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Fighting Hurricanes

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 25, 2011

Hope you have followed the posts the last two days on becoming prosperity as opposed to trying to attract it.  They speak to our ability to manifest the things we want and how we control our own destiny.  And then there’s Hurricane Irene…

This is a Tweet I sent out earlier today:

Dear Irene: my softball team has an important game tonight. Can you track a little more to the right? KThanksBye

Now every 20 minutes or so, a feeder band of showers rolls through deluging the area, the winds are picking up, and the games are canceled.  So my power to manifest everything that happens to me has obviously been seriously challenged by this hurricane.  (Which is really pissing me off…)

And while I had fun with the topic, we need to realize that the storm does pose some serious danger to others.  It’s a category 3 storm and today it’s been pounding the northwest Bahamas and will likely hit somewhere around the Carolinas or north by the weekend.  So there are a lot of people facing danger a lot more serious than a rescheduled ballgame.  They could use our positive thoughts and prayers.

It is events like this, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and other natural disasters that raise some fascinating questions about how much of what happens to us – good or bad – we are responsible for.

Being such a big proponent of the power of mind, I believe we have tremendous control over what we manifest.  We think our thoughts are secret, but they’re actually quite transparent to those advanced enough to discern them.

Your thoughts turn into habits, and your habits turn into your circumstances.  It’s that way, and it works that way all the time, with no exception.


Is everyone in the path of a hurricane or earthquake responsible for manifesting that?  Everyone that goes down in a plane crash?  A baby born with AIDS?

Where does the line between what we manifest for ourselves and where we are collateral damage to a bigger event fall?  Are we chosen to experience some bad things to learn lessons for ourselves or sometimes to teach them for others?  Please share your thoughts below.




40 comments on “Fighting Hurricanes”

  1. What? I don't know...I was hoping to get YOUR thoughts at the end of this post as it's such a great topic/question.

    "The jury's still out" on this one for me in regards to natural disasters, tragedies on large scales, etc. I have yet to figure out the universal purpose of these tragedies, however, I do believe, to my core, that the bad experiences in my own life were totally meant to teach me lessons. To put me in a position to learn these lessons and be a better teacher to others. To be able to be a part of a global shift of conscious thinkers making the world better.

    That said, I can't yet teach why horrible disasters happen that affect so many people because I have yet to understand why myself.

    That's why I look to mentors like you, RG, to share YOUR thoughts on these worldly disasters.

  2. We might not be able to control all of the things that happen to us, like getting struck by hurricanes(although you could decide to move to a place which isn't in the likely path of hurricanes every year) or caught in an accident, but we are able to choose how we deal with it.

    Responsibility: Ability to respond. Taking responsibility is about dealing with the situation in the right way.

    We can choose our destiny, our destination but not influence or foresee all that comes along the path towards it. When a huge rock blocks the way it's up to us to decide what to do now. Give up and accept fate, or chose destiny and find another way to get where we want to be.

    At least, this is how I see it. Feel free to disagree.

    1. Loved this point Adrianne "We can choose our destiny, our destination but not influence or foresee all that comes along the path towards it."

  3. If you are a baby born with aids,it is your higher spiritual being than, that has choosen it for you?I guess it is somehow that way even if I cannot exactly understand or describe it.According to you and other people our physical surroundings change when we change, so that has to be the case.And it is very interesting when I start to look at myself.Some days ago,I changed my food dramatically, and today, without even thinking about it(mo goal is to live completely NOW and in the creative forces the whole day and in the evening I can reflect upon things,well,what happened without I even thought of it?I changed my whole appartement.My childs room,I painted,I threw out things,I cleaned up etc, and everything looks new.I guess it is my subconsious mind working to change me both inner and outer and I pray everyday to raise my income,to get a better,wealthier,healthier life.I am more on to that than ever and it works, slowly but it does.
    But back to your thoughts.It cannot be like that all the time,no.When you suddenly meet someone you never met before and you recognise that person(from last incarnation 1000 years ago???)it is not only your thoughts today...

  4. Love the topic and love Vidette's response. Maybe "I don't know" is sufficient. Are we okay with "I don't know"?

  5. I don't know about manifesting the storm ....but I think this is a good example of being proactive in ones life by getting out of the way and not be a victim.

  6. I feel that it is all about our perception and response to any given situation and/or circumstance. Naturally there are going to be things that are well beyond our control (i.e., natural disasters); however, we can choose today to vibrate at the highest possible resonance, to make sound decisions, and to live within the prosperity mindset because we don't know if we will be able to do so tomorrow. When difficult situations arise, we can choose to remain in a state of victim-hood or we can come from a place of gratitude for the fact that we am still alive and are constantly being given new opportunities.

  7. For me this one is yes or no. Either we manifest it all, or we manifest nothing. I am firmly in the yes camp, we manifest it all. But I think to say that folks in the Carolinas are manifesting a terrible hurricane is to take your eye off the ball. Everyone is manifesting their own experience. For some people the storm will be a fun adventure, for others it will be a disaster. Some people's houses will be wrecked, some people's will be untouched, or maybe that old fence that they've been meaning to replace anyway will come down.

    It is all down to us, and what we're giving our attention to.

  8. Randy:
    Thanks for sharing. Ironically I was in New York when the earthquake hit this week and now sitting at the airport trying to get home to FL. Just last night I was pondering "why am I dealing with two major "natural" events in one week. Answer from my inner Robert was "the message in all this is that in life there are forces far greater than you and it is up to you to choose how you deal with those forces." So I am flying home as the hurricane turns Northward. Not because I'm idiot or stupid or taking a chance, but because I have enough facts to believe I have made informed choice. We all have the power of choice of being in risking being in harms way or not.

  9. So what's so wrong with a Hurricane? It's nature doing its thing. Can't argue with that. How we respond to it (before and after it arrives) now that's our thing. If we are in a state of fear while nature expresses itself, then we'll likely be impacted by it negatively, therefore manifesting something by our fear. The opposite will also be true. In the end it's really just about your perception of what a Hurricane is. Who knows, maybe rescheduling the ball game will enable you to meet someone who you'd otherwise never have met who then turns into a new business partner that makes you an extra gazillion $? Now there's a Hurricane with synergy you could live with!

  10. Is there also not a collective element here to consider, with the power of everyone in the path of the hurricane, or crash, or etc? Then at the individual level, each choosing how we process and handle our thoughts and actions through the event, reflects our control and determines our outcome.

    Wow, when you really think into at that level...................

  11. Universal Law of cause and effect. The Universe will always balance itself out and we are all one. So I believe when an earthquake hits, or other natural disasters this is the Universe maintaining its balance. We may not directly manifest, but we live in an environment where we all benefit and suffer from our surrounding causes, thus also it's effect. There is no good or bad, or any noble judgement when true law operates. It just is.

  12. If we understand that we live in a Thought Universe and that the 'thinking substance', or Infinite Intelligence has thoughts that it manifests (proof by the creation of the Universe and everything in it), then the obvious prevails. Infinite Intelligence (God) has thought these thoughts and they manifest, or as others would state, the 'disasters' are Natural occurrences. While they may be devastating in many respects, they are created by naturally occurring elements which are part of Nature. And as we've said already, Nature was created by thought.

    At least this is how I understand it. Am sure its open to debate, but somehow, some way the Universe was created as a Thought, so it makes perfect sense to me!

    Thanks Randy!

  13. Have you ever done a slightly bad thing and after that, have you wished someone would come and punish you for that? or just come and stop you, so you can do evil things again?

    I do believe, a person is basicly good by itself. But anyhow, I guess that we have all done bad things and if it was just by accident.

    so, there´s a hurrican, allright: I´ll suffer now and do feel better then, because I earned it..

  14. I think there are many great responses here. And I feel when it's all said and done, sometimes bad things happen to good people. I feel that how you respond is key. Gratitude for what is left or perhaps a stronger realization for what is truly important will be disovered for many who took life with a grain of salt. There is much tradegy in disaster, but a lot good can come out of it as well. I do not believe that natural disasters are devine punishment or that we've manifested something horrific. But personal growth CAN come from such a terrible situation. Often much more profoundly.

  15. We individually manifest things and the collective consciousness also is manifesting things. With all the fear there is in the collective consciousness,it is possible that the hurricane has been manifested. But not by an individual.

  16. Great topic of debate. this is where I certainly don't agree with many who teach The law of Attraction. Because, there are simply laws that govern nature that are out of anyone's control. Unless of course you are the God of your Universe and have absolute control of everything around you - it is impossible to not walk into some tragedy through life. Although you do have control over many things, there are just too many things going on the world today that you can have absolute certainty that you will avoid everything. This is why I like the power of positive thinking and that your the saying by pastor Chuck Swindoll more than anything else, I have ever come across, "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it." I'm not saying The Law of attraction is a hoax, I'm just saying it can definitely be challenged to not be an absolute science.

  17. Maybe you manifested the hurricane for your highest good. Maybe something worse would have happened at the softball game, and this kept you from being on that field at that time...

  18. My prayer and softball condolences are with you! I really thought you would have relocated that hurricane with your awesome mind by now 🙂
    More work to do.. I guess.
    I am totally appreciating/understanding the power we all have to create abundance or failure with our thoughts/habits/actions. I know that when my mind is really focused on anything..good or bad..I get more of it. I believe that it works like this...
    ~I create my own micro climate of success or failure. Attract positive or negative people into my life depending on my energy.
    ~The collective energies/thoughts/actions of a population create a larger macro climate which can, to an extent, intrude upon one's own micro climate.
    ~ And yes, I believe that the God of the universe allows adverse things to happen in our lives (and around us) occasionally to help us grow stronger, more patient, humble, develope skills and to give us the opportunity to reach out to go beyond ourselves.. which is the ultimate personal developement.
    Please be safe and God Bless.

  19. Hi RG,

    Have you read the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy?

    Really interesting read. He believes the collective consciousness of a group of people creates things like civil unrest, etc. I don't believe he went into the whole natural disaster thing, but it seems he suggested that we create it all, us lil ole gods(emphasis on lowercase "g")

    The question is: Are we really gods in miniature, and can we control the weather? Like Christ? Because didn't JC say, everything I can do, you will do greater things?

    Is Nature, The Universe we speak of? Don't our thoughts create the Universe as we see it?

    As for the baby born with AIDS, I've read theories that parents pass the negative energies onto their children, which then manifests. Of course this seems entirely unfair, but don't most appearances?

    If we viewed the child as an heir of the Divine, instead of an AIDS baby, might not that energy wave we label as "AIDS", disappear?

    No matter how things appear to be it's all the same energy. And our consciousness shapes it.

    Super thought provoking stuff Randy, and if I weren't preparing to hit the waves in Phuket, this comment wouldn't have ended so soon!


  20. Randy, my father was killed in Penang, Malaysia when I was just one month old but I have an Abba Father now.

    Ain't it great!

    Ps many thanks 4 Duplication Nation, How to build a Miulti-Level Money Machine. Could not put book down and enjoying the first 3 Cd s which provided such useful insights and teachings. Laughed a lot too.

  21. There is a collective effect to all that we manifest individually, whether consciously or not.

    Perhaps the hurricane is a manifestation of the effect of our collective energy.

    3 mos after I moved to Fl my new hometown was directly hit by 2 cat 3 hurricanes 3 weeks apart. Been pondering your question Randy ever since!

  22. This is one of your best posts, and has sparked great conversation. 

    You made me really think about this as I believe and operate based on the power of thought to create my reality. 

    Yet, in instances when we do experience occurrences that are beyond our individual control -- namely earthquakes, hurricanes and the like --  can "collective" thought navigate or direct the circumstance?

    I believe that the effects of "natural" disasters can be fueled by collective chaos, worry, fear, etc. Typically, it's not until after an occurrence that mankind shifts their thinking and turn to prayer or some similar form of thought -- and collectively we "get through" the circumstance.

    What would be the effect if instead of collective worry and "preparing for the worst" … mankind could come together in positive thinking?

    With that said, there are certain occurrences, such as a child born with the AIDS virus, that we cannot foresee. This leads into a much deeper conversation on how these diseases came to be and the role mankind plays for many of the circumstances we face in today's world.

    Yes, there are circumstances that are beyond our individual control, but we can definitely choose how we deal with them.

    Thanks for a great post RG!

  23. I think that we're responsible for all of it. If you miss a flight and it crashes, you weren't meant to die. I believe that all deaths are suicides and I don't believe in being collateral damage. Why would the law of attraction be inconsistent?

  24. gonna let a tiny little hurricane get in the way of a softball game?

    Some awesome stuff in this conversation...I'm comforted to find others who say that we do not manifest everything...sometimes, shit just happens. I absolutely do not subscribe to any form of "divine punishment"--I think it's a matter of the universe keeping things even. It's not about what happens to us; it;s about how we react to it and how we can spin it all to our advantage.

    I'm in a seaside town just north of Boston...I'll be watching the storm from the third floor. A few nerves? sure(I loathe power outages). Being the pragmatic self I am, I am storm prepped to the teeth. I've done what I can...bring it on. The aftermath comes...after.


  25. who would we be without thoughts that cause us stress, worry, shame, guilt, blame...

    "Loving what is" Byron Katie

    find the eye of the hurricane in the storm... the peace... instead of arguing with reality...

  26. I can approach this topic from many angles, but I will do it from a spiritual point.

    Today, the world is facing many ups & downs (like a rollercoaster ride) and many are living a life of quiet desperation. We may be manifesting how are spirits weep in the form of tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, and wild fires; thus, expressing our collective pains of loneliness, fear, anger, lack of economics, anxiety, wars, hunger, etc...

    Another possibility is that earth is expressing its thoughts (like a mirror) and letting us know that the old systems/methods of this world must die and adjustments are in order.

    Lastly, the most radical possibility is that our weather is being manipulated (you can google this).

    We are all divine beings,

  27. Its all for some divine purpose!!! The creators plan is beyond are limiting thinking. Now I wonder if all the people of the world were loving an supportive of each other would nature also always be peaceful. Is Nature destructive force a mirror of our destructive doings? I know one thing after these kinds of disaster we all become a little more humble and considerate!!!

  28. These events would take place if we were here or not. Only because they affect us and our self importance do we feel the need to explain them. Mother nature is not out to get anyone, regardless of their actions.

  29. I believe that all of life,s experiences whether they are adverse situations or glorious ones that is happening to us is a reminder to us to learn and use them as tools to helps us in our future experiences to make a difference in other people lives.It is through our honest sharing with others that is making the difference.From the sharing one is contributing to the essence of care and loving kindness.Only when one has gone through the path and able to see the lighter side of the event is one able to stretch one's hand out sponstaneously.So I urge all of you to do so . Each and everyone of us have a choice to do so, you never know when you have unconsciously touched or helped someone in need.I like to take this opportunity to thank all sentient beings who has crossed my path for allowing me to grow into who I am today.A BIG THANK YOU.

  30. This topic is great.. we can talk about it on and on.. Every human being is a powerful creator with the possibility to choose. If a mastermind group of positive people can create "impossible things" imagine what few millions of negative people can do? So, yes I believe that the greatest natural disasters are caused by us.. However, there is a great opportunity in our relative world: a hurricane, a war, a disease .. These are landmarks that help us to become aware and decide what to create next. We can choose to believe that others are guilty or we can become responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in the world. Yes, a single soul touched by absolute faith can make miracles. Nothing changes unless we do it first. Gandhi understood that. Let's take a look of what he did for India and also for all of us.

    Thanks Randy for this wonderful post:)


  31. In my little twin sisters (now mothers) bedroom in the summer
    residence was hanging a wall chart of the development of the species.
    In our childhood home there were no icons or signs of a man hanging
    nailed to a cross. What has this got to do with Hurricane Irene?

    Human race currently has a mental disease; that is a CONTROL ISSUE.
    Universe just is.
    Solar systems, our planet, the movements in the atmosphere - EVERYTHING JUST IS.
    There is life on this planet. It expands or it contracts. It is
    nature. Doing good is expanding. The opposite is contracting.
    The PROBLEM in this BLOG RANDY, as I see it, is humans current control issue.
    We are here to grow. Everything else is WHAT WE MAKE IT MEAN. The
    universe doesn't care what humans MEAN !
    Does your spirituality demand of you that you are responsible for the universe?
    In the STORY of Noah it's told that the almighty had lots of water
    come to earths surface as punishment.
    Come on ! It's sick to drag on beliefs of guilt.
    Grow, expand - ENJOY for NO REASON. Quit the virus of the human mind,
    and excel like Jonathan Seagull - JUST BECAUSE we live.
    I am with you if you call it moral purpose doing so.
    I sense a bit of REACTION there. The only proper attitude in any given
    That really is LIFE in itself: to make proper (good) choices. That's it.
    I, in rounding up this rant, am wondering if that isn't also the case
    with many other species: CHOICE MAKING. Couldn't it be that "our"
    Control Issue prevent us from experiencing common existence with
    planets other living organisms?

    Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

    1. I think its important for everyone to express their own judgements and feelings after all that is what bloggin is about! However, its also important to stay open minded. I highly respect your opinion but would also like to state mine which is quite opposite from yours.
      I truly believe that we are all magnetically and energetically connected to not only each other and the earth. I have felt this for a very long time but now I find it exhilerating to now there is actual research to prove this. You may find this interesting but try checking out the global coherence initiative. These are scientists who actually are monitoring the magnetic frequency of the planet in real time in association with the power of prayer. There have been numerous studies on this especially since 9/11 and the evidence is mind blowing. They are not trying to prove that we are "controlling" the earth and atmosphere but instead it is about bringing peace and harmony into your life subsequently effecting the earth and its surroundings. I like to say - as we as individuals are at peace so is the world around us and as we are chaotic so is the world. THe world is a pure reflection of who it is we choose to be.

      It surely isn't controlling but it will hopefully help to change the outcome of the events. Afterall, if each of us were to live "activly" in peace and harmony as often as possible rather than "reactive" to situations don't you think this would be a better world to be in?

  32. I think the serentity prayer holds the answer to this one. Accept what I can't change (hurricanes), change what I can (me) and know the difference...

  33. Why not ask the hurricane to dissipate?

    There is collective conscience. The majority doesn't know they have the power, so they just go along with the weather. Mother Nature stands ready to reply "in kind" to the attraction that is going on/out. If we were being asked to participate, in mass, using our positive thought power, a lot of things would be different for all of us.

    Thoughts become things. Choice is the real power.

    Thanks, Randy~!

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  • 40 comments on “Fighting Hurricanes”

    1. What? I don't know...I was hoping to get YOUR thoughts at the end of this post as it's such a great topic/question.

      "The jury's still out" on this one for me in regards to natural disasters, tragedies on large scales, etc. I have yet to figure out the universal purpose of these tragedies, however, I do believe, to my core, that the bad experiences in my own life were totally meant to teach me lessons. To put me in a position to learn these lessons and be a better teacher to others. To be able to be a part of a global shift of conscious thinkers making the world better.

      That said, I can't yet teach why horrible disasters happen that affect so many people because I have yet to understand why myself.

      That's why I look to mentors like you, RG, to share YOUR thoughts on these worldly disasters.

    2. We might not be able to control all of the things that happen to us, like getting struck by hurricanes(although you could decide to move to a place which isn't in the likely path of hurricanes every year) or caught in an accident, but we are able to choose how we deal with it.

      Responsibility: Ability to respond. Taking responsibility is about dealing with the situation in the right way.

      We can choose our destiny, our destination but not influence or foresee all that comes along the path towards it. When a huge rock blocks the way it's up to us to decide what to do now. Give up and accept fate, or chose destiny and find another way to get where we want to be.

      At least, this is how I see it. Feel free to disagree.

      1. Loved this point Adrianne "We can choose our destiny, our destination but not influence or foresee all that comes along the path towards it."

    3. If you are a baby born with aids,it is your higher spiritual being than, that has choosen it for you?I guess it is somehow that way even if I cannot exactly understand or describe it.According to you and other people our physical surroundings change when we change, so that has to be the case.And it is very interesting when I start to look at myself.Some days ago,I changed my food dramatically, and today, without even thinking about it(mo goal is to live completely NOW and in the creative forces the whole day and in the evening I can reflect upon things,well,what happened without I even thought of it?I changed my whole appartement.My childs room,I painted,I threw out things,I cleaned up etc, and everything looks new.I guess it is my subconsious mind working to change me both inner and outer and I pray everyday to raise my income,to get a better,wealthier,healthier life.I am more on to that than ever and it works, slowly but it does.
      But back to your thoughts.It cannot be like that all the time,no.When you suddenly meet someone you never met before and you recognise that person(from last incarnation 1000 years ago???)it is not only your thoughts today...

    4. Love the topic and love Vidette's response. Maybe "I don't know" is sufficient. Are we okay with "I don't know"?

    5. I don't know about manifesting the storm ....but I think this is a good example of being proactive in ones life by getting out of the way and not be a victim.

    6. I feel that it is all about our perception and response to any given situation and/or circumstance. Naturally there are going to be things that are well beyond our control (i.e., natural disasters); however, we can choose today to vibrate at the highest possible resonance, to make sound decisions, and to live within the prosperity mindset because we don't know if we will be able to do so tomorrow. When difficult situations arise, we can choose to remain in a state of victim-hood or we can come from a place of gratitude for the fact that we am still alive and are constantly being given new opportunities.

    7. For me this one is yes or no. Either we manifest it all, or we manifest nothing. I am firmly in the yes camp, we manifest it all. But I think to say that folks in the Carolinas are manifesting a terrible hurricane is to take your eye off the ball. Everyone is manifesting their own experience. For some people the storm will be a fun adventure, for others it will be a disaster. Some people's houses will be wrecked, some people's will be untouched, or maybe that old fence that they've been meaning to replace anyway will come down.

      It is all down to us, and what we're giving our attention to.

    8. Randy:
      Thanks for sharing. Ironically I was in New York when the earthquake hit this week and now sitting at the airport trying to get home to FL. Just last night I was pondering "why am I dealing with two major "natural" events in one week. Answer from my inner Robert was "the message in all this is that in life there are forces far greater than you and it is up to you to choose how you deal with those forces." So I am flying home as the hurricane turns Northward. Not because I'm idiot or stupid or taking a chance, but because I have enough facts to believe I have made informed choice. We all have the power of choice of being in risking being in harms way or not.

    9. So what's so wrong with a Hurricane? It's nature doing its thing. Can't argue with that. How we respond to it (before and after it arrives) now that's our thing. If we are in a state of fear while nature expresses itself, then we'll likely be impacted by it negatively, therefore manifesting something by our fear. The opposite will also be true. In the end it's really just about your perception of what a Hurricane is. Who knows, maybe rescheduling the ball game will enable you to meet someone who you'd otherwise never have met who then turns into a new business partner that makes you an extra gazillion $? Now there's a Hurricane with synergy you could live with!

    10. Is there also not a collective element here to consider, with the power of everyone in the path of the hurricane, or crash, or etc? Then at the individual level, each choosing how we process and handle our thoughts and actions through the event, reflects our control and determines our outcome.

      Wow, when you really think into at that level...................

    11. Universal Law of cause and effect. The Universe will always balance itself out and we are all one. So I believe when an earthquake hits, or other natural disasters this is the Universe maintaining its balance. We may not directly manifest, but we live in an environment where we all benefit and suffer from our surrounding causes, thus also it's effect. There is no good or bad, or any noble judgement when true law operates. It just is.

    12. If we understand that we live in a Thought Universe and that the 'thinking substance', or Infinite Intelligence has thoughts that it manifests (proof by the creation of the Universe and everything in it), then the obvious prevails. Infinite Intelligence (God) has thought these thoughts and they manifest, or as others would state, the 'disasters' are Natural occurrences. While they may be devastating in many respects, they are created by naturally occurring elements which are part of Nature. And as we've said already, Nature was created by thought.

      At least this is how I understand it. Am sure its open to debate, but somehow, some way the Universe was created as a Thought, so it makes perfect sense to me!

      Thanks Randy!

    13. Have you ever done a slightly bad thing and after that, have you wished someone would come and punish you for that? or just come and stop you, so you can do evil things again?

      I do believe, a person is basicly good by itself. But anyhow, I guess that we have all done bad things and if it was just by accident.

      so, there´s a hurrican, allright: I´ll suffer now and do feel better then, because I earned it..

    14. I think there are many great responses here. And I feel when it's all said and done, sometimes bad things happen to good people. I feel that how you respond is key. Gratitude for what is left or perhaps a stronger realization for what is truly important will be disovered for many who took life with a grain of salt. There is much tradegy in disaster, but a lot good can come out of it as well. I do not believe that natural disasters are devine punishment or that we've manifested something horrific. But personal growth CAN come from such a terrible situation. Often much more profoundly.

    15. We individually manifest things and the collective consciousness also is manifesting things. With all the fear there is in the collective consciousness,it is possible that the hurricane has been manifested. But not by an individual.

    16. Great topic of debate. this is where I certainly don't agree with many who teach The law of Attraction. Because, there are simply laws that govern nature that are out of anyone's control. Unless of course you are the God of your Universe and have absolute control of everything around you - it is impossible to not walk into some tragedy through life. Although you do have control over many things, there are just too many things going on the world today that you can have absolute certainty that you will avoid everything. This is why I like the power of positive thinking and that your the saying by pastor Chuck Swindoll more than anything else, I have ever come across, "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it." I'm not saying The Law of attraction is a hoax, I'm just saying it can definitely be challenged to not be an absolute science.

    17. Maybe you manifested the hurricane for your highest good. Maybe something worse would have happened at the softball game, and this kept you from being on that field at that time...

    18. My prayer and softball condolences are with you! I really thought you would have relocated that hurricane with your awesome mind by now 🙂
      More work to do.. I guess.
      I am totally appreciating/understanding the power we all have to create abundance or failure with our thoughts/habits/actions. I know that when my mind is really focused on anything..good or bad..I get more of it. I believe that it works like this...
      ~I create my own micro climate of success or failure. Attract positive or negative people into my life depending on my energy.
      ~The collective energies/thoughts/actions of a population create a larger macro climate which can, to an extent, intrude upon one's own micro climate.
      ~ And yes, I believe that the God of the universe allows adverse things to happen in our lives (and around us) occasionally to help us grow stronger, more patient, humble, develope skills and to give us the opportunity to reach out to go beyond ourselves.. which is the ultimate personal developement.
      Please be safe and God Bless.

    19. Hi RG,

      Have you read the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy?

      Really interesting read. He believes the collective consciousness of a group of people creates things like civil unrest, etc. I don't believe he went into the whole natural disaster thing, but it seems he suggested that we create it all, us lil ole gods(emphasis on lowercase "g")

      The question is: Are we really gods in miniature, and can we control the weather? Like Christ? Because didn't JC say, everything I can do, you will do greater things?

      Is Nature, The Universe we speak of? Don't our thoughts create the Universe as we see it?

      As for the baby born with AIDS, I've read theories that parents pass the negative energies onto their children, which then manifests. Of course this seems entirely unfair, but don't most appearances?

      If we viewed the child as an heir of the Divine, instead of an AIDS baby, might not that energy wave we label as "AIDS", disappear?

      No matter how things appear to be it's all the same energy. And our consciousness shapes it.

      Super thought provoking stuff Randy, and if I weren't preparing to hit the waves in Phuket, this comment wouldn't have ended so soon!


    20. Randy, my father was killed in Penang, Malaysia when I was just one month old but I have an Abba Father now.

      Ain't it great!

      Ps many thanks 4 Duplication Nation, How to build a Miulti-Level Money Machine. Could not put book down and enjoying the first 3 Cd s which provided such useful insights and teachings. Laughed a lot too.

    21. There is a collective effect to all that we manifest individually, whether consciously or not.

      Perhaps the hurricane is a manifestation of the effect of our collective energy.

      3 mos after I moved to Fl my new hometown was directly hit by 2 cat 3 hurricanes 3 weeks apart. Been pondering your question Randy ever since!

    22. This is one of your best posts, and has sparked great conversation. 

      You made me really think about this as I believe and operate based on the power of thought to create my reality. 

      Yet, in instances when we do experience occurrences that are beyond our individual control -- namely earthquakes, hurricanes and the like --  can "collective" thought navigate or direct the circumstance?

      I believe that the effects of "natural" disasters can be fueled by collective chaos, worry, fear, etc. Typically, it's not until after an occurrence that mankind shifts their thinking and turn to prayer or some similar form of thought -- and collectively we "get through" the circumstance.

      What would be the effect if instead of collective worry and "preparing for the worst" … mankind could come together in positive thinking?

      With that said, there are certain occurrences, such as a child born with the AIDS virus, that we cannot foresee. This leads into a much deeper conversation on how these diseases came to be and the role mankind plays for many of the circumstances we face in today's world.

      Yes, there are circumstances that are beyond our individual control, but we can definitely choose how we deal with them.

      Thanks for a great post RG!

    23. I think that we're responsible for all of it. If you miss a flight and it crashes, you weren't meant to die. I believe that all deaths are suicides and I don't believe in being collateral damage. Why would the law of attraction be inconsistent?

    24. gonna let a tiny little hurricane get in the way of a softball game?

      Some awesome stuff in this conversation...I'm comforted to find others who say that we do not manifest everything...sometimes, shit just happens. I absolutely do not subscribe to any form of "divine punishment"--I think it's a matter of the universe keeping things even. It's not about what happens to us; it;s about how we react to it and how we can spin it all to our advantage.

      I'm in a seaside town just north of Boston...I'll be watching the storm from the third floor. A few nerves? sure(I loathe power outages). Being the pragmatic self I am, I am storm prepped to the teeth. I've done what I can...bring it on. The aftermath comes...after.


    25. who would we be without thoughts that cause us stress, worry, shame, guilt, blame...

      "Loving what is" Byron Katie

      find the eye of the hurricane in the storm... the peace... instead of arguing with reality...

    26. I can approach this topic from many angles, but I will do it from a spiritual point.

      Today, the world is facing many ups & downs (like a rollercoaster ride) and many are living a life of quiet desperation. We may be manifesting how are spirits weep in the form of tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, and wild fires; thus, expressing our collective pains of loneliness, fear, anger, lack of economics, anxiety, wars, hunger, etc...

      Another possibility is that earth is expressing its thoughts (like a mirror) and letting us know that the old systems/methods of this world must die and adjustments are in order.

      Lastly, the most radical possibility is that our weather is being manipulated (you can google this).

      We are all divine beings,

    27. Its all for some divine purpose!!! The creators plan is beyond are limiting thinking. Now I wonder if all the people of the world were loving an supportive of each other would nature also always be peaceful. Is Nature destructive force a mirror of our destructive doings? I know one thing after these kinds of disaster we all become a little more humble and considerate!!!

    28. These events would take place if we were here or not. Only because they affect us and our self importance do we feel the need to explain them. Mother nature is not out to get anyone, regardless of their actions.

    29. I believe that all of life,s experiences whether they are adverse situations or glorious ones that is happening to us is a reminder to us to learn and use them as tools to helps us in our future experiences to make a difference in other people lives.It is through our honest sharing with others that is making the difference.From the sharing one is contributing to the essence of care and loving kindness.Only when one has gone through the path and able to see the lighter side of the event is one able to stretch one's hand out sponstaneously.So I urge all of you to do so . Each and everyone of us have a choice to do so, you never know when you have unconsciously touched or helped someone in need.I like to take this opportunity to thank all sentient beings who has crossed my path for allowing me to grow into who I am today.A BIG THANK YOU.

    30. This topic is great.. we can talk about it on and on.. Every human being is a powerful creator with the possibility to choose. If a mastermind group of positive people can create "impossible things" imagine what few millions of negative people can do? So, yes I believe that the greatest natural disasters are caused by us.. However, there is a great opportunity in our relative world: a hurricane, a war, a disease .. These are landmarks that help us to become aware and decide what to create next. We can choose to believe that others are guilty or we can become responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in the world. Yes, a single soul touched by absolute faith can make miracles. Nothing changes unless we do it first. Gandhi understood that. Let's take a look of what he did for India and also for all of us.

      Thanks Randy for this wonderful post:)


    31. In my little twin sisters (now mothers) bedroom in the summer
      residence was hanging a wall chart of the development of the species.
      In our childhood home there were no icons or signs of a man hanging
      nailed to a cross. What has this got to do with Hurricane Irene?

      Human race currently has a mental disease; that is a CONTROL ISSUE.
      Universe just is.
      Solar systems, our planet, the movements in the atmosphere - EVERYTHING JUST IS.
      There is life on this planet. It expands or it contracts. It is
      nature. Doing good is expanding. The opposite is contracting.
      The PROBLEM in this BLOG RANDY, as I see it, is humans current control issue.
      We are here to grow. Everything else is WHAT WE MAKE IT MEAN. The
      universe doesn't care what humans MEAN !
      Does your spirituality demand of you that you are responsible for the universe?
      In the STORY of Noah it's told that the almighty had lots of water
      come to earths surface as punishment.
      Come on ! It's sick to drag on beliefs of guilt.
      Grow, expand - ENJOY for NO REASON. Quit the virus of the human mind,
      and excel like Jonathan Seagull - JUST BECAUSE we live.
      I am with you if you call it moral purpose doing so.
      I sense a bit of REACTION there. The only proper attitude in any given
      That really is LIFE in itself: to make proper (good) choices. That's it.
      I, in rounding up this rant, am wondering if that isn't also the case
      with many other species: CHOICE MAKING. Couldn't it be that "our"
      Control Issue prevent us from experiencing common existence with
      planets other living organisms?

      Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

      1. I think its important for everyone to express their own judgements and feelings after all that is what bloggin is about! However, its also important to stay open minded. I highly respect your opinion but would also like to state mine which is quite opposite from yours.
        I truly believe that we are all magnetically and energetically connected to not only each other and the earth. I have felt this for a very long time but now I find it exhilerating to now there is actual research to prove this. You may find this interesting but try checking out the global coherence initiative. These are scientists who actually are monitoring the magnetic frequency of the planet in real time in association with the power of prayer. There have been numerous studies on this especially since 9/11 and the evidence is mind blowing. They are not trying to prove that we are "controlling" the earth and atmosphere but instead it is about bringing peace and harmony into your life subsequently effecting the earth and its surroundings. I like to say - as we as individuals are at peace so is the world around us and as we are chaotic so is the world. THe world is a pure reflection of who it is we choose to be.

        It surely isn't controlling but it will hopefully help to change the outcome of the events. Afterall, if each of us were to live "activly" in peace and harmony as often as possible rather than "reactive" to situations don't you think this would be a better world to be in?

    32. I think the serentity prayer holds the answer to this one. Accept what I can't change (hurricanes), change what I can (me) and know the difference...

    33. Why not ask the hurricane to dissipate?

      There is collective conscience. The majority doesn't know they have the power, so they just go along with the weather. Mother Nature stands ready to reply "in kind" to the attraction that is going on/out. If we were being asked to participate, in mass, using our positive thought power, a lot of things would be different for all of us.

      Thoughts become things. Choice is the real power.

      Thanks, Randy~!

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