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Are You Listening to the Universe?

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 1, 2009

We’ve talked a lot about how your outer world is created by your inner thoughts.  This seems to be the hardest thing for the herd to understand.  But it is still the truth.

Even if you or I don’t like it…

We like to believe it is impossible for us to manifest disease, suffering and struggle for ourselves.  It’s a lot more convenient to blame the on the government, the economy or our boss.  Or the all-time favorites: fate, destiny and chance.  But that is thinking that keeps us in lack.

Here’s the key:

We learn by suffering AND bliss.  And many of us seem to learn a little slower by bliss.  So the universe sends us the suffering lessons more.   But if you learn from them, you don’t have to take the class again!  So how are you doing on this?


30 comments on “Are You Listening to the Universe?”

  1. I am a great believer and of course I am still a student. But I do believe that when we are in this space suit, we are here to learn so every situation is a learning experience. Good or bad!

    Life is an occasion. Rise to it!
    Mr. Magorium's Emporium

  2. Hello, dear Randy! For some years I live according to the conception that Everything is predetermed, everything - even every idea coming into your mind. And now, thanks to You, there are changings inside my mind and exitings in my soul ! I have a GREATE wish to meet You 🙂

    Thanks sincierly ,
    Alena, Russia

  3. Hi Randy;

    Great post, no doubt we learn from our lessons I personally feel humbled by what the universe has taught me Here's the thing, you mentioned not having to take the class over but I find that some may get stuck doing the same thing over, and over.

    And if I recall correctly one of Albert Einsteins quotes states
    how can your expect different results when you keep doing the same thing?

    Have a great day!

  4. I have seen a presentation on recently, which was about learning.
    And it appeared from yet another study !...that we need 5 good events to compensate for 1 bad one !...
    So this could be why we need to concentrate and observe every little good thing that happens to us in our day.

    See Nancy Etcoff, on the surprising science of happiness 2004.
    not the best speaker at TED !...nevertheless instructive.

  5. Dear Randy,
    I work with the Universal Laws since more than 2 years and have removed a lot of blockages like my money blue priont which sucks or my victim thought patterns which I stored when I was 2,5 years old. But you have to keep on removing them as they come in different layers. And the Sedona Method helps me a lot. And Universe is my best buddy.

    What works most powerful is gratitude!

    I love to read your blog
    Angela, Germany

  6. I'm listening and we have done a lot of work, but a bit more to go apparently.

    I will write my gratitude list again today.

  7. I take issue with the "EVERYTHING in your life is from your own thoughts" stuff.

    I think it's easy to say that, and then to make boundaries about where YOUR life is, and where it isn't.

    I think there's a "mass consciousness" too that absolutely affects each of us.

    Most people (Randy too?) wouldn't say that they had anything to do with the chimpanzee that ripped that lady's face off, but are quick to say "SHE did that with her thoughts", well- no- YOU did if everything is you, right?

    I mean, what's the lesson? "Don't have a chimpanzee"?

    If I'm a pain in the ass on this blog, well YOU manifested me and my attitude right? If only to show what you do NOT want.

    So, if it's true that EVERYTHING is from our own thoughts, then YOU have a lot to fix..!

    Someone who's learning from their cancer about what to appreciate in life didn't necessarily ask for the cancer- YOU asked for them to get cancer if "EVERYTHING" is from your thoughts.

    So, the economy is YOUR fault (I'm not saying you don't have choices in it, I'm saying that YOU brought it about), wars, famine, evil- YOU thought of it all.

    I don't buy it. It's bigger than that.

  8. Randy,

    Many years ago I came across a book on attitude. It was title "Manual of Good Luck", but dealt with our attitude. I believe that we manifest our lives whether good or bad. It is what we focus on the most that happens to us the most. So many people think of all the bad things that can happen or focus on the events around them instead of changing their thoughts, like you said it is easier to blame someone or something else. However, if we take responsibility for our actions and thoughts and change those than bliss is ours always. That is what I believe.

  9. Some philospher once said 'I think, therefore I am'

    I would like to adjust that to 'I am who I think I am'

    Thoughts are things and can manifestly affect our lives to an incredible degree! Both physical and mental.

    Believe it!

  10. BTW, I do agree with you Bones that there is a mass consciousness created by the cumulative thoughts of the herd. That is an issue. But I also believe that people in strong control of their own thoughts do enact some type of force field that prevents them from being victimized by general occurrences.


  11. Good morning 🙂

    Since this is an open conversation, I would like to add what I believe to know about the power of our thoughts: as everything in the universe, thoughts and emotions are energy too, and have a vibrational frequency.

    By the law of attraction you always manifest things that which are vibrationally equivalent to the vibration you are emitting via your thoughts and feelings, whether you are thinking/feeling deliberately, or not.

    It is key to realize, that thoughts are powered by emotions and the emotion you maintain in your vibration is always the dominant focus point of the manifestation. In other words, if you think happy thoughts but feel frustrated, worthless, fearful, etc., you will still manifest what you are feeling. You cannot cheat this game 🙂

    Illnesses, people, events, material things all have vibrational frequencies to which you have the power to tune into, like to a radio station. If you maintain a certain frequency for a certain period of time, all kinds of things, events, people, illness or well being will come into your experience to match your signal.

    "Bad or negative" manifestation is creation by default, however, not knowing the rules of the game doesn't mean they don't apply to you.
    This is why it is vital to get familiar with this and always give your attention to what you WANT , because that automatically brings you to the feeling place of it, so IT can manifest.

    Negative emotions are guidance signals to let you know you are not proceeding in the direction of what you want to manifest, they are like your built-in personal GPS system. At that point you have the freedom to re-route yourself or dwell in your negative emotional state and whatch the unfolding of your attraction.

    Mass consciousness? Of course the law of attraction draws all like components together, but you can only manifest or experience things that YOU are a vibrational match to.

    Stray thoughts that do not recieve emotional empowerment do not manifest anything. Neither good, nor bad stuff.

    I am enjoying this brainstorming 🙂
    Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

  12. Randy,
    A brilliant writer once wrote that the lessons that come our way will just keep coming around until we get it, only each time it will be harder than last. Best to get it the first time around and don't fight it. 🙂 Kat

  13. I believe it but it still freaks me out. Also is it not more to do with we may get bad things through no direct fault of our own but its how we deal with them and let them affect us?

    What I find difficult to understand about this although I do completely agree about how our mood of the day affects our day etc etc. but....

    I find it very difficult to reconcile events like the holocaust. (My husband's grandparents lost their entire families as did so many others and I would guess many of them had good thoughts and others bad thoughts on a daily basis)

    Starvation in Africa etc. how does a baby attract that?

    Okay then we go into reincarnation of the soul's purpose etc.

    Then the one I find really difficult to understand is that my mother died during an operation when I was 5 years old. How does one explain that in terms of what I attract?

    All in all I take responsibility for what I do each day and how I handle what comes my way but still it seems that many horrid things happen to genuinely nice and optimistic people.

    That bit really gets me questioning law of attraction.

    Any comments welcome!

  14. I have been playing CDs, DVDs and talking to my daughter since she was born about the types of topics Randy blogs about here.

    "Nickel" is now 7. About a month ago she said to me, "You know how you say all your thoughts become real?" I said, "Yes."

    I was so excited. I thought she was really grasping the concepts I was imparting and if she could learn by 7 what I learned in my 30s how much better off in life she would be.

    Then she said, "I don't think so..."

    All I could do was laugh...

  15. We have to change the way people think (FULL STOP).

    I understand that this is targeted towards the Australian/American 'poor me I live in luxury yet I complain about it' attitude. Randy- my personal vision is to empower and enable emerging markets, (Philippines, South East Asia, Latin America) by the way a mentor of mine once said as soon as you mention the holocaust or nazi's you loose from the begining (its like saying God or the Devil)

    Here is my challenge- I know I am empowered, I am capable, (I must enable myself before I can help others) - FOR YOU RANDY The universe rains on the JUST AND THE UNJUST, it just happens, the TSUNAMI of boxing day was not negative thinking-

    As a man thinketh so is he... How do we teach empowerment thru calamity?

    I live now in the Philippines 4 years (I want to change innovate not outsource), what about- Indonesia, (insert here) these places Randy needs your VOICE more than (I'm a yank but first saw you in Sydney 5 years ago....)

    I am eager to start (SEE) a randy gage y combinator

    Damnit I have bootstrapped 5 businesses (ok I blew up a few too) but the endgame...

    its all about the endgame

    kabul anyone?

    -IN LOVE

    Kevin Leversee

  16. randy,
    i have heard that trials happen, tests are given and repeated until you pass. i am learning to accept the trials, learn from them in order to help others as they experience the same.
    in education, i have always studied to not only pass the test, but to make the highest grade in the class, thus not retaking the "test" again.
    in life....i have to apply that same concept to tests!

    thanks for your wisdom. i believe if i saturate myself with such wisdom from great leaders, i will not only pass life's tests, but become a great teacher for others.

  17. Hello Randy,

    As a psychotherapist and life coach - and as a human being as well! - the most difficult step for all my clients is to fully accept their responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, behaviors. Why that? Because human beings often relate the word "responsability" to "guilt". Therefore, a cognitive restructuring for this very purpose is necessary more often than not.

    Kind regards,

  18. Ok- Thank you!

    SO, if there IS a mass consciousness, I'm sorry, but there's no "escaping" it.

    Look, I'm sure that there are monks atop a hill somewhere who didn't know about 9-11, and so it's not part of their "consciousness", but it still occurred in their world.

    The Dalai Lama is a pretty positive guy, and yet, Tibet is still under oppression, wouldn't you say?

    So, I don't see anyone on this blog going up to him and saying "Tibet is oppressed because of YOUR thoughts".

    Change your thoughts, and free Tibet?

    He's taking RESPONSIBILITY for it, in that he's responding in a way that is congruent with who he wants to be, and the result he's looking for.

    But I don't think it would be accurate to say "Tibet is oppressed because you want it to be".

    So, I'm all for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, but to say "EVERYTHING" is a result of your thoughts is just not accurate, and in my experience, a little dangerous.

  19. This is exactly what I've been saying!

    I can believe that maybe the soul wanted to experience losing your mother at an early age and all of that, and that now you can decide who you want to be in relation to that, but you ATTRACTED IT with your thoughts?

    Not only that, but it would mean that I (ME, US, Everyone on this blog) attracted YOU losing YOUR mom b/c it's part of OUR life too.

    So, I believe there must be some balance, and what we have control over IS limited.

  20. yes, I'm on the same wave of confusion here. I cannot really grasp the idea of our own responsibility (I typed 'fault' automatically and then changed it) for the global things, such as the above mentioned, and many more that deal with individual people, especially when it's about children who cannot possibly attract family-falling-apart's and what not. it's crazy!
    I haven't yet had the chance to watch the full movie but there were several points in "Moses' Code" about this responsibility, "I Am That, I Am" (notice the comma) and other things, not necessarily related to this discussion.
    I'm looking forward to hearing more views on this subject. it gets interesting!

    ~ Unda from Latvia

  21. I bet she was thinking something along the lines, "that's it, tomorrow I'll wake up and there'll be a new bike waiting for me beside the front door!" and then, the next morning, "right, I knew there was something fishy about this whole think & get thing..."

    I guess it doesn't really work like that, now, does it? 🙂

  22. Tho BOnes,

    The Dalai LAma did say himself that he is sorry for the situation... and realised that after all this time that he has not been effective.

    He felt that his approach has not made the life better, and he wished that he'd used another approach. In the interview with Ann Curry he asked for forgiveness and apologised for not doing enough, and not trying different ways.

    He's taking responsibility for the fact that his way of being and lack of strong action has not shifted things. The way of peaceful passive being has not shifted anything against that power house of China.

  23. What an insightful thought Randy! Definitely....once you pass the class you can go to the next all depends on our touches my heart tremendously because that is the message contained in my book "Transform Your Loss. Your Guide to Strength and Hope"....losses are part of life but it depends on us if we choose to stay suffering or if we take it in our hearts and grow personally and spiritually.

  24. I've been working on this concept for years. As a matter of fact, I bought your tapes because I understand this concept but have not mastered (or even apprenticed) it, ha, ha. I understand we all hold our own keys to our own cause of turmoil but it seems the more I understand this concept, the more I get frustrated with my own inability to learn this! I have had energy work, got certified on brain gym and have seen doctors, etc etc. Nothing seems to help me stay on the path long enough to see results. I'm still manifesting negativity. Do you have any advice? I also believe I am ADD which makes it even more difficult to focus...

  25. Hi Rebecca--

    Just thought I'd say hello--I was the author of The Manual of Good Luck, published in 1979--how did you happen to come across it. I think I have about 3 copies left in the house; it has long been out of print. (I use a different penname now, Eliezer Sobel.)

    All the best,

  26. manifest destiny has always been a favorite concept of mine although I admit that I knew less about it than I thought I did until I met you. reasonably we sit in the pity-pot that was hand-delivered to us by our hosts - parents, teachers, lovers, governments - and we then culture it. so it grows in us but what is it? mold that will kill us? or will it cure us like penicillin - it truly is a choice what we see - what we seize. what we see.
    assume the control.

  27. Has anyone had an "Ah-ha" moment or a personal experience when they "got it"? What did you conquer when you realized that you created your reality?

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  • 30 comments on “Are You Listening to the Universe?”

    1. I am a great believer and of course I am still a student. But I do believe that when we are in this space suit, we are here to learn so every situation is a learning experience. Good or bad!

      Life is an occasion. Rise to it!
      Mr. Magorium's Emporium

    2. Hello, dear Randy! For some years I live according to the conception that Everything is predetermed, everything - even every idea coming into your mind. And now, thanks to You, there are changings inside my mind and exitings in my soul ! I have a GREATE wish to meet You 🙂

      Thanks sincierly ,
      Alena, Russia

    3. Hi Randy;

      Great post, no doubt we learn from our lessons I personally feel humbled by what the universe has taught me Here's the thing, you mentioned not having to take the class over but I find that some may get stuck doing the same thing over, and over.

      And if I recall correctly one of Albert Einsteins quotes states
      how can your expect different results when you keep doing the same thing?

      Have a great day!

    4. I have seen a presentation on recently, which was about learning.
      And it appeared from yet another study !...that we need 5 good events to compensate for 1 bad one !...
      So this could be why we need to concentrate and observe every little good thing that happens to us in our day.

      See Nancy Etcoff, on the surprising science of happiness 2004.
      not the best speaker at TED !...nevertheless instructive.

    5. Dear Randy,
      I work with the Universal Laws since more than 2 years and have removed a lot of blockages like my money blue priont which sucks or my victim thought patterns which I stored when I was 2,5 years old. But you have to keep on removing them as they come in different layers. And the Sedona Method helps me a lot. And Universe is my best buddy.

      What works most powerful is gratitude!

      I love to read your blog
      Angela, Germany

    6. I'm listening and we have done a lot of work, but a bit more to go apparently.

      I will write my gratitude list again today.

    7. I take issue with the "EVERYTHING in your life is from your own thoughts" stuff.

      I think it's easy to say that, and then to make boundaries about where YOUR life is, and where it isn't.

      I think there's a "mass consciousness" too that absolutely affects each of us.

      Most people (Randy too?) wouldn't say that they had anything to do with the chimpanzee that ripped that lady's face off, but are quick to say "SHE did that with her thoughts", well- no- YOU did if everything is you, right?

      I mean, what's the lesson? "Don't have a chimpanzee"?

      If I'm a pain in the ass on this blog, well YOU manifested me and my attitude right? If only to show what you do NOT want.

      So, if it's true that EVERYTHING is from our own thoughts, then YOU have a lot to fix..!

      Someone who's learning from their cancer about what to appreciate in life didn't necessarily ask for the cancer- YOU asked for them to get cancer if "EVERYTHING" is from your thoughts.

      So, the economy is YOUR fault (I'm not saying you don't have choices in it, I'm saying that YOU brought it about), wars, famine, evil- YOU thought of it all.

      I don't buy it. It's bigger than that.

    8. Randy,

      Many years ago I came across a book on attitude. It was title "Manual of Good Luck", but dealt with our attitude. I believe that we manifest our lives whether good or bad. It is what we focus on the most that happens to us the most. So many people think of all the bad things that can happen or focus on the events around them instead of changing their thoughts, like you said it is easier to blame someone or something else. However, if we take responsibility for our actions and thoughts and change those than bliss is ours always. That is what I believe.

    9. Some philospher once said 'I think, therefore I am'

      I would like to adjust that to 'I am who I think I am'

      Thoughts are things and can manifestly affect our lives to an incredible degree! Both physical and mental.

      Believe it!

    10. BTW, I do agree with you Bones that there is a mass consciousness created by the cumulative thoughts of the herd. That is an issue. But I also believe that people in strong control of their own thoughts do enact some type of force field that prevents them from being victimized by general occurrences.


    11. Good morning 🙂

      Since this is an open conversation, I would like to add what I believe to know about the power of our thoughts: as everything in the universe, thoughts and emotions are energy too, and have a vibrational frequency.

      By the law of attraction you always manifest things that which are vibrationally equivalent to the vibration you are emitting via your thoughts and feelings, whether you are thinking/feeling deliberately, or not.

      It is key to realize, that thoughts are powered by emotions and the emotion you maintain in your vibration is always the dominant focus point of the manifestation. In other words, if you think happy thoughts but feel frustrated, worthless, fearful, etc., you will still manifest what you are feeling. You cannot cheat this game 🙂

      Illnesses, people, events, material things all have vibrational frequencies to which you have the power to tune into, like to a radio station. If you maintain a certain frequency for a certain period of time, all kinds of things, events, people, illness or well being will come into your experience to match your signal.

      "Bad or negative" manifestation is creation by default, however, not knowing the rules of the game doesn't mean they don't apply to you.
      This is why it is vital to get familiar with this and always give your attention to what you WANT , because that automatically brings you to the feeling place of it, so IT can manifest.

      Negative emotions are guidance signals to let you know you are not proceeding in the direction of what you want to manifest, they are like your built-in personal GPS system. At that point you have the freedom to re-route yourself or dwell in your negative emotional state and whatch the unfolding of your attraction.

      Mass consciousness? Of course the law of attraction draws all like components together, but you can only manifest or experience things that YOU are a vibrational match to.

      Stray thoughts that do not recieve emotional empowerment do not manifest anything. Neither good, nor bad stuff.

      I am enjoying this brainstorming 🙂
      Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

    12. Randy,
      A brilliant writer once wrote that the lessons that come our way will just keep coming around until we get it, only each time it will be harder than last. Best to get it the first time around and don't fight it. 🙂 Kat

    13. I believe it but it still freaks me out. Also is it not more to do with we may get bad things through no direct fault of our own but its how we deal with them and let them affect us?

      What I find difficult to understand about this although I do completely agree about how our mood of the day affects our day etc etc. but....

      I find it very difficult to reconcile events like the holocaust. (My husband's grandparents lost their entire families as did so many others and I would guess many of them had good thoughts and others bad thoughts on a daily basis)

      Starvation in Africa etc. how does a baby attract that?

      Okay then we go into reincarnation of the soul's purpose etc.

      Then the one I find really difficult to understand is that my mother died during an operation when I was 5 years old. How does one explain that in terms of what I attract?

      All in all I take responsibility for what I do each day and how I handle what comes my way but still it seems that many horrid things happen to genuinely nice and optimistic people.

      That bit really gets me questioning law of attraction.

      Any comments welcome!

    14. I have been playing CDs, DVDs and talking to my daughter since she was born about the types of topics Randy blogs about here.

      "Nickel" is now 7. About a month ago she said to me, "You know how you say all your thoughts become real?" I said, "Yes."

      I was so excited. I thought she was really grasping the concepts I was imparting and if she could learn by 7 what I learned in my 30s how much better off in life she would be.

      Then she said, "I don't think so..."

      All I could do was laugh...

    15. We have to change the way people think (FULL STOP).

      I understand that this is targeted towards the Australian/American 'poor me I live in luxury yet I complain about it' attitude. Randy- my personal vision is to empower and enable emerging markets, (Philippines, South East Asia, Latin America) by the way a mentor of mine once said as soon as you mention the holocaust or nazi's you loose from the begining (its like saying God or the Devil)

      Here is my challenge- I know I am empowered, I am capable, (I must enable myself before I can help others) - FOR YOU RANDY The universe rains on the JUST AND THE UNJUST, it just happens, the TSUNAMI of boxing day was not negative thinking-

      As a man thinketh so is he... How do we teach empowerment thru calamity?

      I live now in the Philippines 4 years (I want to change innovate not outsource), what about- Indonesia, (insert here) these places Randy needs your VOICE more than (I'm a yank but first saw you in Sydney 5 years ago....)

      I am eager to start (SEE) a randy gage y combinator

      Damnit I have bootstrapped 5 businesses (ok I blew up a few too) but the endgame...

      its all about the endgame

      kabul anyone?

      -IN LOVE

      Kevin Leversee

    16. randy,
      i have heard that trials happen, tests are given and repeated until you pass. i am learning to accept the trials, learn from them in order to help others as they experience the same.
      in education, i have always studied to not only pass the test, but to make the highest grade in the class, thus not retaking the "test" again.
      in life....i have to apply that same concept to tests!

      thanks for your wisdom. i believe if i saturate myself with such wisdom from great leaders, i will not only pass life's tests, but become a great teacher for others.

    17. Hello Randy,

      As a psychotherapist and life coach - and as a human being as well! - the most difficult step for all my clients is to fully accept their responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, behaviors. Why that? Because human beings often relate the word "responsability" to "guilt". Therefore, a cognitive restructuring for this very purpose is necessary more often than not.

      Kind regards,

    18. Ok- Thank you!

      SO, if there IS a mass consciousness, I'm sorry, but there's no "escaping" it.

      Look, I'm sure that there are monks atop a hill somewhere who didn't know about 9-11, and so it's not part of their "consciousness", but it still occurred in their world.

      The Dalai Lama is a pretty positive guy, and yet, Tibet is still under oppression, wouldn't you say?

      So, I don't see anyone on this blog going up to him and saying "Tibet is oppressed because of YOUR thoughts".

      Change your thoughts, and free Tibet?

      He's taking RESPONSIBILITY for it, in that he's responding in a way that is congruent with who he wants to be, and the result he's looking for.

      But I don't think it would be accurate to say "Tibet is oppressed because you want it to be".

      So, I'm all for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, but to say "EVERYTHING" is a result of your thoughts is just not accurate, and in my experience, a little dangerous.

    19. This is exactly what I've been saying!

      I can believe that maybe the soul wanted to experience losing your mother at an early age and all of that, and that now you can decide who you want to be in relation to that, but you ATTRACTED IT with your thoughts?

      Not only that, but it would mean that I (ME, US, Everyone on this blog) attracted YOU losing YOUR mom b/c it's part of OUR life too.

      So, I believe there must be some balance, and what we have control over IS limited.

    20. yes, I'm on the same wave of confusion here. I cannot really grasp the idea of our own responsibility (I typed 'fault' automatically and then changed it) for the global things, such as the above mentioned, and many more that deal with individual people, especially when it's about children who cannot possibly attract family-falling-apart's and what not. it's crazy!
      I haven't yet had the chance to watch the full movie but there were several points in "Moses' Code" about this responsibility, "I Am That, I Am" (notice the comma) and other things, not necessarily related to this discussion.
      I'm looking forward to hearing more views on this subject. it gets interesting!

      ~ Unda from Latvia

    21. I bet she was thinking something along the lines, "that's it, tomorrow I'll wake up and there'll be a new bike waiting for me beside the front door!" and then, the next morning, "right, I knew there was something fishy about this whole think & get thing..."

      I guess it doesn't really work like that, now, does it? 🙂

    22. Tho BOnes,

      The Dalai LAma did say himself that he is sorry for the situation... and realised that after all this time that he has not been effective.

      He felt that his approach has not made the life better, and he wished that he'd used another approach. In the interview with Ann Curry he asked for forgiveness and apologised for not doing enough, and not trying different ways.

      He's taking responsibility for the fact that his way of being and lack of strong action has not shifted things. The way of peaceful passive being has not shifted anything against that power house of China.

    23. What an insightful thought Randy! Definitely....once you pass the class you can go to the next all depends on our touches my heart tremendously because that is the message contained in my book "Transform Your Loss. Your Guide to Strength and Hope"....losses are part of life but it depends on us if we choose to stay suffering or if we take it in our hearts and grow personally and spiritually.

    24. I've been working on this concept for years. As a matter of fact, I bought your tapes because I understand this concept but have not mastered (or even apprenticed) it, ha, ha. I understand we all hold our own keys to our own cause of turmoil but it seems the more I understand this concept, the more I get frustrated with my own inability to learn this! I have had energy work, got certified on brain gym and have seen doctors, etc etc. Nothing seems to help me stay on the path long enough to see results. I'm still manifesting negativity. Do you have any advice? I also believe I am ADD which makes it even more difficult to focus...

    25. Hi Rebecca--

      Just thought I'd say hello--I was the author of The Manual of Good Luck, published in 1979--how did you happen to come across it. I think I have about 3 copies left in the house; it has long been out of print. (I use a different penname now, Eliezer Sobel.)

      All the best,

    26. manifest destiny has always been a favorite concept of mine although I admit that I knew less about it than I thought I did until I met you. reasonably we sit in the pity-pot that was hand-delivered to us by our hosts - parents, teachers, lovers, governments - and we then culture it. so it grows in us but what is it? mold that will kill us? or will it cure us like penicillin - it truly is a choice what we see - what we seize. what we see.
      assume the control.

    27. Has anyone had an "Ah-ha" moment or a personal experience when they "got it"? What did you conquer when you realized that you created your reality?

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