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Does God Want You to be Poor?

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 8, 2010

Last post I told you about the experience of my Mastermind Council member and his wife when I came up with a $30 million-dollar idea for them.  I told them that they still had an issue accepting prosperity, based on their inability to think how their life would be different if they earned that kind of money.  And because everything they came up with was helping someone else, not themselves.

This is a very common symptom from people that are infected with mind viruses from organized religion.  The couple in question are fundamentalist Christians, and like many of them, actually felt that serving everyone except themselves was a sign of spirituality and prosperity.  I think it’s just craziness.

Like most Christians, my client felt that he has a rich heavenly Father who wants him to have the kingdom, yet doesn’t see the disconnect in the subliminal programming that it is somehow spiritual to be poor.

He is often offended by my attacks on fundamentalism, and feels that he is not infected with lack programming because he equates believing in Christ as believing in prosperity.

He talks a good game, saying God gave his only begotten son for us, wants us to have the kingdom, etc.  But the problem is he doesn’t walk the game.

He keep struggling along, trying to serve others and serve God, and keep his creditors at bay.  There is nothing spiritual about this.

I don’t see his lack programming coming from the common mind virus that God is withholding things from him, or is not a benevolent provider.  While many fundamentalists have that programming, this is not his problem. He is infected with THE OTHER virus that comes often from organized religion:

The problem he and millions of others face is that deep down on a subconscious level, he feels unworthy of those blessings.  The problem is not that he doesn’t believe in God’s love – it is that he feels he is unworthy of that love.  Everything he does he compares with the feats of Jesus from the Bible, so of course he always comes up short, since he can’t feed the masses from a couple fish or turn water into wine.

And that is an issue for millions of people.  And that is the real crux of what we’ve been talking about on the blog for the last week.  Do you really get that?

By the way, this discussion is really not about fundamentalism, God, or Christianity.  If you start a knee-jerk defense of any one of those, you’re actually missing the real point and falling victim to your lack programming.  The issues we are talking about are very prevalent in agnostics and atheists as well.  The ultimate issue here is believing that you are worthy of great prosperity.  Organized religion infects a lot of people with this mind virus, but there are plenty of other guilty parties as well.

So how are you doing on this worthiness issue?


56 comments on “Does God Want You to be Poor?”

  1. So,I can tell you exactly what I would do if I made the millions that I want. I everything I would have what I would do with it, who and what I would invest in. But, like your clients still can't seem to change my thinking enough to stop giving my services/ideas away to others for free. I would love to learn tips on changing that.

  2. Randy, it is good to see you tackle this subject. I am Catholic by conversion 15 years ago and was raised Baptist. But I learned a long time ago that what matters is what I tell myself about myself every day. Because depending upon what church you attend each week, you could get bombarded with the "you are not worthy" speeches. It's roots are in Europe during the time when the Popes wielded so much power that they could wage war and force people to pay them taxes and such ... that "unworthiness" mantra has been passed down to now billions of Catholics worldwide so that the masses CONFORM.
    In order to escape the madness of that mantra, one has to meet "God" on his/her own terms ... outside of the church. Then, and only then, can he/she truly see what "God" can do for them.

  3. I once had a friend tell me that he was afraid not to go to church and believe everything in the bible because of the "what if" factor.
    Meaning that if there is a heaven and hell and god is taking notes on everything you he does everyday he does not want to get caught on the wrong side. To me this illustrates lack programming because he is living life based on fear of the unknown instead of living freely as God, Universal Intelligence, The Light or whatever you may call intended for us. I do believe religion can serve a purpose but it is often hijacked by people with less than desirable motives or who refuse to listen and appreciate others and are content on being cosmic warriors for their belief systems.

    It is so much easier to give and help others when you have given and helped your own soul to be the happiest person you can while on this world.

    Keep rockin it Randy!

  4. I feel more than qualified to speak re "mechanistic" religion. I'm a missionary-kid born and raised in Nigeria right next to a leprosy village my parents ran. I've a degree in theology from a fundamentalist seminary. I pastored a church for a while (and actually loved doing it). And all that imprinting is hard to fight off because the hooks are deep into one's subconscious. My parents were crushed when I went off to study psychology at a Catholic university, grew a beard and smoked a pipe (because that was what you were supposed to do). One lesson here is that EVERY circumstance imprints something into your subconscious.

    The impact of religion is more than about prosperity. I teach organizations that they can create their own richly imagined circumstances by applying energetic or quantum principles. The Universe is a warehouse of infinite possibilities and it's waiting for us to make selections that will become our reality. World changers have known this and been able to do it since the beginning of time.

    Almost every time I speak a fellow-Christian will accuse me of minimizing and discrediting the power of God. I'm also accused of being "New Age" which to them is just slightly below being a Satan worshiper drinking chicken blood. (It's really "Old Age!" but I seldom win with that insight). I point out that Christ told his followers that they'd do far greater miracles than he'd ever done. All the things we're coming to understand about how our entire world is an expression of energy, for example, is showing us that we really can do miracles. This is such a rich awareness I hardly know which way to turn. Heck, isn't the internet a miracle? This doesn't minimize God - it demonstrates how amazing and generous God is to freely give us that kind of power. What annoys God, I'm sure, is how pathetic we are in using the power we've been given. Let's see some miracles out there!

  5. Is it a matter of faith to believe that someone is worthy of a prosperity blessing or a matter of knowledge?
    Is it possible to know that I am worthy of that or will I have to make some efforts to believe it?
    Can my worthiness be proved in a logical way?

  6. I totally agree with your statements today... and for the past week. I don't believe that you are intending to critisize people for their belief system, but just want to make them aware that they are worthy to recieve all things good, just as much as anyone else. It's a self-esteem issue with a lot of people. You can still be religious and serve others. In the financial services world, we believe that everyone should "pay yourself first"... that way you know that at the end of the day, you will be able to have the things you want. Why not pay yourself first? It's you that gets up and goes to work every morning to provide for yourself and your family... pick a percentage and pay that to yourself every week/month... as you manifest more wealth, the amount will get larger and larger... just imagine how great that will feel!

  7. Hi Randy:

    You happen to be talking about Religion for this particular point, but the fact is, that it does not matter whether it's religion or any other stimulus that has ingrained the un worthiness mentality in our sub conscious mind the results will be the same.

    It's not until we wake up and start to look at ourselves, and take responsibility for our actions that things start to shift. that may be easier said than done because many are not even aware of the programing they carry in the sub conscious, it really takes some hard knocks sometimes to awaken an individual to transformation.

    You seem to have a handle on getting that message across. 🙂

    All the best

  8. Message cannot get any clearer than this ... "The ultimate issue here is believing that you are worthy of great prosperity."

    Lack and unworthiness are deep programs that come up in many different ways and areas. Be on the lookout and GROW!

    Helps to read Randy Gage too!

  9. Ever since I read your series on prosperity, Randy, the first question I ask my new clients is what they would do with X amount money per year and, without fail, they start talking about OTHERS.

    I clarify, as you have done, stating, 'what would you do for YOU.' They stop dead in their tracks, like all the past programming come flooding in.

    In regards to how *I'M* doing with it, here's my example. My last job interview, the employer asked, 'Jhanna, how much would you lie to make.' I said, 'At least $100K per year, or more.' (this was HUGE for me as my job before that I was only making a measly $40K)

    Well, the employer just about fell out of his chair. I quietly picked up my things, stood up, and said, 'I can tell this isn't the opportunity for me. Thank you for your time.', and walked out.

    I had FINALLY started to see my worth, otherwise, I wouldn't have been prepared to walk out.

    It was then that knew if I am to make what I believe I am worth, it will have to be done out of corporate America. I now know that I can make whatever I believe I am worth. My income reflects my self worth.

    Rock On,


  10. At it's simplest, it seems a variation of "Been down so long, it looks like up to me." I'm still working on breaking that perspective.

  11. I am worth my weight in gold, which given the current price of gold and my weight is quite a bit 🙂

    I have been of the lack mindset for so long, accepting my fate until I started to read this blog.


  12. The problem is not that he doesn’t believe in God’s love – it is that he feels he is unworthy of that love

  13. It's amazing how, even after all this time on this great subject, I still feel a gut response that resonates with the couple in question! There is so much lack programming still oozing from my pores! From money to deserving happiness to physical attractiveness. Too bad we can't buy a 'lack' cleanse along with the colon cleanse.
    My mind is comprehending and accepting what you are saying while my unconcious beliefs are still on auto-pilot.
    Hammer on, Randy!

  14. Thank you Randy for presenting and explaining this "touchy" subject. I too would have been one to holler and jump up and down about how wrong you are - but, because I have read your books and read your blogs, I have opened my mind and realized what your explaining really does make sense. It's amazing how through developing a new outlook I feel like weight has been lifted off of me.

  15. Randy, right on the money bro! I remember going to my neighbors church who is actually the pastor there. He once did a sermon and I remember him saying that we should not want more, but less! it was mind blowing needless to say I never went back.

    Just the other day I noticed he was moving to a house that was bigger and in a better part of town and he got a killer deal on it hmmm so much for not wanting more

  16. Randy, YOU hit this topic right out of the park! Thanks!!!

    You stated, "Organized religion infects a lot of people with this mind virus, but there are plenty of other guilty parties as well."

    Yes! For me, it started with the churches I attended as a child; heavy duty indoctrination, and escalating to community organizations (some sounding like religions, too). I felt the guilt, shame and fear gripe. It took years for me to Wake Up from these indoctrinations, myths and lies. Choosing where I get my information from, and how I use it is critical for me.

    Today, I own my choices, and take full responsibility for creating a life that serves me. A life that empowers me to be Whole, Complete and DESERVING of all the treasures available to me. It is a process, and I am on the Prosperity Path!

    All Aboard,

  17. I started tuning out the mantra " you have to suffer to earn God's love" that the RCC/Vaticano message was doling out early but not soon enough not to have that message embedded. Until I adjusted the volume of that voice in my head with a round with the L.Ron H's to find that I could extract that message and replace it with one that would fortify me. Sometimes i prospered with money, sometimes with friends, sometimes with 'things'.
    Each religious message contains a usable trace message but I feel they have been so obscured with the chatter could drive a person into a hole. Or just into submission to the most powerful or loudest message. I need to be able to sort those messages, leverage the ones of benifit, discard the ones without. It is a daily discipline - a religious discipline... hmm. That was fun Randy, thanks for the fodder.

  18. Wrong Name-John using my laptop 🙂

    Randy, YOU hit this topic right out of the park! Thanks!!!

    You stated, “Organized religion infects a lot of people with this mind virus, but there are plenty of other guilty parties as well.”

    Yes! For me, it started with the churches I attended as a child; heavy duty indoctrination, and escalating to community organizations (some sounding like religions, too). I felt the guilt, shame and fear gripe. It took years for me to Wake Up from these indoctrinations, myths and lies. Choosing where I get my information from, and how I use it is critical for me.

    Today, I own my choices, and take full responsibility for creating a life that serves me. A life that empowers me to be Whole, Complete and DESERVING of all the treasures available to me. It is a process, and I am on the Prosperity Path!

    All Aboard,

  19. Jhanna that is brilliant! "My income reflects my self worth." I've added you to my quotes file and that's a great short way to get the pointa across to clients.

  20. Worthiness is the fundamental issue, isn't it.? Look at it from a Christian fundamentalist p.o.v. (been there, done that, lost the t-shirt:) we're told that we're not worthy, yet... God paid the ultimate price (his son), therefore, yes! we are worthy, and worthy of all the blessings that God intended for us.

    To paraphrase a wonderful quote: God's gift to us is more talent and ability than we'll ever use, our gift to God is to develop those talents richly, to become the fullest, best, richest people that we can.

    If we're totally sold on helping the less fortunate, then the only effective way is to become rich.

    If we're sold out on living the good life, the only way is to become rich.

    Money might not buy happiness, but, it gives you so much more choice in life.

    Randy, thank you so much for being a voice of sanity!

  21. Have you ever been rejected? I was listening to an mp3 today about rejection. It was part of a series on "How to Overcome the Pain in Your Past" by Chip Ingram.

    In Webster's, rejection is defined as "WORTHLESS, useless, or sub-standard; to pass over or skip; to rebuff...especially to deny acceptance, care, or love to someone.

    Charles R. Soloman says rejection is "The absence of meaningful love."

    Chip says there are 2 types of rejection:
    1.) Overt- willful known abuse (verbal, emotional & physical)
    2.) Covert- UNINTENTIONAL rejection that is emotionally perceived but not intellectually comprehended. (examples: an absent parent, over-protection, spoiling, performance based love)

    To break the cycle- Chip says you can find God's solution in Ephesians 1:7-14.

    1.) Jesus will put your past behind you (if you let him)
    New Message: You are FREE!

    2.) Jesus has a Purpose for your life today!
    New Message: You are NEEDED!

    3.) Jesus promises you a Positive future!
    New Message: You are VALUABLE!

    4.) Jesus will never ever REJECT you!
    New Message: You are SECURE!

    You are already loved unconditionally by God. "You live out of who you already are, not to try to gain God's favor."
    It may take some time, telling yourself this every day (prayers of affirmation) , before you completely believe you are loved unconditionally by God.

  22. This reminds me of a conversation with my pastor regarding the line "On Earth As It Is In Heaven". In other words "Heaven on Earth". God promises a kingdom in Heaven, he promises us on earth as it is in Heaven. We don't need to be denying ourselves our promised kingdom on Earth in order for us to get to Heaven. God wants us to have Heaven in our lives right now. This doesn't mean we get to greedy money-whores. Besides if you're main goal is just the money, and not what you can do with the money, then you aren't going to get very far.

  23. Amen yet again Randy!

    We come into this physical world knowing that we are powerful creators - that everything we want and need comes to us limitlessly and abundantly when we focus our intent.

    And then we are programmed by the 'world' to forget that power. We're re-programmed to the negative side - to lack, fear and powerlessness. We even go so far as to train our young physical beings that they should view their natural birthright of limitless abundance as greedy and bad form.

    Whether it be through religious doctrine, parental rules, our teachers viewpoints, the kids we play with (whose parents are busy reprogramming) or society at large - we are taught to be less than is our right...and expect less than is our natural birthright.

    How sad is that? And we call it socialization.

    But then, if we're lucky - we get the chance to remember again, thanks to people like you Randy!


  24. I agree with this. Raised Catholic, and I think it keeps a lot of people small.

    Is religion (not God) a tool to enforce social class?

  25. It may be that many of us on a sub-conscious level don't believe we're worthy of great prosperity or it just seems too unlikely to ever happen. I see this in people who win the lottery. In a few short years, many of them spend it foolishly and end up right where they were before. Maybe their lack programming can account for this. Maybe on a sub-conscious level they really could not see themselves as rich. It could also be they never were or will be smart at handling money. Maybe if from the outset, they believed deep inside that they were worthy of this comfort and wealth, they would behave in ways to preserve it. I better program it into my head on a daily basis that I'm worthy of prosperity because no one else will - except Randy Gage of course. Another excellent post Mr. Gage.

  26. In the parable of the talents Jesus called the servant that didn't invest the money wicked & lazy. Nowhere in the bible does it say money is bad. In fact the bible says a good man leaves an inheritance for his childrens children. Kind of hard to do that if you can't pay your light bill.

  27. This is so true. But as a people we can have prosperity if we do the right things in life.It is actually a sin to live in mediocrity and not do anything to better yourself.Self-reliance is a major factor both spiritually and temporally.When you have more you can do more to serve the causes you support.

  28. What amazes me is the churches that teach poverty & then pass the offering plate around so they can pay the bills.

    Fortunately in my early adult life I was introduced to Christian ministers who teach prosperity & then to a bunch of young, wealthy, & free prosperity believin' MLMers who kept me on the right path.

    I've made a lot of money in the industry & because of that have been able to help myself, my family & a lot of other people too.

    My mission now is to instill that thought process in my team & most importantly for me into my daughter so that prosperity lives on.

    If we all make it a mission to break the cycle of poverty & create more young, wealthy & free people the world will listen.

    When we make a bigger impact people will see our point of view.

    One thing is for certain though, all it takes for poverty to run wild is for enough prosperous people to hide their light under a bushel & do nothing about it.

    Let your light shine!

  29. Amen.
    >>>Does God Want You to be Poor?<<<
    NO, HE DOESN'T. He always keeps His promises. Amen again. Enjoyed your post, Randy.
    Some of my favorites from Randy's 101 keys to prosperity list:
    ●Miracles are not accidents (32)
    ●Gossiping about others creates a negative prosperity debt (50) - which I never do and will never do.
    ●Tithe 10% back to the source (52)
    ●Be willing to give away something you possess, to receiv something you desire (56)
    ●Build your own dream instead of borrowing the dreams of others (61)
    ●Bills are simply invoices for blessigs you've already received (82).
    ●Surround yourself with people who dream bigger than you do (90).
    ●Your mind is an instrument for poverty or prosperity (90).


  30. Question to the die hard flowers of this blog.

    Does anyone know if Mr Gage already gave an opinion about Michael Moore's last film : Capitalism a Love Story, ?

    My opinion about the movie: This movie is dangerous to the human kind and is a good tool to keep the people Dumb, stupid and broken.

    Sad sad Sad!

    Thank you for your respons

  31. Interesting question Randy. I just had the second guy, (in under two years), tell me today that I was too good for him. It really had me think about this. Without meaning to sound pompous, they're both right. It was a great wake-up call reminding me that I still don't believe I'm worthy of this 'better' guy, the one that I actually dream of being with.

  32. The trailer looked so dangerous that I didn't go, because I didn't want that negative programing.


  33. Randy,
    You are right about that. I was just thinking what our minister says and that is that Jesus said, "You shall do these things I do and greater things." It is up to me to believe I am worthy.

    I went to an evangelical church for a while and they would tell you "the wages of sin are death" and we are all sinners. If we all get what we deserve we would be hot. How could anyone feel worthy with that kind of program.

    When Jesus does return the first place he will go to his one of his cousins who is a lawyer in Boca Raton and send a cease and desist to these people. In the name of love...

    Jim Story

  34. Randy being from the Bible belt, I struggled with this for years. Finally, I decided that I had to take care of me and what I needed before I could ever do anything for anyone else. I thank God that I have had people like you and my life coach to show me the way. Just keep preaching, there are thousands that need to hear this message. Great posts.

  35. Prosperity has nothing to do with the legalized corruption we have in this country in the name of "Free Enterprise","Personal Responsability" and Capitalism.
    We are not in the 16th century- batering to make money.

  36. G'day Randy,I have been a Christian for 30 of my 46 yrs and I agree with you. It so rubs me the wrong way when Christians will talk the talk but they won't walk or act on their faith.

    Through out the entire bible it speaks on Gods wealth for us and yes on prosperity tithing, though for some crazy reason Christians don't believe that Gods blessings are for them. They believe that if they give everything they have that they will be awarded in heaven....but we are not in heaven now and you need money to survive.....Without money charities would not exist, without money you can't buy food, clothing or afford a roof over their heads.

    I feel alot of Christians today are brain washed into thinking that its wrong to be wealthy, they pick out of the bible the bits that they think is correct and disregard the rest.....So are Christian trained and brain washed in their thinking....your damn right they are.

  37. Randy,

    When you see yourself already making lots of money in this business and taking the right actions, things do start to work out for the better.

    It does not matter what religion you are. You kind of get the same programming from the TV, media, your family, and your friends.

    That is why it is so important to get educated from books and tapes just like the ones that you have Randy.


  38. How badly would you like to know?

    ...enough to put yourself through years of schooling like the chicken blood drinking New Age Hippie Satan worshipper did?
    ...enough to Google it?
    ...just enough to hope someone takes it upon themselves to educate you based on a blog post request?

    Sorry if that comes across as mean spirited. I'm just asking what I believe to be a very pertinent question, especially in light of the topic at hand. Once you put your eggs in someone else's basket, you don't have much room to complain about how they treat their basket.

  39. "Jhanna, how much would you lie to make."

    I'm not sure if you meant to type "lie"...but I find it totally apropos for a corporate interview situation. Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha hah! (Just like they're lying about how wonderful it will be to work there in that same interview)

  40. You stated, “Organized religion infects a lot of people with this mind virus, but there are plenty of other guilty parties as well.”

    Could one of those "other" guilty parties perpetuating mind viruses be Marketers?!!...with messages of lack regarding your Diet, Weight, misbehaving Dog/Puppy, Financial situation or even dare I say "mindset"?

  41. I think worthiness issues are very contagious. And I think they are more common than you would expect. If you start hanging around with someone who has worthiness issues but doesn't realize it and isn't willing to see the issues, you have to be very carefully of the affect it has on you. What is the are the average of the 5 people you are around the most. If a person you are around a lot has worthiness issues & talks about how bad they feel for their friends and the problems their friends have in their marriages, work, health, etc...take a look at how it is impacting your life.

    They may believe there friends are a good influence...they go to church and are nice people...but if they bring you down & don't want to change, how good of an influence is it?

  42. In this example, I think the friends are feeling like victims & they are creating their reality. I think people can be successful in some areas of their lives but feel they are victims in other areas. Instead of changing, they are accepting being victims.

  43. Sounds kind of like network marketing. Some people get it, some people take time to get it & some never get it.

  44. In church this past week, the sermon was called "JUMP. It was about putting God first.
    1.) Not having a poverty mentality about money because it locks you up in a state of lack. (Characterized by mismanagement of money). Prosperity is about management & not the amount.
    2.) Not having a sense of entitlement. Nobody owes you.
    3.) Not having a sense of victimization. We need to learn to trust God.
    4.) Being trustworthy with God's blessing.

  45. Hi Kathleen,
    you can buy a "lack" cleanse, find yourself an experienced hypnotherapist who you "connect" with & ask them to help support you in "cleansing your subconscious" helping you to remove what isn't serving you,"turn-up" the good stuff that is, and re-programme your subconscious mind with the positive thoughts,feelings, & actions that you would like to resonate with !
    Take it from me it works ! after doing it myself & training how to help others,I now have 11 years of experience in helping others to do the same !! The actualisation of the potential of my clients never ceases to amaze & inspire me !
    As does the sharing of Randys energy & experience

  46. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for another great post.
    I find that worthiness does not seem to be an issue for me.
    My lack of effective money management is what keeps me in the place that I am at. I know that God has everything for me that I need. He provides an abundance of prosperity to all of His children.
    I am so grateful for that. Time to work on the root of the issue which is money management.
    Thanks again.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

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  • 56 comments on “Does God Want You to be Poor?”

    1. So,I can tell you exactly what I would do if I made the millions that I want. I everything I would have what I would do with it, who and what I would invest in. But, like your clients still can't seem to change my thinking enough to stop giving my services/ideas away to others for free. I would love to learn tips on changing that.

    2. Randy, it is good to see you tackle this subject. I am Catholic by conversion 15 years ago and was raised Baptist. But I learned a long time ago that what matters is what I tell myself about myself every day. Because depending upon what church you attend each week, you could get bombarded with the "you are not worthy" speeches. It's roots are in Europe during the time when the Popes wielded so much power that they could wage war and force people to pay them taxes and such ... that "unworthiness" mantra has been passed down to now billions of Catholics worldwide so that the masses CONFORM.
      In order to escape the madness of that mantra, one has to meet "God" on his/her own terms ... outside of the church. Then, and only then, can he/she truly see what "God" can do for them.

    3. I once had a friend tell me that he was afraid not to go to church and believe everything in the bible because of the "what if" factor.
      Meaning that if there is a heaven and hell and god is taking notes on everything you he does everyday he does not want to get caught on the wrong side. To me this illustrates lack programming because he is living life based on fear of the unknown instead of living freely as God, Universal Intelligence, The Light or whatever you may call intended for us. I do believe religion can serve a purpose but it is often hijacked by people with less than desirable motives or who refuse to listen and appreciate others and are content on being cosmic warriors for their belief systems.

      It is so much easier to give and help others when you have given and helped your own soul to be the happiest person you can while on this world.

      Keep rockin it Randy!

    4. I feel more than qualified to speak re "mechanistic" religion. I'm a missionary-kid born and raised in Nigeria right next to a leprosy village my parents ran. I've a degree in theology from a fundamentalist seminary. I pastored a church for a while (and actually loved doing it). And all that imprinting is hard to fight off because the hooks are deep into one's subconscious. My parents were crushed when I went off to study psychology at a Catholic university, grew a beard and smoked a pipe (because that was what you were supposed to do). One lesson here is that EVERY circumstance imprints something into your subconscious.

      The impact of religion is more than about prosperity. I teach organizations that they can create their own richly imagined circumstances by applying energetic or quantum principles. The Universe is a warehouse of infinite possibilities and it's waiting for us to make selections that will become our reality. World changers have known this and been able to do it since the beginning of time.

      Almost every time I speak a fellow-Christian will accuse me of minimizing and discrediting the power of God. I'm also accused of being "New Age" which to them is just slightly below being a Satan worshiper drinking chicken blood. (It's really "Old Age!" but I seldom win with that insight). I point out that Christ told his followers that they'd do far greater miracles than he'd ever done. All the things we're coming to understand about how our entire world is an expression of energy, for example, is showing us that we really can do miracles. This is such a rich awareness I hardly know which way to turn. Heck, isn't the internet a miracle? This doesn't minimize God - it demonstrates how amazing and generous God is to freely give us that kind of power. What annoys God, I'm sure, is how pathetic we are in using the power we've been given. Let's see some miracles out there!

    5. Is it a matter of faith to believe that someone is worthy of a prosperity blessing or a matter of knowledge?
      Is it possible to know that I am worthy of that or will I have to make some efforts to believe it?
      Can my worthiness be proved in a logical way?

    6. I totally agree with your statements today... and for the past week. I don't believe that you are intending to critisize people for their belief system, but just want to make them aware that they are worthy to recieve all things good, just as much as anyone else. It's a self-esteem issue with a lot of people. You can still be religious and serve others. In the financial services world, we believe that everyone should "pay yourself first"... that way you know that at the end of the day, you will be able to have the things you want. Why not pay yourself first? It's you that gets up and goes to work every morning to provide for yourself and your family... pick a percentage and pay that to yourself every week/month... as you manifest more wealth, the amount will get larger and larger... just imagine how great that will feel!

    7. Hi Randy:

      You happen to be talking about Religion for this particular point, but the fact is, that it does not matter whether it's religion or any other stimulus that has ingrained the un worthiness mentality in our sub conscious mind the results will be the same.

      It's not until we wake up and start to look at ourselves, and take responsibility for our actions that things start to shift. that may be easier said than done because many are not even aware of the programing they carry in the sub conscious, it really takes some hard knocks sometimes to awaken an individual to transformation.

      You seem to have a handle on getting that message across. 🙂

      All the best

    8. Message cannot get any clearer than this ... "The ultimate issue here is believing that you are worthy of great prosperity."

      Lack and unworthiness are deep programs that come up in many different ways and areas. Be on the lookout and GROW!

      Helps to read Randy Gage too!

    9. Ever since I read your series on prosperity, Randy, the first question I ask my new clients is what they would do with X amount money per year and, without fail, they start talking about OTHERS.

      I clarify, as you have done, stating, 'what would you do for YOU.' They stop dead in their tracks, like all the past programming come flooding in.

      In regards to how *I'M* doing with it, here's my example. My last job interview, the employer asked, 'Jhanna, how much would you lie to make.' I said, 'At least $100K per year, or more.' (this was HUGE for me as my job before that I was only making a measly $40K)

      Well, the employer just about fell out of his chair. I quietly picked up my things, stood up, and said, 'I can tell this isn't the opportunity for me. Thank you for your time.', and walked out.

      I had FINALLY started to see my worth, otherwise, I wouldn't have been prepared to walk out.

      It was then that knew if I am to make what I believe I am worth, it will have to be done out of corporate America. I now know that I can make whatever I believe I am worth. My income reflects my self worth.

      Rock On,


    10. At it's simplest, it seems a variation of "Been down so long, it looks like up to me." I'm still working on breaking that perspective.

    11. I am worth my weight in gold, which given the current price of gold and my weight is quite a bit 🙂

      I have been of the lack mindset for so long, accepting my fate until I started to read this blog.


    12. The problem is not that he doesn’t believe in God’s love – it is that he feels he is unworthy of that love

    13. It's amazing how, even after all this time on this great subject, I still feel a gut response that resonates with the couple in question! There is so much lack programming still oozing from my pores! From money to deserving happiness to physical attractiveness. Too bad we can't buy a 'lack' cleanse along with the colon cleanse.
      My mind is comprehending and accepting what you are saying while my unconcious beliefs are still on auto-pilot.
      Hammer on, Randy!

    14. Thank you Randy for presenting and explaining this "touchy" subject. I too would have been one to holler and jump up and down about how wrong you are - but, because I have read your books and read your blogs, I have opened my mind and realized what your explaining really does make sense. It's amazing how through developing a new outlook I feel like weight has been lifted off of me.

    15. Randy, right on the money bro! I remember going to my neighbors church who is actually the pastor there. He once did a sermon and I remember him saying that we should not want more, but less! it was mind blowing needless to say I never went back.

      Just the other day I noticed he was moving to a house that was bigger and in a better part of town and he got a killer deal on it hmmm so much for not wanting more

    16. Randy, YOU hit this topic right out of the park! Thanks!!!

      You stated, "Organized religion infects a lot of people with this mind virus, but there are plenty of other guilty parties as well."

      Yes! For me, it started with the churches I attended as a child; heavy duty indoctrination, and escalating to community organizations (some sounding like religions, too). I felt the guilt, shame and fear gripe. It took years for me to Wake Up from these indoctrinations, myths and lies. Choosing where I get my information from, and how I use it is critical for me.

      Today, I own my choices, and take full responsibility for creating a life that serves me. A life that empowers me to be Whole, Complete and DESERVING of all the treasures available to me. It is a process, and I am on the Prosperity Path!

      All Aboard,

    17. I started tuning out the mantra " you have to suffer to earn God's love" that the RCC/Vaticano message was doling out early but not soon enough not to have that message embedded. Until I adjusted the volume of that voice in my head with a round with the L.Ron H's to find that I could extract that message and replace it with one that would fortify me. Sometimes i prospered with money, sometimes with friends, sometimes with 'things'.
      Each religious message contains a usable trace message but I feel they have been so obscured with the chatter could drive a person into a hole. Or just into submission to the most powerful or loudest message. I need to be able to sort those messages, leverage the ones of benifit, discard the ones without. It is a daily discipline - a religious discipline... hmm. That was fun Randy, thanks for the fodder.

    18. Wrong Name-John using my laptop 🙂

      Randy, YOU hit this topic right out of the park! Thanks!!!

      You stated, “Organized religion infects a lot of people with this mind virus, but there are plenty of other guilty parties as well.”

      Yes! For me, it started with the churches I attended as a child; heavy duty indoctrination, and escalating to community organizations (some sounding like religions, too). I felt the guilt, shame and fear gripe. It took years for me to Wake Up from these indoctrinations, myths and lies. Choosing where I get my information from, and how I use it is critical for me.

      Today, I own my choices, and take full responsibility for creating a life that serves me. A life that empowers me to be Whole, Complete and DESERVING of all the treasures available to me. It is a process, and I am on the Prosperity Path!

      All Aboard,

    19. Jhanna that is brilliant! "My income reflects my self worth." I've added you to my quotes file and that's a great short way to get the pointa across to clients.

    20. Worthiness is the fundamental issue, isn't it.? Look at it from a Christian fundamentalist p.o.v. (been there, done that, lost the t-shirt:) we're told that we're not worthy, yet... God paid the ultimate price (his son), therefore, yes! we are worthy, and worthy of all the blessings that God intended for us.

      To paraphrase a wonderful quote: God's gift to us is more talent and ability than we'll ever use, our gift to God is to develop those talents richly, to become the fullest, best, richest people that we can.

      If we're totally sold on helping the less fortunate, then the only effective way is to become rich.

      If we're sold out on living the good life, the only way is to become rich.

      Money might not buy happiness, but, it gives you so much more choice in life.

      Randy, thank you so much for being a voice of sanity!

    21. Have you ever been rejected? I was listening to an mp3 today about rejection. It was part of a series on "How to Overcome the Pain in Your Past" by Chip Ingram.

      In Webster's, rejection is defined as "WORTHLESS, useless, or sub-standard; to pass over or skip; to rebuff...especially to deny acceptance, care, or love to someone.

      Charles R. Soloman says rejection is "The absence of meaningful love."

      Chip says there are 2 types of rejection:
      1.) Overt- willful known abuse (verbal, emotional & physical)
      2.) Covert- UNINTENTIONAL rejection that is emotionally perceived but not intellectually comprehended. (examples: an absent parent, over-protection, spoiling, performance based love)

      To break the cycle- Chip says you can find God's solution in Ephesians 1:7-14.

      1.) Jesus will put your past behind you (if you let him)
      New Message: You are FREE!

      2.) Jesus has a Purpose for your life today!
      New Message: You are NEEDED!

      3.) Jesus promises you a Positive future!
      New Message: You are VALUABLE!

      4.) Jesus will never ever REJECT you!
      New Message: You are SECURE!

      You are already loved unconditionally by God. "You live out of who you already are, not to try to gain God's favor."
      It may take some time, telling yourself this every day (prayers of affirmation) , before you completely believe you are loved unconditionally by God.

    22. This reminds me of a conversation with my pastor regarding the line "On Earth As It Is In Heaven". In other words "Heaven on Earth". God promises a kingdom in Heaven, he promises us on earth as it is in Heaven. We don't need to be denying ourselves our promised kingdom on Earth in order for us to get to Heaven. God wants us to have Heaven in our lives right now. This doesn't mean we get to greedy money-whores. Besides if you're main goal is just the money, and not what you can do with the money, then you aren't going to get very far.

    23. Amen yet again Randy!

      We come into this physical world knowing that we are powerful creators - that everything we want and need comes to us limitlessly and abundantly when we focus our intent.

      And then we are programmed by the 'world' to forget that power. We're re-programmed to the negative side - to lack, fear and powerlessness. We even go so far as to train our young physical beings that they should view their natural birthright of limitless abundance as greedy and bad form.

      Whether it be through religious doctrine, parental rules, our teachers viewpoints, the kids we play with (whose parents are busy reprogramming) or society at large - we are taught to be less than is our right...and expect less than is our natural birthright.

      How sad is that? And we call it socialization.

      But then, if we're lucky - we get the chance to remember again, thanks to people like you Randy!


    24. I agree with this. Raised Catholic, and I think it keeps a lot of people small.

      Is religion (not God) a tool to enforce social class?

    25. It may be that many of us on a sub-conscious level don't believe we're worthy of great prosperity or it just seems too unlikely to ever happen. I see this in people who win the lottery. In a few short years, many of them spend it foolishly and end up right where they were before. Maybe their lack programming can account for this. Maybe on a sub-conscious level they really could not see themselves as rich. It could also be they never were or will be smart at handling money. Maybe if from the outset, they believed deep inside that they were worthy of this comfort and wealth, they would behave in ways to preserve it. I better program it into my head on a daily basis that I'm worthy of prosperity because no one else will - except Randy Gage of course. Another excellent post Mr. Gage.

    26. In the parable of the talents Jesus called the servant that didn't invest the money wicked & lazy. Nowhere in the bible does it say money is bad. In fact the bible says a good man leaves an inheritance for his childrens children. Kind of hard to do that if you can't pay your light bill.

    27. This is so true. But as a people we can have prosperity if we do the right things in life.It is actually a sin to live in mediocrity and not do anything to better yourself.Self-reliance is a major factor both spiritually and temporally.When you have more you can do more to serve the causes you support.

    28. What amazes me is the churches that teach poverty & then pass the offering plate around so they can pay the bills.

      Fortunately in my early adult life I was introduced to Christian ministers who teach prosperity & then to a bunch of young, wealthy, & free prosperity believin' MLMers who kept me on the right path.

      I've made a lot of money in the industry & because of that have been able to help myself, my family & a lot of other people too.

      My mission now is to instill that thought process in my team & most importantly for me into my daughter so that prosperity lives on.

      If we all make it a mission to break the cycle of poverty & create more young, wealthy & free people the world will listen.

      When we make a bigger impact people will see our point of view.

      One thing is for certain though, all it takes for poverty to run wild is for enough prosperous people to hide their light under a bushel & do nothing about it.

      Let your light shine!

    29. Amen.
      >>>Does God Want You to be Poor?<<<
      NO, HE DOESN'T. He always keeps His promises. Amen again. Enjoyed your post, Randy.
      Some of my favorites from Randy's 101 keys to prosperity list:
      ●Miracles are not accidents (32)
      ●Gossiping about others creates a negative prosperity debt (50) - which I never do and will never do.
      ●Tithe 10% back to the source (52)
      ●Be willing to give away something you possess, to receiv something you desire (56)
      ●Build your own dream instead of borrowing the dreams of others (61)
      ●Bills are simply invoices for blessigs you've already received (82).
      ●Surround yourself with people who dream bigger than you do (90).
      ●Your mind is an instrument for poverty or prosperity (90).


    30. Question to the die hard flowers of this blog.

      Does anyone know if Mr Gage already gave an opinion about Michael Moore's last film : Capitalism a Love Story, ?

      My opinion about the movie: This movie is dangerous to the human kind and is a good tool to keep the people Dumb, stupid and broken.

      Sad sad Sad!

      Thank you for your respons

    31. Interesting question Randy. I just had the second guy, (in under two years), tell me today that I was too good for him. It really had me think about this. Without meaning to sound pompous, they're both right. It was a great wake-up call reminding me that I still don't believe I'm worthy of this 'better' guy, the one that I actually dream of being with.

    32. The trailer looked so dangerous that I didn't go, because I didn't want that negative programing.


    33. Randy,
      You are right about that. I was just thinking what our minister says and that is that Jesus said, "You shall do these things I do and greater things." It is up to me to believe I am worthy.

      I went to an evangelical church for a while and they would tell you "the wages of sin are death" and we are all sinners. If we all get what we deserve we would be hot. How could anyone feel worthy with that kind of program.

      When Jesus does return the first place he will go to his one of his cousins who is a lawyer in Boca Raton and send a cease and desist to these people. In the name of love...

      Jim Story

    34. Randy being from the Bible belt, I struggled with this for years. Finally, I decided that I had to take care of me and what I needed before I could ever do anything for anyone else. I thank God that I have had people like you and my life coach to show me the way. Just keep preaching, there are thousands that need to hear this message. Great posts.

    35. Prosperity has nothing to do with the legalized corruption we have in this country in the name of "Free Enterprise","Personal Responsability" and Capitalism.
      We are not in the 16th century- batering to make money.

    36. G'day Randy,I have been a Christian for 30 of my 46 yrs and I agree with you. It so rubs me the wrong way when Christians will talk the talk but they won't walk or act on their faith.

      Through out the entire bible it speaks on Gods wealth for us and yes on prosperity tithing, though for some crazy reason Christians don't believe that Gods blessings are for them. They believe that if they give everything they have that they will be awarded in heaven....but we are not in heaven now and you need money to survive.....Without money charities would not exist, without money you can't buy food, clothing or afford a roof over their heads.

      I feel alot of Christians today are brain washed into thinking that its wrong to be wealthy, they pick out of the bible the bits that they think is correct and disregard the rest.....So are Christian trained and brain washed in their thinking....your damn right they are.

    37. Randy,

      When you see yourself already making lots of money in this business and taking the right actions, things do start to work out for the better.

      It does not matter what religion you are. You kind of get the same programming from the TV, media, your family, and your friends.

      That is why it is so important to get educated from books and tapes just like the ones that you have Randy.


    38. How badly would you like to know?

      ...enough to put yourself through years of schooling like the chicken blood drinking New Age Hippie Satan worshipper did?
      ...enough to Google it?
      ...just enough to hope someone takes it upon themselves to educate you based on a blog post request?

      Sorry if that comes across as mean spirited. I'm just asking what I believe to be a very pertinent question, especially in light of the topic at hand. Once you put your eggs in someone else's basket, you don't have much room to complain about how they treat their basket.

    39. "Jhanna, how much would you lie to make."

      I'm not sure if you meant to type "lie"...but I find it totally apropos for a corporate interview situation. Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha hah! (Just like they're lying about how wonderful it will be to work there in that same interview)

    40. You stated, “Organized religion infects a lot of people with this mind virus, but there are plenty of other guilty parties as well.”

      Could one of those "other" guilty parties perpetuating mind viruses be Marketers?!!...with messages of lack regarding your Diet, Weight, misbehaving Dog/Puppy, Financial situation or even dare I say "mindset"?

    41. I think worthiness issues are very contagious. And I think they are more common than you would expect. If you start hanging around with someone who has worthiness issues but doesn't realize it and isn't willing to see the issues, you have to be very carefully of the affect it has on you. What is the are the average of the 5 people you are around the most. If a person you are around a lot has worthiness issues & talks about how bad they feel for their friends and the problems their friends have in their marriages, work, health, etc...take a look at how it is impacting your life.

      They may believe there friends are a good influence...they go to church and are nice people...but if they bring you down & don't want to change, how good of an influence is it?

    42. In this example, I think the friends are feeling like victims & they are creating their reality. I think people can be successful in some areas of their lives but feel they are victims in other areas. Instead of changing, they are accepting being victims.

    43. Sounds kind of like network marketing. Some people get it, some people take time to get it & some never get it.

    44. In church this past week, the sermon was called "JUMP. It was about putting God first.
      1.) Not having a poverty mentality about money because it locks you up in a state of lack. (Characterized by mismanagement of money). Prosperity is about management & not the amount.
      2.) Not having a sense of entitlement. Nobody owes you.
      3.) Not having a sense of victimization. We need to learn to trust God.
      4.) Being trustworthy with God's blessing.

    45. Hi Kathleen,
      you can buy a "lack" cleanse, find yourself an experienced hypnotherapist who you "connect" with & ask them to help support you in "cleansing your subconscious" helping you to remove what isn't serving you,"turn-up" the good stuff that is, and re-programme your subconscious mind with the positive thoughts,feelings, & actions that you would like to resonate with !
      Take it from me it works ! after doing it myself & training how to help others,I now have 11 years of experience in helping others to do the same !! The actualisation of the potential of my clients never ceases to amaze & inspire me !
      As does the sharing of Randys energy & experience

    46. Hi Randy,

      Thanks for another great post.
      I find that worthiness does not seem to be an issue for me.
      My lack of effective money management is what keeps me in the place that I am at. I know that God has everything for me that I need. He provides an abundance of prosperity to all of His children.
      I am so grateful for that. Time to work on the root of the issue which is money management.
      Thanks again.
      Make it a great day!
      God Bless,

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