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Becoming Aware

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 28, 2010

If you have lived life as a coward and you realize it...does that make you a self-aware coward, but a coward still?

If you realize you’ve been needy, does that change things, or are you just aware that you’re a needy person?  What happens if you realize that you are an alcoholic or other addict?  What about when you finally admit that you have been attracting all the negative relationships you’ve been experiencing?

Is this the ultimate bravery of facing your fears?  Or is it just a cowardly cop-out?  A way for you to assuage your guilt by convincing yourself that you’re making progress, but still hanging on to your newly identified behavior.

I’ve seen it both ways. I see people that use their awareness to hang onto victim-hood.  They talk about their faults as though they’re a genetic disposition, shrug their shoulders as if to say, that’s just the way it is.  Others use the awareness to breakthrough and grow.

So which one do you do?


34 comments on “Becoming Aware”

  1. but still hanging on to your newly identified behavior
    I am breaking through but that identify behavior is usually their own identification.

  2. Very interesting post Randy. Awareness is only the beginning. But it needs to take place before fixing the problem. But awareness is not fixing the problem. Once you are aware then you must take actions to rehab the situation and take the steps to CHANGE.

  3. What a well timed post! This past month a lot of different events have taken place that made me so aware of how I have handed my life over to others...and just set back and did nothing. I have totally lost my power. It's not easy to change that, but I'm first aware, and now setting up changes to take it back. It was (easier) to let some in my family just take over....or to do FOR them...result, I sank more and more.....and did more and more. Now I'm aware, I'm taking some time to figure out what to do with that knowledge, how to plan to take it back. How to grow myself and let others realize this isn't working for ME. Thanks so much Randy! Alot of it has been due to your posts making me think and then actively do something WITH those thoughts.

  4. By definition I'm a borderline alchy and I don't make any apologies for it... like Keith Richards said, "I didn't have a problem with drugs, I had a problem with policemen...
    Never really liked drugs, too chemical... but I love everything about booze, love the taste, the textures, how it pairs with food, love a classy bar, the repartee with a good bartender...
    I had an interesting experience last week, had a preliminary screening interview with Patti Stanger's Millionaire dating club, flat out told the guy, I like to drink... the questions he asked were great for clarifying in what I want in a relationship and at the end he said, "you're a smart, funny guy, you should have no problem with some of our ladies."
    I guess what I'm saying as the Bard wrote, know thyself and don't make any apologies for it as long as you're not harming or hurting someone else...

  5. I think for me the greater the fear, the harder it is to use that awareness to change. What i do at times to combat is log the things that I become aware of and create positive affirmations opposite of what the fear is. This helps foster change for me and not use the awareness as an excuse to stay in vitom-hood.

    Thanks for the post Randy, good one.

  6. Provoking questions, that's great! From my own personal view, awareness is the first step then comes the work:)

    Awareness is nothing unless you implements steps to re program the subconscious mind, now there is the trick and it's were most seem to lag off.

    Action is the key. Now that you have this awareness
    What are you going to do with it ?

    In Gratitude

  7. Becoming aware of something is the moment I can make a decision and take responsibility of my life.

    It is not always bad, we can also become aware of something we did accidently well.

    And when we become aware of it, we can focus on it and do it purposely.

  8. I've seen the power of both in the people close to me. Someone gets labeled as something and owns it now. Even though they say they need to change, for some reason they accept the label and it becomes their identity. I feel I've done well myself to move past certain behaviors or patterns that were not benefitting me. Having a mentor or role model also helps.

  9. The blog topics this past week have been so on target for me personally, Randy – so thanks for putting out there exactly what I have been wanting and needing! 😉

    Having just ‘woken’ up myself to some painful realizations about how my life hasn’t worked for me because I’ve been busy giving everything I get away (money, power, control, etc.) to others in my life so that no one would ever mistake me of being ‘selfish’, I can only suggest this idea …

    If the only purpose one’s ‘awakening’ serves is to give them an ‘excuse’ as to why things haven’t worked up until that time, but then they continue to live the same way they have been living prior to the lights coming on, it might suggest that they haven’t really had their TRUE ‘A-ha’ moment … only a dress rehearsal!

    Like layers of an onion … go deeper, the work is not complete.

      1. I think that one knows they've truly 'received' the full gift of the discovery of how past patterns have not served them when they literally cannot sleep one more night or live one more day the way they 'used to' think, feel, believe, act.

        When 'going back' is far more frightening than 'moving forward' ... even into the unknown and uncomfortable.

  10. Randy,

    This is a REALLY GREAT topic!! Thank you for addressing it.

    One of the things I notice on a regular basis is when people say they're working on change, but continually reference past beliefs and thoughts. And as we all know, the more we hang onto the old thoughts, the more the energy connected with them persists. It's the old and well known phrase, "What you resist, persists."

    It's my belief that people that are TRULY aware monitor EVERY thought and action and then ask themselves, "Is this who I say I Really Am?". The constant monitoring and changing thoughts to those of abundance, Joy, Possibility and Life is how we grow. Wouldn't you agree?

    I also want to state how truly GRATEFUL I am for ALL of your insights. You deserve everything you have and more!!

  11. A thought-provoking post Randy.

    Being aware of your issues means nothing if you don't seek to improve those areas of your life. You can perpetuate being a victim or become a victor, all by expanding your awareness just a little bit.

    Thanks for sharing!


  12. Knowing and then doing something about it is what matters and I've been practicing that. I start with recognizing lack programming in myself and around me. Then I change my thought patterns to align with prosperity programming. I repeat affirmations to myself daily, then soon it becomes a habit and then it becomes new beliefs. I protect my mind and move away from lack minded conversations, news articles, and other media.

    Then I practice it in the physical reality by letting myself go and letting prosperity flow through me. I used to stinge, but now I'm buying that second, third and fourth pair of shoes that I like so much. I'm treating myself so much better now, dressing well, building wonderful relationships. Spending more on proper meals. Paying for a spa and massage. Treating my friends.

    At the same time I'm manifesting money flowing to me

  13. Knowing and then doing something about it is what matters and I've been practicing that. I start with recognizing lack programming in myself and around me. Then I change my thought patterns to align with prosperity programming. I repeat affirmations to myself daily, then soon it becomes a habit and then it becomes new beliefs. I protect my mind and move away from lack minded conversations, news articles, and other media.

    Then I practice it in the physical reality by letting myself go and letting prosperity flow through me. I used to stinge, but now I'm buying that second, third and fourth pair of shoes that I like so much. I'm treating myself so much better now, dressing well, building wonderful relationships. Spending more on proper meals. Paying for a spa and massage. Treating my friends.

    At the same time I'm manifesting more money flowing to me and more opportunities arise. Being grateful for everything (this comes first). Reading something on personal development everyday. Leaving negative thoughts behind and focusing on what I want to create.

    There's so much that has changed in my life recently after I started changing my thoughts and monitoring it constantly, always coming from responsibility and gratitude. And also slowly adopting prosperity beliefs and leaving the lack programming behind.

    There's so much more I can improve on and so much more to learn. I've still a long way to go in achieving my goals. But I know I'm on the right track and with your guidance and wisdom, I'm learning my way there.

    Thank you RG.


  14. Randy

    Sometimes I have seen for me that I am aware there's a problem. I see perspectives to it. I know where I want to go, yet get stopped on the way - I call you or others for insight to get through it. Then I see new undercurrents/flavours to the situation...

    One could take the approach of faking it - and you may get the results but the deep work hasn't been done. So while on the outside you have the goal, on the inside the problem still remain. For me I want integrity along the way. I don't want to be an empty guru, or a fake, or phony... I truly want REAL AUTHENTIC transformation... where I am radically all I can become and it cuts deep!

    I think there' are stages

    1. first becoming aware you have a problem and something is not working

    2. Becoming aware of what the problem is

    3. Knowing how to transform things to break through and resolve the problem

    4. Creating the deep relationships, beliefs, actions, and systems/habits that cause that change. One can miss one of these 4 out but the imbalance causes stress/issues higher/further along the road. For real transformation all 4 are needed in the foundation for healthy, beautiful, good and true blossoming into possibility.

    1. I don't mean "you" as in Randy!!! I mean "you" as in ONE. You - Randy - work truly hard on yourself... and in the last decade and even last few MONTHS I've seen changes in you that are touching and beautiful.

  15. One of the challenges with recognising aspects of myself that I want to change is that it can feel overwhelming. Sometimes it comes to light when I read a book, have a conversation etc. And it may not be just one thing that I see needs to change, it can be a whole host of them. And as it includes poor self esteem, the problems seem large and insurmountable, and my faith in myself to overcome them is lacking. So then it is safer to stop reading the books and having the conversations that remind me of the areas of my life that need work.

    Of late I have been thinking that I really need to start with smaller steps. In the past I have set huge goals in all areas of my life, which I have then never met, and so stopped trying. But now I am going to try working on just one thing for the month: discovering ways I can be more loving towards my self and those I am closest to (rather than reactive, and trying to please), and spending time twice per day to reflect on where I have succeded and failed, and practical strategies i can implement to improve in this area.

    THe theory is, if I start small on on thing that is important, and base it on principles and values, it will impact other changes I want to make, so when I start to work on the next thing, I'll realise I'm already part way there becuase I have already been working on fundamentals that affected it as well.

  16. I have made progress with awareness, and then stalled... Like they say, fall six times get up seven. Time to take more action.

    It is interesting when you care about someone and are helping them along by helping them become aware and working together. I don't know this is growth or cop out, but, once I am aware of which one it is, I will act accordingly.

    Thanks for the thought provoking post, Randy

  17. The only thing worse than realizing you've been, a coward, fool, unwise, taken for a ride, etc. is NOT realizing these things.
    The realization has now given you an opportunity to do something about it.
    I cannot see how anyone could blame their behaviour on their genetic predisposition when many of our behaviours and beliefs have been brought on mostly by outside influences.

  18. Definetly breakthrough and growth to freedom.

    When I'm so blessed as to see an area of my life that I need to improve, I go into what I call my SOS Journey: Source Of Symptom Journey. 

    The Symptom being the less than desirable behavior. The Source being an area in my heart I have yet to explore.  
    I am a firm believer in the fact that source leads to solution. Let me esplain dis Lucy.:-) 

    Lets take, for example,  the ugly symptom of debilitating perfectionism.   ie, Non action for fear of punishment if a mistake is made. (I know, I know, it's  mighty arrogant to think I could have done anything perfectly) This is where anybody can plug in their symptom, Lets use alcohol addiction for example. So my symptom was non action for fear of punishment and someone elses may be alcohol addiction.

    Next I searched my past for the Source of that fear. For me, that source was extreme punishment for mistakes in childhood. This is where the person whose symptom is alcohol for example, might find that you may be trying to numb a pain that has now become an infection in your heart. (if you think your heart isnt infected, ask yourself if you have ANY symptoms, ie undesirable   Habits, or exploding over something most people percieve as minor)  You can search out the source, by tracing the feeling you have right before you want to reach for another tottie. Trace that feeling back to the first time you can remember feeling it......Source is close to the time you first remember that feeling. 

    For me the fear I use to feel before I did something I wasnt good at, is traced back to the feeling I had the day I was kicked and beaten bloody for telling what was done to me. I was a small child and that day resulted in me being hid from my mom for two years. A pretty intense feeling...that feeling was the driver of my slow moving vehicle, until I dealt with it.      

    I think some people stop right there in this process and are just satisfied knowing why they do the things they do. They even try to just change their thoughts about "that feeling.", but this can be taken further.....resulting in a changed heart.  

    Okay, so my symptom, was non action fear, my source was the infection in my heart, due to bitterness, for extreme childhood punishment. While Im not responsible for what was done to me, I am responsible for cleansing the infection from my heart. I can't change what was done to me, but I changed my heart by taking accountabilty. Again, I'm not accountable for what was done, I'm accountable for what I allowed that injury to do to my heart. I had picked up the fear and carried it into adulthood, where in reality, I was already safe from being beaten.  I faced and felt through those injustices and I forgave the person. However, the fear was still the driver, and me the prisoner, until the day, I said, "Oh God, forgive me. Forgive me for picking up this offense daily, as shown in my symptom of fear, and this stinkin thinkin that came with it."

    The real source was the bitterness I was carrying in my heart.  The symptom was non action for fear of another extreme punishment. The solution came by asking forgiveness for having given it a place in my heart. 
    The solution came when I delt with my own bitterness and my own actions. What was done to me, was so long ago that it didn't have a say on my actions, what had control was my bitterness.

    If you don't have a symptom, ie control, eperfectionism, critical and unaccepting disposition, ating disorders, anxiety, alcohol, drugs, porno, addictions to being abused, etc, than chances are, you don't have a hidden source.
    I wake each day, and say, "Lord, show me something I couldn't see yesterday." 🙂
    Thank you for letting me share my     SOS Journey: Source Of Symptom Journey. 

  19. I forgot the tell you the most important thing of all. I'm no longer a scardey cat. Before my SOS Journey, I couldn't look anybody in the eye, but today I can walk up and look anybody right in the eye, while embracing all of their unique qualities.....perfect and not so perfect. I'm not even scared that I misspelled some words ha ha.

  20. Well, I had to think about this one for a while, because it would be easy to assume that I'm facing my known limiting beliefs rather than hiding behind them. On one hand I feel like I might be hanging onto victim-hood but then I also know that I have made progress. My income has gone up nearly 50% in the past two years. I'm now working on my feelings and beliefs surrounding maintaining that level of income in my next job (transfer). I am making more of an effort to give deep thought to your posts Randy and I read every might before bed, (admittedly more about economics in recent months and years than personal development). Perhaps I need to think about adding in something additional.

  21. To become that which we dream is possible, start with where we are at. That recognition of self is key to creating any new experiences. We create who we choose to become.

  22. The first step to changing a behaviour is to become aware of it and how it affects your lfie and those around you.

    The second step is to become aware if you are really doing something about it 🙂

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  • 34 comments on “Becoming Aware”

    1. but still hanging on to your newly identified behavior
      I am breaking through but that identify behavior is usually their own identification.

    2. Very interesting post Randy. Awareness is only the beginning. But it needs to take place before fixing the problem. But awareness is not fixing the problem. Once you are aware then you must take actions to rehab the situation and take the steps to CHANGE.

    3. What a well timed post! This past month a lot of different events have taken place that made me so aware of how I have handed my life over to others...and just set back and did nothing. I have totally lost my power. It's not easy to change that, but I'm first aware, and now setting up changes to take it back. It was (easier) to let some in my family just take over....or to do FOR them...result, I sank more and more.....and did more and more. Now I'm aware, I'm taking some time to figure out what to do with that knowledge, how to plan to take it back. How to grow myself and let others realize this isn't working for ME. Thanks so much Randy! Alot of it has been due to your posts making me think and then actively do something WITH those thoughts.

    4. By definition I'm a borderline alchy and I don't make any apologies for it... like Keith Richards said, "I didn't have a problem with drugs, I had a problem with policemen...
      Never really liked drugs, too chemical... but I love everything about booze, love the taste, the textures, how it pairs with food, love a classy bar, the repartee with a good bartender...
      I had an interesting experience last week, had a preliminary screening interview with Patti Stanger's Millionaire dating club, flat out told the guy, I like to drink... the questions he asked were great for clarifying in what I want in a relationship and at the end he said, "you're a smart, funny guy, you should have no problem with some of our ladies."
      I guess what I'm saying as the Bard wrote, know thyself and don't make any apologies for it as long as you're not harming or hurting someone else...

    5. I think for me the greater the fear, the harder it is to use that awareness to change. What i do at times to combat is log the things that I become aware of and create positive affirmations opposite of what the fear is. This helps foster change for me and not use the awareness as an excuse to stay in vitom-hood.

      Thanks for the post Randy, good one.

    6. Provoking questions, that's great! From my own personal view, awareness is the first step then comes the work:)

      Awareness is nothing unless you implements steps to re program the subconscious mind, now there is the trick and it's were most seem to lag off.

      Action is the key. Now that you have this awareness
      What are you going to do with it ?

      In Gratitude

    7. Becoming aware of something is the moment I can make a decision and take responsibility of my life.

      It is not always bad, we can also become aware of something we did accidently well.

      And when we become aware of it, we can focus on it and do it purposely.

    8. I've seen the power of both in the people close to me. Someone gets labeled as something and owns it now. Even though they say they need to change, for some reason they accept the label and it becomes their identity. I feel I've done well myself to move past certain behaviors or patterns that were not benefitting me. Having a mentor or role model also helps.

    9. The blog topics this past week have been so on target for me personally, Randy – so thanks for putting out there exactly what I have been wanting and needing! 😉

      Having just ‘woken’ up myself to some painful realizations about how my life hasn’t worked for me because I’ve been busy giving everything I get away (money, power, control, etc.) to others in my life so that no one would ever mistake me of being ‘selfish’, I can only suggest this idea …

      If the only purpose one’s ‘awakening’ serves is to give them an ‘excuse’ as to why things haven’t worked up until that time, but then they continue to live the same way they have been living prior to the lights coming on, it might suggest that they haven’t really had their TRUE ‘A-ha’ moment … only a dress rehearsal!

      Like layers of an onion … go deeper, the work is not complete.

        1. I think that one knows they've truly 'received' the full gift of the discovery of how past patterns have not served them when they literally cannot sleep one more night or live one more day the way they 'used to' think, feel, believe, act.

          When 'going back' is far more frightening than 'moving forward' ... even into the unknown and uncomfortable.

    10. Randy,

      This is a REALLY GREAT topic!! Thank you for addressing it.

      One of the things I notice on a regular basis is when people say they're working on change, but continually reference past beliefs and thoughts. And as we all know, the more we hang onto the old thoughts, the more the energy connected with them persists. It's the old and well known phrase, "What you resist, persists."

      It's my belief that people that are TRULY aware monitor EVERY thought and action and then ask themselves, "Is this who I say I Really Am?". The constant monitoring and changing thoughts to those of abundance, Joy, Possibility and Life is how we grow. Wouldn't you agree?

      I also want to state how truly GRATEFUL I am for ALL of your insights. You deserve everything you have and more!!

    11. A thought-provoking post Randy.

      Being aware of your issues means nothing if you don't seek to improve those areas of your life. You can perpetuate being a victim or become a victor, all by expanding your awareness just a little bit.

      Thanks for sharing!


    12. Knowing and then doing something about it is what matters and I've been practicing that. I start with recognizing lack programming in myself and around me. Then I change my thought patterns to align with prosperity programming. I repeat affirmations to myself daily, then soon it becomes a habit and then it becomes new beliefs. I protect my mind and move away from lack minded conversations, news articles, and other media.

      Then I practice it in the physical reality by letting myself go and letting prosperity flow through me. I used to stinge, but now I'm buying that second, third and fourth pair of shoes that I like so much. I'm treating myself so much better now, dressing well, building wonderful relationships. Spending more on proper meals. Paying for a spa and massage. Treating my friends.

      At the same time I'm manifesting money flowing to me

    13. Knowing and then doing something about it is what matters and I've been practicing that. I start with recognizing lack programming in myself and around me. Then I change my thought patterns to align with prosperity programming. I repeat affirmations to myself daily, then soon it becomes a habit and then it becomes new beliefs. I protect my mind and move away from lack minded conversations, news articles, and other media.

      Then I practice it in the physical reality by letting myself go and letting prosperity flow through me. I used to stinge, but now I'm buying that second, third and fourth pair of shoes that I like so much. I'm treating myself so much better now, dressing well, building wonderful relationships. Spending more on proper meals. Paying for a spa and massage. Treating my friends.

      At the same time I'm manifesting more money flowing to me and more opportunities arise. Being grateful for everything (this comes first). Reading something on personal development everyday. Leaving negative thoughts behind and focusing on what I want to create.

      There's so much that has changed in my life recently after I started changing my thoughts and monitoring it constantly, always coming from responsibility and gratitude. And also slowly adopting prosperity beliefs and leaving the lack programming behind.

      There's so much more I can improve on and so much more to learn. I've still a long way to go in achieving my goals. But I know I'm on the right track and with your guidance and wisdom, I'm learning my way there.

      Thank you RG.


    14. Randy

      Sometimes I have seen for me that I am aware there's a problem. I see perspectives to it. I know where I want to go, yet get stopped on the way - I call you or others for insight to get through it. Then I see new undercurrents/flavours to the situation...

      One could take the approach of faking it - and you may get the results but the deep work hasn't been done. So while on the outside you have the goal, on the inside the problem still remain. For me I want integrity along the way. I don't want to be an empty guru, or a fake, or phony... I truly want REAL AUTHENTIC transformation... where I am radically all I can become and it cuts deep!

      I think there' are stages

      1. first becoming aware you have a problem and something is not working

      2. Becoming aware of what the problem is

      3. Knowing how to transform things to break through and resolve the problem

      4. Creating the deep relationships, beliefs, actions, and systems/habits that cause that change. One can miss one of these 4 out but the imbalance causes stress/issues higher/further along the road. For real transformation all 4 are needed in the foundation for healthy, beautiful, good and true blossoming into possibility.

      1. I don't mean "you" as in Randy!!! I mean "you" as in ONE. You - Randy - work truly hard on yourself... and in the last decade and even last few MONTHS I've seen changes in you that are touching and beautiful.

    15. One of the challenges with recognising aspects of myself that I want to change is that it can feel overwhelming. Sometimes it comes to light when I read a book, have a conversation etc. And it may not be just one thing that I see needs to change, it can be a whole host of them. And as it includes poor self esteem, the problems seem large and insurmountable, and my faith in myself to overcome them is lacking. So then it is safer to stop reading the books and having the conversations that remind me of the areas of my life that need work.

      Of late I have been thinking that I really need to start with smaller steps. In the past I have set huge goals in all areas of my life, which I have then never met, and so stopped trying. But now I am going to try working on just one thing for the month: discovering ways I can be more loving towards my self and those I am closest to (rather than reactive, and trying to please), and spending time twice per day to reflect on where I have succeded and failed, and practical strategies i can implement to improve in this area.

      THe theory is, if I start small on on thing that is important, and base it on principles and values, it will impact other changes I want to make, so when I start to work on the next thing, I'll realise I'm already part way there becuase I have already been working on fundamentals that affected it as well.

    16. I have made progress with awareness, and then stalled... Like they say, fall six times get up seven. Time to take more action.

      It is interesting when you care about someone and are helping them along by helping them become aware and working together. I don't know this is growth or cop out, but, once I am aware of which one it is, I will act accordingly.

      Thanks for the thought provoking post, Randy

    17. The only thing worse than realizing you've been, a coward, fool, unwise, taken for a ride, etc. is NOT realizing these things.
      The realization has now given you an opportunity to do something about it.
      I cannot see how anyone could blame their behaviour on their genetic predisposition when many of our behaviours and beliefs have been brought on mostly by outside influences.

    18. Definetly breakthrough and growth to freedom.

      When I'm so blessed as to see an area of my life that I need to improve, I go into what I call my SOS Journey: Source Of Symptom Journey. 

      The Symptom being the less than desirable behavior. The Source being an area in my heart I have yet to explore.  
      I am a firm believer in the fact that source leads to solution. Let me esplain dis Lucy.:-) 

      Lets take, for example,  the ugly symptom of debilitating perfectionism.   ie, Non action for fear of punishment if a mistake is made. (I know, I know, it's  mighty arrogant to think I could have done anything perfectly) This is where anybody can plug in their symptom, Lets use alcohol addiction for example. So my symptom was non action for fear of punishment and someone elses may be alcohol addiction.

      Next I searched my past for the Source of that fear. For me, that source was extreme punishment for mistakes in childhood. This is where the person whose symptom is alcohol for example, might find that you may be trying to numb a pain that has now become an infection in your heart. (if you think your heart isnt infected, ask yourself if you have ANY symptoms, ie undesirable   Habits, or exploding over something most people percieve as minor)  You can search out the source, by tracing the feeling you have right before you want to reach for another tottie. Trace that feeling back to the first time you can remember feeling it......Source is close to the time you first remember that feeling. 

      For me the fear I use to feel before I did something I wasnt good at, is traced back to the feeling I had the day I was kicked and beaten bloody for telling what was done to me. I was a small child and that day resulted in me being hid from my mom for two years. A pretty intense feeling...that feeling was the driver of my slow moving vehicle, until I dealt with it.      

      I think some people stop right there in this process and are just satisfied knowing why they do the things they do. They even try to just change their thoughts about "that feeling.", but this can be taken further.....resulting in a changed heart.  

      Okay, so my symptom, was non action fear, my source was the infection in my heart, due to bitterness, for extreme childhood punishment. While Im not responsible for what was done to me, I am responsible for cleansing the infection from my heart. I can't change what was done to me, but I changed my heart by taking accountabilty. Again, I'm not accountable for what was done, I'm accountable for what I allowed that injury to do to my heart. I had picked up the fear and carried it into adulthood, where in reality, I was already safe from being beaten.  I faced and felt through those injustices and I forgave the person. However, the fear was still the driver, and me the prisoner, until the day, I said, "Oh God, forgive me. Forgive me for picking up this offense daily, as shown in my symptom of fear, and this stinkin thinkin that came with it."

      The real source was the bitterness I was carrying in my heart.  The symptom was non action for fear of another extreme punishment. The solution came by asking forgiveness for having given it a place in my heart. 
      The solution came when I delt with my own bitterness and my own actions. What was done to me, was so long ago that it didn't have a say on my actions, what had control was my bitterness.

      If you don't have a symptom, ie control, eperfectionism, critical and unaccepting disposition, ating disorders, anxiety, alcohol, drugs, porno, addictions to being abused, etc, than chances are, you don't have a hidden source.
      I wake each day, and say, "Lord, show me something I couldn't see yesterday." 🙂
      Thank you for letting me share my     SOS Journey: Source Of Symptom Journey. 

    19. I forgot the tell you the most important thing of all. I'm no longer a scardey cat. Before my SOS Journey, I couldn't look anybody in the eye, but today I can walk up and look anybody right in the eye, while embracing all of their unique qualities.....perfect and not so perfect. I'm not even scared that I misspelled some words ha ha.

    20. Well, I had to think about this one for a while, because it would be easy to assume that I'm facing my known limiting beliefs rather than hiding behind them. On one hand I feel like I might be hanging onto victim-hood but then I also know that I have made progress. My income has gone up nearly 50% in the past two years. I'm now working on my feelings and beliefs surrounding maintaining that level of income in my next job (transfer). I am making more of an effort to give deep thought to your posts Randy and I read every might before bed, (admittedly more about economics in recent months and years than personal development). Perhaps I need to think about adding in something additional.

    21. To become that which we dream is possible, start with where we are at. That recognition of self is key to creating any new experiences. We create who we choose to become.

    22. The first step to changing a behaviour is to become aware of it and how it affects your lfie and those around you.

      The second step is to become aware if you are really doing something about it 🙂

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