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Creating a Success Cycle for Yourself

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 21, 2011

I’m here at the Big Event, put on by Bob Burg and Paul Martinelli.  Great crowd, cool energy, and the honor of working with an amazing faculty.   Today I shared some thoughts on how you create a success cycle for yourself.  

It starts with vision.  Now many people think they don’t have a vision, but that’s not true.  Everyone has a vision.  Hopefully you have a positive one.  But millions of people have a neutral one; celebrating hump day and killing time until the weekend.  And many more actually have a negative vision:  “If it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.”  “I’m always a day late and a dollar short.”  “All the good men are married or Gay.”

As shadow follows the form, effect follows the cause. There is no random.  Your life is the harvest of your thoughts.   Whether you are on the path of joy or the path of suffering is determined by the thoughts you give precedence to.  And your thoughts come from the type of vision you have and where you are on the cycle.  Here’s what I told the guys today:

Your reality is the result of your vision.
Your vision is the result of your core foundational beliefs.
Your core foundational beliefs are the result of the programming you have been exposed to.

And here’s the scary thing…

Your beliefs about everything prosperity - money, relationships, health, and spirituality - were probably set by the time you were ten years old!  You may have a hard time believe you are sabotaging your prosperity at 30, 40, or 50 because of a belief that was formed when you were six, but I see it all the time.

Example:  Did your parents fight a lot or get a divorce when you were young?  Your beliefs about marriage and relationships were set to the negative default back then.   And those beliefs impact how you operate in relationships the rest of your life.  Or until you become aware of this and make a conscious choice to change.

So do some critical thinking about what kind of beliefs you developed in childhood on money, rich people, God, health, and relationships.  Please share your thoughts below, and we’ll pick up there on the next post.


64 comments on “Creating a Success Cycle for Yourself”

  1. I had a believe that when I become a rich person, people will see me as a moneybag. They will have relationship and friendship with me only to get benefits of my status, the girls will "love" me for my money and power. They will not love me for my character or anythinh else. The greatest motivator for them will be my wealth and the possibility to get presents from me, the possibility to conquer me emotionally and deprive me of my wealth.

    The will lie, fake, and do lots of terrible things.

    And when some of the girls I know say about the possibility of marriage with someone "well, if he becomes a diamond director, I will think of that", I feel like my emotions are pulling me back. My opinion of all girls becomes worse. And I feel like I come back to my former beliefs despite I know those beliefs are not true.

    Emotions are stronger than mind.

  2. Yeah,

    I agree Randy. I work everyday on changing my consciousness away from negativity. It's hard as hell.

    Was raised in a Catholic household where rich people were evil, marriage lasted forever, risk-taking was bad, and creativity wasn't important, just working a "good Union job." As we all know, the days of the good job are on their way out. And well, to be blunt, I'd be depriving the world of some of what I can do if I just did that.

    We never got along too well. I'm a creative type, and I'm also gay. Which, well shouldn't be a big deal, but it is to some.

    Good thing I am doing what I was born to do again, even though it's scary as hell.

    It's hard for me not to be angry at my family, I've talked about it, and it's not as bad as it was. but

    I am working on my passion again, which is electronic music. It's everything from rap to the latest movie score. Being able to shape sound has a lot of applications.

    I've found people who are doing well that besides making music, also happen to do things like design sounds, partner with companies to make software, and create other awesomeness that shows their creative side and makes a profit. So, it's not like there aren't examples for me to follow.

    Might as well be true to myself, because some of the most successful people in the world are successful because of this.

    It's crazy to do this, but it feels right.

    1. Are we related? Sounds like we could be (lol). It's taken me (never mind how many) years to figure it out. I read the following every morning and it is helping me get back to who I'm supposed to be ... I'd like to share it with you. Hope you enjoy it.

      Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
      ~~Marianne Williamson

      Lastly, in the words of Joseph Campbell, 'Follow Your Bliss'

  3. Randy,

    Yes, I believe your beliefs are formed at a young age by watching and listening to your parents. It definitely takes a change in your thinking as you get older to overcome these beliefs.

    I am working to instill in my children there is an abundance so they will grow up with good beliefs.


  4. Hello Randy,
    Yes, you are right when you say that our thoughts make us. Somehow I strongly believe that we can make and destroy ourselves and its 90% in our hand and rest is all destiny as everyone has to see ups and downs in life.
    I did saw many problems since childhood and have survived or may be rightly saying lived each moment to the best. When I was sad I cried whole heartedly and when I was happy I expressed my happiness to everyone. I speak a lot not because I like to.
    But the reason is the communication gap amongst my parents which I saw during my childhood. At that time I couldn't help them but I made it a point to express myself to everyone to the best possible way so as to avoid any misunderstanding leading to fights.

    But I have one question to ask you. Could you please advise if our basic nature like laziness, bad health, feeling to sit alone...etc is also derived out of our thoughts?

    Hope to hear from you on this. 🙂

      1. Great news is that the body knows how to be healthy, feel good and excel if we give it the right programing (diet, exercise, positive thoughts) to do so EVEN in genetically predispositioned populations. Genes are the loaded gun, it's still up to you to pull the trigger.

  5. Some beliefs are difficult to rid yourself of. Beliefs that you are talking about are sometimes based on emotionally laden events that haunt us everytime a similiar situation arises. How do we expel those? Consciousness about those events does not always lead to those beliefs just evaporating.

    Anyway, I am leaving it open, I don't know the answer yet myself.

    Also, you know, I know, you know? I do. If this was not a public space, I would share my beliefs with you about that. I would also share the emotions I feel about it, but not here. Okay.

    1. Actually most beliefs are based on emotionally laden events. Emotion is what makes memes more powerful and spread faster. So we'll definitely explore this deeper.


    2. Hey Annie-
      This may be helpful for to your question.
      Beliefs get put in place during emotionally charged events, because we want to make sense of what is happening around or to us. This is very often at a young age, but not always. Because of our need and ability for reasoning these become beliefs/memes that make sense on some level even when they are not true. We then tend as adults to attract situations to "prove" we were correct in our assumptions from earlier events.

      Example: I held a belief for years that all men are untrustworthy based on watching my Dad's behavior as a kid. Due to this falsehood I also believed that I needed to stay in charge in order to be safe and never trust any man.

      If you want to practice shifting some things, here are some steps I learned when I was 28 that helped me see the core of my decisions, and led me from an early divorce followed by years of multiple partners, to a solid and happy 20 year marriage to one of the most honest people I know.

      This may sound complex, but it can be done in 10 or 15 minutes.

      First step is to breath and notice what you feel. (Fear, anger, frustration etc)
      Second step is to close your eyes and breathe into the feeling and see what moment it triggers. It's like stopping time to focus on the split second that embedded the strongest feelings and beliefs.
      Third step is to write down all the beliefs as you begin to hear them run through your mind. (Keep breathing and take your time. You will be amazed and what comes up.)
      Once you have gotten the heart of the beliefs written, open your eyes and take a really deep breath.
      When you're back in the present moment read each belief one at a time and ask yourself; " Is this fundamentally TRUE? Or False? 99% of what you tell yourself will be false. I actually write false on the page after each one.

      The purpose of this is not to have a pity party with yourself, but to get the memes that are running your life on paper so you can see them clearly and tell the truth.

      The last step is to make new choices and affirm what is true about yourself, others and life.

      Try this out on small irritating things first, before delving into your deepest issues, but I will tell you that I have used these steps to recover from a very scary childhood, growing up in a cult, being date raped, the loss of loved ones etc. Doing battle with our own minds can be a daily event, but the rewards are amazing.
      Peace to you,

      1. Well, I don't know what to say. Thank you Jeanne. That was very kind and inspiring. I will try what you say, it is so helpful to have an actual tool in dealing with scary emotions. I am so happy too that you found something that really worked. Thanks Again.


      2. Hey Jeanne,

        This is really very useful information.
        Even I tried this and it was very much useful. Its easier to overcome the problem when you know what exactly is the problem.

        This exercise not only helps you to visualize the issues rather it helps to face them.
        Moreover you can work towards the solutions!

        Loved this step by step info you shared.


        1. You're all welcome.
          Not to promote anything here, but to give credit where it is due. I learned this from a brilliant man and dear friend who passed away a few years ago, named Brad Brown. He designed the weekend course where I learned this process called More To Life. As a Psycho Therapist and an Episcopal priest, his passion was helping people wake up to become all they could by getting out of their own way.
          I'm glad it was helpful.

  6. "As shadow follows the form, effect follows the cause. There is no random. Your life is the harvest of your thoughts."

    Love this Randy!! I know the event is amazing!

  7. Great to know you can rewrite the ending of where you thought you were headed. Now lets get on with actively doing that ourselves.

    Thank you Randy for your leadership

  8. Randy,
    I am working on this now. I know that my subconscious has been filled with negatives since I was a kid. My parents did fight and we had a judgemental, unloving home in many ways. We did look good to others.

    It dawned on me that people who come from loving supportive families don't necessarily think the way I do. They had different beliefs than I did.

    As for that one negative, when a girl tells me that, "all the good men are either married or gay" I usually say "this proves is there is a God." It is funny though that one persons negative is another persons positive.


  9. Randy,
    You have childhood mental muscles formed at an early age. From your eating habits, language, spiritual, personal, and habitual life style. Those mental muscle strengthen over the years after that and until an individual realizes that, it will only strengthen, many times in a non prosperous direction. That's why we all need to stop at some point, step out the Matrix and evaluate our path and ask does this belief or daily habit serve my prosperity?

  10. For some people everything is wonderful, until you say the “M” word.

    When it comes to “money”, an immediate wall of resistance springs up.

    For some odd reason the same people that brought forth the idea of “Peace, Love, and Light” deleted this part of the global vision.

    Unless it is giving to others. That’s okay. Because that still leaves YOU out of the picture.

    Your aversion to the “M” word comes from another “M” word - “mind-control.”

    All civilizations must have some way to measure wealth – some currency (as in "streaming energy").

    On this planet the usury and bank associated money is clever and devious, as are churches assertions that seeking wealth is kind of sinful.

    While they amass staggering wealth themselves!

    People just can't see the elephant in the living room.

    See the lie and illusion for what it is, then get rid of it – release it.

    We all have the tools now.

    I don’t feel guilty for breathing as deeply as I need to or to eat and drink all of the best that is out there, and I refuse to see acquiring all other necessities as something to apologize for.

    The best things available are a necessity, not just something other people have.

    KNOW that you have a perfect right to have all you want just as you have a right to breathe, without limitation.

    But you have to want it!

  11. I was raised in an Irish Catholic household and went to a Catholic Convent School so was infected with the Guilt virus which has taken years to overcome still working on the ingrained centuries old poverty consciousness (quite a big family miasm to break). And yes, my parents did divorce acrimoniously when I was young, however I never stopped believing that I would get married and always had a positive attitude about it because it was something I had believed deep down in myself since I was a little girl despite what was going on around me. I am happily married, ten years so far and still going well.
    It takes a lot of work to break the old ingrained other people stuff, but it's worth it because the rewards are great and bring such liberation.

  12. Dear Randy!
    This is so true.These planted sentences from the past, do have a great influence on you, until you discover them, and decide to "throw them away" and replace them with the positive ones. I have every day a time when I make these positive postulates like "I deserve Success" just saying that all the time, and during that period, I experiance all the negative ones trying to stop the positive one, and I imagine them as balons I puncture with a neadle,and continue with the positive one - it's quit funny and uplifting.And it works.
    I also just recieved a mail form Joe Syverson with a video The 5th Agreement, Developing A Leadership Mindset. If you did not see it yet, you should see it, it's really touching, and is about buying other peoples oppinions judging others and yourself.
    I just love your article here, and what really have astonished me, is that the great persons - like yourself - that really understands what the different religions say, comes close to the same conclusions, just express it with different words. That is actually quit beautifull.

  13. Vision. So important. A recent experience has shown me what's even more important than a clear vision, and that is, holding on to mine, in a world that begs to snuff them out. I went to dinner Fri. night with some friends and I became the topic of conversation where relationships are concerned. I humored myself with the crowd of couples as they expressed their opinions about me. They all know that my favorite relationship movie is, "The Wedding Date", with Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney. I expressed, when bombarded with comments about how unrealistic my expectations, "visions", are about the relationship I desire to have, that I WILL have a man, with the qualities of Dermot in the movie. The laughter could be heard throughout the restaurant. My point in sharing this is that I realized as I sat and observed the reaction, they had all limited their visions on what they realistically expect a realtionship to be and they were sitting next to them. One friend said, " There are no men like that", another said, " You may have the pretty, but your expectations are too high", and on and on it went. Before making a concerted effort to deviate from the subject, I confirmed to them that, " This is my vision, and he is on his way to me. I won't settle for anything less. I share this because it is so vitally important that we be convicted to our visions and even if the crowd of well intended friends think it is their obligation, to put us into their reality, I know better. We are only limited to our sense of worthiness and I hope that all of you, take the same stand that I have, whether it be relationships or money..... to continually strive for your visions and not let the world of people who choose to settle, affect what you deserve and the vision you demand your life to be.

    1. Oh Mary-Ellen, I love that story. I think he is coming to you too. Although, I don't know if I have ever seen that movie, which surprises me, I usually never miss a romantic comedy.

      Anyway, good for you don't listen to your friends, they are wrong. However, if the Dermot guy comes and he snores really loud or has smelly feet, or something else you didn't bargin for, remember no one is perfect. 🙂

      1. You are too funny Annie. The snoring I can adapt, the smelly feet or a non flosser is a definite deal breaker. Thank you for the support and I would highly recommend the movie. It is hilarious and romantic.

        1. I could not aggree more Mary-Ellen. The flossing is a must. What woman wants to kiss a fella with bits of yesterday's chicken in his teeth. Ewww. 🙂

      1. The only other suggestion I would have on this topic is not to limit your vision and be honest with yourself about what it is you really want. I hope you enjoy the movie. I never get tired of watching it.

    2. Mary-Ellen,

      I have yet to see the "Wedding Date" movie, however I can relate my own experience of searching for my future husband.

      I made a list of qualities I wanted in a husband and posted them in plain view on the door of the kitchen cabinet that holds the water glasses. On a first or second date, I sent each man into the kitchen to get us glasses of water, knowing full well he would read the list. If his comment was something like, "Wow, you're really too finicky about what you're looking for"...... there was NO NEXT DATE. It was a great screening process! Plus I added qualities after each guy who flunked my test.

      In all there were about 20 qualities on that list by the time I found the man who became my husband. The list was posted in March and I met him in December that year. He matched up on all but the financial qualities. I made an exception for that quality because we are both committed to the journey of expanding our financial prosperity, and that is a close enough match for me.

      We celebrated our 12th anniversary of happy and fulfilling marriage late last year! and we look forward to many more!

        1. I found the list! This is my first marriage. I got married well within my predicted age range. In our vows we promised to remain together "as long as we both shall love".... we're still going strong!

          I will marry a gentle, kind, of similar spiritual mind, open minded, fun, mature, near my age, children loving man. He earns $100,000 [or more] per year. He is accepting, happy, nonsmoker, no excessive drinking, no drugs, no excessive gambling, heterosexual, nonpressuring, nonmanipulative, committed [to a monogamous long term relationship]. I will marry him by the time I am 35.

  14. Randy. Randy. Love is infinite, just as prosperity don't you think? Someone wise on this blog told me that jelousy pushes away the things we want. I think jelousy comes from a belief of a lack. That there isn't enough of something. That definitly arises from old programming in our childhoods.

    It might be a more difficult belief to overcome than other kinds of lack programming. Lack of love programming. So some people are limited on how much love they can receive and give.

    It is also a worthiness issue too. We have to feel worthy of love. How do you get there?

    Does love have limits? Does prosperitiy have limits? Can a thing be infinite and limited? Can a thing be fluffy and frozen? (I wonder about this when it says on my fluffy whipped yogurt to try it frozen)

    I am not sure where I am going with this. I don't have a clear vision apparently. I guess clarity sometimes comes with time.

    Is wisdom always knowing though? Or is wisdom also sometimes knowing you don't know?

    I just don't know. I think I might enjoy questions more than answers.

    1. Annie,
      I think wisdom is coming to the understanding of, the more we know, the more we realize how little we do know. As far as love, I think the only way you limit love or money, is by holding on too tightly to it.

  15. From 5 to 10 short years, to a life time of ...... Wealth, Health, and Love MIRRORED from our childhood
    So what will it take to " re PROGRAM" ??
    5 to 10 years of INTROSPECTION and Self Awareness ??

    I Know that my "Money Container" was small (coffee cup size) growing up, hearing all the clichés about money.
    I do know the "Lack" was not totally their fault, recognizing this and forgiving has helped.
    Very Fortunate I don't have to "re PROGRAM" all the core fundamentals Well I'm "Gage" ing them lol

    Working on chancing that cup to a "MONEY VESSEL"
    Wealth,Health and Smiles

  16. "Everyone has a vision. Hopefully you have a positive one. But millions of people have a neutral one; celebrating hump day and killing time until the weekend. And many more actually have a negative vision...."

    How true, Randy! And I think the saddest one is the neutral vision. At least the people with a negative vision have a purpose in life, even if it's self-destructive. They're accomplishing SOMEthing.

    But so many people are simply existing, doping themselves up on drugs, alcohol, food, sex, TV or the Internet. What a terrible waste of opportunity.
    PS -- Before anyone gets upset, I'm not against TV or the Internet (or drugs, alcohol, sex or food for that matter). I'm for all of them, in varying degrees; but I object to using ANYthing as a substitute for actually enjoying life.

  17. Your beliefs about everything prosperity – money, relationships, health, and spirituality – were probably set by the time you were ten years old! You may have a hard time believe you are sabotaging your prosperity at 30, 40, or 50 because of a belief that was formed when you were six, but I see it all the time.

    I believe my vision about prosperity – money, relationships, health, and spirituality at that age was strictly limited for us who was already throwed into poverty .
    As making the decision then I can not be that hard to change the point of view using the same effort in mature age as I did as six or ten.
    Or is the ten year old mind still ruling ?

  18. It's a shame we get all that crap drilled into us at such a young, impressionable age... but the good is, we can change it in an instant...
    One of my pet peeves, love to see it go the way of the doodoo bird, big, elaborate weddings...
    Talk abut a meme drilled into people from the get go, and what a bunch of wasteful crap... thousands of dollars later for an event no one enjoys, about as much fun as a stick in the eye...
    Really proud of my ex's daughter... had a simple, beautiful wedding on a beach in Jamaica... but that comes from her Mom, who didn't push that you gotta do it this way crap on her....

    1. Totally agree, we refused to go down the wedding industry route and wrote our own ceremony, we got married in a little park full of flowers in Alaska with a fabulous view of the mountains, my entire wedding outfit from head to toe cost GB£150 (and there were 2 designer pieces in there I had picked up off the floor of a sale in a store, got cleaned and looked fabulous on the day), my flowers were a bunch of local flowers tied with the sash of my jacket. Even the locals commented on what a beautiful ceremony it was.

  19. These posts keep getting better and better. Thankyou for delving into the mental side of prosperity this past little while. These are very enlightening.

  20. Randy,
    I grew up with a single parent, my mom. No dad no boyfriends, no siblings, just a lotta distant relatives. I hav an imbedded hunger for money but it just never comes. My mum was not d giving type at all. She almost never gave me so at the age of 16 I had to start scraping up cash from wherever I could.
    I really wanna make money, so I can affect lives of the less privileged. But I just never get to touch the money. I think I need help. What do you think?

  21. Yea sometimes i feel i have limiting beliefs about the small stuff

    this is too expensive or he shouldent be doing that..., etc, etc. This is a poor mindset which must be avoided...

    "Dont wish things were easier, wish you were better"

    "Be above the small stuff"

  22. Hey Randy, I read "As a Man Thinketh". I am waiting for the sequel "As a Woman Thinketh".:)
    Anyway, I really liked it. When I read about the slaves and oppressor part, it made me think about the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic freedom. Do you think you might have a discussion on that sometime?

    By the way, you did look good in the pope hat, I hadn't seen the picture yet when I wrote the first post. However, I think now you might be under investigation by the Holy Roman Empire.

  23. Hi Randy,

    This is the first time I write a comment, eventhough I read you post always.

    I come from a wealthy family, my parents are still married, I had a very good life; BUT I think I am programming myself the wrong way. I do not know if it is the influence of the peolple that are sorrounding me; but lately I am getting all the wrong way; bad relationship, money problems, and business problems....

    Am I doing this to myself or what?

    1. Two things Juan...

      First many people born in wealthy families still have lack programming, because they grow up with guilt about it.

      And as to whether you are doing this to yourself, I won't make a judgment here. But if I did... 🙂


  24. Hi Randy

    I have been following your post for some time now and I haven't felt worthy to post.
    But today this post has inspired me.

    I have been living in a cycle of lack for the last 20 years and cycle caused by two simple beliefs programmed from an early age "that I wasn't good enough" and "no one will love me unless I am wealthy"

    There is no point in extolling the story of how bad life has been.

    But that all ends today I am good enough and the truth is It's not really love if someone only wants me for my money.

    I'm not sure how I will contribute to the world but from today on I'm going to stop looking at my shoes lift my head and start looking for an opportunity.

    Thanks for the inspiration and i'll keep n touch.


  25. Its sad for me to realise that my whole life has been somewhat of a scam really and Im lightly giggling. As you mention Randy from as early as 6 life ha been negatively influenced or programmed. My parents divorced early bla bla bla This makes me mad! Not the divorce but the negative impact and programming. But it passes as I release victim-hood. Im on chapter 7 of Why you're rich dumb and broke, loving it!

  26. Randy,

    I grew up in a Catholic family and was often told I couldn't do this or that because I was a girl. My family told me I was fat and in retrospect I wasn't but that belief was instilled in me and you guessed it I am in the large woman category. Other areas such as relationships and personal wealth were always viewed negatively. I now know I can overcome my genetic imprint and family programing.

    I was at the Big Event and heard what you said. It was one of those profound moments in my life. I just want to say Thank You!

  27. Mornin Randy

    I love this post - but then I love all your posts. This one really spoke to me...especially...

    "Your beliefs about everything prosperity – money, relationships, health, and spirituality – were probably set by the time you were ten years old!"

    As you know - I learned at the ripe old age of 50 that I'd been abused by adults from the time I was 4 til I was 14. My therapist Keeps telling me to call it torture - so I'll do that here, because that's what it was. So horrible and overwhelming for a child that I buried those memories until I was 50 and then - well then everything came front and center and FINALLY my life made sense.

    Wow. I had imprinting at the age of 4 that was beyond horrific and limiting. Basically - whenever I wasn't "perfect" (and the definition changed daily) I was tortured. Physically, sexually, emotionally.

    The impacts of those childhood horrors drove my life for decades - and I didn't even know those imprints existed! That's how subtle personal 'gravity' (as I've come to know my negative beliefs) can be.

    I just read a great book on healing cellular memory - the memories of traumas or life experiences that are captured and held in our physical energetic selves. A big eyeopener was the learning that before the age of 6-8 - we imprint EVERYTHING that happens to us as a raw imprint on our cellular energy. No logical filters, no good or bad - it all imprints equally. WOW.

    The Healing Codes (the book I mentioned) is helping me release the oh so limiting and negative energetic imprints that created so my of my limiting beliefs from my earliest ages - and the lifting of the fear and doubt has been nothing short of amazing.

    I continue to be blown away at the depth and power of our subconscious (and even deeper cellular energetic) selves. But I'm living proof that we can step beyond the horrors - not just to Survive but to THRIVE.

    Thanks as always for your reminders on life and the bounty we are all meant to enjoy!

    luv n light


    1. Dear Rebel, thank you very much for sharing this and for mentioning the book. I'll get it.
      I must say, I was not "tortured", at least not physically and sexually, but indeed being "perfect" was the deal and the definitions changed even throughout the day. I have never been able to reach the bar, it seems. Still not - when I observe my family. But the worse message is that I of course internalized it and do it to myself myself. I knew it intellectually, as during the last few years I've been catching up on psychology, spirituality and other personal development. Finally, I "graduated" to Randy's masterclass, it seems. It is all synchronous. So recently I had an experiential knowledge of the fact that I DO this and how. Will not mention the story here, too long. Now the question is how to stop this. I want this over. It bothers be as if I was a lion and I had a fly in my ear. As now I am aware of it, but still not skilled to do much about it: I watch myself do it :-)So hopefully the book will provide more knowledge. As well as being here, of course. Again, thank you! You are indeed a great example that it is possible.

      1. Hi Larissa

        I hear you! The definition of perfect was never the same - even if I got a 98 on a test the 2 points I missed could result in a trip to the cellar complete with stuff you don't wanna know about. I only recalled all the memories in the past 3.5 years....and it has been quite the wild ride.

        Here's what I can share....The old subconscious programming took a couple of years of therapy to dig through and release -all the old buried memories had to resurface into the light of day to be released. I got thru that - but still had so much physical stuff going on - as well as sudden rushes of terror and just plain blackness.

        That's when I found a healer who taught me about cellular memory - the energetic memories that are stored in our very physical cells. I've been focused on releasing that for a few months, and it was slow going.

        The Healing Codes took me light years ahead...and I swear by them. Simple exercises to do every day and regardless of the woowoo -they work!

        I also have a blog about my experiences but don't want to disallow Randy's requests by noting it here.

        RG - if you're cool with me posting it for Larissa let me know. If not, no worries.

        Larissa - you can THRIVE on the other side...keep the faith and know you are loved and that God/Source/Universe wants us ALL to live in bounty and abundance!

        luv n light


  28. I agree with you Randy.

    Its not till now I realized how much I have been affected by what I saw and experienced growing up involving money and relationships. Growing up many of my relatives owned businesses so collectively in my hometown my last name was associated with being rich. I didn't see what my peers saw but I but they let me know how they felt about me on a couple of occassions. Personally at that age I just wanted to fit in and sometimes come to dislike the fact my family had money. I would be called rich boy and such so in time I began to view money as a negative thing.

    As far as relationships go, my parents didn't get married but when my mom married my step dad it was the closest thing I had to a normal family. They often get in arguements which sorta caused me not to want to get married at all even though I knew I wanted to eventually become a family man. Today I have a son but didn't marry his mother. I still long for regular family life. I'm working to write a new story for my life, its difficult and times but I'm determined to succeed.

  29. I never really thought God really liked me unless I went to church weekly, gave a tithe or song in the choir...seriously. I never thought he would ever talk to me which is a huge reason on why I thought I could never hear from God.
    I really do believe that I am worthy to be rich however my reality does not exemplify that. I need to continue to look at this self-sabotage bull**** because I am really getting on my nerves lol. Great post today.

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  • 64 comments on “Creating a Success Cycle for Yourself”

    1. I had a believe that when I become a rich person, people will see me as a moneybag. They will have relationship and friendship with me only to get benefits of my status, the girls will "love" me for my money and power. They will not love me for my character or anythinh else. The greatest motivator for them will be my wealth and the possibility to get presents from me, the possibility to conquer me emotionally and deprive me of my wealth.

      The will lie, fake, and do lots of terrible things.

      And when some of the girls I know say about the possibility of marriage with someone "well, if he becomes a diamond director, I will think of that", I feel like my emotions are pulling me back. My opinion of all girls becomes worse. And I feel like I come back to my former beliefs despite I know those beliefs are not true.

      Emotions are stronger than mind.

    2. Yeah,

      I agree Randy. I work everyday on changing my consciousness away from negativity. It's hard as hell.

      Was raised in a Catholic household where rich people were evil, marriage lasted forever, risk-taking was bad, and creativity wasn't important, just working a "good Union job." As we all know, the days of the good job are on their way out. And well, to be blunt, I'd be depriving the world of some of what I can do if I just did that.

      We never got along too well. I'm a creative type, and I'm also gay. Which, well shouldn't be a big deal, but it is to some.

      Good thing I am doing what I was born to do again, even though it's scary as hell.

      It's hard for me not to be angry at my family, I've talked about it, and it's not as bad as it was. but

      I am working on my passion again, which is electronic music. It's everything from rap to the latest movie score. Being able to shape sound has a lot of applications.

      I've found people who are doing well that besides making music, also happen to do things like design sounds, partner with companies to make software, and create other awesomeness that shows their creative side and makes a profit. So, it's not like there aren't examples for me to follow.

      Might as well be true to myself, because some of the most successful people in the world are successful because of this.

      It's crazy to do this, but it feels right.

      1. Are we related? Sounds like we could be (lol). It's taken me (never mind how many) years to figure it out. I read the following every morning and it is helping me get back to who I'm supposed to be ... I'd like to share it with you. Hope you enjoy it.

        Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
        ~~Marianne Williamson

        Lastly, in the words of Joseph Campbell, 'Follow Your Bliss'

    3. Randy,

      Yes, I believe your beliefs are formed at a young age by watching and listening to your parents. It definitely takes a change in your thinking as you get older to overcome these beliefs.

      I am working to instill in my children there is an abundance so they will grow up with good beliefs.


    4. Hello Randy,
      Yes, you are right when you say that our thoughts make us. Somehow I strongly believe that we can make and destroy ourselves and its 90% in our hand and rest is all destiny as everyone has to see ups and downs in life.
      I did saw many problems since childhood and have survived or may be rightly saying lived each moment to the best. When I was sad I cried whole heartedly and when I was happy I expressed my happiness to everyone. I speak a lot not because I like to.
      But the reason is the communication gap amongst my parents which I saw during my childhood. At that time I couldn't help them but I made it a point to express myself to everyone to the best possible way so as to avoid any misunderstanding leading to fights.

      But I have one question to ask you. Could you please advise if our basic nature like laziness, bad health, feeling to sit alone...etc is also derived out of our thoughts?

      Hope to hear from you on this. 🙂

        1. Great news is that the body knows how to be healthy, feel good and excel if we give it the right programing (diet, exercise, positive thoughts) to do so EVEN in genetically predispositioned populations. Genes are the loaded gun, it's still up to you to pull the trigger.

    5. Some beliefs are difficult to rid yourself of. Beliefs that you are talking about are sometimes based on emotionally laden events that haunt us everytime a similiar situation arises. How do we expel those? Consciousness about those events does not always lead to those beliefs just evaporating.

      Anyway, I am leaving it open, I don't know the answer yet myself.

      Also, you know, I know, you know? I do. If this was not a public space, I would share my beliefs with you about that. I would also share the emotions I feel about it, but not here. Okay.

      1. Actually most beliefs are based on emotionally laden events. Emotion is what makes memes more powerful and spread faster. So we'll definitely explore this deeper.


      2. Hey Annie-
        This may be helpful for to your question.
        Beliefs get put in place during emotionally charged events, because we want to make sense of what is happening around or to us. This is very often at a young age, but not always. Because of our need and ability for reasoning these become beliefs/memes that make sense on some level even when they are not true. We then tend as adults to attract situations to "prove" we were correct in our assumptions from earlier events.

        Example: I held a belief for years that all men are untrustworthy based on watching my Dad's behavior as a kid. Due to this falsehood I also believed that I needed to stay in charge in order to be safe and never trust any man.

        If you want to practice shifting some things, here are some steps I learned when I was 28 that helped me see the core of my decisions, and led me from an early divorce followed by years of multiple partners, to a solid and happy 20 year marriage to one of the most honest people I know.

        This may sound complex, but it can be done in 10 or 15 minutes.

        First step is to breath and notice what you feel. (Fear, anger, frustration etc)
        Second step is to close your eyes and breathe into the feeling and see what moment it triggers. It's like stopping time to focus on the split second that embedded the strongest feelings and beliefs.
        Third step is to write down all the beliefs as you begin to hear them run through your mind. (Keep breathing and take your time. You will be amazed and what comes up.)
        Once you have gotten the heart of the beliefs written, open your eyes and take a really deep breath.
        When you're back in the present moment read each belief one at a time and ask yourself; " Is this fundamentally TRUE? Or False? 99% of what you tell yourself will be false. I actually write false on the page after each one.

        The purpose of this is not to have a pity party with yourself, but to get the memes that are running your life on paper so you can see them clearly and tell the truth.

        The last step is to make new choices and affirm what is true about yourself, others and life.

        Try this out on small irritating things first, before delving into your deepest issues, but I will tell you that I have used these steps to recover from a very scary childhood, growing up in a cult, being date raped, the loss of loved ones etc. Doing battle with our own minds can be a daily event, but the rewards are amazing.
        Peace to you,

        1. Well, I don't know what to say. Thank you Jeanne. That was very kind and inspiring. I will try what you say, it is so helpful to have an actual tool in dealing with scary emotions. I am so happy too that you found something that really worked. Thanks Again.


        2. Hey Jeanne,

          This is really very useful information.
          Even I tried this and it was very much useful. Its easier to overcome the problem when you know what exactly is the problem.

          This exercise not only helps you to visualize the issues rather it helps to face them.
          Moreover you can work towards the solutions!

          Loved this step by step info you shared.


          1. You're all welcome.
            Not to promote anything here, but to give credit where it is due. I learned this from a brilliant man and dear friend who passed away a few years ago, named Brad Brown. He designed the weekend course where I learned this process called More To Life. As a Psycho Therapist and an Episcopal priest, his passion was helping people wake up to become all they could by getting out of their own way.
            I'm glad it was helpful.

    6. "As shadow follows the form, effect follows the cause. There is no random. Your life is the harvest of your thoughts."

      Love this Randy!! I know the event is amazing!

    7. Great to know you can rewrite the ending of where you thought you were headed. Now lets get on with actively doing that ourselves.

      Thank you Randy for your leadership

    8. Randy,
      I am working on this now. I know that my subconscious has been filled with negatives since I was a kid. My parents did fight and we had a judgemental, unloving home in many ways. We did look good to others.

      It dawned on me that people who come from loving supportive families don't necessarily think the way I do. They had different beliefs than I did.

      As for that one negative, when a girl tells me that, "all the good men are either married or gay" I usually say "this proves is there is a God." It is funny though that one persons negative is another persons positive.


    9. Randy,
      You have childhood mental muscles formed at an early age. From your eating habits, language, spiritual, personal, and habitual life style. Those mental muscle strengthen over the years after that and until an individual realizes that, it will only strengthen, many times in a non prosperous direction. That's why we all need to stop at some point, step out the Matrix and evaluate our path and ask does this belief or daily habit serve my prosperity?

    10. For some people everything is wonderful, until you say the “M” word.

      When it comes to “money”, an immediate wall of resistance springs up.

      For some odd reason the same people that brought forth the idea of “Peace, Love, and Light” deleted this part of the global vision.

      Unless it is giving to others. That’s okay. Because that still leaves YOU out of the picture.

      Your aversion to the “M” word comes from another “M” word - “mind-control.”

      All civilizations must have some way to measure wealth – some currency (as in "streaming energy").

      On this planet the usury and bank associated money is clever and devious, as are churches assertions that seeking wealth is kind of sinful.

      While they amass staggering wealth themselves!

      People just can't see the elephant in the living room.

      See the lie and illusion for what it is, then get rid of it – release it.

      We all have the tools now.

      I don’t feel guilty for breathing as deeply as I need to or to eat and drink all of the best that is out there, and I refuse to see acquiring all other necessities as something to apologize for.

      The best things available are a necessity, not just something other people have.

      KNOW that you have a perfect right to have all you want just as you have a right to breathe, without limitation.

      But you have to want it!

    11. I was raised in an Irish Catholic household and went to a Catholic Convent School so was infected with the Guilt virus which has taken years to overcome still working on the ingrained centuries old poverty consciousness (quite a big family miasm to break). And yes, my parents did divorce acrimoniously when I was young, however I never stopped believing that I would get married and always had a positive attitude about it because it was something I had believed deep down in myself since I was a little girl despite what was going on around me. I am happily married, ten years so far and still going well.
      It takes a lot of work to break the old ingrained other people stuff, but it's worth it because the rewards are great and bring such liberation.

    12. Dear Randy!
      This is so true.These planted sentences from the past, do have a great influence on you, until you discover them, and decide to "throw them away" and replace them with the positive ones. I have every day a time when I make these positive postulates like "I deserve Success" just saying that all the time, and during that period, I experiance all the negative ones trying to stop the positive one, and I imagine them as balons I puncture with a neadle,and continue with the positive one - it's quit funny and uplifting.And it works.
      I also just recieved a mail form Joe Syverson with a video The 5th Agreement, Developing A Leadership Mindset. If you did not see it yet, you should see it, it's really touching, and is about buying other peoples oppinions judging others and yourself.
      I just love your article here, and what really have astonished me, is that the great persons - like yourself - that really understands what the different religions say, comes close to the same conclusions, just express it with different words. That is actually quit beautifull.

    13. Vision. So important. A recent experience has shown me what's even more important than a clear vision, and that is, holding on to mine, in a world that begs to snuff them out. I went to dinner Fri. night with some friends and I became the topic of conversation where relationships are concerned. I humored myself with the crowd of couples as they expressed their opinions about me. They all know that my favorite relationship movie is, "The Wedding Date", with Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney. I expressed, when bombarded with comments about how unrealistic my expectations, "visions", are about the relationship I desire to have, that I WILL have a man, with the qualities of Dermot in the movie. The laughter could be heard throughout the restaurant. My point in sharing this is that I realized as I sat and observed the reaction, they had all limited their visions on what they realistically expect a realtionship to be and they were sitting next to them. One friend said, " There are no men like that", another said, " You may have the pretty, but your expectations are too high", and on and on it went. Before making a concerted effort to deviate from the subject, I confirmed to them that, " This is my vision, and he is on his way to me. I won't settle for anything less. I share this because it is so vitally important that we be convicted to our visions and even if the crowd of well intended friends think it is their obligation, to put us into their reality, I know better. We are only limited to our sense of worthiness and I hope that all of you, take the same stand that I have, whether it be relationships or money..... to continually strive for your visions and not let the world of people who choose to settle, affect what you deserve and the vision you demand your life to be.

      1. Oh Mary-Ellen, I love that story. I think he is coming to you too. Although, I don't know if I have ever seen that movie, which surprises me, I usually never miss a romantic comedy.

        Anyway, good for you don't listen to your friends, they are wrong. However, if the Dermot guy comes and he snores really loud or has smelly feet, or something else you didn't bargin for, remember no one is perfect. 🙂

        1. You are too funny Annie. The snoring I can adapt, the smelly feet or a non flosser is a definite deal breaker. Thank you for the support and I would highly recommend the movie. It is hilarious and romantic.

          1. I could not aggree more Mary-Ellen. The flossing is a must. What woman wants to kiss a fella with bits of yesterday's chicken in his teeth. Ewww. 🙂

        1. The only other suggestion I would have on this topic is not to limit your vision and be honest with yourself about what it is you really want. I hope you enjoy the movie. I never get tired of watching it.

      2. Mary-Ellen,

        I have yet to see the "Wedding Date" movie, however I can relate my own experience of searching for my future husband.

        I made a list of qualities I wanted in a husband and posted them in plain view on the door of the kitchen cabinet that holds the water glasses. On a first or second date, I sent each man into the kitchen to get us glasses of water, knowing full well he would read the list. If his comment was something like, "Wow, you're really too finicky about what you're looking for"...... there was NO NEXT DATE. It was a great screening process! Plus I added qualities after each guy who flunked my test.

        In all there were about 20 qualities on that list by the time I found the man who became my husband. The list was posted in March and I met him in December that year. He matched up on all but the financial qualities. I made an exception for that quality because we are both committed to the journey of expanding our financial prosperity, and that is a close enough match for me.

        We celebrated our 12th anniversary of happy and fulfilling marriage late last year! and we look forward to many more!

          1. I found the list! This is my first marriage. I got married well within my predicted age range. In our vows we promised to remain together "as long as we both shall love".... we're still going strong!

            I will marry a gentle, kind, of similar spiritual mind, open minded, fun, mature, near my age, children loving man. He earns $100,000 [or more] per year. He is accepting, happy, nonsmoker, no excessive drinking, no drugs, no excessive gambling, heterosexual, nonpressuring, nonmanipulative, committed [to a monogamous long term relationship]. I will marry him by the time I am 35.

    14. Randy. Randy. Love is infinite, just as prosperity don't you think? Someone wise on this blog told me that jelousy pushes away the things we want. I think jelousy comes from a belief of a lack. That there isn't enough of something. That definitly arises from old programming in our childhoods.

      It might be a more difficult belief to overcome than other kinds of lack programming. Lack of love programming. So some people are limited on how much love they can receive and give.

      It is also a worthiness issue too. We have to feel worthy of love. How do you get there?

      Does love have limits? Does prosperitiy have limits? Can a thing be infinite and limited? Can a thing be fluffy and frozen? (I wonder about this when it says on my fluffy whipped yogurt to try it frozen)

      I am not sure where I am going with this. I don't have a clear vision apparently. I guess clarity sometimes comes with time.

      Is wisdom always knowing though? Or is wisdom also sometimes knowing you don't know?

      I just don't know. I think I might enjoy questions more than answers.

      1. Annie,
        I think wisdom is coming to the understanding of, the more we know, the more we realize how little we do know. As far as love, I think the only way you limit love or money, is by holding on too tightly to it.

    15. From 5 to 10 short years, to a life time of ...... Wealth, Health, and Love MIRRORED from our childhood
      So what will it take to " re PROGRAM" ??
      5 to 10 years of INTROSPECTION and Self Awareness ??

      I Know that my "Money Container" was small (coffee cup size) growing up, hearing all the clichés about money.
      I do know the "Lack" was not totally their fault, recognizing this and forgiving has helped.
      Very Fortunate I don't have to "re PROGRAM" all the core fundamentals Well I'm "Gage" ing them lol

      Working on chancing that cup to a "MONEY VESSEL"
      Wealth,Health and Smiles

    16. "Everyone has a vision. Hopefully you have a positive one. But millions of people have a neutral one; celebrating hump day and killing time until the weekend. And many more actually have a negative vision...."

      How true, Randy! And I think the saddest one is the neutral vision. At least the people with a negative vision have a purpose in life, even if it's self-destructive. They're accomplishing SOMEthing.

      But so many people are simply existing, doping themselves up on drugs, alcohol, food, sex, TV or the Internet. What a terrible waste of opportunity.
      PS -- Before anyone gets upset, I'm not against TV or the Internet (or drugs, alcohol, sex or food for that matter). I'm for all of them, in varying degrees; but I object to using ANYthing as a substitute for actually enjoying life.

    17. Your beliefs about everything prosperity – money, relationships, health, and spirituality – were probably set by the time you were ten years old! You may have a hard time believe you are sabotaging your prosperity at 30, 40, or 50 because of a belief that was formed when you were six, but I see it all the time.

      I believe my vision about prosperity – money, relationships, health, and spirituality at that age was strictly limited for us who was already throwed into poverty .
      As making the decision then I can not be that hard to change the point of view using the same effort in mature age as I did as six or ten.
      Or is the ten year old mind still ruling ?

    18. It's a shame we get all that crap drilled into us at such a young, impressionable age... but the good is, we can change it in an instant...
      One of my pet peeves, love to see it go the way of the doodoo bird, big, elaborate weddings...
      Talk abut a meme drilled into people from the get go, and what a bunch of wasteful crap... thousands of dollars later for an event no one enjoys, about as much fun as a stick in the eye...
      Really proud of my ex's daughter... had a simple, beautiful wedding on a beach in Jamaica... but that comes from her Mom, who didn't push that you gotta do it this way crap on her....

      1. Totally agree, we refused to go down the wedding industry route and wrote our own ceremony, we got married in a little park full of flowers in Alaska with a fabulous view of the mountains, my entire wedding outfit from head to toe cost GB£150 (and there were 2 designer pieces in there I had picked up off the floor of a sale in a store, got cleaned and looked fabulous on the day), my flowers were a bunch of local flowers tied with the sash of my jacket. Even the locals commented on what a beautiful ceremony it was.

    19. These posts keep getting better and better. Thankyou for delving into the mental side of prosperity this past little while. These are very enlightening.

    20. Randy,
      I grew up with a single parent, my mom. No dad no boyfriends, no siblings, just a lotta distant relatives. I hav an imbedded hunger for money but it just never comes. My mum was not d giving type at all. She almost never gave me so at the age of 16 I had to start scraping up cash from wherever I could.
      I really wanna make money, so I can affect lives of the less privileged. But I just never get to touch the money. I think I need help. What do you think?

    21. Yea sometimes i feel i have limiting beliefs about the small stuff

      this is too expensive or he shouldent be doing that..., etc, etc. This is a poor mindset which must be avoided...

      "Dont wish things were easier, wish you were better"

      "Be above the small stuff"

    22. Hey Randy, I read "As a Man Thinketh". I am waiting for the sequel "As a Woman Thinketh".:)
      Anyway, I really liked it. When I read about the slaves and oppressor part, it made me think about the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic freedom. Do you think you might have a discussion on that sometime?

      By the way, you did look good in the pope hat, I hadn't seen the picture yet when I wrote the first post. However, I think now you might be under investigation by the Holy Roman Empire.

    23. Hi Randy,

      This is the first time I write a comment, eventhough I read you post always.

      I come from a wealthy family, my parents are still married, I had a very good life; BUT I think I am programming myself the wrong way. I do not know if it is the influence of the peolple that are sorrounding me; but lately I am getting all the wrong way; bad relationship, money problems, and business problems....

      Am I doing this to myself or what?

      1. Two things Juan...

        First many people born in wealthy families still have lack programming, because they grow up with guilt about it.

        And as to whether you are doing this to yourself, I won't make a judgment here. But if I did... 🙂


    24. Hi Randy

      I have been following your post for some time now and I haven't felt worthy to post.
      But today this post has inspired me.

      I have been living in a cycle of lack for the last 20 years and cycle caused by two simple beliefs programmed from an early age "that I wasn't good enough" and "no one will love me unless I am wealthy"

      There is no point in extolling the story of how bad life has been.

      But that all ends today I am good enough and the truth is It's not really love if someone only wants me for my money.

      I'm not sure how I will contribute to the world but from today on I'm going to stop looking at my shoes lift my head and start looking for an opportunity.

      Thanks for the inspiration and i'll keep n touch.


    25. Its sad for me to realise that my whole life has been somewhat of a scam really and Im lightly giggling. As you mention Randy from as early as 6 life ha been negatively influenced or programmed. My parents divorced early bla bla bla This makes me mad! Not the divorce but the negative impact and programming. But it passes as I release victim-hood. Im on chapter 7 of Why you're rich dumb and broke, loving it!

    26. Randy,

      I grew up in a Catholic family and was often told I couldn't do this or that because I was a girl. My family told me I was fat and in retrospect I wasn't but that belief was instilled in me and you guessed it I am in the large woman category. Other areas such as relationships and personal wealth were always viewed negatively. I now know I can overcome my genetic imprint and family programing.

      I was at the Big Event and heard what you said. It was one of those profound moments in my life. I just want to say Thank You!

    27. Mornin Randy

      I love this post - but then I love all your posts. This one really spoke to me...especially...

      "Your beliefs about everything prosperity – money, relationships, health, and spirituality – were probably set by the time you were ten years old!"

      As you know - I learned at the ripe old age of 50 that I'd been abused by adults from the time I was 4 til I was 14. My therapist Keeps telling me to call it torture - so I'll do that here, because that's what it was. So horrible and overwhelming for a child that I buried those memories until I was 50 and then - well then everything came front and center and FINALLY my life made sense.

      Wow. I had imprinting at the age of 4 that was beyond horrific and limiting. Basically - whenever I wasn't "perfect" (and the definition changed daily) I was tortured. Physically, sexually, emotionally.

      The impacts of those childhood horrors drove my life for decades - and I didn't even know those imprints existed! That's how subtle personal 'gravity' (as I've come to know my negative beliefs) can be.

      I just read a great book on healing cellular memory - the memories of traumas or life experiences that are captured and held in our physical energetic selves. A big eyeopener was the learning that before the age of 6-8 - we imprint EVERYTHING that happens to us as a raw imprint on our cellular energy. No logical filters, no good or bad - it all imprints equally. WOW.

      The Healing Codes (the book I mentioned) is helping me release the oh so limiting and negative energetic imprints that created so my of my limiting beliefs from my earliest ages - and the lifting of the fear and doubt has been nothing short of amazing.

      I continue to be blown away at the depth and power of our subconscious (and even deeper cellular energetic) selves. But I'm living proof that we can step beyond the horrors - not just to Survive but to THRIVE.

      Thanks as always for your reminders on life and the bounty we are all meant to enjoy!

      luv n light


      1. Dear Rebel, thank you very much for sharing this and for mentioning the book. I'll get it.
        I must say, I was not "tortured", at least not physically and sexually, but indeed being "perfect" was the deal and the definitions changed even throughout the day. I have never been able to reach the bar, it seems. Still not - when I observe my family. But the worse message is that I of course internalized it and do it to myself myself. I knew it intellectually, as during the last few years I've been catching up on psychology, spirituality and other personal development. Finally, I "graduated" to Randy's masterclass, it seems. It is all synchronous. So recently I had an experiential knowledge of the fact that I DO this and how. Will not mention the story here, too long. Now the question is how to stop this. I want this over. It bothers be as if I was a lion and I had a fly in my ear. As now I am aware of it, but still not skilled to do much about it: I watch myself do it :-)So hopefully the book will provide more knowledge. As well as being here, of course. Again, thank you! You are indeed a great example that it is possible.

        1. Hi Larissa

          I hear you! The definition of perfect was never the same - even if I got a 98 on a test the 2 points I missed could result in a trip to the cellar complete with stuff you don't wanna know about. I only recalled all the memories in the past 3.5 years....and it has been quite the wild ride.

          Here's what I can share....The old subconscious programming took a couple of years of therapy to dig through and release -all the old buried memories had to resurface into the light of day to be released. I got thru that - but still had so much physical stuff going on - as well as sudden rushes of terror and just plain blackness.

          That's when I found a healer who taught me about cellular memory - the energetic memories that are stored in our very physical cells. I've been focused on releasing that for a few months, and it was slow going.

          The Healing Codes took me light years ahead...and I swear by them. Simple exercises to do every day and regardless of the woowoo -they work!

          I also have a blog about my experiences but don't want to disallow Randy's requests by noting it here.

          RG - if you're cool with me posting it for Larissa let me know. If not, no worries.

          Larissa - you can THRIVE on the other side...keep the faith and know you are loved and that God/Source/Universe wants us ALL to live in bounty and abundance!

          luv n light


    28. I agree with you Randy.

      Its not till now I realized how much I have been affected by what I saw and experienced growing up involving money and relationships. Growing up many of my relatives owned businesses so collectively in my hometown my last name was associated with being rich. I didn't see what my peers saw but I but they let me know how they felt about me on a couple of occassions. Personally at that age I just wanted to fit in and sometimes come to dislike the fact my family had money. I would be called rich boy and such so in time I began to view money as a negative thing.

      As far as relationships go, my parents didn't get married but when my mom married my step dad it was the closest thing I had to a normal family. They often get in arguements which sorta caused me not to want to get married at all even though I knew I wanted to eventually become a family man. Today I have a son but didn't marry his mother. I still long for regular family life. I'm working to write a new story for my life, its difficult and times but I'm determined to succeed.

    29. I never really thought God really liked me unless I went to church weekly, gave a tithe or song in the choir...seriously. I never thought he would ever talk to me which is a huge reason on why I thought I could never hear from God.
      I really do believe that I am worthy to be rich however my reality does not exemplify that. I need to continue to look at this self-sabotage bull**** because I am really getting on my nerves lol. Great post today.

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