, and different perspectives on a situation;

•   Remove creativity blocks and negative thinking; think in possibilities!

Recommended Resource:  The Element by Ken Richardson. Ph.D.  A brilliant look at passion that has many great lessons for creativity.

So what do you think?  Was this helpful for you?  Any things you do differently?  Please share your thoughts below, and next post I’ll give you some creativity boosting exercises you can do.

It’s nighttime here in Sydney as I post this.  In the morning I’ll be heading back to the States, and traveling most of the day.  I’ll check in on the other side.


33 comments on “How to Fly Your Creativity Freak Flag!”

  1. What a fabulous post. So many people shut themselves down before they start, saying 'I'm not creative,' but I find once you help someone give themselves permission to get their ideas down on paper (or mindmap) they start to tap into and flow with their creativity.

    I count my creativity as one of my greatest gifts and ways to contribute value to the world.

    Fab post. Some great stategies here for blocked creatives too. I will share it.

    Happy holidays Randy

  2. Randy, woow, I love this post..
    These was, when you were not eating?
    I will take a time to read it more again and I will let you know... what I think :o)

  3. LOVE IT! As a makeup artist, creativity is a must! I often use eyeshadow on lips, etc. I will be thinking a lot differently now. Thanks!

  4. Hello Randy,
    I would like you to delay the next post for a day, so we(I speak for myself) can explore the ideas in this one.
    Its wonderful! I can't say anything now. I have to try something.

    Have a fantastic day!

  5. In order to stretch myself,when I want something is to use the question:

    How can I get this?
    How can become happier?

    1. I have a different view. Les Brown says, "how is none of my business." If the "why" is strong enough, the "how" always reveals itself.

  6. Thanks Randy,

    I learned a lot from this post.

    First: many ways to stimulate creative thinking. Thank you very much!

    Second: you overwhelm me with more informations about this subject then I can handle in one time. No problem. I print it en read it again tomorrow or so. But I recognize a mistake I make myself all the time. When I am enthusiast about a solution I overwhelm the other party with information why he should do so and so. End they shut down as result instead of coming to action.
    Now it happened to me and now I understand what I did wrong.

    Thank you, thank you thank you Randy and a Mary Christmas to you and to all readers of this blog.
    Greetings from Holland,

  7. Loved this post. Its amazing how we tend to shy away from the creativity side. Thanks for opening up the possibilities. Particularly agree with the stifling of imagination in the school system - more like dumbing down. Creative kids are admonished for their differences, instead of embraced for their contributions.

  8. Randy, one of your best posts! The enthusiasm you express is also a key factor to creativity.

    A book that I loved: "How to Think Like Einstein: Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius". The authors describe easy ways to think outside the box. I review the book every few months--it's like taking a brain shower, getting rid of fog and cobwebs.

    I think we also sometimes get "artistic" and "creative" confused. They are two very different concepts, but we've been taught that the terms are interchangeable.

    Both sides of the brain working at the same time is an amazing feeling, better than any drug! I'm an artist, and take any opportunity I can to simply sketch. I start by "flexing" the right brain seeing, then the left brain. very soon the sides work closer, and faster; when both sides are working together the drawings flow quickly and easily. It feels literally like there's a healthy "hum" in my head.

    Have a great day!

  9. LOL

    Something that fascinates me: how, when I hit the button on my vacuum cleaner, the cord retracts with no apparent power source. Makes me giggle every time. Tidepools, too. You never know what you're gonna find in one.

    Try looking at the world occasionally through a microscope. It's a wondrous perspective! So often we are asked to "look at the big picture", it's nice to stretch the brain in the other direction.

    INFORMAL POLL: Should we be "Googling" the answers to EVERYTHING? I could open up a new tab right now and find out how cord retraction mechanisms works--but do I need to know? Interesting topic. Should I have the knowledge or savor the wonder?

    1. only 24 hours/day. I'd savour the wonder, and enjoy the results of someone's creativity. Next time you are vacuuming, you can amuse yourself by telling yourself a story about the woman who came up with that gorgeous creative idea. I imagine her tripping over the accursed, twisted vacuum cord, and deciding to find Some Way of eliminating that weekly annoyance. lol!

      That's my creativity at work - amusing myself with a story...

  10. Hi Randy,

    You become more inspirational each day.

    As I bring the last pages of my first book to a close you have given me tools to explore further and share with my readers.

    The tools you have offered will help me develop my creativity

    I'm a Pensioner( there, that's the first time I've told anyone) and now my life is daily becoming more and more miraculous. My passion now is to help women and children explore better way of life for the future of our world. You have supplied great tools in a simple but informative way to help me reach out.

    Please keep them coming.

    Judith Atkinson

  11. Yes Randy I agree! One of the best posts I've ever read of yours. I'm an official 'scanner' so my quest is to balance constant creativity unleashed, and channel it so that I actually complete something that I've planned before I'm exploding that idea into something new and better!! I create as I breathe.... I love the idea of outrageous and shall be working on that... you just gave me 'permission' 🙂 Keep it coming! And thankyou!

  12. This is terrific. The irony I see is that the people who say they are not creative, often have a lot of creative reasons why they "Can't" do things.

    I 100% believe that creativity is something you can develop.

  13. This must have been our "X-mas gift" from you !!
    Thanks a lot, Mr. Gage!
    I like, love it and I take it with me.

    It´s wonderful gatherings about creativity. I very much love the beginning of your long article and send a warm virtual ... THANK YOU, again.
    well, that´s was great! You care.
    You show that. It´s Christmas time.
    Can´t be enough "Thx." today!!!!

    enjoy life.

  14. I just recently attended a seminar where we we did a practice to step out of our "normal" thought process and opened up to think along differently lines. We had to think of 5 companies that we thought of as progress and forward thinkers. We were then presented with an idea/challenge. ie-getting kids to eat their vegetables. We then came up with ideas as if we were the companies we had written down. Boy did we come up with some really creative ideas. And they were actaully all OUR ideas but not ideas we would have naturally come up with because of the cretive limits we sometimes put on ourselves. I notice a big difference in the types of answers and ideas I came up with and I scored a 17 yesterday. Pretty cool stuff. Love this post, thanks IS great!

  15. Wow Randy.. this is one of the most comprehensive posts I've ever seen from you. Good job!

    Since you're a fan of Sir Ken Robinson, have you seen his animated videos on the site? You might really enjoy this one: This touches on the education element you mentioned the other day. I couldn't agree more with Sir Ken here.

    I am going to make copies of these creative exercises, since our new start up is focused on creative, innovative approaches to entertaining and educating which of course, requires tremendous creativity. And while we're on the subject, I find that the MOST amazing creativity comes through collaboration. In fact we're developing a documentary that speaks to this subject as it relates to perhaps the most legendary music in history what was created during the 70s and 80s.

    Thanks for all the great stuff.. this is truly EPIC SHIT! LOL

  16. I am still thinking about yesterday's post. It was a little depressing to think that schools are the main culprit in holding our children back. Horrible things do happen in school and public schools have a lot of broken parts.

    However, parents have a huge impact on their children. Also, other adults in their lives impact them as well.

    If anything Randy, you are an example of the fact that outside influences may have more impact than the schools themselves.

    Anyway, this post is fabulous, and some really great ideas for creativity. Everyone has to find their own way to breakthrough, but these are really great excercises.

    Any kind of knoweledge or experiences enhances creativity, it is the foundation. I think it is just anything that stimulates you or causes you to look from a different perspective. Remember world travel is fairly new to humans. You think Shakespeare went globe trotting?

    Now, if school is causing kids to be broke, and maybe it is, I don't know these answers. But, I think it would be great if you used your creativity, you Randy, to make schools better. Think of the legacy you would leave, if you helped public schools in America do better to foster creativity and give kids the required knoweledge to be wealth

    So, thanks Randy for this information. I take back the Scroogy comment. 🙂

    PS I am really glad you wrote about enhancing both sides of your brain. Wholeness is so important. I think I will try to work on learning more math!

  17. Randy,
    I am thinking about this post...

    I could not stop to wonder how wonderful is everything connected... I was thinking about something, I went somewhere... And there I got the answer to my question, which I asked hour before... I love this idea about wondering things around me... How is possible to think about something and other person is saying the same exactly in the moment you are thinking about? And also it happened cross the all world... as I realized..

    Maybe I sidetracked, maybe it's perfectly clear to anyone ... But I was always pleasantly stimulate, and even though I feel I do not have to look at the phone who is calling.. or I am thinking about someone and know that we are connected in that moment.

    Right now, I can think of questions with which it disagreed most people ...

    This is the wonder of how I perceive it ... about our capacity ... every day I feel that is far beyond my comprehension .. But I'm looking forward to it ... I love those moments of connection.

    And what I think about other techniques that you said? I think it's great when they are interconnected. In each I see something I've ever experienced ... What interested me is questions, doing thing like a child do, wondering and really like propose the wildest, most outrageous and preposterous things what can imagine.

    So this gives me the following: Do not be afraid to make mistakes and let be a playful.

    Thank you.
    Take care,

  18. This is an eye opener for me always thought creative geniuses are born, but this is mind blowing, just the thought how this can change me in entirety is out of this world.

    I need to re-read this may be a couple of times to grasp everything. Thank you very much.

    Everybody have a fantastic holiday.



  19. Randy,

    let me add another one: - if you want to be creative and challenge your mind at once: sit down in front of someone and instead of talking, WRITE the message up-side down from your side, so the one sitting opposite from you can read it properly.... it´s fun!

  20. Randy,

    let me add another one: - if you want to be creative and challenge your mind at once: sit down in front of someone and instead of talking, WRITE the message up-side down from your side, so the one sitting opposite from you can read it properly.... it´s fun!

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  • 33 comments on “How to Fly Your Creativity Freak Flag!”

    1. What a fabulous post. So many people shut themselves down before they start, saying 'I'm not creative,' but I find once you help someone give themselves permission to get their ideas down on paper (or mindmap) they start to tap into and flow with their creativity.

      I count my creativity as one of my greatest gifts and ways to contribute value to the world.

      Fab post. Some great stategies here for blocked creatives too. I will share it.

      Happy holidays Randy

    2. Randy, woow, I love this post..
      These was, when you were not eating?
      I will take a time to read it more again and I will let you know... what I think :o)

    3. LOVE IT! As a makeup artist, creativity is a must! I often use eyeshadow on lips, etc. I will be thinking a lot differently now. Thanks!

    4. Hello Randy,
      I would like you to delay the next post for a day, so we(I speak for myself) can explore the ideas in this one.
      Its wonderful! I can't say anything now. I have to try something.

      Have a fantastic day!

    5. In order to stretch myself,when I want something is to use the question:

      How can I get this?
      How can become happier?

      1. I have a different view. Les Brown says, "how is none of my business." If the "why" is strong enough, the "how" always reveals itself.

    6. Thanks Randy,

      I learned a lot from this post.

      First: many ways to stimulate creative thinking. Thank you very much!

      Second: you overwhelm me with more informations about this subject then I can handle in one time. No problem. I print it en read it again tomorrow or so. But I recognize a mistake I make myself all the time. When I am enthusiast about a solution I overwhelm the other party with information why he should do so and so. End they shut down as result instead of coming to action.
      Now it happened to me and now I understand what I did wrong.

      Thank you, thank you thank you Randy and a Mary Christmas to you and to all readers of this blog.
      Greetings from Holland,

    7. Loved this post. Its amazing how we tend to shy away from the creativity side. Thanks for opening up the possibilities. Particularly agree with the stifling of imagination in the school system - more like dumbing down. Creative kids are admonished for their differences, instead of embraced for their contributions.

    8. Randy, one of your best posts! The enthusiasm you express is also a key factor to creativity.

      A book that I loved: "How to Think Like Einstein: Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius". The authors describe easy ways to think outside the box. I review the book every few months--it's like taking a brain shower, getting rid of fog and cobwebs.

      I think we also sometimes get "artistic" and "creative" confused. They are two very different concepts, but we've been taught that the terms are interchangeable.

      Both sides of the brain working at the same time is an amazing feeling, better than any drug! I'm an artist, and take any opportunity I can to simply sketch. I start by "flexing" the right brain seeing, then the left brain. very soon the sides work closer, and faster; when both sides are working together the drawings flow quickly and easily. It feels literally like there's a healthy "hum" in my head.

      Have a great day!

    9. LOL

      Something that fascinates me: how, when I hit the button on my vacuum cleaner, the cord retracts with no apparent power source. Makes me giggle every time. Tidepools, too. You never know what you're gonna find in one.

      Try looking at the world occasionally through a microscope. It's a wondrous perspective! So often we are asked to "look at the big picture", it's nice to stretch the brain in the other direction.

      INFORMAL POLL: Should we be "Googling" the answers to EVERYTHING? I could open up a new tab right now and find out how cord retraction mechanisms works--but do I need to know? Interesting topic. Should I have the knowledge or savor the wonder?

      1. only 24 hours/day. I'd savour the wonder, and enjoy the results of someone's creativity. Next time you are vacuuming, you can amuse yourself by telling yourself a story about the woman who came up with that gorgeous creative idea. I imagine her tripping over the accursed, twisted vacuum cord, and deciding to find Some Way of eliminating that weekly annoyance. lol!

        That's my creativity at work - amusing myself with a story...

    10. Hi Randy,

      You become more inspirational each day.

      As I bring the last pages of my first book to a close you have given me tools to explore further and share with my readers.

      The tools you have offered will help me develop my creativity

      I'm a Pensioner( there, that's the first time I've told anyone) and now my life is daily becoming more and more miraculous. My passion now is to help women and children explore better way of life for the future of our world. You have supplied great tools in a simple but informative way to help me reach out.

      Please keep them coming.

      Judith Atkinson

    11. Yes Randy I agree! One of the best posts I've ever read of yours. I'm an official 'scanner' so my quest is to balance constant creativity unleashed, and channel it so that I actually complete something that I've planned before I'm exploding that idea into something new and better!! I create as I breathe.... I love the idea of outrageous and shall be working on that... you just gave me 'permission' 🙂 Keep it coming! And thankyou!

    12. This is terrific. The irony I see is that the people who say they are not creative, often have a lot of creative reasons why they "Can't" do things.

      I 100% believe that creativity is something you can develop.

    13. This must have been our "X-mas gift" from you !!
      Thanks a lot, Mr. Gage!
      I like, love it and I take it with me.

      It´s wonderful gatherings about creativity. I very much love the beginning of your long article and send a warm virtual ... THANK YOU, again.
      well, that´s was great! You care.
      You show that. It´s Christmas time.
      Can´t be enough "Thx." today!!!!

      enjoy life.

    14. I just recently attended a seminar where we we did a practice to step out of our "normal" thought process and opened up to think along differently lines. We had to think of 5 companies that we thought of as progress and forward thinkers. We were then presented with an idea/challenge. ie-getting kids to eat their vegetables. We then came up with ideas as if we were the companies we had written down. Boy did we come up with some really creative ideas. And they were actaully all OUR ideas but not ideas we would have naturally come up with because of the cretive limits we sometimes put on ourselves. I notice a big difference in the types of answers and ideas I came up with and I scored a 17 yesterday. Pretty cool stuff. Love this post, thanks IS great!

    15. Wow Randy.. this is one of the most comprehensive posts I've ever seen from you. Good job!

      Since you're a fan of Sir Ken Robinson, have you seen his animated videos on the site? You might really enjoy this one: This touches on the education element you mentioned the other day. I couldn't agree more with Sir Ken here.

      I am going to make copies of these creative exercises, since our new start up is focused on creative, innovative approaches to entertaining and educating which of course, requires tremendous creativity. And while we're on the subject, I find that the MOST amazing creativity comes through collaboration. In fact we're developing a documentary that speaks to this subject as it relates to perhaps the most legendary music in history what was created during the 70s and 80s.

      Thanks for all the great stuff.. this is truly EPIC SHIT! LOL

    16. I am still thinking about yesterday's post. It was a little depressing to think that schools are the main culprit in holding our children back. Horrible things do happen in school and public schools have a lot of broken parts.

      However, parents have a huge impact on their children. Also, other adults in their lives impact them as well.

      If anything Randy, you are an example of the fact that outside influences may have more impact than the schools themselves.

      Anyway, this post is fabulous, and some really great ideas for creativity. Everyone has to find their own way to breakthrough, but these are really great excercises.

      Any kind of knoweledge or experiences enhances creativity, it is the foundation. I think it is just anything that stimulates you or causes you to look from a different perspective. Remember world travel is fairly new to humans. You think Shakespeare went globe trotting?

      Now, if school is causing kids to be broke, and maybe it is, I don't know these answers. But, I think it would be great if you used your creativity, you Randy, to make schools better. Think of the legacy you would leave, if you helped public schools in America do better to foster creativity and give kids the required knoweledge to be wealth

      So, thanks Randy for this information. I take back the Scroogy comment. 🙂

      PS I am really glad you wrote about enhancing both sides of your brain. Wholeness is so important. I think I will try to work on learning more math!

    17. Randy,
      I am thinking about this post...

      I could not stop to wonder how wonderful is everything connected... I was thinking about something, I went somewhere... And there I got the answer to my question, which I asked hour before... I love this idea about wondering things around me... How is possible to think about something and other person is saying the same exactly in the moment you are thinking about? And also it happened cross the all world... as I realized..

      Maybe I sidetracked, maybe it's perfectly clear to anyone ... But I was always pleasantly stimulate, and even though I feel I do not have to look at the phone who is calling.. or I am thinking about someone and know that we are connected in that moment.

      Right now, I can think of questions with which it disagreed most people ...

      This is the wonder of how I perceive it ... about our capacity ... every day I feel that is far beyond my comprehension .. But I'm looking forward to it ... I love those moments of connection.

      And what I think about other techniques that you said? I think it's great when they are interconnected. In each I see something I've ever experienced ... What interested me is questions, doing thing like a child do, wondering and really like propose the wildest, most outrageous and preposterous things what can imagine.

      So this gives me the following: Do not be afraid to make mistakes and let be a playful.

      Thank you.
      Take care,

    18. This is an eye opener for me always thought creative geniuses are born, but this is mind blowing, just the thought how this can change me in entirety is out of this world.

      I need to re-read this may be a couple of times to grasp everything. Thank you very much.

      Everybody have a fantastic holiday.



    19. Randy,

      let me add another one: - if you want to be creative and challenge your mind at once: sit down in front of someone and instead of talking, WRITE the message up-side down from your side, so the one sitting opposite from you can read it properly.... it´s fun!

    20. Randy,

      let me add another one: - if you want to be creative and challenge your mind at once: sit down in front of someone and instead of talking, WRITE the message up-side down from your side, so the one sitting opposite from you can read it properly.... it´s fun!

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